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Guest Your Olympic Hero

The Deadly THIRD German

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Notice how HHH on Sunday and Batista on Monday no sold the first two Germans, but sold the third one as death? They keep kicking and fighting after the first two, but lay motionless forever after the third. Just something that bothered me. Sorry to Choken One if this too has already been discussed in another thread.

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O / T: For a second there, I thought that was 50 cent in your sig, must be the doo rag.

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You better recognize!


The Benjamites are taking over!!




Anyway...yeah...that happens every match. Look at the Benoit/Angle matches. Both guys can take the first two...and then reverse into a German of their own...but that third one keeps you down.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I'm a Benjamite, and have been since I first saw him work, so count me in.

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Guest Goodear

Please keep all the 'OMG I LOVE BENJAMIN and we have a club' stuff in one thread unless the thread is actually about the guy.



The Ugliest Member of the Management

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As a Benjamite, I'd like to say that Shelton Benjamin sells all things as deathly and make them that much more enjoyable. I think that at some point during the era of great Tag Team Matches that Shelton Benjamin took a triple german suplex and sold each one better than the last and gave the impression that he had died when the final one was nailed. And I mean, he DIED. I seriously was under the impression that last one hurt him.


I can't remember which match it was though. I totally remember this though. I think it was just after they turned on Kurt Angle, and it was Angle and Benoit vs. The Self Proclaimed Greatest Tag Team. I think. I'm quite sure it was Angle giving out the germans.


So in conclusion, I say Shelton Benjamin should not be listed in the people we should hate for no-selling the first two and then sell the last as death.


(Side Note: Is now laughing at Goodear, since I kept on topic and still managed to slide in Shelton Benjamin praise. Go me, go.)

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Goodear

Hey that's perfectly fine, I'll accept any and all Benjamin love as long as it's just not a declaration of said love over and nothing else.




Giles: Don't pick on the Moderator.

Xander: Why can he ban me?

Giles: No, its just... tacky.

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Giles: Don't pick on the Moderator.

Xander: Why can he ban me?

Giles: No, its just... tacky.

...TACKY? ME? That's the first time I've ever been called that.


Back onto the topic, I think major offenders of the Triple German Suplex are pretty much any major superstar.


Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Austin, Triple H (back when Benoit and Jericho were kicking the living hell out of the Power Trip)... You name it, most of'em have done it.


Why is it that way though? Why not sell each one as you are losing more and more energy? So that when the third one hits, you die and when someone kicks out (which should be RARE) it looks important. I mean, yes the german suplex isn't seen as anything but a transitory move, but geezus, that looks a hell of a lot more impact full than say the Lazier (HHH's nowadays Pedigree).


And I don't think when Benoit did 10 of those germans to Austin back in Edmonton, did it help anything. I think that just started this whole trend, and we ended up with everyone no selling the german suplexs pretty much.

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Guest Jack Potts

Here's my obligatory reference to the rolling Germans:



Now count me in as a Shelton Benjamin mark!

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I would only care if the triple suplex spot was different. Right now its a boring spot with what 4 or more wrestlers doing it now. Yes Benoit is god but would it hurt to change up the suplexes with some sort of variation instead of doing 3 of the same kind.....and if it this every happened I believe it should be the finish with a Dragon or Tiger suplex. Also Eddie Guerrero's triple vertical suplex is bueno but how about finishing the spot with a Brain Buster or a Fisherman Buster?


Teddy Long + Shelton + Booker T = DOOM

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Why would Booker T or Shelton need a mouthpiece? I think they do just fine on their own.


And this nonsense about bringing back old wCw factions went the way of the nWo. Let the dead stay dead.

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Guest Jack Potts

Thanks HartFan86! I always dug the Clark Kent/Superman vibe of that pic.

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BDC: I wouldn't count on it. The German Suplex hasn't been treated like a finisher in WWE/F in a long time. Ten years ago Bret and Shawn used it all the time near the end of matches but didn't get wins with them (at least not major ones).


In the mid-90's, nearly everyone from jobber to main eventer used "belly to back suplexes."


Shawn used to use the Teardrop suplex as a finish, but that's a loong time ago. After that, other technical wrestlers have used it mainly as a regular move (in both WCW and WWF), including the Steiners, despite Scott's stiff-looking versions.


Alex Wright used it as a finish...but it's ALEX WRIGHT so no one cares.


Unlike in Japan, the German's just a regular move. String THREE of them together and we should have a bonafide guaranteed finish if all three hit, but it has been downgrading so much that doesn't happen.


If I were booking, when you hit that third one, you bridge that motherfucker, ONE--TWO--THREE that's it. However, I hate WWE's "one finisher" style; it makes little sense and makes nearly every non-finisher move worthless (well, save for the ROLL-UP!~). Having several moves that could end the match would pull fans more into the matches, IMO.


I'd prefer each wrestler that's midcard or higher have a handful of moves that could end the match. Thing is, there are plenty of such moves that they have now, they just never win with them. Okay, Taker has/had 3-4 "finisher" style moves, but that's the exception.


I'd also like it if wrestlers often changed up their finishers. If one move isn't cutting is as a finisher anymore, drop it and find another. It would be more interesting if the movesets of wrestlers kept evolving, but WWE style kills that. In WWE, each wrestler only knows X number of moves, and can't do anything else.


Trivia: Yeah, I like that idea too, but there aren't many guys that would take the Dragon, and Benoit couldn't do it on some of the bigger guys.

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I'd also like it if wrestlers often changed up their finishers. If one move isn't cutting is as a finisher anymore, drop it and find another. It would be more interesting if the movesets of wrestlers kept evolving, but WWE style kills that. In WWE, each wrestler only knows X number of moves, and can't do anything else.


Trivia: Yeah, I like that idea too, but there aren't many guys that would take the Dragon, and Benoit couldn't do it on some of the bigger guys.

Now that Vince is shaking up the WWE the big guy era is over. RVD, Jericho, Christian and maybe Shelton or Haas could take the Dragon finish. Besides the unofficial big guy finish will be the flying headbutt since Beniot beat Mark Henry with it.

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It is actually written law that I post this whenever a german suplex discussion arises:



Reminds me of the Angle suplex off the apron.




(does the limp-wristed gesture)

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It is actually written law that I post this whenever a german suplex discussion arises:



Reminds me of the Angle suplex off the apron.




(does the limp-wristed gesture)


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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
It is actually written law that I post this whenever a german suplex discussion arises:




Reminds me of the Angle suplex off the apron.




(does the limp-wristed gesture)




Bastard! I was going to post exactly that!


Well, maybe this my punishment for getting in before thebigjig regarding a Memorable film quotes.


Or maybe not.





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Guest Jack Potts

Since he had his vertebrae fused, I don't think Benoit can bridge a suplex anymore. However, some of the other guys on the roster don't have that excuse. With Brock gone, it would be nice to see Shelton Benjamin start using the Fisherman's suplex, in honor of Minnesota native Curt Hennig.

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Teddy Long + Shelton + Booker T = DOOM

Now THAT is a good idea!


You guys have to remember that the germans have been modified to reduce risk of the victim getting dumped on his head. Kurt used to have a gorgeous german, but now it looks like crap. And Eddie had a devastating looking brain buster, but that have been changed as well, not to mention Chavo. Reduced risk translates to terrible-looking moves.


I like the fact that Benoit actually dumped Batista on his head a couple of times during his series of suplexes.

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