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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Greatest Match You've Had In Wrestling Games...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I don't know if this topic has been done lately, but I haven't seen a thread for it yet. Anyway, as the topic says, what are some of the greatest matches you (the reader) has had in a wrestling game.


My recent two...


1.) (From Super Fire ProWrestling X Premium)

Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) vs. Black Tiger (Eddy Guerrero)

Awesome match that was Best 2 out of 3 Falls.

Fall 1 went to a 30:00 time limit in a great back and forth match, with about 40 two counts and non stop action.


Fall 2 was a lot quicker (at about 8 or 10 minutes) and I lost to Tiger after he gave me a moonsault.


Fall 3 went about 15 minutes and I lost again when he blocked a german suplex and caught me in a small package for three.


Overall, the match went around 53:00 or 54:00 and just owned all sorts of ass. I'm just upset it had to end.



2.) (From Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain)

Chris Benoit vs. Kane

Last Man Standing Rules. Back and forth for most of the match until I (Benoit) just beat the ever loving hell out of Kane with a chair, and give him, and I'm serious, 20 diving headbutts from the top rope. Kane gets up at a 9 count, and I'm like, WTF?! So he makes a comeback and chokeslams me, but I'm back up at 7 or 8. More weapon beatings and I give Kane a german suplex through a table, then follow up with a swan dive onto another table, and THAT finally gets the win at the 30:00 mark.

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From VPW2:


CAW/Dr. Wagner Jr. (my team) vs. Misawa/Y. Ogawa? (CPU) on the hardest level (where Misawa is an absolute BITCH) during the "season".


Went about 25 minutes, a lot of back & forth action, CAW was being pinned by Misawa in the ring while Wagner was caught on the outside but was able to kick out at 2.9, Misawa kicked out of a finisher at 1 point, finally pulled out the win somewhere around the 25 minute mark. Probably the hardest and most enjoyable match I"ve had in a video game.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

At SummerSlam in Season Mode of HCTP with HBK, I defeated Goldberg in a 12:00 Singles match that saw me use (if I may say so myself) an awe-inspiring combionation of cheapness, luck, and timing to block about 12 Jackhammers and FINALLY Sweet Chin Music his ass.

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My CAW vs Chris Benoit in an I Quit Match


We both pretty much went back and forth, no one having a decisive advantage before I reversed a Crippler Crossface and hit my finisher for the submission victory. It went 25 minutes and it could quite possibly be 5 stars.

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Virtual Pro Wrestling 2:


Me (Lyger) & my best buddy Ryan (Sasuke) vs CPU Inoki and Baba.


We managed to win at 29:58 of a 30:00 time limit. I don't think we ever played that game again (as a team at least) after that. We both knew we could never top it.

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Just to be a fucking smart ass...


Quoted from a post from back in October.


I posted this one a few months back:


Just played Smackdown SYM as Benoit and decided to face Kurt Angle in a 30 minute Ultimate Submission match...that was probably the best and most fun video game match I've ever had. We wrestled to a draw at 23 a piece, which in itself is amazing considering that at one point I had him down 15 to 2. Kurt just came back on me in the last 10 minutes, and with 1 minute and change left, I had him down 23 to 19. He gets me with a chicken wing, a sleeper and two ankle locks to tie it up, and with 10 seconds left, he counters my crossface and locks me in a cross armbreaker, and (to my surprise) I held on just long enough for the time to expire. That shit had me on the edge of my seat...for a video game match, I'd definitely give it ***** .

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I had a pretty good 3-Way Ladder Match on Wrestlemania XIX about a week ago. I was Benoit against HHH and HBK. The match saw lots of high action, about everybody getting busted wide open, and multiple finishers by everybody. The finish came when Benoit hit the Triple Germans on HBK. As I was doing that, HHH set up the ladder and started to climb up. After the third german, Benoit climbed up the ladder on the other side, and got to the top. HHH tried punching me off, but I blocked it, hit him back knocking him off the ladder. From there it was just as easy as jumping up and grabbing the belt and winning the match. The whole match was about 25-30 mins long, and easily a the greatest match I've had on a video game.

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CAW vs Benoit


We blocked each others finishers 5 times. Got free of submission holds four times each. Were basically limping and in pain for the last three minutes. And Benoit beat me with a flying headbutt at 25:00 minutes for the WWE IC title.


I needed to lose the belt anyway so at least I went down fighting.

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Guest Astro

SD!: From 2000's version: 2 created guys: Leatherface vs Elephant Man 20 mins of Chaos in a Hell in the Cell

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I found this one while searching for an old thread.


I did a 30 min Iron man match, with Benoit and Angle and ended up in a 6-6 tie, and damn was it good. I whooped ass for the first part, and then Benoit came back on me, so the only times I got any moves in was when I got lucky and hit the Angle Slam. Final minute of the match, I get Benoit down, slap on the Ankle Lock, and he won't fuckin' tap! Match ends in tie with Benoit in the Ankle Lock.

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Benoit Vs. Angle 60 minute Iron Man Wrestlemania XIX. I don't recall exact details, but I think I was Angle. Was dominating until about the 30 min mark then Benoit came back, and took the lead. I believe it ended with him making me tap in the final seconds to put him over by one. It was the first time I wasn't pissed the computer won.

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Guest Mosaicv2

at Survivor Series I was Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit (cpu) in a 60 mintune match... the match was back & forth... at the 3 mintune point, he nailed me with a chair when the ref was down (I cant quite remember why), but I still wouldnt give... & at the 20 second point... I got him in the Walls of Jericho... & with the score tie... he tapped out at 2 seconds to go in the match


also I was Goldberg versus Kane in a Last Man Standin match... I literally gave him about 20 spears, 30 Jackhammers & keep hittin him with the chair a MILLION times... but HE STILL GETS UP!!!!... finally, I gave up & shut the game off

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Do you guys find, that with HCTP, you have better matches with a higher difficulty? I find I have some of the best matches around on SD! difficulty..

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Do you guys find, that with HCTP, you have better matches with a higher difficulty? I find I have some of the best matches around on SD! difficulty..

It seems so to me. I was doing Los Guerreros vs. Volkoff & Sheik (Waits for laughter to stop) and it was a really good 15:00 tag match, with the evil heels finally winning. If I knew how to rate video games, I'd give the match *** :D

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From King of Colosseum


Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi VS Keiji Mutoh & Masahiro Chono (me)

Back and forth match with many nearfalls at 2.9. Eventually everything broke down with Chono and Sakaguchi in the ring. I get Sakaguchi into the STF, I think the match is done...and rope break. I regroup and hit a high angle powerbomb on him which gets 2.9 when Inoki comes for the save, which prompts Mutoh to join in. Inoki knocked Mutoh out of the ring and gave me a power ball enzuigiri dropping Chono, who gets up groggy to get a jumping high knee from Sakaguchi which gets the pin at 58:59.

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1.) (From Super Fire ProWrestling X Premium)

Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) vs. Black Tiger (Eddy Guerrero)

Awesome match that was Best 2 out of 3 Falls.

Fall 1 went to a 30:00 time limit in a great back and forth match, with about 40 two counts and non stop action.


Fall 2 was a lot quicker (at about 8 or 10 minutes) and I lost to Tiger after he gave me a moonsault.


Fall 3 went about 15 minutes and I lost again when he blocked a german suplex and caught me in a small package for three.


Overall, the match went around 53:00 or 54:00 and just owned all sorts of ass. I'm just upset it had to end.

The Fire Pro people know their shit.


I once just let the CPU play a match: Scott Norton v. Manabu Nakanishi.


You'd think it would suck, even in the video game world.


It did NOT. It was about 18 minutes of shockingly good strong style heavyweight wrestling, until Norton won with a powerbomb.


If it had been a real match, it'd have gotten ***1/2 stars, no shit.

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From King of Colosseum


Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi VS Keiji Mutoh & Masahiro Chono (me)

Back and forth match with many nearfalls at 2.9. Eventually everything broke down with Chono and Sakaguchi in the ring. I get Sakaguchi into the STF, I think the match is done...and rope break. I regroup and hit a high angle powerbomb on him which gets 2.9 when Inoki comes for the save, which prompts Mutoh to join in. Inoki knocked Mutoh out of the ring and gave me a power ball enzuigiri dropping Chono, who gets up groggy to get a jumping high knee from Sakaguchi which gets the pin at 58:59.

*groan* I need that game. Do you have both versions?

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Seriously, how many more of these fucking threads do we need? In the past year, I've seen about half a dozen. If people REALLY want to tell about a great match they had, they would dig up the old thread and post. This is just getting REAAAAALLLY annoying reading "Whats the best match YOU'VE had?" then a month later, "YOUR Favorite Match you've had" then "MATCHES that you have played that you liked"



Just shut the fuck up.

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Paul London vs American Dragon in Wrestlemania XIX in an Iron Man match.



Danielson hits a lucky German Suplex on the outside to the countout fall.



I hit Danielson with a Sliced Bread #2 and a SSP to get my fall. It's a back and forth battle for the next hour with lots of counters and near falls. with 20 seconds left(1-1) I hit Danielson with a Spider German Suplex. I taunt to get my Special and I hit the SSP. I win 2-1 barely. Awesome match.

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Seriously, how many more of these fucking threads do we need? In the past year, I've seen about half a dozen. If people REALLY want to tell about a great match they had, they would dig up the old thread and post. This is just getting REAAAAALLLY annoying reading "Whats the best match YOU'VE had?" then a month later, "YOUR Favorite Match you've had" then "MATCHES that you have played that you liked"



Just shut the fuck up.

If you want the thread bumped so badly why don't you do it yourself?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Seriously, how many more of these fucking threads do we need? In the past year, I've seen about half a dozen. If people REALLY want to tell about a great match they had, they would dig up the old thread and post. This is just getting REAAAAALLLY annoying reading "Whats the best match YOU'VE had?" then a month later, "YOUR Favorite Match you've had" then "MATCHES that you have played  that you liked"



Just shut the fuck up.

If you want the thread bumped so badly why don't you do it yourself?

Exactly. I don't recall ever seeing this thread since I came here 6 months or so ago. (I'm not an every day frequent viewer of video games folder) And no one forces anyone to go into certain threads.

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WWF Warzone on the PsOne.


Yeah despite the game being shockingly bad in hindsight, I loved it too bits at the time. Anyway, I was Shawn michaels, and my friend was Stone Cold. After 25 or so minutes He had beeaten me into Red and I had only beaten him into light orange. We were heavily into the match as it was the final of an 8-man tournament that we had run that night and th match also had money riding on it (£10 for the winner). He had multiple 2-counts and kept going for the Stunner, but kept missing. Out of no where, I grab a Crucifix pin and steal the match. My friend got so pissed off he left and refused to play me the game again becuase I'd "cheat" again.

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I never said I wanted the thread bumped...where did I ever say that?


and just the fact that there are so god damned many of these threads makes it so that more than two or three is pointless. If someone wants to tell about some great match they had, they should bump up the one that was started before. Simple, really.



now it's your turn to retort and team up on me. C'mon, I can take it.



*raises fists*

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I never said I wanted the thread bumped...where did I ever say that?


and just the fact that there are so god damned many of these threads makes it so that more than two or three is pointless. If someone wants to tell about some great match they had, they should bump up the one that was started before. Simple, really.



now it's your turn to retort and team up on me. C'mon, I can take it.



*raises fists*

Not going to argue into a flame war, but every folder has stuff like this happen. In movies, every few weeks people star "favorte [Horror/Drama] movie ever" or

what movies do you like most. In WWE folder has "Who should WWE fire/hire/push/depush/whatever".

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And that makes it less lame and wasteful?



All I'm saying is that this is the first thread I have gotten to. It's nothing against this particular person or thread, it's just the first thing I saw. If I were in WWE, I would have bitched out the cunt that made another "HHH is GGGHEY!~!~!" or "FAVRIT WRESTLER" thread. It's just the simple fact that I came to this thread first.



In fact, If I see a "Favorite __________" thread in WWE, I'm going to bitch them out, too. Excuse me.

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Such a refined individual you are, What?


Anyways, the greatest wrestling match I've had was on HCTP. Long story short, a fucking 60 minute Last Man Standing match where I, Triple H, took on The Rock. By the end of it, both of our bodies were totally in the red all over, we were bloodied and just plain beat up.


It took 12 chair shots and a Pedigree through the announce table at the end of the match just to keep Rocky down.



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What? If you have nothing good to say, say nothing. Less is more. And in your case, less is better. Why take thread off topic when the mods don't even give a shit about it?


Anyways: Three of the best matches I have had.

1: NO Mercy in a tag match with the Midnight Express(CAW)(ME) VS Benoit and Guerrerro(CPU). 45 min tag match that would not end. Finally finished it with calling Sweet Stan in and doing a tossing Diamond Cutter before Benoit can make a save. Then Sweet Stan laid him out with a closeline as I pinned Guerrero. For a video game match *****


2: SD5: HCTP in a tripple threat match between Angle(CPU) vs Benoit (CPU) vs Dynamite Kid(CAW, ME). And the match went over an hour of playing time. I had to pause the game over night. All of us were in the red with three SDs a piece. And I would go and try to Pin Benoit each time Angle was near his legs just to break up the chance for the Anglelock. Finish was me and Benoit doing a double Suplex on Angle and then me hitting a snap on Benoit, Then I finish both off with a top rop Swan dive that landed on Benoit and took out Angle. Another *****


3: SD5: Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs. Blow for blow like any of the matches from 86. Finish was CPU of Davey Boy getting the Hart Attack for the loss. I could have broken up the pin but said fuck it, the match looked cooler that way.

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From King of Colosseum


Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi VS Keiji Mutoh & Masahiro Chono (me)

Back and forth match with many nearfalls at 2.9. Eventually everything broke down with Chono and Sakaguchi in the ring. I get Sakaguchi into the STF, I think the match is done...and rope break. I regroup and hit a high angle powerbomb on him which gets 2.9 when Inoki comes for the save, which prompts Mutoh to join in. Inoki knocked Mutoh out of the ring and gave me a power ball enzuigiri dropping Chono, who gets up groggy to get a jumping high knee from Sakaguchi which gets the pin at 58:59.

*groan* I need that game. Do you have both versions?

Yeah I have both. If your looking to pick up KOC I'd hold off a little bit though. KOC 2 is coming out this summer and everything will be on one disc.

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I never said I wanted the thread bumped...where did I ever say that?


and just the fact that there are so god damned many of these threads makes it so that more than two or three is pointless. If someone wants to tell about some great match they had, they should bump up the one that was started before. Simple, really.



now it's your turn to retort and team up on me. C'mon, I can take it.



*raises fists*

...and you are, who, exactly?

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From King of Colosseum


Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi VS Keiji Mutoh & Masahiro Chono (me)

Back and forth match with many nearfalls at 2.9. Eventually everything broke down with Chono and Sakaguchi in the ring. I get Sakaguchi into the STF, I think the match is done...and rope break. I regroup and hit a high angle powerbomb on him which gets 2.9 when Inoki comes for the save, which prompts Mutoh to join in. Inoki knocked Mutoh out of the ring and gave me a power ball enzuigiri dropping Chono, who gets up groggy to get a jumping high knee from Sakaguchi which gets the pin at 58:59.

*groan* I need that game. Do you have both versions?

Yeah I have both. If your looking to pick up KOC I'd hold off a little bit though. KOC 2 is coming out this summer and everything will be on one disc.

Good point. ;) Was there a way to import/export wrestlers with the first KOC discs? I always wondered how you'd have specific matches since there are different sets on different discs..

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