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Steve Austin arrested again

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Guest Anglesault

No, I just no sell anything but a gun to you head as justification for attacking a woman.


I just don't think that a push qualifies as assult


I'm pretty sure the courts dont agree with you.

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Guest MikeSC
While I do not condone physically harming a woman in any way, shape or form, he pushed her - if she was off her rocker and throwing punches at him, what else could he do?


But Steve Austin is still an asshole when it comes to this situation.

If she wasn't facing him (which hand and knee injuries indicate to me) He's both an asshole and a coward

She "claims" hand and knee injuries.


Can she PROVE them?


Until she can, then he didn't do ANYTHING wrong. If she can, then it's a case for the courts.


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Guest Trivia247
While I do not condone physically harming a woman in any way, shape or form, he pushed her - if she was off her rocker and throwing punches at him, what else could he do?


But Steve Austin is still an asshole when it comes to this situation.

If she wasn't facing him (which hand and knee injuries indicate to me) He's both an asshole and a coward

She "claims" hand and knee injuries.


Can she PROVE them?


Until she can, then he didn't do ANYTHING wrong. If she can, then it's a case for the courts.


they are reporting she has pictures. and hell if she called the cops early enough she would have phyiscal evidence on her.


What do you think she waits a few weeks sighs and then calls?

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Guest Trivia247
Kobe Bryant wanna be.


evidently Kobe's Suspected Rape and Sodomy is somehow just like Austin shoving down a woman.... Both is bad but lets not lump them together...


whats next calling Austin OJ?


actually you could with OJ's previous Domestic abuse he did.

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Guest Trivia247
But Trivia, OJ "didn't do it."


Oh, wait, I get it.

Oh Shush thats Just Anti Austin talk....


and Austin is the GW of wrestling.... Instead of tearing him down


we Must BASK in the glory of the Lord n Savior of wrestling.



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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

O.J. Simpson was innocent IMHO.


And more with the "Oh stop defending him you Austin lover" crap.

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Guest Anglesault
O.J. Simpson was innocent IMHO.

And he's furiously searching for the real killer as we type.


Damn those random butchers.

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The funny thing here is that we're talking about wrestlers and unfair pushing and no one has mentioned Randy Orton yet.

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Guest Trivia247
The funny thing here is that we're talking about wrestlers and unfair pushing and no one has mentioned Randy Orton yet.

didn't we devote whole threads over Randy Orton already?

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The funny thing here is that we're talking about wrestlers and unfair pushing and no one has mentioned Randy Orton yet.

didn't we devote whole threads over Randy Orton already?

Just call me the harbringer of the inevitable.

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But Trivia, OJ "didn't do it."


Oh, wait, I get it.

Oh Shush thats Just Anti Austin talk....


and Austin is the GW of wrestling.... Instead of tearing him down


we Must BASK in the glory of the Lord n Savior of wrestling.



Next you'll pull a THOR on us, and call us all Austin's boyfriends. Give it a rest buddy for Christ's sake. If you took the time to read people's opinions, the people 'defending' Austin are defending being innocent until proven guilty rather than defending him.


Plus, this situation has NOTHING to do with the Austin we see on T.V...that counts for the pro and con Austin arguements.

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Guest MikeSC
they are reporting she has pictures. and hell if she called the cops early enough she would have phyiscal evidence on her.


What do you think she waits a few weeks sighs and then calls?

Can she prove that the pictures are of anything Austin did to her?


I'm not going to bury the guy because some woman claims to have injuries from a push.


Again, if there was ANYTHING to this, the cops WOULD have arrested him. It doesn't take much for the cops to take you downtown in a domestic situation. One bruise, one cut, one mark on her that looks even remotely bad and they'd have arrested him.


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Guest neodragonsan

Okay, I've read this entire thread.


First, I'll be honest with you, I do not like Steve Austin as a wrestler, nor for what happened with Debra.


That said, there is still no proof yet that he actually assaulted her. One quote in the article earlier really caught my attention.


Williams, 39, was not arrested, despite reports to the contrary, and is still scheduled to appear at an autograph session in New Jersey tomorrow. His 37-year-old girlfriend, who was not identified, and who he is reportedly in the process of breaking up with, called police last night. She claimed Williams had shoved her to the ground, injuring his hands and knees and she was fearing bodily injury. She indicated a willingness to press charges.


This is what makes me question her motives more than anything else.

There are 4 possible scenarios here, really:


1) He broke the news of wanting to break up with her on that night, and she faked the injuries, knowing his past, to spite him.


2) She attacked him, and he pushed her in self defence.


3) She attacked him, and he overreacted.


4) She did nothing wrong and he assulted her.


The 4th is obviously assult.


If she was attacking him, and he pushed her in a manner to stop her, it could be self defense. As for landing on hands and knees, a push to one shoulder can cause a twisting of the body that would do so.


Given his history, assault would not surprise me, but we do not yet know the details, so judging at this point is premature.

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As for landing on hands and knees, a push to one shoulder can cause a twisting of the body that would do so.


What? You mean people don't take flat back bumps in real life? Damn that Vince for swerving me again.


I was watching this thing on the Rock last night on E! and he said he choked a girl out at a party once in college because she made fun of his dad. Not only does Rocky get off free by most for leaving WWE for Hollywood where he makes millions while Brock gets ripped apart for taking a long shot at a dream of his for less money, but he also choked a women.


C'mon boys! Let the Rocky hate begin!!!!

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Rocky has always been protective of his dad and his dad's image. And if I remember, he went into counceling for it as part of a deal with Miami University that he made.


I'm still wondering if Austin changed anything about his life after what he did to Debra.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The thread that just won't die continues.


Boo The Rock people. He choked a woman! That's 80 times worse than a push. Choking might mean he was trying to kill her. Boo Rocky! Boo! Boo!


I don't see people shitting all over Randy Savage for his...WHACKY personal problems, because he was (WAS) a great wrestler. Sure, thats an old example, but it still counts.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Funny thing is, with the recent problems with Rob Feinstein this really got me thinking. Why is there nobody threatening to boycott the WWE product? Why are they not getting threatened by Arena's that they are doing shows? Why isn't InDemand and Direct TV threatening to quit carrying the WWE's PPV's? Gotta love the double standard....


disclaimer: I am NOT defending ANYONE with this post.......

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Guest commie_050
Funny thing is, with the recent problems with Rob Feinstein this really got me thinking.  Why is there nobody threatening to boycott the WWE product?  Why are they not getting threatened by Arena's that they are doing shows?  Why isn't InDemand and Direct TV threatening to quit carrying the WWE's PPV's?  Gotta love the double standard....


disclaimer: I am NOT defending ANYONE with this post.......

I was about to make the same statement. I didn't hear anybody invoking "guilty until proven innocent" for RF, although the evidence against Feinstein is far more persuasive. But seeing some of the same people who wished death upon Feinstein and his defenders arguing that Austin's abuse is a personal matter is troubling.


Just to be clear, however, I am not defending RF's behavior either, just asking for some consistency

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Guest Trivia247

Smoking gun's Police report...unless someone else already did it.




MARCH 29--Wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin (real name: Steven Williams) allegedly assaulted his girlfriend during a dispute last week at the grappler's Texas home, according to this San Antonio Police Department report. Tess Broussard, 37, told cops Friday that she met with the athlete to discuss the couple's troubled year-long relationship. But Williams (referred to in the report as "SP," for suspect) became irritable and yelled at Broussard, "I'm tired of talking about this shit. Shut up!" Broussard (referred to as "C," for complainant) claimed that Williams then grabbed her, and she began struggling with the 6' 3" wrestler, who eventually threw her to the ground. Broussard landed on her hands and knees, and later told officers she had injured her right hand. Broussard provided a written statement to cops, who photographed her injuries and are now investigating the incident. This is not the first time the belligerent 39-year-old World Wrestling Entertainment star has been accused of injuring a woman outside the ring. In November 2002, Williams pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of assault for striking his then-wife during an argument. He was fined $1000, sentenced to a year's probation, and ordered to perform 80 hours of community service and attend a domestic violence counseling course. (2 pages)

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Guest Trivia247

Bad news for Steve Austin. The April 12th edition of the upcoming National Enquirer will have a 2/3 page article on the recent domestic incident between Austin and his ex-girlfriend that has been highly documented in the past few days.


The article will be appearing on page four and reports from those who have seen the edition already have said it will portray Austin in a very negative way.


Credit: Dave Meltzer @ WrestlingObserver.com

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I wonder when Austin pushed her did JR pop out of nowhere yelling STONE COLD STONE COLD. And when the cops came was JR yelling to them "You can't arrest him that's just the way Austin is. He's a rattlesnake he can bite at anytime. It's just how he is."

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Bad news for Steve Austin. The April 12th edition of the upcoming National Enquirer will have a 2/3 page article on the recent domestic incident between Austin and his ex-girlfriend that has been highly documented in the past few days.


The article will be appearing on page four and reports from those who have seen the edition already have said it will portray Austin in a very negative way.


Credit: Dave Meltzer @ WrestlingObserver.com



The Enquirer has slightly more credibility than your typical wrestling news site. Also, the only real bad news Austin has to worry about is if this goes to court.

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Guest wrestlingbs
Bad news for Steve Austin. The April 12th edition of the upcoming National Enquirer will have a 2/3 page article on the recent domestic incident between Austin and his ex-girlfriend that has been highly documented in the past few days.


The article will be appearing on page four and reports from those who have seen the edition already have said it will portray Austin in a very negative way.


Credit: Dave Meltzer @ WrestlingObserver.com



The Enquirer has slightly more credibility than your typical wrestling news site. Also, the only real bad news Austin has to worry about is if this goes to court.

I think his point is that the old saying, "Any publicity is good publicity," isn't necessarily true.


I enjoyed Austin's work, but to be quite honest I'm tired of this. Austin has gone from the #1 star to an inside joke with anger problems. It's time for the WWE to take some action rather than just pamper the guy.

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Guest Trivia247
Bad news for Steve Austin. The April 12th edition of the upcoming National Enquirer will have a 2/3 page article on the recent domestic incident between Austin and his ex-girlfriend that has been highly documented in the past few days.


The article will be appearing on page four and reports from those who have seen the edition already have said it will portray Austin in a very negative way.


Credit: Dave Meltzer @ WrestlingObserver.com



The Enquirer has slightly more credibility than your typical wrestling news site. Also, the only real bad news Austin has to worry about is if this goes to court.

I think his point is that the old saying, "Any publicity is good publicity," isn't necessarily true.


I enjoyed Austin's work, but to be quite honest I'm tired of this. Austin has gone from the #1 star to an inside joke with anger problems. It's time for the WWE to take some action rather than just pamper the guy.

The Problem for Austin... In referance to the so? Is that Wrestling rumors isn't mainstream attention. Bunch of Smark geeks muttering over mugshots and speculations is one thing.


National Enquirer is a Rag but its a Main stream rag. And will be at the newstands and registers of any supermarket.


Thats a bit different than the Torch, IWC and whatever else.

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