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What is wrong with America?

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I really don't understand what is going on in America's mind right now. The Swan on FOX, is a show about a bunch of "ugly ducklings" who get some plastic surgery and become a "swan." Then, they all compete in a beauty pagent to see who is the prettiest, just from getting plastic surgery.


The show got a 9.2 with a 14 share, which 20% more than it usually gets in that timeslot with The O.C.


Why are people watching this? Do they need to see ugly people get some surgery to make them pretty? Just take with what you are born with.


But then you have Wonderfalls, which was a GREAT show, but it gets canceled because no one watched it. The show averaged a 2.6 over a 4 week span.


Why can't people watch GOOD television?

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Yeah, Lord forbid people get behind good tv like Wonderfalls.


I'd much rather watch midgets find love. Random people slapped together to get married. People on islands. And tv telling women that if they're not happy with their look that getting plastic surgery is an easier way to gain acceptence.


*hums Wonderfalls theme*

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Guest Choken One

I had a dicussion about this with my mother the other day here's what it was...


Me: I can't stand the shit on tv these days ya know

Mom: Oh I know...NOTHING is on. It's all these reality shows and home and garden "build me a house" shows and crap.

Me: exactly...Aside from The Shield, nothing else is good, I mean OC is entertaining but it's not GREAT tv...I miss the old days. They need to get rid of these dumb reality shows.

Mom: I know

Me: it won't happen, America likes to laugh at those less fortante or watch shows where they can daydream of a false led better life

Mom: Didn't we already Have COPS for that?



My mother was right...COPS was the only reality show we ever needed, we got the comedy, the action, the drama and the feeling of "hey, im better then these people". we never needed "Marry a Millionaire" or "Littlest Groom"...


Just go back to COPS people.

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Reality shows are the cheapest to produce and bring the ratings........that's what Abe Lincohn on the five dollar bill told me.

90% of what people consider to be "reality tv" is nothing more than a glorified game show. If you win something - it's a fucking game show. I don't care if it's another person - it's still a fucking game show.


The original Real World = skewed reality tv

Road Rules = game show.


The Bachelor - game show.

Meet The Parents - skewed game show.

Average Joe - game show.

The Apprentice - game show.


Sure...the 'games' can be reality based, but that still doesn't take away from the fact that deep down, they are competing for something and THUS, it's a damn game show.


I want a show that is true fucking reality. Like the movie The Truman Show, except not in a giant dome and the person knows they are being filmed. They could seriously build a 24 hour channel (yeah...tape them sleeping too) around one or two people (using split screens and shit), and just follow them. If people come into their lives, then fine. If they gain some kind of twisted celebrity status, then fine. Part of this person's new reality is having to deal with this. (i wouldn't be advocate the showing of sex or anything, but cameras and mics can be turned off for a reason, folks)


No talk shows, no radio spots, nothing like that...just them living their lives and (most likely) having to deal with having some kind of celebrity status for the time they are on the air. It is entirely possible if he has a high-powered microphone on his person that captures everything in like a 5 foot radius (that way some conversations can be heard).


I mean, I don't know how much fun it would be to see a person "living their life", but i'd rather have 'true reality' than a bunch of stupid game shows.


Man...that's quite a tangant I just let loose on.

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By all accounts everyone is getting sick of reality and has been for a while. It's still cheap though. And you can say one thing about Americans, they will watch what's on.

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To me what "reality tv" is, is a tv show that does not have any actors involved other the the host of course.


I want a show that is true fucking reality.

That is impossible because once the people find out it is a tv show they will start acting like fools. Besides true reality is boring.

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That's the point. I *know* it's mundane and boring. But the more reality tv that comes out every year makes me long for something like that to come out, completely BOMB...and basically cause the genre to implode on itself, leaving shows like CSI to prosper. (even though it is consistently the highest rated show on TV and basically whoops reality's ass unless it's one of those "super secret special" episodes, like when the did like 6 nights of Average Joe in a row or whatever, and even then, it doesn't really lose viewers, the other shows just gain them.)



Fuck me for doing a damn report on prime-time ratings. Sitcoms just get the shit kicked out of them in the ratings though (except for Friends, everything else in the last 4 years was getting in the 10 range, which is kinda low for prime-time)

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The only reality TV shows I watch are on MTV. MTV doesn't really have orginally programming, so it isn't taking away from shows like 24 or Wonderfalls.


And not ALL reality shows bring in the ratings.


Last Friday, FOX aired Totally Outrageous Behavior and World's Craziest Videos at 8. That got a 2.6 for FOX. At 9, they aired Forever Eden, which got a 2.2.


On March 26th, FOX aired Playing it Straight, which got a 2.1. At 9, Wonderfalls was on, which received a 2.3.


Wonderfalls got a better rating then Eden did the next week. All of Wonderfalls' episodes were already made, so the production cost wasn't a problem. If anything, FOX LOST money by not airing Wonderfalls.


Even though I saw FUCK FOX every other day, atleast they kept 24. They knew they had something special on their hands there.


The WB's only reality show, High School Reunion, aired on Sunday nights. From what I could find, which was only 3 weeks, the show averaged a 2.0.


Angel averages around a 3.8ish, which is up 8% from last year. But of course the show is getting canceled.


Next year, I am going to keep track of every show and how well they do in the ratings. Basically, I am going to be a rating's analysis. I need to find a way to get a Nielson report everyday, instead of relying on websites for my ratings information.

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Let's not put all the blame on the U.S. for this. Alot of the reality shows were originially on overseas somewhere. I do agree we've really gone overboard.

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Fuck me for doing a damn report on prime-time ratings. Sitcoms just get the shit kicked out of them in the ratings though (except for Friends, everything else in the last 4 years was getting in the 10 range, which is kinda low for prime-time)

Everybody Loves Raymond and Will & Grace generally do well in the ratings.


The highest rated show everyweek, CSI, averages around a 16. Survivor averages around a 13 and American Idol averages around a 15. A 10 for primetime TV will get a show in the top 20, which is something the networks aim for. Well, that and the all mighty 18-34 demographic.


And the whole deal about males 17-25 not watching network TV is true, it isn't Nielson's methods. Out of all of the guys in my suite, which is about 9, including me, I am the only one who really watches network TV shows everyweek. I can't miss 24, Angel, and Wonderfalls for four weeks. Smallville is going to be a can't miss show starting Wednesday too.


So there are only 4 shows on network TV right now that I can't miss. Everything else falls into cable shows.


My other friends at school don't watch network TV either, just basically cable shows. Same with my friends at home. The only shows I ever hear that they watch everyweek are South Park and the Chappelle Show.

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90% of what people consider to be "reality tv" is nothing more than a glorified game show. If you win something - it's a fucking game show. I don't care if it's another person - it's still a fucking game show.


That's the point. I often watch Game more than any other network too. I like competitions, period. Be it two guys wailing on each other in a boxing ring or fighting to get a job with Donald Trump. I like most sports too, except golf which puts me to sleep. You should also keep in mind that there are also both bad (Swan) and good (Apprentice) reality shows out there.


24 is really the only scripted tv show (besides Simpsons) that I watch these days.

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Guest El Satanico

The only good "reality show" was the one with a script...Murder In Small Town X.


I want scripts not Joe Fuckoff from who cares where being "himself".

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Pop culture reality TV is based on laughing at someone else for failing, getting injured, embarrassed, or emotionally devestated on national tv. Sporting events, nature/history documentareis, and the news are the only "real" TV shows out there.

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they aren't getting sick of reality...they are getting sick of game shows with plot twists clearly designed to pop ratings.

Which is... reality. That's what it's called even if that's not what it is.

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People [for some reason] care about Reality TV.


Nobody gives two shits about Wonderfalls (which I'm guessing is one of those faggy Buffy/Angel bullshit shows).



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Guest El Satanico

The general population will tire of "reality shows" before long. Of course it doesn't matter, because easy to consume entertainment will always be the most popular.


When given the choice between something mindless and something that's smartly written and may make you use your brain, the general population would rather watch something mindless. It has been that way long before any of us were born.

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Guest Evolution
The only good "reality show" was the one with a script...Murder In Small Town X.

Ding ding ding.


I insist that each network just settles with one reality show and they can fuck with it and give the game all the twists they want.


ABC can have the Bachelor, NBC can go with The Apprentice, CBS has Survivor, Fox has American Idol.


I can tolerate that much more than I can deal with 4 or 5 reality shows on the major networks every night.


We need a return to the sitcom comedies, no matter if it's a spinoff of Friends or a genuinely funny comedy like Arrested Development. Also, one hour dramas would be nice, too. It's good to see that CSI and shows of its ilk aren't faltering too much in the ratings, but it won't be long...

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Reality TV has been pissing me off for a while, and I'm also pissed off that I was beat to this thread.


Survivor really started it - from then come more, and it's ok... And then, shows like The Bachelor/ette are just fucking annoying, and then the same show - but with midgets!




TV is to escape from reality!


Reality television will never gain the credibility that it once had. Or should I say... Could have had.

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We need a return to the sitcom comedies, no matter if it's a spinoff of Friends or a genuinely funny comedy like Arrested Development. Also, one hour dramas would be nice, too. It's good to see that CSI and shows of its ilk aren't faltering too much in the ratings, but it won't be long...

1 hour drama shows are the 2nd big tv trend behind reality shows because they keep people glued to the same channel for an hour instead of just a half an hour. Thats why you aren't seeing as many sitcoms and the ones that are still around will eventually get replaced by 1 hour shows.


I wonder if a 1 hour comedy/sitcom show would be successful..

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