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The best wrestling characters are exxagerations of your natural personality. Steve Austin really is a beer drinking rednack. The Rock really is charisma incarnate. Shawn Michaels really used to be a cocky fuck and really is now a chilled out christian. RVD really is a stoner.


Same's true for e-feds. Exageration versions of yourselves.


Chris Card is cocky me. Va'aiga is ANGRY me. Alan CLark is a cool character cos Rando really is happy go lucky. Coy West isn't cos Ejiro is Ejiro - that's why Ejiro sucks. Coy WILD West is more like Ejiro's nice side IRL and I've never talked to him. That's how confident I am of my theory. Silent is evil - evil SEEN Kibs burn people? Ditto Thoth, and that's why the BCW sucked. cos that's who CED is and NOT who Thoth is. Now if Thoth turned on Ced and became and EVIL DDR player, that would rule. Thugg wants to kick everyone's ass - sorry chief, you do start a ton of flamewars and you know it, but Thugg's a great character and a great writer. Dace really is psycho like that, as is Aecas. In a cool way of course. I've met Dace and he told me Aecas was. Tom's cocky. He's not THAT cocky, but he's cocky. Grap's such a great writer that he can get over not being himself - he's his OATTOAST character really. Danny as a character is like Grap but it works better cos Danny *IS* that serious and dedicated. Duran's an evil motherfucker - he's the one who taught me the threat "I'm going to skullfuck you with a tire iron". Frost is a comic genius and that's why the Memphis Eel is the coolest thing since sliced bread. King is probably King and Edwin is probably Ediwn, same as Ejiro.


If i've forgotten anyone, it's not delibrearte, honest. If anyone takes this as a flame, it's NOT it's constructive criticism.


If you ever think about changing character bear this in mind. I didn't. Nor did Ejiro. I heard Grap was thinking about it - only if it's good for you dude.


I'm not a Senegalese gangster, and I'm retiring cos I don't have much more time to spend. But I love this fed and I'll be sticking around, both as Card and as Natasha as characters to use for other stuff. Who's Natasha? She's my ex girlfriend. And my next one \m/.


Tell me i'm not right.


Will "Chris Card" Geddes

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Well, bud, I'm sorry to see you leaving the matchwriting area. It's always a shame to lose someone of World Title caliber, especially when you were pursuing such an interesting character.


I'm glad to see you'll still be around as a character, though.

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What about me? :huh:


Aside from being black, WC doesn't bear any resemblance to me at all; he's not even what I was like back when I was his age... I just thought it would be cool to do one day...

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WC you're Spots not Plots. Youre a better writer than you are a promo dude and cos you're not you that's WHY. Wildchild is a hella cool character, but he's not you and that why you don't get involved in enough angles.


EDIT: Unless Wildchild is who you wanna be. Wildchild is you if you got to go to as many parties as you wanted to. That works too - i'm not as evil as card, but i'd like to be sometimes :)

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

JD is a pot smoking, ass kicking, emotional trainwreck of an alcoholic who has a tendency to take twice as much as he dishes out only to try and retaliate by shelling out twice as much, thus completing the vicious and ironic circle... Are you implying something Card? :ph34r:

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Sorry to see you go, man. I had a lot of fun with our feud, even if I did win the blowoff by no-show. Hope to see you back here eventually (because, honestly, who DOESN'T come back?)

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Guest Goodear

Coy West isn't cos Ejiro is Ejiro - that's why Ejiro sucks. Coy WILD West is more like Ejiro's nice side IRL and I've never talked to him. That's how confident I am of my theory.


Wait.. what? Okay here is the scoop, Ejiro is bitter me jammed to the highest degree. 'Coyote' Coy was supposed to be happy goofy me but I found out goofy doesn't translate well and I don't feel all that goofy that often. 'Wild' West works for me more because its a more serious good side to me. So... yes theory is solid.


You there... no retiring! I better see CC wrestling or something major DAMNNNNNNNNNN YOUUUUUUUUUUU!

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I ain't going anywhere man. I just ain't writing matches regularly ever again. Oh note that little word regularly. If I NEED to own your asses I will.

I refer the good gentleman to my earlier response


And no WC. I don't lit weights, but i'm going to start because a scary jamaican dude has offered for me to go down the gym with him and his friends.


Kibs, Crow... I just said scary jamaican dude. you know who that means.

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Judge. You're a republican. you buttfuck the poor up the ass and fool them with tax cuts and the media. You blow up foreigners to make money for the arms industry. You screw over anyone who you can to make money for yourselves and you're PROUD OF IT. Your'e the party of nepotism - only in America could a C grade student make president cos his daddy was already. You're the party of the rich (the democrats are the party of the people who WANT to be rich and have a semi clear conscience - there is no party of anyone else)


You're the best damn natural heel in the federation.


EDIT: If you can spot the tautology, you have no business voting for monkey boy.

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So what am I?

You're a guy who once used a course packet on the fall of communism as a weapon.


I think the theory holds.

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Coy West isn't cos Ejiro is Ejiro - that's why Ejiro sucks. Coy WILD West is more like Ejiro's nice side IRL and I've never talked to him. That's how confident I am of my theory.


Wait.. what? Okay here is the scoop, Ejiro is bitter me jammed to the highest degree. 'Coyote' Coy was supposed to be happy goofy me but I found out goofy doesn't translate well and I don't feel all that goofy that often. 'Wild' West works for me more because its a more serious good side to me. So... yes theory is solid.


You there... no retiring! I better see CC wrestling or something major DAMNNNNNNNNNN YOUUUUUUUUUUU!

I speak my mind. Often I don't type it. Coyote Coy sucks. Wild West rules. Ejiro Rules. You just explained why AND backed me up.


\m/, right Z?

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This is my thread Jay Dawg. On my thread you take two tokes and you pass no matter HOW hardcore you are...


Of course the joints are 10" long cocktails of solid and bud, made using my rolling mat.


EDIT: And Superking Ultralights. No niccotine hit.

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All of you potsers need a size 13 in the ass. Fortunately for you, I'm available on Sundays; I provide high-quality foot in the ass and, for the first five who call, I'm offering a boot to the head, at no extra charge.

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Johnny. You should turn heel TODAY. No. Wait. W&D should turn heel. Wildchild, you've never played a heel and really LET GO, and if you did you'd be world champ by now. Johnny you'd rather be insulting people than cheering them up, you like to burn. if you like to burn play a heel.


AmazingRAW: can i post that

reality55check: Ahem.

reality55check: Don't start flamewars.

reality55check: Quote me as saying that, then post it.


Crow you're another hardcore stoner *takes two tokes and passes* - Overuse of cannabis causes psychosis. Crow. Silent. Jay Dawg. Va'aiga. Va'aiga is a stoner? Good god.


Myu book "The Zen Of Roleplaying" will be available in all stores run by comic book guy from the Simpsons published next march.

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The BCW was my way of getting Ced to come out of retirement.


It's no secret that the moment I'm done with CC, whenever that may be, I'm in no hurry to stop, but whenever that time comes, I have stats ready to go for a new character. And maybe you'll think he's like me, maybe not, but it's a side I definitely want to show.

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Now I know I haven't been around that long - but Toxxic is a character that I have played in the past (by which I mean I have adopted his infuriating air of smugness and cockiness in order to deal with situations).


So I say the theory holds.

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