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Spoilers for 6/10 Smackdown

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Early Smackdown notes from tonight at the Nassau Coliseum


Dark matches

Funaki b Carlito Colon



Mark Jindrak b Billy Kidman

Billy Gunn & Bob Holly b ? & ? (we are looking for the names of these guys)

Spike Dudley b Akio

Rico b Jamie Noble




Kurt Angle demanded Booker T and John Cena apologizer over last week. Booker did, but of course Cena wouldn't. Angle then ordered Cena to wrestle Booker, RVD and Rene Dupree on the show and the first one to beat him faces him for the title at the Great American Bash.


Kenzo Suzuki b Scotty 2 Hotty. Suzuki was carried to the ring like he was a ruler. His wife was managing him.


Rey Mysterio b Chavo Guerrero when Classic's interference backfired


Paul Heyman and the Dudleys were in the secret place they are hiding Paul Bearer. Heyman said he was going to Nassau to confront Undertaker.


Cena drew Booker T


Cena drew RVD. These were 5:00 time limit matches and RVD had Cena beat when time expired


Cena drew Dupree. Angle ordered another 5:00. Cena used the FU to pin Dupree. Angle was so mad he said it didn't count, and ordered a four-way with Cena vs. Booker vs. RVD vs. Dupree for the U.S. title at the Bash.


Bradshaw arrived in his limo. He did a promo, and said he was headed back to the City. Eddy Guerrero was driving his limo as he left


Mordecai b Paul London


Guerrero drove the limo back, crashing the limo everywhere. Bradshaw was in the back, knocked out and covered in muck. Guerrero led the crowd to scream loud enough to wake Bradshaw up. As he stumbled out, Guerrero cut a promo on him while Bradshaw freaked out about his destroyed limo.


Paul Heyman came out and said Undertaker would either join him or destroy him. They teased Taker destroying him, but Heyman held up the urn, and Undertaker dropped to his knee as the show went off the air.


Undertaker destroyed Bradshaw after the show went off the air.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I know I'm taping Mordecai's match...and how about that, not one, but TWO Cruiserweights get squashed.

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Guest Rrrsh

Jesus, this sounds like a mix of crappy 95, 97 and 99 all rolled into 1. Wow.

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Guest Trivia247
I know I'm taping Mordecai's match...and how about that, not one, but TWO Cruiserweights get squashed.

at least they were in the show at all...


Paul London getting Smackdown time... even getting squashed thats like a promotion

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You won't be taping much:


From 1wrestling.com


Mordecai beat Paul London in about 1 minute and a half.


Rey Mysterio beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. (There was a young lady with Guerrero, that could have been Lady Lee aka Anita Bush)


Rey has a valet now?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Wait....Eddie was driving the limo....I'm awaiting the "Where to, Nazi?" line as he drives off, with Bradshaw screaming like a girl with something stuck in her throat.

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That is wayyyy too much John Cena for my liking, even if they are only 5 minute matches. At least RVD makes an appearance this week, and gets a match at the Bash.

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Guest Choken One

Sooo...Instead of splicing it up and going Booker/Cena and Rene/RVD...they clump the four into one match...Pure Russo 1999 shit right there.

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Guest Choken One



Booker can't work

RVD is clearly unmotivated

Cena is STILL green

Dupree can draw heat...


It'll be a hot match no question but the work won't be quite near "good"

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Guest Rrrsh


Booker can't work

RVD is clearly unmotivated

Cena is STILL green

Dupree can draw heat...


It'll be a hot match no question but the work won't be quite near "good"

You forgot how much RVD sucks and Booker is unmotivated.

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Guest Choken One
I'm actually surprised that they didn't split it RVD/Dupree and Cena/Booker. I thought maybe that'll take up more room, so they don't have to put random matches on the card.

but it means less time for Torrie and the other fun bags to do their 2/3 falls bikini showdown.



Or the Beach Volleyball.



"wrestling? whats that?"

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RVD is clearly unmotivated

I still dont know why they didn't have RVD turn heel on Rey at Judgment Day, and hook up with Heyman and the Dudleys. A heel RVD vs Rey series would be great viewing, especially with Heyman cutting the promos. Then, because Rey and Eddy are friends, it's not a long leap for him to feud for the World title.

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Guest Deviant

That looks ten times better than recent SDs. Of course, that's not saying much, but still...


Meanwhile, WWE has reduced me to being glad London gets killed on the main show. No one watches Velocity, so the only time the majority have even seen London was being scenery, in a tag match everyone has forgotten and being murdered twice. Great.


Does this mean the end of Bradshaw's limo entrance? No more popping out of the sunroof? Next week, Eddie will get arrested for it...


I'd say this is Cena's chance to really impress me. It won't happen, but he's got about 17 minutes and a lot of variety to work with.


I don't mind the four way, but now I have to question how well they'll fill time for the rest of the PPV.

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Guest wrestlingbs



Wait, I thought Taker was human? Has a wife named Sara, even. Look, her name's tatooed on his neck. He's not human? Then why does he do all those submission holds like the Biker Taker? Wait, so he's not human but still is smart? Then why does he obey the will of the owner of the urn? And didn't some people say going back to the Dead Man Undertaker would screw up his character?


John Cena's one of those experiments in obeying the will of the fans that didn't work out. Everyone, including myself, wanted to see him as a face because of his entertaining raps. But then when it happened his raps became just a string of catchphrases, cheap pops, and homoeroticism. And he hasn't hardly improved as a wrestler. So who do you give the US title to? RVD sees it as just another reason why he isn't in the main event and wouldn't care. Booker T 's on his last leg. Dupree has shown little promise ever since his singles push began. I say turn Cena heel and let him drop it to a promising face like Mysterio.


And finally, notice how little Bradshaw there is. And imagine how far down the card he'll go after the GAB. Bob Holly, I think you have a new opponent.

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Guest Choken One

He's a dead man that had soul awoken by Paul Bearer.


He was a normal guy who had a strange family history first and then died and Paul Bearer brought him back and make him a killing machine and sold him to Ted Dibiase and Brother love until he decided he needed to lead his creature to the top.


Then UT's presumably also dead brother came back to life but was actually in a Basement for 15 years save for that one night he snuck out and went to a local campfire party and learned he can't drive a stick shift.


Then Taker...whom lost his urn and guidance found SARA and by engraving her name into his throat...He revived his soul and learned to work and then Kane killed him again and was brought back to life by Paul Bearer again with that memory still intact.


I'm shocked they haven't done a angle where SARA comes back but 'Taker doesn't remember her.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
He's a dead man that had soul awoken by Paul Bearer.


He was a normal guy who had a strange family history first and then died and Paul Bearer brought him back and make him a killing machine and sold him to Ted Dibiase and Brother love until he decided he needed to lead his creature to the top.


Then UT's presumably also dead brother came back to life but was actually in a Basement for 15 years save for that one night he snuck out and went to a local campfire party and learned he can't drive a stick shift.


Then Taker...whom lost his urn and guidance found SARA and by engraving her name into his throat...He revived his soul and learned to work and then Kane killed him again and was brought back to life by Paul Bearer again with that memory still intact.


I'm shocked they haven't done a angle where SARA comes back but 'Taker doesn't remember her.

That's the funniest thing i've read today.

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Guest KJ Brackish

Why must Smackdown get worse and worse. They really need to do something soon or else I could see UPN or even WWE pulling the plug on the show.



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Guest Mulatto Heat

It's not getting worse and worse, it's just plodding. Nothing's there that can make the show be considered good, but nothing's really there that can be mocked, which makes it boring.


How and why is Dupree even in US Title contendership? They had a chance at Judgment Day, but now he's as big a jobber as he was in his last few months of RAW.

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This is what I've got from watching WWE television:


Wait, I thought Taker was human? Has a wife named Sara, even. Look, her name's tatooed on his neck.

He is human. He is married.


He's not human? Then why does he do all those submission holds like the Biker Taker?

He is human. He's slowly been adding more and more MMA moves to his arsenal since 2003.


Wait, so he's not human but still is smart? Then why does he obey the will of the owner of the urn?

He is not obeying the will of the owner of the urn. He isn't aligning with Heyman because he has the urn, but because he want's his mentor/friend (Bearer) safe. The urn doesn't seem to have any power anymore, it is just a prop that represents the old days.


And didn't some people say going back to the Dead Man Undertaker would screw up his character?

Well after making the decision to go with the hybrid Undertaker, they couldn't just pretend that Biker Taker didn't happen; they had to think of a way to use the old school, supernatural Undertaker persona and the recent, real-person, "from Houston, TX" Undertaker.

From watching Smackdown! I figure that he is still the regular Biker Taker, except that ever since he was buried alive he's been in a "different state of mind" as Michael Cole called it. Old school Undertaker is a state of mind I guess.


Oh, and he's been paying off the pyro and effects guys...

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If he was in a different state of mind he wouldn't do the Last Ride.


Honestly, I forgave them the less than thrilling costume (considering he was buried in jeans and a sleeveless top so it makes sense) but then when he started doing a move he only associated with his biker character, I lost hope.

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