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Guest Choken One

What a Great Match!

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Guest Choken One

We all know these matches, The matches we see live or for the first time and we think it's incredible and we give it countless snowflakes or whatnot.


But yet a few months or maybe even years after the initial viewing of the match...it doesn't hold up anymore for whatever reason.


An example of this was the 2004 Royal Rumble. When I first saw it, a couple days after the match occured, I finally viewed a tape of it and liked it, I'm sure I gave it ****1/4 at the time. I brought the DVD the other day and immeditly watched it again...expecting to be entertained again...but I wasn't.


I remember when Flair won the title, it had the same inital reaction but The 1992 STILL holds up to this day...however the 2004 already lost it luster...It wasn't as magical as it was the FIRST time. the 1992 match was RIC FLAIR WRESTLING FOR 61 minutes, Here it was Benoit in the ring for 62 minutes. There was no magic this time...The ending didn't even have that "awesomness" it had at first...it seemed "fine" like to me, the wrestling couldn't compare, the drama couldn't compare to 1992 and after seeing it for the second time, I realized...This isn't the first time a match's quality went down on a repeat viewing...


Any of you have any similar feelings to anyother matches.

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Hogan/Warrior at Wrestlemania 6

The Rock vs HHH at Backlash 2000

Hardcore battle royal at WM2000(I enjoyed it the first time but on the second viewing I realised how stupid it was that Crash had the belt in the last minute and yet he only has 2 guys after the belt and all the other wrestlers are outside of the ring)

RVD vs Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2001

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Undertaker vs. Brock from No Mercy this past year. I was going mark-nuts for Taker, and even had the balls to say ***1/2. Now after a few viewings 5 months later, the match is OK, but not that good with a terrible finish.

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Yeah, I never saw Rock/HHH from Backlash 2000 live, and I never understood why people loved that match so much.




Flair/Perfect from RAW

The first E&C vs. Hardys ladder match

2000 Royal Rumble

RVD/Lynn series from ECW

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Guest Choken One

RVD/Lynn is an great example...I brought into the whole "it's the greatest thing ever~!' until like 3 months later and I saw how shitacular the series was.

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Guest Choken One

I can hardly think of ANY ecw match that made me go "CLASSIC!"...


Maybe one to three matches at BEST went over ***3/4.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I can hardly think of ANY ecw match that made me go "CLASSIC!"...


Maybe one to three matches at BEST went over ***3/4.

How about that never-ending Rotten feud? That produced some **** classics [/sarcasm mode]

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Guest Jimbo

I bought into all the hype of ECW and was really excited to see the greatness of Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, RVD, Sabu, and others...and when I actually viewed some tapes, I was extremely disappointed. Sure, a few matches were good, but overall they were were pretty piss poor, and to this day, I STILL don't get the mystique of ECW beyond that it was the first of its kind.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Austin/Foley Over The Edge 98.

OK, thats uncalled for :lol: That match set the standardsa for PPV Main Event's, and is easily one of Austins best matches of 1998. Not of all time, because he has had a lot of great matches, but this was very good then and still is in my eyes.

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I bought into all the hype of ECW and was really excited to see the greatness of Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, RVD, Sabu, and others...and when I actually viewed some tapes, I was extremely disappointed. Sure, a few matches were good, but overall they were were pretty piss poor, and to this day, I STILL don't get the mystique of ECW beyond that it was the first of its kind.

I hated how ECW would rip on WCW for having crappy main events when they did the same damn thing, guys like Little Guido,Tajiri,Whipwreck,Mamaluke,Simon and Swinger,Hot Commodity and Kid Kash were the only reason I watched during 2000.Even in it's peak you have to admit that The undercard carried most of the shows whenever Raven vs Dreamer was in one of it's cooling off periods that they did.

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Triangle Ladder match from WrestleMania 2000 (TLC I blows it out of the water)


HHH vs Austin from No Way Out 2001 (it just keeps getting less and less cool)


and just to shake things up


10 Man Tag from Canadian Stampede- I know the heat is great, but I just don't see it as so fantastic anymore, just real good.

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Man, HHH/Austin 2/3 falls dissapointed me the first time I saw it, mainly because I didn't see it for a few days after, and you can hear them calling spots the whole fucking match. You can also watch them play hot potato with the blade for a bit.


If you can sit there and go "Now he has it...now he has it in his boot", then there's problems.

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Guest Fook

Rock/Austin from WM15. I thought it was great when I first watched it (probably because it was compared to the rest of the card), but I watched it recently and saw how much worse it was than I had originally thought. The fact that their match at WM17 was so much better pretty much lowered my opinion of this one.

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Rock/Austin from WM15. I thought it was great when I first watched it (probably because it was compared to the rest of the card), but I watched it recently and saw how much worse it was than I had originally thought. The fact that their match at WM17 was so much better pretty much lowered my opinion of this one.

I still like that match, just because I loved the buildup for it and the crowd for it was great. But yeah, Rock wasn't quite the worker he became, and Austin was in his all punchy-kick mode.

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The "version beta" of the TLC from Wrestlemania 2000. Now it's all spots everybody has seen.


Though I would still mark the fuck out if I ever see someone get put through the table-scaffolding, invented by the Dudleys, used by E&C to snag the belts.

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Guest wildpegasus

To tell you the truth, there's nothing that I've gone back to watch only to discover it wasn't the classic I thought it was.

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I can hardly think of ANY ecw match that made me go "CLASSIC!"...


Maybe one to three matches at BEST went over ***3/4.

Seeing it in person is the most fun you'll ever have at a wrestling event. Trying to sit through the fancam of that same event is another story.

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Guest Jimbo

Yeah, suppose that's true, the atmosphere at the live events has A LOT to do with it...


I watched AJ/Kaz from the Final Battle 2003 show last night, and it was still good, but not nearly as good as I had thought it was seeing it in person. Also, although it still did royally suck, Stryker/Whitmer wasn't as bad as I once thought it was.

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An example of this was the 2004 Royal Rumble. When I first saw it, a couple days after the match occured, I finally viewed a tape of it and liked it, I'm sure I gave it ****1/4 at the time. I brought the DVD the other day and immeditly watched it again...expecting to be entertained again...but I wasn't.

Funny thing about that was that I attended the show and really didn't find the match all that great (I liked it, but didn't think it was the classic that smarks were claiming it was), but after watching the tape last week, I loved it.


As for stuff I used to like...definitely the 4 corners TV title match from Heat Wave 96. I *LOVED* that match back in 96 and actually considered it my favorite ECW match for the longest. I popped in the tape about a month ago and was very disappointed.


HBK/HHH from SummerSlam 02 is also up there. I loved it live, but after a couple more viewings, it didn't hold up. It also didn't help that HBK continued wrestling afterwards...the match would've been fine as a send off for Shawn, but now it's just another match...and a bad one at that.

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I always felt that the WrestleMania 2000 ladder match was the better of the matches between Edge and Christian/Hardy Boyz/Dudley Boyz, and the SummerSlam '00 and WrestleMania X-7 matches lost their luster, and are basically the same match with one or two spots changed. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels from WrestleMania 12 is an obvious choice, so I'll be safe and go with Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit from WCW Mayhem '99. It was a good match, but after rewatching their Owen Hart tribute match from Nitro and then rewatching this match, it loses alot of it's luster and the constant run-ins don't help it much either.

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Guest theoldxpac

First time i saw Rock/Austin from WM 15, i thought it was the greatest match ever. Watched it again a few years later and realised it wasnt half as good as i had thought.

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HBK/Razor WM10 - Innovative back then but the all-time leader in matches losing that lose their lustre over time.

I agree- I can't watch that match all the way through now, it just doesn't entertain me anymore

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