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This could sort of accompany the picture thread, only it's different. Basically, it's just to see if you've got anything below your neck that could be used to identify you if you have a twin/clone or your face was too badly damaged for people to recognize you. I know that made little to no sense, so I'll try to clarify. If you've got any tattoos, body piercings (Like, say, a stud through your liver), or just general horrific scars that might be unique-ish to you, speak of them (Pictures optional and whatnot).


As for myself, I've got quite a many surgical scar on me (That's what tumors'll do to you, usually). I've got two that form a 't' or plus sign or cross on my abdomen, which pretty much prevents me from donning those oh-so-popular midriff exposing outfits that us women seem to enjoy. I've got a fairly large one on the left side of my chest that goes to my side, and a similar one on the right side of my back. Then there are what I like to call my "gun-shot wounds" which, in fact, were spots of chemotherapy tubes (They probably look nothing like gun shot wounds, but, I'm an idiot). That's about all I have. I was thinking of getting another vertical and another horizontal line on my abdomen so I can play tic-tac-toe with friends and strangers alike if I'm bored.


Now, post away, you people who sometimes frighten me, despite most of you not knowing me. And such.

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I'm covered with scars from many different sources. The most distinctive is one on my left shoulder that says 'Amy'. Amy cut it on there.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Knife wound, and a powder burn on my shoulder from a near miss, scars from when a firecracker blew up next to me, and a small scar from surgery.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Various scars from different occasions.

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Guest Dids

I'm fat and have really blonde hair and where lots of bring colors. I'm identifiable from the fucking sky.

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Various drinking injuries, like the huge scar on my left knee where I decided that I could beat my car in a footrace, the scars all over my left shoulder and right hand where I tried to stop myself from falling during said footrace, the scar on the bottom of my right foot from when I stepped on a gravel rake, and the lack of hair above my ankle on my left leg, from an Extreme Fireball mishap.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
I have an upside-down face

Your face is burnt beyond recognition, silly.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

My ass is where my dick should be and vice-versa. I'd post a pic but I'm having a hard time jerking off from behind.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Fine....True answer.....I have only one stand out feature, a scar thats maybe an inch long on the right side of my back.


Otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary.

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Ok guys, joke answers are played out.

No no no, not yet.


I can be identified....



Okay, NOW they're played out.



Anyhow, I could be identified by having big feet with an oddly grown big left toenail that got ripped apart in a wrestling match many years ago, so now it grew back with a bunch of vertical lines.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Several scars from thorns and other nasty cuts. My right knee cap is slightly out of place and usually swollen. My right big toe is bent from being broken 8 times.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
My right big toe is bent from being broken 8 times.

Umm... stop kicking stuff.

It was more a case of breaking it and having gym class and rebreaking it while running every few weeks.

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Guest BDC

Two scars on the left thigh. One from being attacked by a guard dog and one from having someone ripping a staple across my leg.

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Probably the easiest way is that I have two long, jagged scars on my left forearm, accompanied by 72 puncture scars (from 36 staples to close the incisions) that cover two plates and nine screws - one plate on each bone, along with four screws on one and five on the other.


Or my superior wang. Whichever.

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You used to wrestle, huh?

I'm surprised more TSMers don't have amateur experience, honestly.

I only did one year, 8th grade. The high school coach was too heavy into dropping weight, inducing vomiting, and rubber suits so I figured that probably wasn't for me. He ended up getting dismissed.

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