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Betty Houle

Books you're shamed to admit that you read

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I actually read:


FOREVER by Judy Blume

Bob Ueker's autobiography


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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I don't exactly see why you're ashamed to read anything, unless you're a stereotypical bikie that reads corny small paperback romance novels.


For them, anyway.

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I agree with Harry Potter.


Also, I've read some "Star Trek" novels before. Unless Peter David is writing them, that is something to be ashamed about.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yes, I was going to mention the Harry Potter novels...


And why the hell would you be ashamed to have read The Bible??


And we're stereotyped as being Trekkies.

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Yes, I was going to mention the Harry Potter novels...

Nothing to be ashamed of there. They're very well written books.

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And why the hell would you be ashamed to have read The Bible??

Well, it goes against what you may expect from me. It was a half joke answer anyway.


Yes, Harry Potter may be well written, but I don't just read them... I draw fan art. And they are children's books. I know some try to argue otherwise, but if you hold them to a higher standard than that, they stop being well written.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think we should really see some of your Harry Potter drawings.

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Ok. They're mostly done the old fashioned way, but I do have one on the computer. Drawing with a mouse is very out of character for me, so you'll have to forgive the crudity. It's Hermione, the female lead of the series.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Why are her eyes completely black? I haven't read a single paragraph of the series, so I don't know.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yeah - that's a pretty awesome drawing.


And I'm not ashamed to have read those books - which is why I didn't mention them.


Check out the book discussion thread for my current status on them.

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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence ... every wanna-be intellectual in my high school class claimed to have 'read it and loved it' so I always used to shit all over it (not literally, mind you). But then in college I had to read it for one of my english classes. So, after years of using it as a punch line, I had to suck it up and read it.

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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence ... every wanna-be intellectual in my high school class claimed to have 'read it and loved it' so I always used to shit all over it (not literally, mind you). But then in college I had to read it for one of my english classes. So, after years of using it as a punch line, I had to suck it up and read it.

uhm....that book is incredible.

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I can't say I read the whole thing, but the book I'm the most ashamed of owning is this book called "The History of Zionism" that I bought when I was on this "I'm gonna read really boring books and act really intectual" kick. Countless words on 750 big pages of SUCK.

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I read Chyna's biography. :( Forgive me Father...

Dang it. You took my answer. Of course, I've also read the even more horrendous "I'm Next" by Bill Goldberg. He actually admits to having no clue how to work in the wrestling ring in the book. And that's the only interesting couple of paragraphs in the entire book.

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I read Hardy Boys books......








The books have the most ridiculous stories, but I always read them anyway.

Which ones - the current editions or the old blue hardcovers? I always hear about how they're "dumbed down" now, so I'm just curious.

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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence ... every wanna-be intellectual in my high school class claimed to have 'read it and loved it' so I always used to shit all over it (not literally, mind you).  But then in college I had to read it for one of my english classes.  So, after years of using it as a punch line, I had to suck it up and read it.

uhm....that book is incredible.

uhm....I disagree.


I really don't know enough about you as a person to comment on you, snuffbox, so please don't think that this is an attempt to describe you. But most of the people that I know that love(d) that book say they do because it's a cool, quasi-intellectual thing to say.


Tell me, snuffbox, what made the book so incredible for you? I personally found the plot to be barely there, the writing style to be wordy purely for the sake of being wordy, and the deep meaning to be meaningless.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
all my textbooks for school.

You're kidding. Right?


If Bill Goldberg knows that he can't work in the ring and is not bothered to learn, then HE SHOULDN'T BE IN THE FUCKING PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING INDUSTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE, LET ALONE IN JAPAN.


I haven't read that one, but thuganomics, I've heard that he talks about football way too much. Does he?

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Goldberg actually comes clean about a few things in his book, thanking people for his success and admits he knows jack shit in the ring. Also mentions his first clean loss being to Hector Guerrero. Not a good book, but he's not an ass in writing.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Goldberg actually comes clean about a few things in his book, thanking people for his success and admits he knows jack shit in the ring. Also mentions his first clean loss being to Hector Guerrero. Not a good book, but he's not an ass in writing.

Yeah, I applaud the guy for admitting those things.


But why the fuck is he currently working Japan?

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

If I had the answer to that question, I might have addressed it.



But my guess is the same way he came to working the WWE... and somehow went over all their top talent in a year.

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