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Eugene Training Segment

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Man, I didn't know Dinsmore was an EIGHT time heavyweight champ down there. Anywho, the segments are awesome, and I've always liked the exploitation of retards. Can't wait to see Nick go over Rob next week.

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I loved that segment! It absolutely made the night for me. I loved the HHH Bottle thing in the video...LOL. Great stuff...

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame
Honestly, if you didn't see the idiot savant angle coming from last week, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The only problem with the angle/gimmick is that it limits Dinsmore. You can't have an autistic World Champ, or even Intercontinental Champ. He'll just wallow in the midcard, no matter how great in the ring or how over he is. It's just the way it is.


I've got a feeling when the gimmick runs its course they have someone do something to him that means he 'snaps' out of it. Of course you can't medically do that with autism but that will be what WWE do.

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Guest MikeSC
Honestly, if you didn't see the idiot savant angle coming from last week, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The only problem with the angle/gimmick is that it limits Dinsmore. You can't have an autistic World Champ, or even Intercontinental Champ. He'll just wallow in the midcard, no matter how great in the ring or how over he is. It's just the way it is.


I've got a feeling when the gimmick runs its course they have someone do something to him that means he 'snaps' out of it. Of course you can't medically do that with autism but that will be what WWE do.

I figure a huge chair shot to the head and --- BAM! --- he's cured!


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I figure a huge chair shot to the head and --- BAM! --- he's cured!


Alternatively, they'll give him a huge chairshot, building to the fact that it'll "cure" him...


and then have him pass out and explain it as a hemorrhage or some other really bad thing that would happen as the result of a chairshot.


Cut to Eugene being stretchered out, and JR muttering, "It always used to work on The Flintstones..."

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Honestly, if you didn't see the idiot savant angle coming from last week, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The only problem with the angle/gimmick is that it limits Dinsmore. You can't have an autistic World Champ, or even Intercontinental Champ. He'll just wallow in the midcard, no matter how great in the ring or how over he is. It's just the way it is.

There's ways out of it... it can be gradually phased out ala Kane/Bubba Dudley/Rick Steiner. He can turn heel and reveal that it's a gimmick, or reveal Bischoff forced him to act like that to keep his job. Or they can do the Russo "shoot" angle and have him come out and complain about Gewirtz making him play a retard every week on TV.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Disnmore making Regal his bitch was over-looked in my original post.


Regal demonstrating the arm drag, and Eugene out of nowhere going "Ricky Steamboat!" then Regal is all "Yes, Ricky Steamboat did arm drags, and good ones at that" or something along those lines.

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Guest Choken One

They need to do a segment where Regal and Flair just stand there and bark names and Eugene mimics them.


Regal: Sting

(eugene mimics the stinger splash and wooo shout)

Flair: BAGWELL~!

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Guest Trivia247

It was an awesome segment and they are DEFINATELY doing what we all here suggested. If he is gonna be like Rain man then Wrestling is he a savant about...... The vuneriblity for him will be him getting attacked in the back. He probably couldn't defend himself because in his mind he only equates Wrestling within the ring.


I think what would be cool is if Eugine starts shouting out called shots... like before he does a armdrag he calls out STEAMBOAT!

Or maybe a Flying Elbow drop he goes SAVAGE!

or a Dropkick KILLER BEE! etc etc etc

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Eh, that gimmick's only cool for Damien 666 and Stroker in comedy matches.


Any WWE logic doesn't really give him a huge well to go to with that one either.

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Well, at least it shouldn't be cut out in the UK like other Eugene segments. Hopefully.


You have to give credit to Dinsmore and Regal for making this whole storyline work, because both have played their roles brilliantly. Especially Regal, who must be one of the best performers outside of the ring the WWE currently employs. Hilarious.

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It was dumb...WWF 1993 dumb. I friggin loved it. The music, the HHH bottle, Dr. Tom marking out. It's crap like that they need to start doing again. I honestly look forward to Eugene segments more than anything else on the shows now.

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That training segment was window-lickin' good!

My vote for post of the week

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Guest Trivia247
It was dumb...WWF 1993 dumb. I friggin loved it. The music, the HHH bottle, Dr. Tom marking out. It's crap like that they need to start doing again. I honestly look forward to Eugene segments more than anything else on the shows now.

Especially when they did the zooms on everyones face and the decided to Zoom in on the HHH CUP!

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Guest Trivia247
Sadly the zoom on the HHH cup was probably so HHH could take credit for the success of that segment. </HHHater>

HHH probably will get a royality check since one of his products was being promoted

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That training segment was window-lickin' good!

My vote for post of the week

I'll second that!


And hey if Regal does decide to turn heel, and Eugene still feels he needs guidence he can just call on the services of his new best friend Dr. Tom.

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Scary thought I had...


WWE re-hires Zach Gowen...and puts him in a long-running feud with Eugene.

More like put them together as a tag team called "WWE's Special Team".

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Scary thought I had...


WWE re-hires Zach Gowen...and puts him in a long-running feud with Eugene.

I didn't mind Gowen on T.V., but there are two HUGE problems with him.


1.) He's pretty much a circus act.


2.) BEating anyone makes the person lose credibility. Look at Matt Hardy for example.


Pro wrestling...I mean Sports Entertainment is not for handicapped people, especially among "smart" fans.

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Guest macheteofodin

The only reason I've been watching Raw for the past couple of weeks was because of Eugene (I'm not kidding, haha), and I missed most of the fucking training segment. I came in right when he had Regal in the Regal Stretch. I guess I'll have to wait for the "Best of Eugene DVD" to come out to see it, haha.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I didn't like Dr. Tom's cheering, and the Ride of the Vaklyries music being used. It seemed way too campy. Everything else amused me, though, especially the water bottle.

That's hilarious.


If that was intentionally funny, then bravo, sir.

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Scary thought I had...


WWE re-hires Zach Gowen...and puts him in a long-running feud with Eugene.

More like put them together as a tag team called "WWE's Special Team".

Heh...the WWE Special Forces?

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I didn't read every post here but I thought it was funny that they put the Triple H water bottle in the segment... Now I see why people mock RAW as the HHH Show. I'm interested in the angle and I loved last nights segment

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Another thing that Eugene should do that I just thought of.


Since he's the "idiot savant" of wrestling, he needs to bust out rare moves rarely used.


Like the one I'm suggesting...







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