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Jobber of the Week

George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

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Holy crap, anyone else hear Glenn Beck's skit "John Kerry's Waffle House"?



I need an MP3. :(


I used to listen occasionally to him before he got replaced with the likes of Matt Drudge and Michael Savage. That disappoints me, because he actually admitted at one point that he was wrong, which blew me away because those guys named above, Hannity, Rush etc never do that.


I remember when a gay-oriented talk program I was listening to invited him on without telling him what it was for a game of "let's ambush the right-winger." He handled the whole thing calmly and when asked why the social right are constantly trying to fight gays, responded with "I'm going to say something you'll never hear out of those other radio hosts: I don't know."


He's supposedly a real asshole off-air, but I generally don't care about those kinds of things.

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Guest MikeSC
If Michael Moore or George Carlin or Bill Maher made those jokes, all of you conservatives would have hemmed and hawed about how offensive they are and would have questioned the individual's patriotism and told them to go to France, etc etc etc.



If Moore made them, I'd mock him for being too fat.

If Carlin did it, I'd mock him for making old jokes again and again.

If Maher made them, I'm mock him for making unfunny jokes.


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Guest MikeSC
Apparently, you're unaware that at this little shindig, the President is expected to do a little comedy bit.

And if I were him, I would have premiered a new BarneyCam movie or something. Don't actually make light that you went and INVADED A COUNTRY because intelligence, even worldwide intelligence, was wrong.


You should be angry that happened. You should be trying to get to the root of that and find out how it occured. You shouldn't be making a joke out of it.

What's the point?


Will getting MAD suddenly make the intel good?


..."Politicians are too stiff and rehearsed. WHAT, HE TOLD A JOKE?!?!? KILL HIM!!! KILL!!!"

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What's the point?


Will getting MAD suddenly make the intel good?


..."Politicians are too stiff and rehearsed. WHAT, HE TOLD A JOKE?!?!? KILL HIM!!! KILL!!!"

It'll find out what happened, which we really ought to know, and possibly prevent it from happening again.


Cute attempt at hypocracy there, but I never said anything about being too stiff.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Bush's jokes WERE rehearsed and his delivery was stiff.



Just saying...

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Guest MikeSC
What's the point?


Will getting MAD suddenly make the intel good?


..."Politicians are too stiff and rehearsed. WHAT, HE TOLD A JOKE?!?!? KILL HIM!!! KILL!!!"

It'll find out what happened, which we really ought to know, and possibly prevent it from happening again.


Cute attempt at hypocracy there, but I never said anything about being too stiff.

That's right --- because telling a joke precludes him from possibly investigating that.


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That's right --- because telling a joke precludes him from possibly investigating that.


Well, it's not good public relations, that's for sure. It's just plain stupid to make lighthearted jabs at a serious issue that is your responsibility. It belittles it and gives the audience the impression that you're not serious about it.


Why don't you see that it puts a negative light on the search for WMD's? It probably would have been better for him to just sit there and insist there were WMDs somewhere for the rest of his term than go ahead and MAKE FUN OF IT.


If you won't admit that it's bad taste to make a joke over a mistake that PEOPLE DIED OVER, then at least admit it's a bad idea for your own reputation when you're left holding the bag for it.

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Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS! HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

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Guest MikeSC
Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS! HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


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If you won't admit that it's bad taste to make a joke over a mistake that PEOPLE DIED OVER, then at least admit it's a bad idea for your own reputation when you're left holding the bag for it.

Hmm, kinda like the time you used a picture of the President in Air Force One, making phone calls on 9/11, and made up an an inane caption for it as part of a supposedly "funny" joke? And then defended it as perfectly legitimate humour, and claimed I was being unreasonable by taking offense at your insensitivity and bad taste?




Who's the hypocrite here again?

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I'm curious to see how the conservatives here would have reacted if Clinton had declared war on Iraq, looking for WMD and having not found any made a joke about it? Naturally I expect some witty response along the lines of "He'd never go to war" or "He'd capitulate", but that's beside the point.


I didn't see the clip, but I probably would have chuckled or laughed at it, but the president shouldn't be making light of a situation which he is directly responsible for.

Edited by Naibus

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Who's the hypocrite here again?

I told you I didn't know where it came from, since I was searching for images of Bush on the telephone. I even changed it for you.


He was completely aware of what he was saying and what kind of context it would be used. I was just taking a picture that came up in a search engine out of context.


The only thing I opposed to in that arguement was that you were calling me some kind of insensitive monster who was trying to laugh at tragedy. I refused to accept that, since it was just plain incorrect.

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Holy crap, anyone else hear Glenn Beck's skit "John Kerry's Waffle House"?



I need an MP3. :(


I used to listen occasionally to him before he got replaced with the likes of Matt Drudge and Michael Savage. That disappoints me, because he actually admitted at one point that he was wrong, which blew me away because those guys named above, Hannity, Rush etc never do that.

Drudge? I thought he only had a Sunday night show? Love the web site, don't care for the radio show, although it was his radio show where I first heard those NY firemen boo Hillary Clinton off the stage at that Vh1 9/11 tribute thingy.


What I don't like is that Beck comes on at 10 a.m. and I only get to listen to about 90 minutes of him because Paul Harvey (who I will always have a soft spot in my heart for) will do his thing at 11:30, and everybody's favorite talk-radio pill-popper comes on at noon. (By the way, attention all members of the Conservative Brigade, does anyone know if Rush is still married? I haven't heard him talk about his wife in quite a while.) But I guess 1 1/2 hours of Glenn Beck is better than no hours of Glenn Beck.


He handled the whole thing calmly and when asked why the social right are constantly trying to fight gays, responded with "I'm going to say something you'll never hear out of those other radio hosts: I don't know."


Oh, I can answer that one -- they're easy to beat up. Well, except for the butch lesbians, but that's another story...

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I even changed it for you.

You maintained right up to the end that you had done nothing wrong and that there was no need for you to change it, that I was being thin-skinned and overly sensitive and you were just changing it to shut me up. Don't try to paint it now as some ungrudging and immediate act of conscience. Your pretense is completely transparent.


Besides, you shouldn't have changed it for me. I wasn't harmed in any way by it. I simply found it offensive. You should have changed it because what you did was crass.


The only thing I opposed to in that arguement was that you were calling me some kind of insensitive monster who was trying to laugh at tragedy.

Nope, I only said that to point out how inappropriate your use of that picture was AFTER you were made aware of its context and AFTER you refused to change it nevertheless.


I refused to accept that, since it was just plain incorrect.

As is your version of events.

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Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS!  HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


Those damn families of the soldiers....bunch of retards...

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If you won't admit that it's bad taste to make a joke over a mistake that PEOPLE DIED OVER, then at least admit it's a bad idea for your own reputation when you're left holding the bag for it.

Hmm, kinda like the time you used a picture of the President in Air Force One, making phone calls on 9/11, and made up an an inane caption for it as part of a supposedly "funny" joke? And then defended it as perfectly legitimate humour, and claimed I was being unreasonable by taking offense at your insensitivity and bad taste?




Who's the hypocrite here again?

When did jobberoftheweek send his country into war?...


I keep forgetting....

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Guest MikeSC
I'm curious to see how the conservatives here would have reacted if Clinton had declared war on Iraq, looking for WMD and having not found any made a joke about it? Naturally I expect some witty response along the lines of "He'd never go to war" or "He'd capitulate", but that's beside the point.


I didn't see the clip, but I probably would have chuckled or laughed at it, but the president shouldn't be making light of a situation which he is directly responsible for.

I wouldn't have cared if he made a joke. I'd have assumed he was failing to be funny, as tends to be the case with most Presidents.


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Guest MikeSC
Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS!  HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


Those damn families of the soldiers....bunch of retards...

Yup. If they got offended by this, then they are brain-damaged and WAY too sensitive about everything.


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Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS!  HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


Those damn families of the soldiers....bunch of retards...

Yup. If they got offended by this, then they are brain-damaged and WAY too sensitive about everything.


I know man...


Theyre taking the deaths and pain of their children, husbands, wives, parents WAY too seriously...


Damn retards anyway, thinking their commander-in-chief shouldnt be laughing away their pain....

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Guest MikeSC
Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS!  HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


Those damn families of the soldiers....bunch of retards...

Yup. If they got offended by this, then they are brain-damaged and WAY too sensitive about everything.


I know man...


Theyre taking the deaths and pain of their children, husbands, wives, parents WAY too seriously...


Damn retards anyway, thinking their commander-in-chief shouldnt be laughing away their pain....



You are quite into melodrama, aren't ya?


..."Bush's joke dug up my dead dad and sodomized him. TWICE! I thought his tax cuts were bad, but his JOKE..."

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You maintained right up to the end that you had done nothing wrong and that there was no need for you to change it, that I was being thin-skinned and overly sensitive and you were just changing it to shut me up.

Right to the end? No. After I changed it, there were still a people telling me that it was funny as it was and that I shouldn't have changed it.


What I did at first was simply my kneejerk reaction but after I sat and thought about it, I realized I was wrong. I apologize for the error in judgment.

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Yup. If they got offended by this, then they are brain-damaged and WAY too sensitive about everything.


Is this true of the allies who went along with him for this idea and now feel stupid for it? Their reactions seem to be a lot more sobering than jokes and giggles.

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Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS!  HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! :lol:


is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes


Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.

The only people offended by this are brain-damaged people.


Those damn families of the soldiers....bunch of retards...

Yup. If they got offended by this, then they are brain-damaged and WAY too sensitive about everything.


I know man...


Theyre taking the deaths and pain of their children, husbands, wives, parents WAY too seriously...


Damn retards anyway, thinking their commander-in-chief shouldnt be laughing away their pain....



You are quite into melodrama, aren't ya?


..."Bush's joke dug up my dead dad and sodomized him. TWICE! I thought his tax cuts were bad, but his JOKE..."

Some pretty sick, twisted, heartless opinions there Mike...

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Guest MikeSC
Some pretty sick, twisted, heartless opinions there Mike...

Yup. I blame the joke AND tax cuts for turning me towards the dark side.

Is this true of the allies who went along with him for this idea and now feel stupid for it?

If you say so, it MUST be.


Man, that joke is evil incarnate!


Remember that old Monty Python skit about the world's deadliest joke? I think Bush wrote an EVEN DEADLIER ONE!

Their reactions seem to be a lot more sobering than jokes and giggles.

Well, when the joke gets translated, they'll probably all die, anyway. You can't control that tax cut + bad joke combo.


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Guest MikeSC
Making a joke doesn't mean it's what you believe. The President has always said he believes WMD's will be found in Iraq, or what happened to them will be revealed (they were moved to Syria).


The Taliban was removed from power, and Al Qaeda lost 2/3 of their known leadership. Before someone say where's Bin Laden or Zawahari. Yes, it will be great when they're killed or captured, however pinning him down in the mountains, unable to cordinate what Al Qaeda's doing is not a horrible idea.


My guess this will be like the 9-11 ads. The people who didn't like Bush will be upset, the people who like the President won't have a problem with it.

Come on. All of the good doesn't match up to the combined terror of the tax cuts and a bad joke.


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Some pretty sick, twisted, heartless opinions there Mike...


So said the poster that typed this...


"I cant say as Im a big fan of the Taiwanese...all apologies if I seem racist. Ive only known one, and he killed 2 people I know and utterly fucked up my own life. Id like to get to know others and balance out my bias."

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I must be "out of the loop" here, what is with this constant sarcastic comment regarding "the tax cuts caused everything" stuff?

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