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Is it true that Europeans hate Americans?

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I think I might take a trip over the summer or somesuch. So I wonder, how true are these rumors of hostility I hear? Is it worth the effort to pretend I'm Canadian?

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Guest reshad974
I think I might take a trip over the summer or somesuch. So I wonder, how true are these rumors of hostility I hear? Is it worth the effort to pretend I'm Canadian?

If you don't act as Mister I Know everything and I am better than you, there absolutely no problem.

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Guest reshad974
But we're Americans.


Of coure we are better than everyone else...

Of course you are, everyone know that, but just for the time of your vacation, can you act as if you are just like us ? I know it sounds stupid but it makes us feel better....

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It's like if I'm going to Germany or France, I'll pretend to be Irish. You get much better service.

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I don't know about the rest of about all of Europe, but I didn't have any problems in Norway or Berlin. People were all pretty cool. Most places they'll be kind of angry if you don't make any attempt to speak in their language and just expect them to understand everything. In Scandanavia, though, almost everyone speaks good English. A few people told me it's because their TV shows and movies are subtitled rather than dubbed so they pick it up after a while during their childhoods.

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My last name is French but the pronunciation here is bastardized. The only time my last name has ever been pronounced correctly in French was during my 3 years of French in high school. I've always wanted to go to France but I probably won't be going anytime soon.

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Guest Museite

Having a go at the language may cause embarassment on your part, and they may have a laugh but it will go down better because you TRIED. Also make no references to War, Oil, Bush, Iraq etc etc and if you're going to Germany also make no mention of England's 5 - 1 and Romania's 5 - 1 batterings of their football (soccer) team.

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Guest frowned

I'm doing a year out (placement / intern-like thing) in Germany at the minute (I'm English) and I've had no problems with anyone having spoken to French, Germans, Spanish and many many more nationalities. In fact most Europeans like US tourists, just for the fact that they spend a lot of money. Although I was in a nightclub one night and this paranoid US army guy was going around trying to prove to his non-US mate that all Europeans hated the Americans, I don't think anyone agreed with him.


Europeans are generally quite intelligent and can quite simply distinguish between an American as an individual and the American government (which they despise rabidly). You shouldn't have any troubles, I say do it - the scenery is ace, there are castles everywhere, the food's decent (usually - no guarantees though) and the people are pleasant.

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Guest Museite

I recommend Northwestern Italy, Savona is a beautiful coastal city and not very touristy at all, and a couple of hours tops I think from Monte Carlo, maybe a bit longer to Milan etc

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I'm sure I'll have no trouble finding things to do, that region of Italy, yeah, somewhere I've always wanted to see. I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

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As Americans, I think we don't realize that the volume of our voices is loud and obnoxious to the soft-spoken Europeans. Don't talk loud and you probably won't aggrivate anyone.

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but just for the time of your vacation, can you act as if you are just like us?

You mean lay down at the first sight of conflict? I can do that

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I speak low anyway. Everybody's always like "Speak up." and I'm like "Fuck you.", cause fuck em, they can't hear me anyway.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Screw that shit, cut a swath through that goddamn continent like Patton. Let EVERYONE know you're an American.

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This in no way reflects my opinion. Just an experience I had. When I was in London, virtually every person would give me attitude when asking if I was an American. But as soon as I mentioned that I was Canadian they'd be all cheery. Go figure. ;)

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Just act like Lil Jon and you will be loved.

*Pictures IDRM walking around Europe with a goblet and medallion*








You'd be better of saying you're Canadian. Though I've heard that Lil Jon is to The Netherlands what David Hasselhoff is to Germany.

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Just don't act like the american stereotype; Be interested in their culture and what the region has to offer (i.e not insisting on burgers at every point) and just don't be loud and abrasive.


It's the stereotype the europeans dislike (and a slight general dislike due to the americanisation of their culture), avoid that and you'll avoid hassle.


Theres no need to act 'like' the europeans. Just don't be annoying and bear in mind there will be things they find annoying that aren't noticed in the US.

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I just spent two weeks in Italy and everyone was super nice to me, not to mention that everyone spoke English.


Although when I lived in Australia for 6 months I did get some problems for being american, but nothing major. I got a free movie ticket out of it too when I went to see The Ring in Cairns and for some reason the ticket girl flipped out on me saying "You Americans think you can do whatever you want." I got the free ticket from the manager and when I walked in to the theater I said "Thanks for the free ticket, cunt." That pissed her off even more than I wanted to.


Back on topic...no problems (for me at least) in Italy.

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