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King Cucaracha

An SWF Enhancement Discussion...

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Yer, anything you could do would be great man.


I'm gonna write a tester one after this show (about picking a good finisher) to see how it all goes.

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Can you be a little less vague? :mellow: That's a little like saying that "TNT" stands for TNT's initials. I know that TNT = Taylor Nicholas Thompson. My question was what does NTD stand for?

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Can you be a little less vague? :mellow: That's a little like saying that "TNT" stands for TNT's initials. I know that TNT = Taylor Nicholas Thompson. My question was what does NTD stand for?

I guess I could have been a little more vague and just told you that it stands for his name maybe? I know what it stands for, but I don't know if he wants it spread around or not. Is it that hard to just write NTD all the time? :ph34r:

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NTD stands for "No pants."

No it doesn't... but there's another name you can call him by! "The Pantsless Wonder".

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What's the deal with Genesis this year? Way I remember it, last year we had the Genesis Tournament where the JL guys made up the numbers and the winner got a title shot. But there's no JL now.


So...no tournament? Single Elimination Tournament? Best of the Best-esque Tournament? (*markout*)


What about the usual Countdown show? Hire us Oat Toasters to do it? Do a pre-show Legends show? (*markout*)



...yeah, I'm bored again.

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Tournaments aren't a reoccuring Genesis thing. Granted, we have had two of them, but they're generally not all that popular. You literally have to plan around the tournament, and all storylines going into the PPV are dropped or put on hold on the sake of it. Not only that, but it devaules every belt except for the world title and the world champion sits on their ass until the end of it. Granted, the tournament last year wasn't near as disasterous as the Genesis II tourney, but those facts still stand.


And there just probably won't be a Countdown this year. We'll see if I can't get some kind of Pre-Show scraped together for the sake of making Genesis seem like the big even that it is.


Also, I'd like more people who haven't said anything already to speak their minds on the commentators and offer team ideas. I'm holding off on any decision until I have a more thorough read on what the rest of the fed wants.



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Like I said before, I really have no problem changing them or keeping them the same barring that everyone gets some kind of refresher on how to write the characters. Even giving us those little descriptions only helps us a little. Like, if you had Frost as an announcer, it stands to my reasoning that someone like Flesher would be able to hit the character perfectly because of all the former interaction between the two IC and OOC. Not everyone will be able to do that.


Most of the last JL crop can look at those ideas and say "well, I've heard OF them" but that's about it. The true n00bs are completely in the dark. So if you decide to do it, Z...give everyone a refresher in character and also (as Toxxic stated I believe) a grace period to work with them.


Genesis V:


I think since it is UNCANNY for an e-fed to go five years...that this show should be like Wrestlmenia X in stature and the way we go into it. Maybe bring in extra special commentators and possibly have the Countdown be a "Top 10 (or 5, or whatever) Moments In Genesis History" along with interviews from the wrestlers that were there then and are here now, along with maybe a Legends Match or something. See if you can find two to four veterans and bring them in for a one-shot. It might be fun, then again, it might be hard to pull off.


Also, you could always make the Year End Awards part of the show as well.

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Guest Horse hockey!

My comments on the commentators are as follows:


I know so little about the current commentators. I know nothing about the guys that have been suggested. All I have to go from for the current team is other matches, and even that perspective is so different from one another.


I would be perfectly fine with a switch, so long as there was something to base the new people with. A background for them, so we n00bs would have an idea of what we're supposed to be doing, heh. Also, a simple line on the card would work as far as identifying which team we are supposed to write.


It seems to me a three man team would get in the way of the match if it's done too often.

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IF we go three-man team, the best way to go is a Vince/JR/King or Perfect style team. Comet would work well as ole'Vinnie Mac. A heel star in the King/Perfect place. And someone who can do literal play by play in JR's old style, but still throw down a few lines, if you will.


Comet/Riley and the JR-esque play by play guy would work out, and also there's still Comet/Riley for everyone to go by. The problem is with Comet/Riley, there's no-one to effectively play by play. It's not like either of them were ever successful in the ring anyway :P



As far as Genesis...it'd be nice to have something like the Year End Awards Show...or even, a 5 Year End Awards Show which would be something.


And then we COULD get someone (I'd be willing) to do a Free For All style show. Maybe have two guys who aren't doing anything in a match. Have Hardy playing Pettingill and building up to the big matches. Pre-show interviews for those who get the time. That could go up Saturday and get everybody even more hyped for the show.


Or, like I say, you could pay off us Oat Toasters. Although, I assure you, we're not cheap. Especially MISTER WARRIOR~.

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I say we get the OAOAST involved in some competitive matches. I'd be all for seeing some of those guys actually write to beat someone.


I can't believe it's taken me this long to reply to this thread, on an unrelated note. A few general notes...


- The Axis/Chris Wilson team is aces. Make that the Storm team, because in my scenario they are the most historically relevant, as both have been around since the days of IGNWF Storm.

- Mak/CIA, while slightly less aces, would still be a good team to write, so I'm not opposed to making that the Lockdown team. Lockdown, Mak and CIA all debuted at around the same time, so this is historically relevant too. Although, as a side note, I absolutely loathe using both Lockdown and Smarkdown as names and feel one of them should be changed. Just saying.

- When Smarkdown came into being there was a gold rush of new guys who could be used in a commentator scenario. My personal feeling is that Frost, who came in around that time, would be perfect for this show, as he debuted right along with our move. Make Frost the play-by-play guy, in much the same vein as Mak, and then use Tod deKindes, Erek Taylor, or TNT as his color man. With Tod, you have the evil German heel Tod or the evil Toronto heel Tod, both of which are highly entertaining. With TNT, you have the built-in history that old guys would get and would be easily taught to new guys. And with Erek you have the cocky bastard Jeff Hardy-ish heel, who is a lot like Wilson on ice with lemon.


So, in my scenario...


STORM: Axis and Chris Wilson

SMARKDOWN: Frost and Tod deKindes/Erek Taylor/Taylor Nicholas Thompson

(the possibly renamed) LOCKDOWN: Mak Francis and CIA

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Hey, anyone up for renaming Lockdown after one of the old JL shows in commemoration of the old league?


SWF Metal

SWF Crimson

SWF Wrath


And I've always been a fan of this: Flagshipping. Have something like Storm be the show where you have World Title Defenses and maybe US (It's the upper portion of the lower card) defenses, and would have a lot of the "bigger name' matches on it, almost like a super-card or a mini-PPV to blowoff smaller feuds and raise the heat on larger ones. Smarkdown feature "lower" belts like the ICTV (It's the lower "Upper Card" belt. Plus balancing shows and getting these 'on the brink' people prepared for the ME) and Tag and spotlight younger, less established talent. "Lockdown" would get Hardcore and Cruiser and would have a bit more wild side to it, featuring more stipulations (If you took a JL Show Name here, it would fit in because of the JL's reputation for wild stips). Anyone up for something like this?

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This idea sounds fine, in theory, except that it makes the World Cruiserweight Championship and the Hardcore Title look bush league (which I don't think I need to say again how much I abhor), especially if you relegate them primarily to a show that you want to give a JL name to.

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I say you defend a title on any show. However, maybe Storm can be the spot for bigger matches... Like matches with mini-feuds brewing, ect. Instead of waiting 6 weeks for that one PPV for the match. Don't regulate my favorite belt to be a bush league title, or unimportant.

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Smarkdown feature "lower" belts like the ICTV (It's the lower "Upper Card" belt. Plus balancing shows and getting these 'on the brink' people prepared for the ME) and Tag and spotlight younger, less established talent.

The ICTV is above the USJL in prestige. As for the idea of limiting the Cruiser Title to one show, I'm dead against it like WC - it needs building up, not knocking down. Maybe have one show the "Hardcore" show, but even that is a little limiting.

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Smarkdown feature "lower" belts like the ICTV (It's the lower "Upper Card" belt. Plus balancing shows and getting these 'on the brink' people prepared for the ME) and Tag and spotlight younger, less established talent.

The ICTV is above the USJL in prestige.

Damn skippy. That's why I dropped one for the other.




And as the SWF's resident 'Why won't anyone book me in a Cruiserweight Title Match?' guy, I too would be against any lessening of the Cruiser belt.

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My original idea for the ICTV being on Smarkdown is because that's where the new Main Eventers generally come in at, and this way they would get some top time without being overshadowed by the World Title and the established ME. I do agree, though, now that I look at m placement of the Cruiserweight title, that I did sort of devalue it. So how about this?


The reasoning I support something like flagshipping is because I like the idea of each show having a distinctive feel rather than each show feeling like the same thing, different name every time. Giving each show a different feeling is something that I'd like to see happen because it might liven things up creatively. Not only this, but when you flagship shows with certain titles, you can assure that those titles get time and defenses, which seems to be something you want with the cruiserweight title.


SWF Storm: World and ICTV

Description: A more old school, big-game flavor. A lot of contendership matches, plus World and/or ICTV title defenses generally occur on this show.


SWF Smarkdown: A focus on newer, fast rising talent. talent, with a more of a flashy style and such. The Tag Titles and Cruisers are featured on this show.


SWF "Metal" (Just using this as the JL example): Goes back to the JL roots with a more stip heavy, hardcore show. The top belt is USJL in commemoration of the old starter league, and the Hardcore belt is also a feature on this show.


I know there are some problems with it, but I'd like to see something like this at least tried once and see how it works out.

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I'd be happy with that...if only because I'd only defend the title (if I still have it) once every three shows.


It'd certainly help with all these lightning-quick title reigns. But I think if something like that plan was used, it'd have to be slightly flexible so that it doesn't become routine...because if we make it too much of a routine, it takes away some of the unpredictability of the cards.

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