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Smackdown Spoilers

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That does it. I'm officially no longer marking or defending the "new" Undertaker from claims that he hasn't changed.


I knew Chokeslams would be the order of the day, but dude, you're not supposed to do the Last Ride on people right now. Goddamn.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Losing to TE Matt >>>>> losing to Jacqueline

Losing to Zach Gowen >>>>>>>>>>> losing to Jacqueline. At least Gowen is both a man, and a cruiserweight.

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How can Chavo go after the US or WWE title if he just lost to a woman who hasn't been on TV in months? It's one thing if it's a new wrestler they're debuting, but this is entirely another, since Jacky is plain horrible and this will ruin the division even more. Chavo runs over every CW the company has, then a woman comes in and beats him in 2 minutes.


I fail to see the logic.



Well, most of the CWs aren't big threats against anyone, seeing how I can't think of any outside of Chavo, Rey, and maybe Noble with a gimmick of some sort. Other than something really basic like "foreign guy" or "underdog". A loss against a woman, especially one who's known as being a tough bitch, isn't gonna kill Chavo's career too badly. Remember when Eddie had to share a title (I forget which) with Chyna? Look where he is. Holding the WWE title. He's headlining PPVs and stuff like that. Chavo could do the same one day.


And what's with the women hate? Let the women be something outside of eye candy. It'll keep any women activists off the WWE's back plus gives someone a reason to watch.


"Hey, Jimmy! Chavo's gonna get beat by a woman!"


"*insert term for 'cool' here*! Let's watch!"

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Remember when Eddie had to share a title (I forget which) with Chyna? Look where he is. Holding the WWE title. He's headlining PPVs and stuff like that. Chavo could do the same one day.

Actually, Jericho co-held the IC belt with Chyna, but I get what are you saying.


My major gripe with this was that the Cruiserweight title was finally becoming meaningful. The Chavo/Rey at No Way Out was advertised and built as one of the top matches on the card. The Wrestlemania match solidified Chavo with the belt. Lots of good things had been going to make the belt look good again, having a woman who hasn't been on TV for at least half a year beat the "unstoppable" champion just doesn't seem right, regardless of what has happened in the past. We'll see where it goes next week, but if she gets a reign longer than a week, it just won't seem right.

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I read who Chavo's opponent is, and I had to come into this thread for the first time ever. I figured that the ONLY talk would be about Chavo, and I was basicly right. So I don't need to worry about reading a spoiler for anything else. So far, I've been right about that too.


You are all BLIND if you don't get why this was done. People, she won it just so Steph could come back and be the one to defeat Jacqueline for the title.

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To me it looked like Chavo was gonna job either way.

Well, yeah, but...still.


If TE Matt hadn't gotten the concussion you'd probably be angry about how "The Jobber" won.


I'd have been shocked. I dunno about angry, although I wouldn't agree with it.


So which is better? The TE guy who (to my knowledge) has only had one televised match ever and who's last name I can't spell without looking at, as champ. Or Jackie who has a few shreads of overness from some point.


Do you really need that answered. The mark crowd would respond better to a rookie coming in and getting a fluke win than they will to Jackie as Cruiserweight Champion. Matt has done more to earn a title shot than Jackie.


She's beaten guys before so it makes sense that she could get a win.


Beating Crash Holly a few years ago doesn't really count. Jazz I could believe, because she wrestled men regularly in ECW. Jacquie beat Crash once.


Either way, you know Chavito is going to get a rematch and the odds of him winning are high.


The damage has been done. for the next few months, and maybe more, Chavito will have that hanging over his head...especially with Michael Cole being the anti-Chavo announcer.


Anyways, unless it involves Rey, I really don't care too much about the CW division. Yeah, I know that Paul London is probably great and all the other Cruisers are probably talented, but why exactly should I care about them?


Why should you care about London? He's had more ***** matches than the majority of the roster has. WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT JACKIE!?!


Anyways, with the belt on Jackie, they COULD push it out of the spotlight for a while until they find a contender outside of Rey for Chavito or until something is thought up for Chavito outside of the CW division. Yes, it would mean that Jackie would hold the title for a while, but if it gives Chavo a push towards the US or maybe even World Title, isn't it good overall?


Wait...so Chavo can't beat the least talented female on the roster, yet he'd be in line for a World Title shot. Layfield is bad enough for Eddie's credibility. That'd be just another nail in the coffin.


So why should Smackdown's creative staff make any attempts to please the people of this board when all they do is focus on the bad and make it seem like the world is coming to an end and call them stupid and make the idle death threats and stuff.


I agree partially. The whole OMG FUCK TEH WEE~! stuff is lame. But pleasing the fans is their job. Jackie as Cruiser Champ pleases no-one.


Being pessimistic about the show is only going to make it bad for you and those who have to listen to you talk about it, plus it'll ruin the rest of your day since you'll be all disgruntled and in a bad mood since you're convinced that the show was bad.


I have the right to be pessimistic when Chavo Guerrero is jobbing to Jacquline.


Just focus on the good. Like Eddie as champ. Rey back on Smackdown. Rico and Haas are getting consistant television time with an interesting gimmick. Judgement Day is close and once it's over Eddie can go on to something else. Hell, the JBL thing is good in it's own way. If they hadn't given him that gimmick, he could've been just generic heel Bradshaw. He could've returned to being Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. Plus, he was in a match with the "beloved" Paul London. Yes, London was El Gran Luchador, but it still got him T.V time right? So just focus on the good and everything will work out, because what I've learned is that nothing sucks forever. The Detroit Tigers seem to have come around. The Bengals almost made the playoffs in about 12 years and didn't have a losing season. Hell, look at Raw. It was kinda low for a while, but it has turned it's act around. Smackdown will come back around soon as long as it's not canceled or anything before then.


You're lucky I'm not AS, or you'd be WWEApologetic of the Week. Why should I be pleased that London's getting T.V time, when it's 5 minutes getting squashed under a mask? Why should I be pleased about Eddie being champ, when his title run has been a debacle...long before JBL. I enjoy JBL. I enjoy Rico/Haas. I enjoy Chavo. I do not enjoy Jacqueline holding a prestigious title, considering she's not worthy enough of being the Women's Champion.


And what's with the women hate?


It's not women hate. Not for me anyway. I realise some people's problem is with gender. Personally, if it were Jazz or Victoria or maybe even Trish or Molly, I wouldn't mind so much. It's Jacquline. Outside of Ivory, she's the least over women's wrestler in the company. She's probably better than Ivory and Kim, and the usual T&A girls...outside of them though, she sucks. She isn't good enough to hold the Women's Title. She's not even good enough to have a run in the frickin' division. Yet she's holding the Cruiserweight Champion, and beating someone like Chavo Guerrero with his father helping him. That's pathetic.



Apologies for the long rant...but things need to be said on this issue.

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

Yeah...... that cruiserweight thing sucks........ Jacquelene's knockers probably excede the weight limit......... sorry...... I've been rehearsing all week, I'm a little less witty than before. Anyway, I'll watch just for the Rvd/ Rey tag match.

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Guest Staggomatic

What is next for the CW division? An Evening Gown Match for the title at the next Smackdown ppv. Wait better not give them any ideas.


Smackdown Booker: Get this Chavo Jr in a evening gown....HAHA BRILLANT! :(

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Guest reshad974

Who's booking his crap ? seriously who is the head creative for Smackdown this days ?

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The Cruiserweight division is certainly dead after reading that fucking Jacqueline won the belt.  Who booked that shit anyway?  Johnny Ace?  Dave Lagana?  Steph?

According to pwinsider it was Stephanie who decided to put Jackie in the match. Like it was previously mentioned the challenger was supposed to be Matt Cappotelli but he suffered a concussion at a house show and was unable to wrestle.

And he was of course injured by Bob Holly. Fire him now!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhrgh!

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What is next for the CW division? An Evening Gown Match for the title at the next Smackdown ppv. Wait better not give them any ideas.


Smackdown Booker: Get this Chavo Jr in a evening gown....HAHA BRILLANT! :(

Silly--Torrie is your next CW champion.

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If they really wanted to have Chavo lose to the TE kid, why didn't they build an angle that could have carried over for the week or two until the kid is healthy enough to wrestle. (unless, of course, that he's as badly banged up Nowinksi, and they're worried that it'll take him a while to get 100%).


Kid comes out, tells Chavo that he accepts. Match is scheduled for later that night. Kid get mysteriously KO'ed backstage, and can't wrestle. Match is postponed til next week. It's that easy. If he's so badly hurt that he won't be ready next week, have Chavo chicken out to buy another week or 2, as needed.


Unless they were just so bent to get the belt off of Chavo that freaking minute.

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More from PWInsider....


If you read the Smackdown spoilers, you know that Jackie beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to win the Cruiserweight title. As Mike Johnson reported yesterday, WWE had planned to bring up Tough Enough 3 winner Matt Cappotelli to take on Chavo for the title, but he suffered a concussion on a house show on 4/24 and could not work last night.  So, Stephanie McMahon made the decision, from what I heard, to put Jackie in the bout instead. Jackie has been lobbying to wrestle against a man for a while now. I have talked to a number of people on the Smackdown roster who think this was a horrible move. I agree with them.

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Jacqueline as Cruiser champ makes perfect sense. She "wrestles" like a hoss, and that's quite obviously what's wrong with Smackdown. Not enough hosses.


Too bad Crash is gone, as he'd be getting a cruiserweight title match next week if he was still with us.

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Actually, I've thought about it and...this may not be too bad.


Remember the Malenko-Lita angle, where Malenko wore the socks in bed and wanted to get with Lita but had a wedding ring. And now look at him...





Chavo's screwed.

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Guest Anglesault
To me it looked like Chavo was gonna job either way. If TE Matt hadn't gotten the concussion you'd probably be angry about how "The Jobber" won. So which is better? The TE guy who (to my knowledge) has only had one televised match ever and who's last name I can't spell without looking at, as champ. Or Jackie who has a few shreads of overness from some point. And who cares if Jackie beat a guy? She's beaten guys before so it makes sense that she could get a win. Chavo Sr. interfered, allowing Jackie to get the low blow. That could cause a potential storyline right there with the two of them spliting. Either way, you know Chavito is going to get a rematch and the odds of him winning are high. Anyways, unless it involves Rey, I really don't care too much about the CW division. Yeah, I know that Paul London is probably great and all the other Cruisers are probably talented, but why exactly should I care about them? Anyways, with the belt on Jackie, they COULD push it out of the spotlight for a while until they find a contender outside of Rey for Chavito or until something is thought up for Chavito outside of the CW division. Yes, it would mean that Jackie would hold the title for a while, but if it gives Chavo a push towards the US or maybe even World Title, isn't it good overall?


Damn, I didn't mean to rant, but oh well. Anyways, what I want to leave off with is that if people called you stupid after every attempt at an intelligent comment, then you wouldn't make an effort to make smart comments anymore. So why should Smackdown's creative staff make any attempts to please the people of this board when all they do is focus on the bad and make it seem like the world is coming to an end and call them stupid and make the idle death threats and stuff. Being pessimistic about the show is only going to make it bad for you and those who have to listen to you talk about it, plus it'll ruin the rest of your day since you'll be all disgruntled and in a bad mood since you're convinced that the show was bad. Just focus on the good. Like Eddie as champ. Rey back on Smackdown. Rico and Haas are getting consistant television time with an interesting gimmick. Judgement Day is close and once it's over Eddie can go on to something else. Hell, the JBL thing is good in it's own way. If they hadn't given him that gimmick, he could've been just generic heel Bradshaw. He could've returned to being Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. Plus, he was in a match with the "beloved" Paul London. Yes, London was El Gran Luchador, but it still got him T.V time right? So just focus on the good and everything will work out, because what I've learned is that nothing sucks forever. The Detroit Tigers seem to have come around. The Bengals almost made the playoffs in about 12 years and didn't have a losing season. Hell, look at Raw. It was kinda low for a while, but it has turned it's act around. Smackdown will come back around soon as long as it's not canceled or anything before then.


Dammit, I still ranted.

Mindless optimism ROCKS!


Paul London gets TV time as a masked wrestler in a squash!


One of the most over guys on SD! is finally allowed back on the show!


Booker is an idiot!


The jobber of the women's division is Cruiser champ!


The tag champs left off the show!




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And he was of course injured by Bob Holly. Fire him now!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhrgh!

They'll probably give him another title shot instead.


It's funny. WWE rewards people who ACTUALLY injure people, and hold back those that have a reputation for doing it.


Good to see Undertaker squashing tagteams again. Why don't they put the Smackdown tag belts on him. Just him. Since we're busy ruining whole divisions anyway.


As for Jackie with the Cruiserweight belt, I wouldn't have minded a good female worker winning it after a good match, but Jackie may be the least unover person in the entire promotion. Bring out Vince's accountant and he'd get a bigger pop.


Next week: Vince wipes his ass with the Cruiserweight belt in order to elevate it slightly.

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Guest Anglesault

Jazz marching out and fighting Chavo for a couple minutes would have been a decent idea.

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Guest Choken One

How are these two even in the same company...


Vince really does want to re-create Raw Vs Nitro...And SD is getting 10 times worst then Nitro was...at least they still had 10 minute cw matches on constant basis and had a entertaining heel to oppose the minority champion.

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How fucking dumb can you get? I can't even fathom the booking meeting.


Person 1: "Listen guys, we have a packed crowd out there who we have let down for the past couple of weeks. Raw is getting better, we need to match them. Now, I have an idea that will draw us money because it worked so well for WCW in 1999. Jacqueline..."


Person 2: "Who?"


Person 1: "Black female wrestler."


Person 2: "Jazz?"


Person 1: "No. The one with the huge tits."


Person 2: "..."


Person 1: "You know, we use her in Houston."


Person 2: "Booker T isn't a woman or a cruiserweight."


Person 1: "No. You know, she wrestled Disco Inferno in 1996."


Person 2: "Who?"


Person 1: "You'll figure it out eventually. Now, as for the match, Jacqueline will beat Chavo Guerrero for the cruiserweight title."


Person 2: "WHAT?"


Person 1: "What?"


Person 2: "Why not Paul London?"


Person 1: "Who?"


Person 2: "You know, great wrestler, natural babyface charisma, cruiserweight."


Person 1: "...anyways, Jacqueline will..."


Person 2: "What about Jamie Noble? Rey Misterio? Hurricane? Any other cruiserweight?"


Person 1: "What about them? Anyways, Jackie over Chavo! Crowd will love it! We'll make MILLIONS!"



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I have a bad feeling we'll see a "Chavo tries to get the title back but Jackie luckily hangs on to it each time" storyline...


Just one more reason to hate Steph.


What does the Cruiserweight division need? If you said "more big fake tits," you're smart enough to work for the WWE.



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Jackie.....Jackie.....BLOODY JACKIE IS THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION?!? THEY COULDN'T PUT THE BLOODY BELT ON THE ULTIMO DRAGON BUT THEY'LL PUT THE BLOODY BELT ON JACKIE!!!! Screw them, this cmpany doesn't desrve my attention anymore. I hope this company goes under and goes under hard.

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Guest wrestlingbs
How can Chavo go after the US or WWE title if he just lost to a woman who hasn't been on TV in months? It's one thing if it's a new wrestler they're debuting, but this is entirely another, since Jacky is plain horrible and this will ruin the division even more. Chavo runs over every CW the company has, then a woman comes in and beats him in 2 minutes.


I fail to see the logic.



Well, most of the CWs aren't big threats against anyone, seeing how I can't think of any outside of Chavo, Rey, and maybe Noble with a gimmick of some sort. Other than something really basic like "foreign guy" or "underdog". A loss against a woman, especially one who's known as being a tough bitch, isn't gonna kill Chavo's career too badly. Remember when Eddie had to share a title (I forget which) with Chyna? Look where he is. Holding the WWE title. He's headlining PPVs and stuff like that. Chavo could do the same one day.


And what's with the women hate? Let the women be something outside of eye candy. It'll keep any women activists off the WWE's back plus gives someone a reason to watch.


"Hey, Jimmy! Chavo's gonna get beat by a woman!"


"*insert term for 'cool' here*! Let's watch!"

Listen... think about what you're doing... you're defending the WWE for putting the CW belt off Chavo Jr... the same Chavo that had a PPV match with Eddie... that defeated almost every CW at WM 20... and putting the belt on Jacqueline... the woman that was preiously known as a jobber for the Women's division... the woman that has the astonishing record of being the only woman still with the company since the Attitude era that hasn't gotten over once(even Ivory did that)... the woman who hasn't been on tv in a long time and hasn't proven that she deserves to be pushed... now, do YOU think that's a good idea?

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