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I Love the 90's

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I saw the commercial for the first time yesterday. The commercial was lame. I liked the 80's and 70's series though, so I'm sure I'll like these too, even I probably still remember a lot of the stuff.



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I can't wait for this. I was a big fan of I love the 80's and I love the 70's and since this was when I was growing up I should remember most of the stuff unlike most of the stuff in the 80's.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Michael Ian Black (That it?) isn't coming back, is he ?


He seems to think he's funny. But, I did manage to laugh at a few of his comments every now and then.

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Michael Ian Black talking about shit he knows nothing of, and his "I gotta make a joke every time I talk" just makes me want to chop the heads off of babies.


He's not funny.

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He, along with Hal Sparks and Rachel Harris were in the commercial, so presumably they'll all be back.

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Michael Ian Black talking about shit he knows nothing of, and his "I gotta make a joke every time I talk" just makes me want to chop the heads off of babies.

Isn't that what he's supposed to be doing, though?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
He, along with Hal Sparks and Rachel Harris were in the commercial, so presumably they'll all be back.

Zoltan... err Hal Sparks = GOLD!


I'm glad he's returning.

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This is way too early. The true children of the 90s haven't made it anywhere to be a celebrity who gets to comment on the 90s. All the child stars from the 90s didnt experience the real 90s childhood, so if they're on there it still won't be good enough for me. I consider myself a child of the 90s, since I was born in 1985, thus I was between the ages of 5 and 15 for the 90s, so that's about the ripe age to at least know a little about every fad and what not. From Turtles to Power Rangers to pro wrestling to Pokemon.

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Who will be the child star of the 90s to make the "comeback" to comment about how it was like to be rich and famous during the 90s? Jonathon Taylor Thomas or Tommy the Power Ranger or Joey "Whoa" Lawerence?

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Yay. I can't wait for this show. All the stuff they talk about on the show will be stuff I can actually remember since I was born in 1989. The 80s and 70s shows were fun to watch but I couldn't relate to most of the stuff they talked about.

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Michael Ian Black talking about shit he knows nothing of, and his "I gotta make a joke every time I talk" just makes me want to chop the heads off of babies.

Isn't that what he's supposed to be doing, though?

Sparks can at least make me laugh every now and then. He didn't make the same tired joke over and over again.

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I guess you know they wouldn't be able to hold out on doing this but they should just do the first half of the decade. What's the point of reminiscing about things that happened as recently as five years ago?

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VH1 should just make the entire channel a 24-hour marathon of "showing clips of various events and people and having people who weren't involved in any of it try to make jokes." Seriously, there's the I Love the... series of programs, Best Week Ever, Best MONTH(!?!) ever, and the list shows. Sadly, the only program they have that doesn't fit that description is the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous ripoff program. VH1 has officially become worse than MTV about showing actual music videos.

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At least VH1 is on topic with its best of video top 100 countdowns or the William Shatner One Hit Wonders or the movies that rock. MTV is the Real World marathon featuring a revolving cast of tits & ass, drunks, gays, angry blacks that will return to do a Survivor ripoff show and some sk8ers doing pratical jokes on fat itallians.

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I'd rather see the revolving cast of tits and ass, drunks, gays, angry blacks that will return to a Survivor ripoff show (that I don't watch, but I watch the programs they're on beforehand) and some skaters doing practical jokes on fat Italians.

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I was born in '86, so I can't wait for this show, as I also remember a lot. Plus, a lot of my fave movies were made during the 90s, and it's always fun to hear their comments on such things. In the 80s, they commented on Beetlejuice, and I know for a fact that they'll be commenting on Edward Scissorhands [*fangirl!squee*].


I can only hope they comment on Benny and Joon, In and Out, The Mummy, etc etc.

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Who let Yuna out of the basement?

I've only stopped posting because I've been busy finishing up high school. My reward? I start college at ITT Technical Institute tomorrow. Go me.


As I'm completely given up wrestling, I only post to movies and such. I still read posts at the forums, just haven't felt any need to comment.


Hey, be happy I'm out of the slash*happy phase ;)

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