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Guest Coffey
Really, if what I said was "flaming" (making a sarcastic off-topic response), then 75% of this board is comprised of flamers.

Hence why the WWE folder is in a bad state. I wish more sarcastic responses would get called out. It does nothing except make the people who get ridiculed not want to post anymore. Then we have nothing but the sarcastic people being sarcastic and sassy back and forth amongst each other and no one ever stays on topic.


I fail to see why you don't think there is a problem with going off-topic!


We've needed a mod "with a stick up their ass" for a long time. I don't know how everyone else feels, but I come here for the discussion. I don't come here to read people trolling, flaming, or role-playing. I like long, thought-out, well written, on-topic posts. I like debating points back and forth. I like hearing a varying opinion on different wrestling related subjects. I don't want a mod that is going to be my friend and post nice and agree with everything I say. I want a mod that hangs back, posts rarely and is constantly moderating the forum. I want a mod that will only step in to tell someone that they are doing something wrong. Keep the flaming/trolling low. Keep the bad posts filtered/moved. Keep the bad posters in check.


I like posts where people reply to the thread at hand and then address subjects as they arise throughout the post. I don't like when someone gets bashed for having a difference of opinion. I don't like when the people here try to act funny (because they never are. Check out all the caption threads for examples) and I certainly don't like when people think that they are better than other people. It's discouraging to see a poster blasted verbally because he doesn't agree with the majority. It's like most of the people here fail to realize that the more opinions we get, the better the discussion will become. So what if someone doesn't like Chris Benoit? Big deal is someone does like Bill DeMott. We need the varying opinions!


Then you add in all the immaturity and the negativity. Add in the egos and personal grudges. Add in the attempts at humor, or role-playing or flame-baiting. What you have left is the WWE folder. A collective amount of people sharing the same opinion about everything. Everyone else is an outkast. Ran off by negativity, sarcasm, etc.


I say "nikjohns" is doing a commendable job, but if we get more/different mods we don't need lighter mods. We need more strict mods. Stricter even. People with bigger sticks and smaller assholes.

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Guest FrigidSoul

If that's what you're looking for in discussion Coffey you'd be better served to go to SNKT(which I've seen you register at). The WWE Folder here is a laid back shoot the breeze type of folder. I don't know if Dames and others in charge really want to change that, but if they do there are ways.


I say "nikjohns" is doing a commendable job, but if we get more/different mods we don't need lighter mods. We need more strict mods. Stricter even. People with bigger sticks and smaller assholes.


I don't quite think they're ready to hand the keys over to me full time yet hehehe

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I like posts where people reply to the thread at hand and then address subjects as they arise throughout the post. I don't like when someone gets bashed for having a difference of opinion. I don't like when the people here try to act funny (because they never are. Check out all the caption threads for examples) and I certainly don't like when people think that they are better than other people. It's discouraging to see a poster blasted verbally because he doesn't agree with the majority. It's like most of the people here fail to realize that the more opinions we get, the better the discussion will become. So what if someone doesn't like Chris Benoit? Big deal is someone does like Bill DeMott. We need the varying opinions!

Differing opinions are more than welcome.


It's how people express those differing opinions that gets them bashed.


If you say something like


HBK kicked Benoit's little Canadian bacon ass!


You probably wil get bashed. And yes, that was an actual quote posted in a thread in this very folder.


There are plenty of HHH fans here who can distribute intelligent opinions. But the majority of them (at least when I frequented the folder) will simply respond to you with flamebaiting or some other comment that adds nothing of worth. Of course, you can't bash them back or it's "omg im sory i haev differnt opinyon u fag~" or some similar comment. There are plenty of people here who don't like Benoit or like DeMott who are liked by the posters.


And it's the same on both sides of the fence, there are people who are fans of the favorite wrestlers here who add nothing and post the same tired out argument over and over again. Most know who I'm talking about, I won't mention them by name.


It's funny though, people bitch about how bad the mods are...yet when one tries to crack down in the WWE folder...more bitching. Slayer isn't the first to voice disdain in this folder over nik.

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Guest Coffey

The people whom complain about the mods are usually the problem posters, and that's why they don't like the mods who actually do something.


I do post over at the Sanktuary, but the activity isn't off the charts.

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I'm not sure what fantasy world Lance Coffey ("If I may be serious for a moment...") is looking for, but personally I don't come here for long thought out discussions, as, quite frankly, my attention span has eroded over the years to almost nothing. I do the same thing here as I do in person, which is mock people who take things too seriously (Coffey apparently would fall onto this list), while maybe now and again kicking in an occasional bit of serious discussion.


Personally I don't care that much about the WWE folder, but since I use the "Get New Posts" button, I see and read posts from almost every folder on the board, rather than going to an individual folder like I imagine most people do. I can't help if threads in there do deserve mocking (not that it's the only folder that does, mind you *coughCEcough*), but when you have people like glennsoe or gearhead making thread after thread of nothing, I think I would be the least of the folder's problems. This is one reason why it so humorously caught me off guard when nik PMed me saying one of my typical posts was flaming and banworthy.


Maybe some of the issues you mentioned do need to be addressed, but really, I don't care. Personally, I'll continue going about things the way I have.

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The people whom complain about the mods are usually the problem posters

Yay, I'm a problem poster. I'm moving up in the world.


and that's why they don't like the mods who actually do something.

As said before, I have had very minimal problems with any of the mods before this.

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I have to agree with Angelslayer here. Even though he and I go back and forth, there is no way in hell I would call him a problem poster. I don't see anything wrong with alittle mocking. I have seen nikjohns close a lot of threads (some duplicate threads, but I'm not in that folder long enough to really give a damn about him.

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Guest Dazed

Threads are closed for two reasons (at least, when I close them) - firstly if they are duplicates, in which case I try to give a link, and secondly if they've fallen down Retarded Street, and don't know the way back.

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Threads are closed.....if they've fallen down Retarded Street, and don't know the way back.

Nik, from what I've seen, these aren't the only threads you seem to be closing. You're locking practically any thread that manages to get off-topic from the original post, and this is doing more harm than good to the entertainment-value of the folder. Yes, some of the threads should obviously have intelligent conversation, but there should definitely be room for the occasional joking thread as well.


Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco


Bane & Seven from OVW


Vince McMahon's Ladder Legrop


100 Reasons Why the Big Bossman is Better than Goldberg


These have all been WWE Threads that went off topic in a humorous way, and wound up in the Classics folder as a result. If you were moderating the WWE Folder at the time, how many of these topics would have actually stayed open? I'm wagering none.


In my opinion, you're way too much of a dictator in the WWE Folder. Nik, you just really have to let things go sometimes. Be a little more loose. Let threads run their course - even the off-topic ones will eventually die out in a few days. If minor flaming happens to occur in a certain topic, there's no need to rule with an iron fist. Just let it run its course. Nearly every time, the flaming stops on its own and the conversation continues as usual. Most of us are mature people, and I'm sure we can handle insults from someone over the computer. You also seem to have this notion that the folder should just be filled with non-stop serious conversation, and that any sarcastic comment could tear away the fabric of TSM. Calm down. TSM is supposed to be a place to relax in your free time. Instead, the WWE Folder has recently acquired an eerie feeling of high school, with the dean waiting around the corner, just itching to send people to detention.


I understand the obligations that you have as WWE Folder Moderator, and I know that the title may carry a lot of pressure. But I would think that the main problems of the WWE Folder are duplicate threads....exceedingly hurtful flaming.....insanely stupid posters that add nothing to conversation.....these are the problems that need to be tackled to improve the quality of the folder. Attacking sarcastic comments and locking off-topic threads will only hurt the folder and dampen conversation, which is something I'm sure many of us don't want.

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Guest Dazed
Nik, from what I've seen, these aren't the only threads you seem to be closing. You're locking practically any thread that manages to get off-topic from the original post, and this is doing more harm than good to the entertainment-value of the folder. Yes, some of the threads should obviously have intelligent conversation, but there should definitely be room for the occasional joking thread as well.


No, I'm not. Examples, plz.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Nik, from what I've seen, these aren't the only threads you seem to be closing. You're locking practically any thread that manages to get off-topic from the original post, and this is doing more harm than good to the entertainment-value of the folder. Yes, some of the threads should obviously have intelligent conversation, but there should definitely be room for the occasional joking thread as well.


No, I'm not. Examples, plz.

I think it was a little strict for throwing the flaming rule at me for telling -iB- to stop posting (those were the exact rules), which has become a more popular term when he says something stupid.

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Guest Coffey

I fail to see why people are complaining when a moderator enforces the rules of the forum.


Let things go? That would defeat the purpose of having any moderators at all!


BBCW, he wasn't out of line with his telling you to stop. Unless you're a moderator and I didn't get the memo, you have no reason to tell anyone else what they can or can not do as it pertains to the rules of the forum. I admit that I'm guilty of that as well. I don't know if it was flaming as much as it was flame baiting and a little off-topic, but if I recall you went on to reply to the topic at hand afterwards. The way I took it was basically nik told you to stop it...because there was no reason to say what you said.

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Guest Dazed
I think it was a little strict for throwing the flaming rule at me for telling -iB- to stop posting (those were the exact rules), which has become a more popular term when he says something stupid.

FWIW, I spoke to -iB- via messenger earlier, and asked him to "lurk more, post less", which he has agreed to do. He can't be banned, as he hasn't broken any rules, but yes - he was annoying. Telling him to "stop posting", rather than "you are wrong, because... " isn't helpful. Tell him why and how he fucked up, and he can learn. He's young, and does need to learn.

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Nik, from what I've seen, these aren't the only threads you seem to be closing. You're locking practically any thread that manages to get off-topic from the original post, and this is doing more harm than good to the entertainment-value of the folder. Yes, some of the threads should obviously have intelligent conversation, but there should definitely be room for the occasional joking thread as well.


No, I'm not. Examples, plz.

Okay. Well, just to go over the topics you've closed:


Big Name Rappers to appear at WWE PPV - Definitely should have stayed open. For what reason was it closed? Being off-topic....


Randy Orton Earning Respect Backstage - Turned into a discussion of Randy Orton's wrestling skills......in a thread about Randy Orton. Just because one person was acting like a tard doesn't mean the whole thing should have been locked.


Picture of WWE Logo - Not an overly intelligent thread, but not one that deserved to be closed. Why not leave it on its own, and see if it could go anywhere?


WWE Character Development - Yes, the constant topic starting of gearhead can be annoying. But this thread did actually seem somewhat valid. The previous thread that discussed gimmicks was a news thread, and it was basically centered around the Booker T name change. This topic was talking about a whole bunch of gimmicks being brought back, and where WWE could go with it. Didn't need to be closed.


Bradshaw's Push: Why are you complaining? - Er......which thread was created to specifically talk about Bradshaw's push, and the positives and negatives of it?


Plus, there are WWE topics that have been closed without any specification of who actually locked them. The thread about Stephanie McMahon planning the Jackie push, for one.


I'm not saying most of these threads contained brilliant discussion that would enrich everyone's lives, but there wasn't really a reason to lock them and stifle any further conversation that could have continued in the threads. Once again, sometimes you just need to let things be. I would hope discussion of Randy Orton's skills in a thread about Randy Orton isn't one of the major problems of the WWE Folder.

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I fail to see why people are complaining when a moderator enforces the rules of the forum.


Let things go? That would defeat the purpose of having any moderators at all!

What a ridiculous line of thinking. Moderators should be there to do exactly that - moderate. When Tim Russert is moderating a debate between two presidential candidates, does he try to control the debate with an iron fist? If Geroge Bush uttered a negative comment towards Al Gore during their debate, did Russert chastise the both of them and demand they take it backstage? If Al Gore went off-topic in a discussion about lockboxes, did Russert say that the topic was locked and absolutely any further discussion on the subject would hereby be banned? Nope. Like most moderators, Russert is there to control certain problems in the debate, but still let the discussion take place.


Just like I feel nikjohns should be there to control certain problems of the WWE Folder - like multiple threads, out-of-control flaming - but still let discussion take place, even if it may not seem like the greatest topic in the beginning. I don't see how ruling the board with an iron fist will improve anything....the slow disappearance of fun and spontaneity in the WWE Folder will, in fact, start to drive people away.

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Guest Dazed

Big Name Rappers to appear at WWE PPV- Locked for being WAY off topic, and a stupid "rap sucks" "lol, no" "yes" discussion.

Randy Orton Earning Respect Backstage - Locked as justified, because Man of... fagged it up. Maybe the weakest locking of the bunch.

Picture of WWE Logo- Locked for being pathetic.

WWE Character Development - Locked for being a duplicate

Bradshaw's Push - Locked for being a duplicate

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Guest FrigidSoul

Merge the duplicates. If you just plain lock them you create tiny cluster fucks. There's meaning behind me asking this, its just tech stuff I don't want to explain.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I had the right to not respect Droz (this isn't Nazi Germany or Commi Russia). Plus how did he became part of the discussion anyway? I don't think I started it.

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Nikjohns seems to have a Napolean complex. It seems like he get a little bit of power and is now on a mini power trip. (And I say a little bit of power because he can't fully ban anyone) Ease up some, maybe warn people to get back on topic or you'll close it. When all efforts are exhausted, then close it.

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I spoke to -ib- myself personally as well and he has seemed to heed both Nik and mine's advice.


Furthermore, there is no winning.


Being a mod is a catch .22. You either get complaints for not doing enough or else you get complaints for doing too much. There is no middle ground with being a mod and you (have to) roll with the punches if you're to keep your sanity from slipping.


CC and Goodear have been very busy lately and Nik's been pulling triple duty for the folder while Loss is also attending to some personal matters at home. I'm shocked that he's still willing to enter the folder and do some mod work. The whole reason I suggested that the WWE folder have more than one folder mod is because the place get's the most traffic out of any other folders here. I wouldn't wish anyone on the staff to handle modding that folder by themselves. Yet Nik has not complained once to the staff about the folder or how the posters have reacted to him. He's come to us asking for advice on matters and that's something I'm glad he does because sometimes the Global Mods don't catch stuff that happens in the folder.


I wouldn't have known about -ib- being a pain for some folks had Nik not come to me asking about how he should handle the situation.


Being a mod is about trial and error. Nik's feeling his way around the folder and so far he's done a solid job with a place that a number of the Global Mods don't care to enter. He's taken on the task of trying to help maintain some civility and composure (see: acting like civil human beings in debates/arguments) in threads that look to veer totally off topic and possibly degenerate into another flaming session where someone's calls wrestler x names or else flames the heck out of a poster for challenging their views.


But either way, Nik is going to pick up flak since people in general don't like having things done for them when they're doing something out of leisure such as posting at a message board during the hours of work or downtime at home with nothing to do.


Angelslayer is not a problem poster. He's one of the posters here at the board that I've always managed to find amusing. If Nik knew the type of posts that AS makes as well as AS the poster then he probably wouldn't have said anything to the guy. But he didn't and was looking to have AS punished. Putting it all in context, I couldn't blame Nik for feeling that way. The PM that AS sent Nik is grounds for a banning but the situation that led up to their encounter should not have warranted such a response from either guy so I spoke to both men about it and managed to (hopefully) get them to see eye-to-eye on why they had a massive communication breakdown.


Nik used poor judgement in reprimanding AS for the behavior he has always exhibited but AS used poor judgement as well by coming up with a PM that says "fuck off" since I would have wanted him banned too had I not known the type of person AS is. Joking or not, that is *not* a smart PM to make out to a member of the staff here. This then puts others like myself in between a rock and a hard place when trying to fix the situation and smooth things over with the mod and poster in quetsion when I know AS was just being a prick like he is half the time (and revels in it I might add). I wasn't going to ban AS but I also couldn't let Nik get dissed like that and not offer him any help when he came to me about the situation. If I had taken AS's PM as a malicious insult then he would have been banned pronto and Nik would have become public enemy number one on the board and in the process create a giant headache for the staff members in calming down the posters who would want his head on a stake since the staff here don't sell their own out up the river.


No one ever said being a mod was easy and I've been fortunate enough to see that Nik hasn't felt this way. I've known a number of people who couldn't cut it as a mod and break down the first time they get some dirt kicked in their face by some posters and so far Nik has managed to weather the criticisms but also take them under consideration since he's always looking to improve as a mod (something I find very admirable). He's got his rough edges but over time they'll smooth out once he becomes more familiar with the territory and start to let shit slide that has normally done so in the past.


Folks don't want to screw up when they're given this type of job and sometimes they can go overboard in "proving" themselves as a staff member. So far the mods that have been added to the staff over the past several months haven't stirred up too much of a commotion with the board members (with the WWE folder mods being the ones that have been criticized the most since they were all added on) and that shows me that they must be doing something right.


Making decisions as a mod is a double-edged sword and is a thankless job. But I'm thankful towards the folks who have remained on the staff without breaking down or causing catastrophe's out of spite for the critics they have since this is not an easy job to have. This job is about trial and error and sometimes we luck out and get no complaints about things we do and other times we get 8 pages of people complaining about something we've done.


But I digress.


It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it.


::spits in a can::

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For the last time


It was "fuck you" not "fuck off"


I say this facetiously, but there really is a difference in meaning between the two


*revels in being a dick*

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I find being a moderator to be terribly easy, actually. That's because I have no regard for the feelings or opinions of others, though.


and look at it this way, you could have me in the WWE folder. The herd would get thinned quick.

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I find being a moderator to be terribly easy, actually. That's because I have no regard for the feelings or opinions of others, though.


and look at it this way, you could have me in the WWE folder. The herd would get thinned quick.

Well, you are a global mod, which includes the WWE folder


Personally I've had no issue with the way you've done things, Agent.


BTW, did I ever tell you that I view you like a long-lost younger brother?


Thought you might like to know that

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I realize I could run over that folder with a lawnmower, but there's seriously about fifteen people I want to ban out of spite that post there, plus I hate wrestling anymore, so there's really no reason for me to go in there except to be a jerk. Loss and Nik are both in there more than enough for my presence to matter.


People really shouldn't view me as a family member. That means we'd share genetic information, which most people probably wouldn't want to do.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I wouldn't be surprised to find out AoO is somehow related to me. He's a real prick and could give a shit less about being so. That fits the mold of most of my family members.

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