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Guest MikeSC

My Beefs with Bush

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Guest MikeSC

1) The man's domestic spending has been absurd.


He keeps adding NEW SPENDING PROGRAMS every other friggin' week. I assume he's trying to do Clinton's triangulation strategy --- but all he's doing is saddling this country with programs we can't afford NOW --- much less in 20 years. Medicare prescription drug benefit? Yeah, that won't get too expensive --- and NO CHANCE of that getting expanded. I don't think a single part of the government has even increased ONLY to the level of inflation --- most of them have had SIGNIFICANT increases (including education, so Dems, you can stop harping on that)


2) Immigration policy


OK, read this carefully Pres. Bush:




Mexico does not want to work WITH us to deal with the border problem. They want us to basically give "their land" back to them. They want their citizens to have full rights to come and go as they please. They want us to foot the bill for his country's crap economy and lack of worthwhile services.


If Pres. Bush wants to spend money --- which, clearly, he does --- he'd spend it on things like the Border Patrol, which might do us some good. Our borders are ridiculously open and why terrorists haven't come here through Canada or Mexico is baffling.


The immigration amnesty bill --- and for all of his claims otherwise, that is EXACTLY what it is --- is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen come down the pike.


3) He won't veto ANYTHING.


There is NO excuse for him signing the campaign finance reform bill. It wouldn't have hurt him to veto it (citizens don't give two damns about it). He signed a bill that he claimed to THINK was unconstitutional because he expected the Supreme Court to strike it down.






4) Social policy.


OK, I'm a social conservative. I don't usually have a huge beef with the religious right. I do think that Hollywood and TV have a habit of crossing the line. I usually don't care, to be honest.


But, Pres. Bush:


We aren't children.


We can HANDLE seeing a sagging tit on TV (and, yes, Janet wasn't exactly "perky"). It won't kill society. Should a disclaimer have come on beforehand? Possibly (then again, seeing as how bad they were, you should ASSUME they'll do something "shocking").


I don't like attacking "indecent" TV or radio because, as Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, what people deem "indecent" can cut a pretty wide swath. Who's to say differing political opinions won't become "indecent"?


And the attack on porn? Honestly, you have much better things to do with your time than attack pornography. I don't care how admirable the goal (whatever the heck it is) might be --- politically speaking, it isn't going to help and socially speaking, it isn't going to help. Porn is porn. It was around back when it wasn't legal --- it will be around tomorrow. You can't kill it. Nothing can show that it causes violence towards women (women are treated much better now than they were 100 years ago --- was porn MORE prevalent back then?).


It just allows guys --- and a few gals --- to get their jollies. No harm, no foul.


Heck, just tax the living snot out of it if you're so hell-bent on screwing around with it. It's not exactly a minor money maker and isn't one of the companies in the stock market now?


There, my beefs with Bush.


Yes, I will still vote for him (he's dead-on with the war on terror and Kerry is actually worse on all of these than Bush) --- but I'm tired of people assuming that I don't see Bush's faults.


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Wait.... I thought you were a Bush lackey who never questions anything the GOP does and were but a lamb being led to the slaughter by George W. Hitler.


I agree with you on just about everythign, especially campaign finance reform. The bill is horseshit and is unconstitutional. But, why the fuck would one sign a bill that is clearly against the laws of the land? The fact that he signed with the thought that it would be stuck down speaks poorly of him. Why woud someone sign a bill that he knew or thought would be declared unconstitutional? It makes the Pres look bad for signing a shitty bill. If he just articulated why it was a horrible idea when he veteod it then we wouldn't have had to deal with a bullshit bill that violates that whole freedom of speech thing that I've heard is mentioned somewhere in the constitution.

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Mike, vote Libertarian.




A candidate on the right would have some ammo against Bush regarding immigration (in relation to national security) and spending.


I've read stuff that basically either sticks up for all that, or says 'you're supporting Democrats if you don't agree'.


There's alot of ground that Libertarian candidates will cover this November.


(The biggest grounds for Democrat gain would involve incorporating some of the Libertarian philosophy. Basically moving from 'government that is big in general' to 'more effiecent government', disowning the Drug War, stuff of that sort)

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Mike's beefs with George W. HITLER are pretty much the same as mine. What really scares the crap out of me is that if Kerry gets elected the spending will be even more out of control, especially if he gets at least one branch of Congress controlled by Democrats...

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So, if Kerry's elected, we'll spend even more than we take in?


Because that's already a problem right now. And the most we'll probably hear is claims that "Kerry will raise taxes". Ignoring of course that a tax increase of some kind would be needed to deal with the deficit spending of the Republican congress. Although there's grounds to trim down spending on somethings.


I quote the Hon. Rep. Mike Ferguson of New Jersey: "Let me set the record straight right now. This budget does not cut funding for any program."

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I don't dislike Bush. Just not some super huge fan of the guy. He still gets my vote because of the War on Terror. Also, the only other canidate who can win is Kerry, and I don't want to help him win the Presidencey.

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It's a sad day when the lesser of the candiate evils is Kerry and Bush.


The bottom parties are either insane, very insane, or so insane that you fear them.


I plan on voting again this year but so far I am not voting for either Bush or Kerry. I really don't think Bush has any clue what he is doing anymore. It's like he's trying to make every inch of the Republican party happy while still looking for a way to appease the middle class. Someone needs to tell him, that's not going to work. Some veins of the Republican party are shall we say, well dangerous to society as a whole.


Hell, someone needs to tell Kerry as well.


Right now, I'm a write in vote for someone.

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So, if Kerry's elected, we'll spend even more than we take in?

I'm my non-Internet life, I've had a few people I know go "OMG how can you say Kerry would spend more than George W. HITLER?" I point to that god-awful Medicare perscription drug reform.


Yes, Bush just threw a water tower's worth of gasoline on this already out-of-control blaze, but the problem is Democrats would spend MORE.


And if Kerry gets elected and opens up the pursestrings, Republicans will not be able to bitch due to the fact they are just as free-spending.


But just to show the JOTWs that I'm not quite converted to the Dark Side, I'll leave with this: I'm still waiting for John Alter of Newsweek bitch about Kerry bad-mouthing the economy, which isn't as bad as being portrayed on the campaign trail...

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Guest MikeSC
So, if Kerry's elected, we'll spend even more than we take in?

I'm my non-Internet life, I've had a few people I know go "OMG how can you say Kerry would spend more than George W. HITLER?" I point to that god-awful Medicare perscription drug reform.


Yes, Bush just threw a water tower's worth of gasoline on this already out-of-control blaze, but the problem is Democrats would spend MORE.


And if Kerry gets elected and opens up the pursestrings, Republicans will not be able to bitch due to the fact they are just as free-spending.


But just to show the JOTWs that I'm not quite converted to the Dark Side, I'll leave with this: I'm still waiting for John Alter of Newsweek bitch about Kerry bad-mouthing the economy, which isn't as bad as being portrayed on the campaign trail...

Heck, I'm waiting for somebody to raise this point:


Is it me, or has the violence increased NOTICEABLY since the Spanish election? Hmm, did the capitulation of Spain possibly increase the resolve of the monkeys? Is all of the "Vietnam" talk here doing the same?


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Is it me, or has the violence increased NOTICEABLY since the Spanish election? Hmm, did the capitulation of Spain possibly increase the resolve of the monkeys? Is all of the "Vietnam" talk here doing the same?



I love how blatant racism is completely overlooked just because it's aimed at Middle Eastern people.


And before you or anyone else backtracks real quick, let's look at it in another fashion.


Do you think saying "I hate those niggers!" would be peachy just because you meant "THE ONES THAT STOLE MY RIMS" or something?

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I'm my non-Internet life, I've had a few people I know go "OMG how can you say Kerry would spend more than George W. HITLER?" I point to that god-awful Medicare perscription drug reform.


I didn't ask that.


You see, the big problem now is that the Republican congress is spending more than the government takes in with revenue. Deficit-Spending.


So, Kerry would be even worse with deficit spending?

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The reason the economy is running is because of those illegal immigrants that so many people want to do away with.


Most of illegal immigrants income go right back into our economy with the buying of goods. When they make up sucha huge number in the population, remove them and this economy takes a hit not seen in decades. It would be EASY to fortify the borders, but they won't because they don't want to.

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I love how blatant racism is completely overlooked just because it's aimed at Middle Eastern people.


Mike is referring to the terrorists, not the good people over there. Sub-human monkeys is not a racist term. It could be used just as easily if they were white. 'Nigger' is universally accepted as an offensive term directly referring to blacks and nobody else.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think Mike has explained a good thousand times on here what he means when he uses the sub-human monkey phrase.

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Oh good grief, for the last freaking time let's not get our panties in a bunch because Mike refers to "those people" as monkeys.


The reason the economy is running is because of those illegal immigrants that so many people want to do away with.


Most of illegal immigrants income go right back into our economy with the buying of goods. When they make up sucha huge number in the population, remove them and this economy takes a hit not seen in decades. It would be EASY to fortify the borders, but they won't because they don't want to.


Wha-? I thought illegals were ruining our economy because they do crappy jobs for cheaper wages.


Oh who the hell cares -- in a few decades America and Mexico will just be one giant country anyway...

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Guest MikeSC

Is it me, or has the violence increased NOTICEABLY since the Spanish election? Hmm, did the capitulation of Spain possibly increase the resolve of the monkeys? Is all of the "Vietnam" talk here doing the same?



I love how blatant racism is completely overlooked just because it's aimed at Middle Eastern people.


And before you or anyone else backtracks real quick, let's look at it in another fashion.


Do you think saying "I hate those niggers!" would be peachy just because you meant "THE ONES THAT STOLE MY RIMS" or something?

Tyler, I've gone over this repeatedly. If you wish to belabor a point you know better by now, have a blast.


...Keep in mind, Terry Nichols and Tim McVeigh were monkeys, too. Ditto the Unabomber

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Guest MikeSC
I think Mike has explained a good thousand times on here what he means when he uses the sub-human monkey phrase.

And it still doesn't make it right.

I'll make it real simple since, apparently, the bug up your ass forgot:




You are a monkey.


Deal with it.


If you wish to empathize with them, enjoy yourself.


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Guest MikeSC
But aren't you being a little mean to the monkeys? I haven't seen a chimp strap himself with an explosive filled with sharp twigs and rocks, run into a baboon night club, and blow himself up...

No, but they throw poo when you make them angry.


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Whoa, whoa, whoa.



This is earth-shattering stuff. I'm marking out over here.

I don't even have to go through the rest of the thread.


I couldn't agree with you anymore.

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But aren't you being a little mean to the monkeys? I haven't seen a chimp strap himself with an explosive filled with sharp twigs and rocks, run into a baboon night club, and blow himself up...

No, but they throw poo when you make them angry.


Only when you enter their territory. They don't come to your hometown to do it.

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I agree with you on all the negatives and would include Bush's environmental policies as another beef that I have with him.

Dumping on Kyoto is good. Drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Preserve is not.

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