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The next World Champion (Raw)

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My question here is simple. Who do you think should be the person to become World Heavyweight Champion on Raw?


If he can get a good program going with Benoit, I really think Kane should win the belt. Here's why. On Raw right now, three of the four credible main-event level heels are in Evolution. Since Orton and Batista wont challenge for the title under HHH, that leaves HHH and Kane as the only heels that can main event a PPV. While a face vs. face battle will work occasionally, the vast majority of PPV main events pit a face against a heel. Thus, for the main events to vary, either HHH or Kane should eventually gain the title.


Now as we all know, HHH has had three lengthy reigns recently, and is the only heel to be World Champion since the belt was institued on Raw. Letting him regain the title would be a gigantic mistake. Now Kane on the other hand, despite some recent misuse can instantly be a dangerous, psychotic, monster heel. He would not take any prestige away from the World Title if he won it at the July PPV after two months of feuding with Benoit.


In addition, Benoit would still have plenty of momentum at the top of the card coming off a dominant four month title reign in a year where he won the Royal Rumble from the #1 position and made HHH tap out in the main event of Wrestlemania.


It just seems better to let a heel have the belt while the challenger and champion both have momentum than to let the title matches get repetitive or worse, let some midcard piece of trash like Bradshaw start main eventing PPVs.


The only other good option I see for the title is to let HBK defeat HHH, and then turn heel on Benoit by cheating to win the title. However, since HBK is one of the two people that Benoit beat to win the title in the first place, and also one of the few who have been on top with the title, having him regain the title would seem more like a step back than a step forward.


While I know the smarks love Benoit, and his title reign thus far has been surprisingly successful, I think that it would be a good idea for this feud to end it and Kane to gain the World Title.

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Guest GiZ

Since we can only pic someone from RAW, I'd like to see Jericho turn heel and go for it. He'd tear Benoit to shreds on the mike and i reckon it would be quite amusing. The wrestling side of things will take care of it self.

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Guest TigerDriver91

I would rather see Benoit turn heel for a feud with Jericho, since Jericho only recently turned face and would look stupid jumping back and forth so much. These two never fail to impress and I, for one, would love to see them battling for heavyweight gold.

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I would like to see Kane get a decent run at the top as well, but if they dont go for that i think they should elevate someone from below. If have a super-worker like Benoit holding the gold they should use him to elevate someone like Christian, because he can handle the promo side of things (not Benoits strongsuit but he is getting better) and would contribute to some damn fine matches as well.

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I agree that Kane deserves a run with the title if used right he has a good gimmick and Benoit has proven that he can have a great match with everybody on the roster,the heel scene is cloudy on Raw at the moment the best case scenario is turning either Edge or Jericho heel with Jericho being the most viable opponent considering his history with Benoit Im actually looking forward to seeing what they are going to do with the title.

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Guest Anglesault
If he can get a good program going with Benoit, I really think Kane should win the belt



"The Good McMahon" killed any chance of him ever being world champ agin.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

It's tough to tip either Kane or Benoit at Bad Blood.


But I'll say Jericho, because I think we might be in for Benoit/Jericho at SummerSlam, with the Trips/Benoit program nixed for the Summer (Winter).

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Guest GiZ
Jericho only recently turned face and would look stupid jumping back and forth so much


you read to much into wrestling, your average fan wouldn't care

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Guest Ray
With a new finisher.

Why? The spear is fine against smaller opponents, and Benoit can sell it like death.


And a heel turn.

Why? I'd rather have them just wrestle instead of some lame heel turn with no reason behind it. Benoit is the champ and Edge wants the title. No heel turn necessary.

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With a new finisher.

Why? The spear is fine against smaller opponents

...how many of which would be challenging for the World Title if Edge had it? Benoit...Michaels...Orton maybe.


At the risk of jumping on the bandwagon, the Spear REALLY needs to either go or be modified i.e a top rope spear as an alternative finisher.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Actually GiZ, it would look stupid him going back and forth - it would take a lot away from him.


FUCK TURNING PEOPLE right now. There have been so many turns in recent months, it's just getting ridiculous now.

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Guest Anglesault
With a new finisher.

Why? The spear is fine against smaller opponents, and Benoit can sell it like death.


I don't think that, unless you have something like Rhyno's Gore, a spear should EVER be used as a finisher (It's a fucking tackle), and Edge's build and kind of weak execution of it make it look worse than it really is.


Why? I'd rather have them just wrestle instead of some lame heel turn with no reason behind it. Benoit is the champ and Edge wants the title. No heel turn necessary.


Personal thing. Face Edge drives me up the walls.

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If Edge were to win the title, he'd definitely need to turn heel. Just face Edge getting a clean win over a slightly more over face in Benoit would be anticlimactic and would accomplish nothing. However, if he betrays his partner to get a shot at the title, there could be some potential for a good storyline. In addition, Edge would have a large slate of face opponents to choose from, and he'd be fresh since he hasn't been a heel in the WWE since 2001.


However, if anyone needs to turn heel, I think it should be HBK since he's already getting stale and doesn't command the same face reactions he used to. Also, he's more fit to play a serious main event heel, as all Edge has done is the comedic heel from the midcard.

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Honestly... I still think Christian should be in the Bad Blood ME. He has the promo skills, can be carried pretty damn well, and has the heat at the moment.


Kane has a decent chance of rebuilding his heat after HHH crushed it at Armageddon with this whole "Dark Slave" Lita thing (that's what I think it's going to be)... but, abandoning it now would kill him.

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Guest Suicide King

I myself would like to see HHH take it back around August or so to serve as a transitional champ, dropping it two months later to Jericho. HHH is still the biggest heel on Raw, and beating him for the belt would be ideal for any face. Assuming they don't go that route I wouldn't mind an actual prolonged Kane title reign, assuming he beats Benoit in their rematch after this upcoming ppv.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Edge Heel turn over Benoit getting all the attention. Edge transitions it to Jericho. Voila you have your summer Main events: Benoit Vs Edge, Edge Vs. Jericho, Jericho Vs. Benoit.

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Guest UncleJesseMark
Personal thing. Face Edge drives me up the walls



I have to Agree with Anglesault. This new, "Intense" character he is playing is like nails on a chalkboard. Edge is really charismatic, and being used this way dumbs down his character to "The used to be average sized guy who bulked up and got intense" It's a really shallow character that does nothing to progress his career. I think they want us to believe that because he broke his neck he forgot how to cut a decent friggin' promo. Edge isn't extrememly talented in the ring, but he's solid, and after the ring rust completely fades I think a Fresh, Heel Edge could pull off a really entertaining program with Chris Benoit or Jericho.

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They need to do the right thing and job the IC belt to Kane. He's been squashed too far to seriously compete for world title, and they can have him job it to Edge when they're done. Orton doesn't need a belt to get clean wins, and it's making no sense for established guys like Mick Foley should suddently start fighting for the IC belt anyway.


As for who goes after Benoit. I think we all know it'll go back to HHH. I would like to see Benoit vs Christian first, however.

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In regards to casual fans not caring about frequent turns, just let me say that it was just that, which made me want to change from mark to smark back in the day. If the storylines are too inconsistent and not enjoyable to follow, the only thing left was to start enjoying the product for other reasons. Some marks might not be like me, and just stop watching.

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Heel Edge should get it or a babayface Y2J sounds good too, there's nothing wrong having two babyfaces facing each other for a World Title.While Kane should stay away from being a main eventer because Shane destroyed any credibility he had.

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Kane winning the title at Badd Blood wouldn't make sense from a storyline standpoint. Kane is coming off:


-jobbing at WM

-jobbing to Edge

-quasi-feuding with a jobber (Mattitude)

-backing into the title shot

-not even hanging around the ME scene in a long time


He's done nothing in the last 2-3 months. There needs to be more of a build to give him the belt.


Personally, I wouldn't ever stick the belt on him, since I find him incredibly boring. Plus, the Benoit title reign is doing well, so I see no need to upset the apple cart now.


Barring any unforseen changes, HHH will be taking the belt off Benoit.


My personal "mark-out" choice - Chuck Palumbo!

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If he can get a good program going with Benoit, I really think Kane should win the belt



"The Good McMahon" killed any chance of him ever being world champ agin.

Don't you think "ever again" is a bit drastic? The average memory span of a wrestling fan is just a few months. Give Kane a 6 month monster streak, and his 'feud' with Shane-O will long since forgotten.

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Has Kane had a good PPV match in a year now? He's been off the mark on the big shows, possibly cause of a conflict of styles but that's no excuse since no one matches his style.


As for Edge, maybe when his "spear" gets past looking like he's hugging someone and he quits jumping around like he's Ace Ventura pretending to be a football player then maybe it works.

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Has Kane had a good PPV match in a year now? He's been off the mark on the big shows, possibly cause of a conflict of styles but that's no excuse since no one matches his style.

Forget PPV, how about on regular TV? The last match of his that I'd call good was against Angle on SD about 2 years ago. Throw in a decent one against Jericho around the same time, and that's ~2 years since he's had any good matches.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Has Kane had a good PPV match in a year now? He's been off the mark on the big shows, possibly cause of a conflict of styles but that's no excuse since no one matches his style.

Forget PPV, how about on regular TV? The last match of his that I'd call good was against Angle on SD about 2 years ago. Throw in a decent one against Jericho around the same time, and that's ~2 years since he's had any good matches.

That's because for most of that time he's either been being depushed or it too busy squashing people with his new gimmick to actually work a credible match.

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