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13th Hour Comments!

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“Good gracious, my stars!” Comet shouts, “Ebony just put herself through that table! The match isn’t over, but our Sexual Maskosaurus just bought himself a tremendous amount of time to recover from the Eboniser.”


“This is AWFUL!” Riley cries, “I mean, she’s so beautiful, and now she’s got splinters all over her!”


“I bet if he were here, Splinter WOULD be all over her!” Comet chuckles to himself.


“Comet, subtle Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle jokes won’t win you over any new fans.”


..... I love it.


More later.

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Congrats to the big man, and to Drazon, Johnny, Ced, Graps, Taamo (I bet he had to write a bastard to beat Dace) and Clark (you crazy fool).


And I can't believe I beat Kibs in a Last Man Standing. I'll probably find out he no-showed now, but still...

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Amazing. This'll take me forever to read...


Kudos to Toxxic, Taamo and Janus for fantastic matches. BIG kudos to Clark for a crazy-ass match that could very well be a MOTY contender. Grappler, kudos for SMACK DIZZLEing your way to a highly enjoyable set of matches.


Congrats to Drazon, Ced and Johnny for some great matches too. Top to bottom a great show.

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I echo Landon's statements. The show is mega stacked and this is going to take me a minute to tread through.


However, before certian folks shred these matches apart I better explain mine. There is psych that leads to nothing in there. I didn't exactly get enough time to hit every plot element within the match that I was working on and had to rush. It will probably be nothing more than a simply average match in the end, but oh well.


I'll actually comment on other folks' match after reading this show. For now, congrats to everyone who wrote, and more so to those who won!

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I’ll comment on Janus’ match since it’s the only I’ve read for obvious reasons.


The start was good, leading up to the Spinebuster. Confused by the Dropkick though, if Janus didn’t attempting the Leg Drop yet than the flow and timing there is pretty off. It would just be like Janus delivering the move only for Danny to stand up and dropkick him, while the Hell Machine just stands there waiting for it.


The leg work is solid psychology but I don’t think the way it’s executed plays well into the heel/face dynamic of the characters. It could possibly work if it wasn’t sold as an injury coming in but with the brace and all it just seems so heelish for Danny to go about attacking it the way he does. Remember Bret Hart did this against Nash in 95 and ended up getting huge heel heat for it, and he was the baby face David of the match.


I don’t know if I like Williams popping up after the Gore, thanks to Goldberg I have it in imbedded in my head that it’s a pretty big bomb. However if you use it as a basic running attack as one would casually use a Shoulderblock or something than it’s a good sequence that flows exceptionally well.


The application of the Doushime Sleeper was wonderfully written, giving me the image in my head of how Kawada used it apply it. I think the bump to the floor was a little over the top, didn’t Foley badly injure himself taking a similar pancake bump from Vader in WCW? Loved Williams getting pressed slammed back into the ring, at one point planned on using that spot myself.


The build to the Chokeslam was well done with the numerous teases leading up to it, very Taue-esque. I like the releasing of the Bearhug and the count there after, gives Williams more of an opportunity to sell than he had in my match. Though it wouldn’t have worked in match since it would have screwed up the timing of the big final heat segment. Good to see the big German transition follow the heat segment, it’s always important to follow the climax of the face in peril with a transition of some sort. Even if it’s just a small burst of offense you have to take advantage of the built up crowd heat no matter what.


Eh, The Rolling Elbow/Knuckle Bomb collision is one of those things that looks good on paper but in real life it would look like a fuck up. Not a big fan of the “back down the ref” transition at the end, especially after a finisher nor the one move transition that finishes it. Nice to see the Top Rope Elbow Drop used as a nearfall, would have loved to use it myself had I found a place for it.


Liked a lot of things, didn’t like some other things. Solid effort regardless and a vastly different approach from mine, where as Janus did more bumping here, did more selling and the David/Goliath dynamic wasn’t as utilized as much in favor of a more straight singles match storyline.

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Congrats to everyone, it was an amazing show. Maybe not show of the year, but we all save that shit for Genesis anyway.



and to Landon...thanks for the props, man. I told a few people when I started writing that I was going to be working harder on this than anything I'd done. I'm not sure if it showed in the match, but I hope it did.

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WHOA! Go Janus!!



Anyway, the only match I've read fully so far is the Casino Brawl, and it fucking ROCKED! Seriously, that was almost as good as American Gladiators~


Way to go, Hollywood Boulevard. May you continue to hold onto the tag titles forever.

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Yes I'm commenting. Yes as normal. Yes it's going to kill me. I hope this lots ends up being some decent comments and helping people. If not that, then at least a decent run through of the show just picking up on things.

But hey, I can say I cared more about finding out the results to this than to Bad Blood. Win or lose, people put awesome amounts of effort in and break out good to great stuff come rain or shine, certain jerking or PPV Main Event.


*Gets alls emotional because he bloody can*




Anyway how, on with the uber long comments.......... of DOOM~!


The card is stacked, packed and loaded! Time for another skull rocking SWF PPV folks.


Straight into the opening match up. Ced Ordonez is back folks...man they just can't kepe the old folks in the home anymore. Things start off with some nice basic wrestling, showing that Ced still has the skills. Then things get more crusier like, trade off in the roll ups leading to short exchance. Both of these guys are fast and it's showing here, soild crusier stuff. The counts get high rather quickly, but the action is fluid as it the writing so far. Some of the shifts from pinfalls back to action are a little fast, but they're covered and it is a crusier match, but the spots are flip floppy, just soild and worth while. Ced making constant covers shows he really wants to win his first match back, so he's not going to miss many chanes to try and win.

The exchange that almost leads upto Dustin is a good example of a spot to set up high flying finishers that isn't long or drawn out. The kick exchange to the Dragon Screws is a nice little set up for the Cross Lightning, even though Dustin escapes, it still gets to look as deeply as before. And Dustin sells the leg, leading to a further run by Ced, and Dustin fights back with a move that isn't completely leg based and certainly isn't flying, so that's a good thing. Enzuigiri gets countred like before, and leads into a wobbly wizard, still selling the leg and playing off earlier in the match. And then Ced uses the same move that Dustin used easily to set up his flying finisher, but this time there's no escape. Not directly linked to the leg work, but comes off a counter to the Cross Lightning, with Ced basicly switching back to all the body dropps attacks form earlier in the match after he can't get the submission on. Fun opening match and a good one. Certainly not a simple spot fest. Good to have you back Ced.


Match two and it's another returnee. Jay Dawg is back, another old folk out of the home. Little trade off to start with, to show that JD hasn't lost any of his skull. The crush into the corner and just carrying Munich across the ring before dumping him is a nice little spot to show off power without being something too big to soon. JD's character has certainly benifited from the fact that strikes are even more over than ever in the fed, which makes him look really strong. It sort of seems like JD would just be killing Munich at first, but Munich is managing to hang in there, for now.

JD going in and throwing Munich around is fast and flowing, but still keeping some idea of selling intact as it goes. Munich fights back with a superplex, a stalling suplex and an Enzui-Dropkick, again simple and soild attack psych, but JD suddenly exploding into a counter isn't. Would have been better being drawn out a little bit first. But the assault to the leg and kick combos is certainly nasty, and Munich keeps selling it as he comes back. I dont know if the ref bump as needed, as a few trade offs leading to JD's Avenger would has worked as a good finish. But at least the ref bump and the leg work come into the play for the finish with the drop on the chair to fiish things off. Little jerky at times, but good. Just a few things in the style need to be tightend up.


Our first promo now. Ahh, the new boy gets on the seen. And poor Zenon continues to get the bums rush from legal assistants. Not sure who to take this new character yet, but if you're gonna be whipped by your better half, it should at least be physically, so much more fun.


And another promo. Spike hypes the Cage Match. What else are you going to do?


Cruiserweight Cage Match time. Intros are there to try and hype up Spike's chances and make him look more like a soild contender, as the match isn't built around too much, just to give it a little more edge. The longest intro yet, just for build. Someone starts off with a one count for a change, slightly surprised there. Fast trade offs, with lots of Back Suplex attempts and back elbow counters. Not sure if that's going anywhere yet as Spike misses a Moonsault Bodyblock. More trade offs, strikes this time, which is playing into Johnny's hands, slow and measured in places, which means the back and forth nature makes sense. It's a little start stop in place, but the kick to the face leads to the first near fall. Johnny is winning all the strike exchanges because it's his style and he has the skills in it. Spike tries to isolate Johnny in the corner again, taking away his movement to try and get an advantage but Johnny escapes as drops Spike again. It's starting to look a little one sided hear, but only a little as Johnny just keeps pulling out on top from Spike's little come backs. Reverse Tornado DDT and Double Underhook DDT dont even get a fall, as Spike plays the firey upstar to Johnny's grummpy champion as it's balls to the wall action over selling. What I think Johnny ment to be Falcon Arrows are traded off between the pair and both kick out after a close count. I'd a tad eh on that spot, but it does show Dangerous as going "oh you think you can get way with that punk, well have some of it then!" Spike powering out of the Surfboard is another firey upstart spot and I think the dynamic is becoming a big part of the match. Spike nails MVS' Van Slaminator for another close fall then unloads with the chops. Now Spike really is on an offensive run, flipping legdrop from the top and another close fall. The back elbow reversal comes into play again, but this time Johnny's speed costs him. Spike nails his finisher, but it's not enough. That actually works, considering the dynamic, the upstart just can't bring a big enough gun against the champ.

The only thing wrong with Johnny's little come back is the wording, makes it sound like the finisher didnt matter, rather than him despertly fighting for his title, like his action shows. The fans starting to turn on Dangerous is another spot on thing, as the grummpu champ is crushing the dreams of the firey challenger. Spike chasing after Johnny up the cage is the burning fire that wont quit, just bringing everything against the champ. Johnny almost has to break out the blow tourch to break Spike off the as they battle up down, and it's only the fact that Johnny's a striker and so better at it that he wins the duel up there. The Sunset Flip Powerbomb from the top is slightly hard to work, but it's not something stupid either. And it's finally all over. Maybe not the greatest wrestling wise, as a few early threads didnt go anywhere (all the back suplexes and shoving into the turnbuckles) but certainly a really emotional match. The Grummpy Champ vs Firey Upstart was done really well in the end, mainly just needing a few more upsets and another run from Spike to be solid and really well all the way though (though I'm not sure if that was Johnny's plan). Definatly turning it into something really emotion without any true build. Probably the best match in this style that Dangerous has written.


Casion Floor Madness up next. I gotta laugh a the intros to this one. It's probably the best way to handel it with a little money. And hey it makes Duran look very classy. Sneak attack with the martini, but should MVS even be drinking on the job (he certainly should be drinking in real life) No wrestling here, just hitting each other with any object that comes to hand. It is ment to be a brawl after all. The whole kayfabe withing kayfabe joke is nice as well, justs hows how werid it is to write fatnasy wrestling. The talk between Todd and Mike makes it seem like some action/comedy movie, but thats what the match is. It's really clear by now this isnt serious at all, but it's funny. I can't really say anything about this as a wrestling match, but as a work of comedy, I can say it's golden. Todd and Mike stopping to gamble and grab cash has to be taken straight from one movie or another.

It's two wrong side of the tracks likely lads escaping the bungling bad guys. This one shouldnt go down as cannon but should be remembered. And finally in the Video Horse Racing lonuge we ask...where the fuck is the ref?!? Just a little potshot at a certain OAOAST member, and the ref is distracted by horse racing, something that could only work in this match. Now this thing turns into a real hardcore brawl, but it's still comedy. And props for using the old Va'aiga style Lariat, after Crow's been sent to a watery end. Duran almost wins the match on his own. Van Slaminator finally gets the pin. That match as insanly funny. Not a real much but a great read.


Now things start to get Lllooonnnggg! Last. Man. Standing. As I said to Toxxic, I find the image of his character coming out in an England football top odd, just because of the gimmick to the character, but oh well not a real issue. All the history comes out here, Toxxic's god push and such. Man Kibagami's entrance makes him seem like the second coming. He's somehow gotten MORE heat from fueding this Toxxic than he had before. The start is a little anti climatic, but Toxxic can't really run straight into a duel with Kibagami, even if it would have been the best opening. Still, Toxxic starts of fighting for his life from the get go. The end of the world joke is a good one. Toxxic is still avoiding Kibagami's kicks, you think he would have learnt to land them now. The kicks work against Kibagami as Toxxic just goes hit and run with them, out passing the River Dragon. Toxxic blocks the Demonstar like Misawa blocks the Powerbomb, though Kibs doesnt full up on the gut/throat attacks to take the air away again to set it up. But Kibs goes for the arm to ground his fast opponent and takes advantage of No DQ. Trade off on the arm work, Toxxic out pacing Kibagami in the exchange, coming close to out wrestling him at points. Now Toxxic goes on a real run, just lamping Toxxic from spot to spot, trying to wear down the River Dragon with a style that isnt ment to do that. The rise in the count is very, planned, makes it slightly by the numbers but logical. Play off the Demonstar counter from the Rana as before, but Toxxic doesn't escape on the first counter, which is good as it shows Kibagami is still the better wrestler than him and Toxxic has to fight out, not counter out. Now the count breaks up from his usual progressive build, which fools you and makes the counter more sudden and dramatic. Toxxic takes a huge bump from the top rope to the floor, and we're back to the progressive build up count. Irony In Action is a great line and the Demonstar on concrete would have been deadly neck snapage.

BWAHAHAH at "You know when you’ve been Tango’d!" being a fellow Brit that one's golden. The tying up in the ropes and beating spot is more for a controlling evil heel but it still goes. Again the progressive increase of the count. Kibagami gets revenge with a low blow of his own. Toxxic despertly avoids a finisher that would have been the end of him. Caffine Bomb on the chair...not enough because Kibagami is the vet, the hero and just plan fucking tougher. It it happens again when he gets the knees up.The Burning Lariat and the Fall From Grace are the first big damange Toxxic's been in for a while, but it should all be over. But Toxxic is still on the god push and gets up. Dangerlust is countered, and Kibagami just chokes the life out of the bitch because now he's pissed. Really pissed. But it still isn't going to stop the god push and Toxxic has about the most heel heat in the world right now. Now the spot I dont like, Toxxic catches both of Kibagami's kicks, I really dont think he's strong enough, big enough or at a position in the match where he should be able to do that. But he won so eh, it's a perosnal grip more anything about the match. Dangerlust and it's finally over. Not the young punk over coming the man, not even that huge fued blow off (even though that's what this match was for) mroe of a sad sawnsong for Kibagami. Still, he's presumible gone down and Toxxic continues on his godpush, has a fuck load of heat and looks like a million bucks. Ladies and gentlemen, we are all fucked! All that left is for Toxxic to beat Flesher for the World Title.


This is where the comments start to thin out a tad.

And the matches only get longer! Five Wounds Gauntlet Match. Ace is first up in this nut case of a match. Usual heel/heel play off on comenntry between Riley and Comet. Things start off fast and frantic. This one is a full wrestling match, TMM isn't pacing himself yet, he doesnt feel the burn. But the match isn't as fast as you expect, with the Facelock Choke and Schoolboy not ending the match, just to crank up the drama that little bit more than you'd expect. Going up top just gets reversed and TMM loses the first match in a slight shocker after a quick ACE.

Out comes Blazenwing now. He goes in with all guns blazing, hounding down the wounded TMM, going straight after him with the chair. TMM bails out and leads Blazenwing to dive straight into a chair shot of doom. Blazenwing fights out of a full nelson and scores a Frog Splash. More reversals and chair shout dual. Superfly Splash onto the chair and it's over.

Now TTM is really feeling it, two straight matches and now he has to face f'n' Ebony. And he's trying to chat her up? SS is a complete and utter pervert I see, no wonder Tom wants his sister. And Ebony just kills TMM and his balls. That was just brutal to read, just brutal.

STASH THE ASH....w00t! And Aecas is in for a treat in this one people. TMM is breaking out all the comedy in this one, just to keep it going. This isn't wrestling, it's go into pure comedy with the odd wrestling spot. Poor, poor Aecas, having to see...those...things! It's at times like this I'm glad Ash isn't around anymore.

Now onto the last match, the ladder match against IL. My god how is TMM still running after this one. He must have a secert battery pack somewhere. He's not keeping up with IL, and the insane one scores a huge dive over the ropes onto Mask and Co for a lovely bit of crowd popping. TMM just just struggling to keep up here and he can't keep IL down. Uber bump of down, almost doesnt make it but he does. TMM grabs the case and wins the match. That one was just mental people, mental.


Iron Man Match: Right, here we go people. Man this is gonna kill me. Fluffy intro, do we need fluffers in the SWF?...mmm fluffers. Anyway, it's almost like a wrestling documentry that an intro, it works the once. Not only is it fluff, it's flowery to. But it's Rando's style and what did you expect but for him to have same insanly grandious entrances. And Maddix cheap shots Clark right on the bell, just to get things going in style. But Clark ducks out of the line of fire soon enough. Finally into the ring and Maddix breaks out the speed spots to take Clark into the corner and work him over. Man this really is flowery fluff. For what's going on, I really think you should have gone with a first person POV in the match Rando, with the levels of description and such that you're using, I do fell like I'm having to wade through it to find actual wrestling to start with. Clark low blows and fights his way out. It's following the idea of the empty arena match but I dont think that works in this one. There's not the atomsphere this time, it's not that sort of affair, not in an Iron Man Match. And that selling is slow to come from anywhere, for any at least. Maddix is now uses the flying forearm to try and get an early cover on Clark. Yer, the random handshake is straight into the twilight zone and makes no sense. Clark tries to drop down after running the ropes but Maddix just Sentons him for another close fall. More strike trades off... and Maddix nails Clark with his own move for another close fall and Clark answers by doing the same thing. Superkick Faint to Rana for the first fall and these guys start to wrestle like they've been fueding for six months at last. But then Maddix starts running scare of Clark for no reason, then Clark no sells a driving knee to the gut. The another nice spot, with Maddix faking the chair shot as Clark plays the hero warrior. Clark works over Maddix's knee with shots into the ring steps, the wrong way round I think. Back in the ring, Maddix puts Clark down and nails a swanton for another close fall. This is where it starts to feel like the moves could just be called straight up, rather than dragged out so much. Another surging come back from Clark that gets cut off suddenly. Maddix ties Clark up with the ropes, just wailing away on him leading to another close fall. And again a spot that actually plays of the history, as Maddix scores a submission with the STF after pounding on Clark then keeping it locked on. the Clark pops back into terminator mode. It goes round and round again, until the Slingshot Suplex to score for the first time. The finisher kickout doesnt seem to work at this late stage into the match, even with Clark being a one man iron man. Another huge trade off leaps to another flash roll up for Maddix to take the lead back up. And what is with all this shots of people back stage trading beats on the match as well? And Clark draws back with a roll up of his own.

Man this really is wading through piles of added on stuff that really doesn't need to be there. That and at the end, it doesn't seem like these two have been wrestling for an hour at all. They're still trading high spots and they aren working. An hour of beating on someone and these spots arent working? Rando, I can see you went down the road of sheer drama and fluff, but I really dont think it worked at all. It's not something like the empty arean match where it was all story of the two. At times I felt like was cutting through fluff to get to the action. Huge fucking effort, but just totally the wrong path to take. And, from what I read and could remember as I was going through it, it didn't play of massively from such a long fued and it wasn't easy to remember early parts in the match. Big effort and exicution but in the wrong direction and it takes away from what the match should be about.


Another promo, oh my god! Maddix just soul is evil soul for money...to Chris Card....mwahahha. And what a way to enginer his move up the card folks.


Now for the match that I lost to. Always a fun thing to do isn't it people. Using the clock for hype, of course as it's the last but one match on the card [We're coming up on 5 hours of reading/reviewing here people]. Wonderful little talk at the start, who nothing else but this match counts, because the series was set up to get to this point.

Dace starts off with the old elbows, because Tom still can't do a thing about them. Tom tries to drag it into wrestling, but Dace falls back to elbows again. Flesher fights out with the ever faithful low blow because brawling with Dace isn't going to get him anywhere at all. But Dace fights back again and counters a palm strike with more elbows. And again Flesher walls back on wrestling to fight out. Tom goes down the same road as me, making covers at every chance. Dace is still trying to out brawl and out power Flesher. Flesher gets back in control and just goes into total dick mode with the bootscrapes, letting out some of his frustrations from the other matches. Flesher digs into the olds spots, with the baseball slide dropkick and log roll head scissors on the outside to try and do damange to Dace, but still no score yet. Flesher tries for the Backdrop Driver but it gets blocked, then scores with a Palm Strike from the counter (Boo and hiss I say to that, after build up that they didn't work anymore)

And the match keeps going back a forth, with a Yakuza Kick from Dace. And Dace finally scores first blood, but only 3 from his finisher. Because both of these guys are hard as nails. This is why I avoid finishers til the end, if you'd hit it once, way not just go straight back to it? Tom keeps bringing his usual brand of comedy to the table as Flesher gets back in control. Nice cover for the lack of selling of the finisher as well, a nother problem I wanted to avoid myself. Flesher just goes back to dick mode on the leg before switching to a facelock. This is just the release job for these two guys, the end of the best of five, and they're throwing it all at each other. Doesn't matter what they can throw at each other, they can take almost anything. It's just acase of who has more ammo and more armour. It looks like Flesher had right to be worried about his status in the fed, as he can pick away at Night's leg, but he can't score any big bombs yet. Good F'n' Night gets another three count as Flesher still can't get a score. He's really starting to seem like an underdog here (too bad it's not my match) But Dace gets cocky and ends up back first on the outside because of it. Tom catches Dace with the save baseball slide then sends him into the ringpost, getting back into gear, with hidden depths to bring to this match. But even after a drop on the floor, Dace still isnt going down at all. Ego BTrip onto the chair and Flesher finally scores, but he's still behind and doesn't get another cover off it straight away. Dace ends up on the outside again and falls foul of a faint to Senton Atomico. Now Flesher is out gunning him big time. But now he gets cocky and Flesher goes diving through the announce table, and it's 9 to 5 against Flesher. DSD gets countered and Flesher goes back to the low blow to make breathing room for himself. Flesher nails a full and proper Burning Hammer, and it's all over at last. Flesher could go the extra mile and had more of the dirty tricks to hold onto his place and take the win. We had similar ideas, but Tom makes the balance and the gap far bigger, making for a far bigger tipping of the scales between the two. Again, I can't complain at all sadly.


And now, for our main event of the evening folks. World. Title. Match. Tale of the tape for the two men, just for that finally last little bit of build up for everything. And the huge 13 chimes to singal that the end is here and we're ready for the main event at last. Danny just launches straight into a tidal crush, as sheer waves of elbows are one of the few big weapons we has against Janus and it almost costs him from the get go. Janus just rips right through that though and goes for the chokeslam and it's only the weakshot of his knee that shots that move, but he comes back with a Gore that spots the champion dead. Danny tries to fight back, but Janus drills him with a Rolling Lariat. Danny has to go back to the knee to give himself breathing room as he keeps on nailling Elbow Smashes whenever he can. And then Danny manages to plan his way into the Sleeper, going with one of his other few weapons to jsut send Janus to sleep, but it's not going to happen here and they both spill over to the floor.

Janus just pressing Danny back into the ring is sheer show off, as if he needed to be set up as even more of a power house. Again Danny just limpets onto the leg and attacks it, despertly trying to fight back. Danny struggles to keep the giant down on the mat while he works over his leg, trying to build an opening and ends up doing for the figure four in a ditch attempt to score a win. But it's no good and he takes a Chokeslam that almost finishes him off, but it leads straight into a Hell Crush. Only just fighting out, Danny makes a huge effort and nails the giant with a German Suplex. And that, he just unloads elbow smashes, just battering Janus over and over with everything he's got, but it's not enough to finish the monster. The fact Janus can hold Danny at bay, gives him time to recover and nail a Spinal Devision, focusing on his ribs and back again. ADFII, but this is a world title match and it's not over yet. Another frantic run of elbows takes Janus to the outside and almost KOs him. Flying Elbow drop for another near fall. Danny takes Janus down again with his elbow and goes for the Hiza-Jujigatame but Janus grabs the ropes. It should all have been over put it's not. In the end, no matter what waves of attack Danny can bring, Janus is a mountain and the mouantin burries him alive, as the Rage Unleash final ends it and earns Janus the World Title. Huge effort for Janus to pull of the win here. Great match up.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Apologies fo my match... I was fairly late when I started. The chair and ref bump were thrown in there do to time restraints... I think the build of the match would have had the two showcase an awesome battle... but what can you do. For the record... MY ENTRANCES RULE!!!



I'm reading the show like many others and shall provide my genius insight...

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Hey Dace, man...I just noticed you editted that shit in.


I can see where you are going with most of that. I think alot of it was me trying to go over the top for the finale. I need to work on that.



First person, eh? Hmm... you never know with me.

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Rando, it was like a good 20 mintue album filled with 40 mintues of filler tracks and skits. The action wasn't like that, it was just everything else that went with it.


I feel the opposite would have been better. Very minimal stuff, just the action in the ring, hardly any talk of the crowd or much commentry. Keep it focused, make it feel intense, and so you could have focused more on the pacing in the ring and how the action panned out.

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So I wrote out an extensive review of the four matches I wrote. That somehow didn't post because I wasn't signed in right or something. Then I got really pissed off and rewrote the reviews again in Neanderathal talk. I thought it was quite humorous, but that wouldn't post either. I will now mathematically explain my thoughts on each match, because I just give up.


me = studying for finals, me = manage to read a bit anyway.


Toxxic = good, with straightforward psychology. Silent = noshow, but Toxxic = good anyway.


Janus = good, congrats. Danny = promo and use loss for character development instead of ranting. me = wish I had time to read Danny's match.


Tom = Godly. stip = great. match = great. Dace = no shame in losing.


Jay Dawg = hate.


Me = wants to read Casino, Ebony, and IronMan later. Me = Go back to studying now.



Edited by 5_moves_of_doom

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Comments time, and from someone else other than Dace. I'll break this up though, As I just got done reading the LMS, so It'll take me a minutre still to comment on this and the one that follows before doing the last 2.




Ced Ordonez vs Ryan Dustin


This match had some really nice moments to it. I liked Ced¡¦s entrance along with the opening moments of the actual match ¡V both men really trying to take the lead followed by some quick near falls. However, all this seemed a little dry with out any commentary from Comet or Bobby, but you sold that decent enough by saying they allowed the match to stand on its own merit. Even still, this is the first I have seen two commentators who actually shut up. ;)


Still going on about the commentary though, I liked the middle portion where Comet actually called the action leading to a near fall. That¡¦s something I had though about doing before myself, but never got around to trying it out.


The crowd is chanting for Dustin? I thought he was a heel, I guess I better recheck his stats. None the less they chant for Ced later on. Oh, about time we saw the Cross Lighting done by Ced Ordonez for a change. ļ I really liked this match. A good fast paced opener that tells everyone Ced Ordonez is back!



Munich vs Jay Dawg


Next match is pretty cool too. Jay Dawg returns with a win. There really isn¡¦t a whole lot in this match that actually stands out as good or bad other than one thing. Possibly it is nothing actually wrong, rather a difference in writing styles, but I swear 90% of the sentences start off with ¡§Munich¡¨ or ¡§Jay Dawg¡¨ or some variation of the names. Maybe I¡¦m just nitpicking but it becomes a bit repetitive after a bit. Good job though, this was fun to read still.




And here we have the debut of Sean Davis. Can¡¦t really say much from this as it really does nothing more than make note of Davis being a heel. I look forward to more on Storm from this one.




Spike¡¦s promo¡K I can¡¦t believe I forgot about that bit either. Good deal though, I liked.



Johnny Dangerous vs "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins


My match is next and I guess I shouldn¡¦t really comment on it. There were a few things that stood out to me after rereading it, and that was just the working of the neck and back that was suppose to be ¡§Johnny will be able to lock a submission on from any angle by working over more than one body part¡¨ really didn¡¦t progress a damn thing. Anyway¡K




Hollywood Boulevard vs Crow & "The Notorious" John Duran


I will say this. I normally hate these matches ¡V ones that take place in bar rooms, casino floors, American Gladiator matches, etc. Nonetheless I read this one and was pleasantly surprised. You guys crafted an enjoyable read that played far better than any match in this vain that I have watched on WWE in days past.


I liked the opening of this with Duran having a game of Blackjack that¡¦s interrupted by Crowe wanting to get this match going. However, after Crow taking a thick glass like they use in these casinos to the forehead¡K I think he¡¦d be KO¡¦ed--Duran too and especially after that stool shot to the side of the head. Cortez winning the jackpot off a quarter then throwing the coins at Duran, along with MVS sitting down at the poker table only to loose his wallet was equally nice. The spot where the referee stops counting and starts watching the horse race was rather hilarious as well.


My only real question is; where did this crowd come from that started chanting and cheering. Earlier on they didn¡¦t even know who these guys fighting in the casino were? other than that, awesome job with the stipulation¡XI liked it a bunch!

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