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Question about Owen's death

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Guest MikeSC
I have the ppv on tape, and they don't show the ring at all while he's being attended to.


They only show the crowd and Jim Ross.

I was actually disgusted when the press showed photos of him being attended to in the ring. There was no need to show that. The man was basically dead (I imagine him lifting his head off the mat was the moment he died).


I am also stunned that no video of this ever got leaked out. I'm sure the WWF taped it (cameras were running during the promo, no doubt --- I'm sure one of the cameras caught it). I always worried that somebody would steal a copy from the WWF and make it public.


I know I would never want to see that.


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I don't think a copy has ever come out. WWE most likely destroyed all copies they had, and all the ones on Kazaa are just red herrings.


I had a friend ask me if I had it on tape, and at that moment I wanted nothing more than to beat to the piss out of him.

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Guest MikeSC
I don't think a copy has ever come out. WWE most likely destroyed all copies they had, and all the ones on Kazaa are just red herrings.


I had a friend ask me if I had it on tape, and at that moment I wanted nothing more than to beat to the piss out of him.

I figured the WWF probably destroyed all of the copies --- but things always leak out. I'm honestly thrilled that they didn't here. While I won't change my views and claim to have loved Owen's work (he was pretty good, hardly my fave) --- watching his death is something I'd never want his family to have to do. I'm glad that, most likely, most people in the arena didn't see him drop as I assume they were watching his promo on the Titantron.


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I won't say Owen was the greatest worker because he died, because he wasn't. He was very good, and could work with almost everyone. But He did an excellent job of making me love to hate him during his heel stint between 1994-97.

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Guest dwdw_IGN

I know I have heard before that a newstation in New York played the footage of Owen's fall but I doubt that is true. Does anyone know?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The most i've seen were photos of EMT's attending to him in the ring my morning newspaper the day or so after it happend. That was one of the very few times I shed tears for someone.


Just a horrible way to go

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Yeah, I had a hard time holding the tears in after it went down. It was fucked up, because at my school, I was known as the go-to guy for wrestling info, and the day after the accident, everybody and their mom (students, teachers and other faculty) kept coming up to me trying to find out what happened while I'm trying my hardest to put the whole thing out of my mind. I teared up quite a few times that day.


Owen wasn't my favorite wrestler by any means, but I always liked him. I remember when I was little, I used to like him because I always wanted him to get out of Bret's shadow, and I remember being happy whenever he'd win a title. Also, I remember being upset that WWF never gave him a run at the top in 98 following Montreal, which was probably my first smarkish reaction. Hell, the day he died, my friend and I had a conversation about how we always wanted him to be Champion, which is another reason his death hit me pretty hard.

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the day he died, my friend and I had a conversation about how we always wanted him to be Champion, which is another reason his death hit me pretty hard.

That afternoon my cousin's and I played Owen Hart trivia for no reason at all which was just unbelievable because we liked Owen but where never huge fans and it was just kind of random and then that night he died. It was just very scary so I can kind of relate to that story.


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Guest BrokenWings

Again, I know I've read this somewhere, and I'm 95% sure it was in Martha's book...


I believe she said that the one ringside camera man continued filming while EMTs worked over Owen's body, and she could see the life leave his eyes. I believe she said the WWF gave the tape to her right away, and it's the only copy ever made, which she keeps in the family vault. If someone wants, I could attempt to find my copy of the book and get a direct quote... I know it's around somewhere.


I'd be sickened if that were to ever leak. After the initial fall, that's one of the things I was most concerned of. Thankfully it never came to be.


And on a note of getting teary-eyed, I have no problem admitting tears were shed on my behalf while watching Raw Is Owen with my Mother (she and I always loved Owen - all of the Harts, actually).


Bah. Rethinking this entire ordeal just leaves me feeling apathetic.

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Yeah, I had a hard time holding the tears in after it went down.

The second RAW IS Owen started I began crying. I didn't stop until Steve Austin came out and toasted the vison of Owen on the TitanTron. Legit, I was that overcome.


Being a Bret fanboy probably had a lot to do with it.



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I only heard about it on the bus on the was to HS. It was part of an ABC News broadcast and it started with "At a [WWF] pay-per-view last night..." I perked up, seeing as how it was kind of unusual that WWE PPVs results would be mentioned on the news. As soon as the announcer said it, I just sat frozen in shock. That's pretty much how the whole day went for me.


During RAW is Owen I tried to keep a straight face, but as soon as they showed big, tough badass Mark Henry crying [when everyone was on the ramp] I just lost it.


I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE still has one of those tapes; remember, the WWE keeps copies of EVERYTHING to ever occur during their televised events since the mid-80s. About the only thing they don't have is video of Santana's IC Title victory in 1982(?), and that's because the footage was apparently accidentally destroyed.


With that said, why the hell did Nitro even bother to go on? You'd think they could have even bumped it back to Tuesday night instead of going head-to-head with RAW.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE still has one of those tapes; remember, the WWE keeps copies of EVERYTHING to ever occur during their televised events since the mid-80s. About the only thing they don't have is video of Santana's IC Title victory in 1982(?), and that's because the footage was apparently accidentally destroyed.

I'm pretty sure they would still have at least the PPV version of Over The Edge which thankfully didn't show anything...just crowd shots.

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Guest Stunt Granny
I read a report that he was supposed to come down the wire, and then release the harness like five feet too early and fall on his face in the ring like a comedy moment, and he was scheduled to win the Intercontinental title and most likely go on to a World title feud against Triple H. One of the saddest moments I've ever experienced as a wrestling fan.

Wow I never knew that, so lets recap:


a) They hired a guy who was and ASSISTANT stunt coordinator without looking at any of his credetials.


b) The hardness setup Owen was in was modified by previously mentioned stunt guy to release him a few seconds early for a comedy bit.


Now even though it's apparent the the stunt coordinator wasn't the best in the world, he would have had enough compitence to get Owen down successfully. But he needed to modify it for the bit. I've been in a safty harness a few times and it is almost impossible to release yourself while in midair because the wieght of your own body will cause it to tighten up keeping you in there. But in Owens case they had to make it so he could relase himself a little early with ease. And since Owen refused to practice the stunt before hand they couldn't work out the kinks. Basically if it was just a normal harness like Sting used 800 times Owen probably wouldn't have died and landed in the ring safely and the course of history in Pro Wrestling would have turned out drastically different.


..........Owen Hart died for a lame ass comedy act nobody would have found funny anyway.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I remember going to school the day after his death, everyone was suddenly talking about the PPV the night before. I was going, what happend? And for about 6 hours, all I hear is Owen Hart died. Naturally, I didn't and didn't want to believe it, but I went home and read it in the paper. Watched Raw that night, and I was crying like a two year old.

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Guest dwdw_IGN

I just came across a site of a fan's who was at the event and took pics of Owen seconds after the fall and also when he was being worked over by the EMTs, and also when Own was on the cat walk. I found this site extremely interesting (and no not in a morbid way) because I have never seen the accident explained this well and I have never seen these pics. So In am warning you if you don't want to see the pics than please don't look because it ain't fun. Here is the link:



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm not ashamed to admit I broke down botha fter finding out he was dead and at Raw Is Owen

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I cried for almost a week. It was just so unbelievable to me that one of my favorite wrestlers was dead. During the Raw tenth anniversery when they showed clips of that show, I cried again. I think Debra's was the worse for me. It was just awful.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I'd say Jeff Jarrett & Triple H (don't be shocked) were touched even more considering they couldn't talk for 5 seconds without crying (nothing wrong with that) Jarrett had been in WWF with Owen in the early 90s, so they knew each other for a while, and HHH/Owen of course have been around together too, so them two probably knew Owen a lot better.

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This was during my blackout spring/summer of '99 when I had no TV and limited internet access, so I didn't find out about it until the morning after. I was shocked, to be sure, but I can't say I cried though, as it's not in my nature... especially for a guy whom I'd never actually known, even if I was a longtime fan of his (we even shared the same b-day)


Never did see Raw is Owen (for the same reason), hell I never even saw clips from it until RAW X.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I'd say Jeff Jarrett & Triple H (don't be shocked) were touched even more considering they couldn't talk for 5 seconds without crying (nothing wrong with that) Jarrett had been in WWF with Owen in the early 90s, so they knew each other for a while, and HHH/Owen of course have been around together too, so them two probably knew Owen a lot better.

HHH and Owen were not friends by any means. HHH was part of the group that fucked his brother over.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I'd say Jeff Jarrett & Triple H (don't be shocked) were touched even more considering they couldn't talk for 5 seconds without crying (nothing wrong with that) Jarrett had been in WWF with Owen in the early 90s, so they knew each other for a while, and HHH/Owen of course have been around together too, so them two probably knew Owen a lot better.

HHH and Owen were not friends by any means. HHH was part of the group that fucked his brother over.

So HHH held down Bret Hart now? Let's pile all the hate on!


I didn't say they were FRIENDS. I said Hunter had known Owen for around 4 years, which is a long time in wrestling when you see the person almost every day. I don't know if they were friends or not, but I know they had been working together for a longer time and had a few feuds with each other, so either they were very professional, or were friends enough to not dog matches.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Knowing each other for years doesn't mean shit.


Not to mention HHH was incredibly insincere on that show, it was incredibly obvious.


He and Shawn were the ones who kept Owen down after Bret left.

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You know, I never thought that SCSA's beer bash thing was an appropriate way to end the show.

Well, I'm sure there was a lot else planned for him to do (speech, etc.) But the tributes ran long, and the ME and the Austin segment got drastically cut as a result.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
You know, I never thought that SCSA's beer bash thing was an appropriate way to end the show.

Well, I'm sure there was a lot else planned for him to do (speech, etc.) But the tributes ran long, and the ME and the Austin segment got drastically cut as a result.

Actually...the toasting WAS the entire idea. They wanted Austin to do something, so he chose to do that.


Remember, Austin was a bit pissed that Owen nearly crippled him completely.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Yeah and if someone ACCIDENTLY nearly paralyzed me, and I went on to make millions of dollars and become one of the the biggest stars in the history of the business anyway, I'd STILL be pissed of over it and NEVER forgive them.


Fuck Austin, and his lame ass tribute at the end of that show. Happy retirement prick.

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Yeah and if someone ACCIDENTLY nearly paralyzed me, and I went on to make millions of dollars and become one of the the biggest stars in the history of the business anyway, I'd STILL be pissed of over it and NEVER forgive them.


Fuck Austin, and his lame ass tribute at the end of that show. Happy retirement prick.

Even Bret has come out and said that Owen could've done a little more for Austin following the accident. I'm not saying that he should've been upset with him, I don't think his hard feelings towards Owen were completely unjustified.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Ya, I'm sure if someone paralyzed you, you'd say "Its cool..want to get a beer" when you can't move your fucking body because the asshole dropped you on your head unprotected in a move he shouldn't have even be doing.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Don't be an idiot, the move is a completly acceptable one, it was just done improperly.


As far as Austin's actions I can't blame him. If I was the most over wrestler in the world I wouldn't want to wrestle the guy who almost crippled me for life.


Call me crazy, but I wouldn't feel safe.

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