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Dangerous A

The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Don't forget they traded home victories with the Kings

I won't, as long as you don't forget that the Kings sure aren't the Lakers.


Your blind Laker hate (painting all Laker fans with one brush) is getting amusing.

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After twenty years of seeing the NBA championship elude him, Karl Malone will not let the word, "exhaustion" enter his mind. Trust me, Malone's pursuit for the Larry O'Brien trophy is nothing short of ravenous. He will not rest or even think about being tired until he procures it. Count on it.

Then he'll drop dead of a heart attack on the field.

He is not better than KG. In Game 2 I'm sure KG will be all over him because Malone will be tired no matter what his mind says his old man body will be crying.

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Don't forget they traded home victories with the Kings

I won't, as long as you don't forget that the Kings sure aren't the Lakers.


Your blind Laker hate (painting all Laker fans with one brush) is getting amusing.

Hey do unto others as they do unto you.

I recieve the "The Lakers are better than every team ever!~!~! Karl Malone for MVP~!~!~!" and I respond in kind.

You talk to me with Laker colored glasses and I'll talk back with Anti-Laker colored glasses.

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Guest OraleHolmes

As an avid Lakers fan, I'll admit that Kobe is a bit overrated at times. Did you notice how he almost shot his team out of the game in the 4th quarter? I mean, geez, one ill-advised shot after another. A couple didn't even draw iron, if I remember. A similar occurence happened in Game 5 of the SA-LA series, until D-Fish saved all of their asses.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

OraleHolmes, you are really reaching, aren't you ? Yet, you can't come up with anything solid. Just garbage.


Fact is, as said before, Kevin Garnett played 46 minutes in a game 7 against The Sacramento Kings. 48 hours later, he plays 45 minutes against The Los Angeles Lakers. Enough said...

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As an avid Lakers fan, I'll admit that Kobe is a bit overrated at times. Did you notice how he almost shot his team out of the game in the 4th quarter? I mean, geez, one ill-advised shot after another. A couple didn't even draw iron, if I remember. A similar occurence happened in Game 5 of the SA-LA series, until D-Fish saved all of their asses.

Hey I'll give the Lakers there credit.

Kobe can be amazing.

Shaq is dominating.

Payton is good at times.

Malone is good when he's had rest.

And there bench is pretty deep.


But I still don't think they're the best team to grace god's green earth.

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OraleHolmes, you are really reaching, aren't you ? Yet, you can't come up with anything solid. Just garbage.


Fact is, as said before, Kevin Garnett played 46 minutes in a game 7 against The Sacramento Kings. 48 hours later, he plays 45 minutes against The Los Angeles Lakers. Enough said...

Yeah did nobody notice KG panting and walking on some plays? The guy was out of it.


Now if Malone eats KG's lunch in Game 2 then I'll step back and admit it. But as of right now all he proved was the a rested KM can beat an exhausted KG.

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If Cassell can't go in the rest of this series, the T-Wolves have no shot. He had to come out late and couldn't go back in with his back problems.

I'll agree with that. He's a huge part of the offense.

I think they should go to a game they know they'll lose(maybe Game 3) and bench him the whole game so he'll have about 4 days rest.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Wolves were tired, huh? Well, what about the inverse argument? You know, the belief that the Lakers, an old team, would be rusty after such an extended break? But alas, the Lakers showed no signs of rust, yet the Wolves, a team that should've been riding on the momentum of Game 7, choked.


Lakers in 4. Bust out the broomsticks because the Lakers are tired of fucking around.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Still not solid.


Reaching, I say.


EDIT: Nice use of the word "Choke" ;) From a team who for the last 7 years couldn't get out of the 1st round to a team who has made it to the western conf finals.


Yeah, they've been choking BIG TIME.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Look, NaturalBornThrillers4:20, you're obviously an obstinate hater who is envious of the greatest sports franchise in the history of sports, THE LOS ANGELES LAKERS.


Spare yourself the misery of rooting for a team that will never amount to anything. Join the Lakers fan club, embrace the splendor, enfold the mystique, and spellbinding aura of invincibility that is the Los Angeles Lakers.


Trust me, being the fan of a winning team can give one great pleasure and joy.


Edit: You've just answered your own question. They choked seven years in a row, and since seven is such a lucky number, they're reverting back to their choking ways.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Greatest sports franchise in history ? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


A very good franchise, but to call them the greatest ? It's obvious you haven't been a fan of the sport for very long.


Trust me, being the fan of a winning team can give one great pleasure and joy.


So in a nutshell, you are another one of those bandwagoners.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Bandwagoner? Pfft. I have three huge boxes chronicling Lakers exploits dating back to 1982. I have legendary playoff games taped from their original airings. My Lakers tape collection is worth thousands.

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Guest OraleHolmes

In addition, I've spoken to Chick Hearn six times and Stu Lantz three times (on the Lakers line before and after games).

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Yes, riiiiiiiiiiiight... and i'm dating Kobe Bryant's wife. -_-


I could sit here and go back and forth with you, but to do it with another one of you bandwagoners who believe the whole NBA consists around the Lakers. I'd rather go to sleep...


NOTE: I know there are plenty of TRUE Laker fans on this board, but this kid is beyond ignorant. And as stated, hasn't given me anything solid other than bashing Minnesota.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Moreover, I've won the trivia question prize package TWICE.


It's up to you to extricate yourself from the putrid mire of doubt and disbelief that has invariably shrouded your perception. If you want to eschew the ineluctable stress that accompanies jealousy, and in turn, avoid the concomitant bout with heart disease that will follow, I advise you to champion the 2004 NBA World Champions, in the hope that you, too, can be an ebullient Lakers fan.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Well it is looking good for the Lakers after Game 1. I think they benefited from a longer rest, and I do think the T-Wolves might have been drained from playing Game 7 only two days ago. No excuses of course, but the Lakers look good. But remember, the T-Wolves lost Game 1 against Sacto, and they were able to rebound in Game 2. And I do think Olowakandi had a pretty solid game for someone who spent the last three games on the bench collecting dust. I think Flip definately has some adjustments to make. And I do think he needs to throw as many big men in Shaq's way. But that still means Shaq will get his usual of course.


At the same time the Lakers were clearly the better team tonight, and when it looked like the T-Wolves might make it close, the Lakers hit that three, and managed to keep it at least a two possesion game down the stretch. Tonight it was Kobe, Shaq, and Malone doing all the offense, but boy the rest of team really didn't do that much did it? But it was enough, and so I am sure every Laker fan has already placed their Championship T-Shirt order already. But I am still not giving up on the T-Wolves yet.


Garnett had an off night tonight, so you can bet he will be more productive in Game two. And if that happens, the T-Wolves can at least split this and head to LA with a 1-1 situation and some momenutum on their side. But if the Lakers win, then it is pretty much looking like the Lakers go on to the Finals. So this is a very important game for the T-Wolves. And hopefully Flip can find something that exposes the Lakers even the slightest from tonight's game film. Because I can't stand series which are sweeps or 4-1, it just takes away alot of the fun of watching the NBA.

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The Lakers will not sweep the series. No way that happens. If you think they will then you are a blind Laker lover.


Greatest sports franchise in history!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I mean that's absurd. As much as I hate them........THE YANKEES are the greatest sports franchise in history.

Hell The Lakers aren't even the best NBA franchise in history. That honor belongs to The Celtics. The Celtics have won 16 world titles......The Lakers have only won 9! Sure they won some as the Minneapolis Lakers but that's a different team. The Los Angeles Lakers have only won 9 world titles and are probably going to win #10 this year. But even then they have 6 more to catch up to the Celtics and I have a feeling they're due for a slump again. Especially if Malone, Payton, and Jackson retire. And I don't forsee Kobe being on the team much longer either.

Greatest sports franchise in history? HA! They aren't even the best basketball franchise in history.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Well, I'm a Pistons lover so I have to chime in.


Pistons vs Pacers game one starts tonight.

This series has a hell of a script also.


Pistons GM, Joe Dumars fired Rick Carlise last season to pick up the seasoned veteran coach of Larry Brown. Even though Rick had won coach of the year for two straight seasons, the division title and rallied the team to 50 wins each year. Lets not forget he coached the Pistons to the ECF last season. Supposedly he didn't get along with the front office is the reason for the firing. While Larry had strenghten the holes in Detroit's defense and enhance pretty much all of the starters game. As in having Ben shoot (offensive juggarnaut!), Rip doing a lot more off ball defending and driving to the hole more. Rip even increased his range. Chauncey is more of "traditional" PG now. He's passing more, getting guys to the paint and isn't afraid to take the big shot. Tay has upped his game but then lost his mojo in the last.........6 or so games. :(

Lets not forget, Brown coached for the Pacers a while back. Joe Dumars former teammate Isiah was fired right away by the Pacers GM (Bird) when he came into office.

The feud doesn't end in the office or the sidelines......


Big Ben Wallace thinks he deserves the DPOY title but he didn't get his 3-Peat since of course Ron Artest received it. Wallace is looking to prove the league wrong and he is damn sure to bring it every game. Ron Artest is going to prove why he is the DPOY, so this is going to be a battle.


Jermaine O'Neal was Rasheed's apprentice. O'Neal with the goggles, Sheed with the sore foot. Painful battle indeed, this is going to be a heck of a matchup to watch.

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Look, NaturalBornThrillers4:20, you're obviously an obstinate hater who is envious of the greatest sports franchise in the history of sports, THE LOS ANGELES LAKERS.

They're not the greatest! They're behind the Yankees, Celtics, Canadiens, Dodgers, Cowboys, and 49ers.


the greatest sports franchise in the history of sports

As opposed to what, the greatest Burger King franchise in the history of sports?

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Guest Vitamin X

You guys see what I mean? I mean, my Laker love isn't blind at least..


I think LA needs to watch out for Sprewell. Had the Wolves been really in the game instead of rallying from behind, he would have been giving LA a major headache in the 2nd half. That man was on fuckin FIRE. Him and Szerbiak (sp?) hitting all those 3's. Luckily Fish was able to match him.


And what was up with Shaq hitting all those free throws?!?! I think KG will play a lot better in Game 2, but Malone played some good D on him, just like Orale predicted.


It's up to you to extricate yourself from the putrid mire of doubt and disbelief that has invariably shrouded your perception. If you want to eschew the ineluctable stress that accompanies jealousy, and in turn, avoid the concomitant bout with heart disease that will follow, I advise you to champion the 2004 NBA World Champions, in the hope that you, too, can be an ebullient Lakers fan.




Does anyone else find this absolutely hilarious? :lol: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Ultimate Warrior is a Laker fan.

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What about Olikawanda? I think that's how it's spelled. That guy was doing a pretty good job actually.

I don't think Malone will be able to guard KG on Sunday......not as good as he was when he was fresh and KG was tired.

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Moreover, I've won the trivia question prize package TWICE.


It's up to you to extricate yourself from the putrid mire of doubt and disbelief that has invariably shrouded your perception. If you want to eschew the ineluctable stress that accompanies jealousy, and in turn, avoid the concomitant bout with heart disease that will follow, I advise you to champion the 2004 NBA World Champions, in the hope that you, too, can be an ebullient Lakers fan.

I'd rather be a Clippers fan than a bandwagon Lakers fan, like yourself.



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Bloody hell...


The bickering in here is becoming hard to read folks.


Keep the "team x" hate down to a miminmum in this thread. This thread is meant for discussions about the Playoffs/Finals, not petty bickering about whether or not "team x" is the "greatest" or not. That can be discussed in another thread.


The sniping and bickering hurts the flow of this thread, which I've gotten some complaints about now. Keep it to a minimum.



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Guest Vitamin X
What about Olikawanda? I think that's how it's spelled. That guy was doing a pretty good job actually.

I don't think Malone will be able to guard KG on Sunday......not as good as he was when he was fresh and KG was tired.

The series is being played every other day, which was the exact same layoff that KG had going from Game 7 on Wednesday to Game 1 on Friday. If anything, Garnett just might be getting more tired, whereas Malone might get tired quicker.


I also like how in the first half LA was switching up defenders on different guys, and the T-Wolves responded by doing the same. This could end up being a great series of Sprewell responds and becomes Tony Parker version 2.

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