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Stephen Joseph

More Moore Bashing

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Counter: How did they know it wasn't?


What do you do in a bad situation


Then Act


It's called government protocol, which is neither right nor left

I swear people, learn how our government works

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Guest MikeSC
And I'm completely sure if it was President Clinton or Gore reading to kids for 11 minutes during 9/11, everyone in this thread would have a completely different view.

Nah --- though I expect Clinton would be trying to get a hummer from a teacher instead of reading.


Oh, and kkk, I've been considering getting the Kery "Waffle House" T-shirts from Beck.

How did Bush know he wasn't a target himself on 9/11? He was told that America was under attack yet Bush himself carried on reading to kids.


Two planes had crashed into the WTC. Two more were flying around the country, destinations unknown. Airports surrounded Booker Elementary School, one of them only 4 miles away. How did the Secret Service KNOW it was safe for Bush to continue sitting there reading about goats? 

Seeing as how few people could have said precisely where he was that morning (I know I didn't know that morning), I imagine he was rather safe and the Service knew it as well.


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There is no way of knowing what the Secret Service knew or didn't know, or what they did or didn't do. That's why their services are a secret ...


And it's not like the government did nothing just because Bush kept on doing what he was doing. People that had jobs to do did their jobs, and a lot of those jobs don't necessarily involve Bush's 100% involvement.

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Oh, and kkk, I've been considering getting the Kery "Waffle House" T-shirts from Beck.

I don't like that one, although I'll probably be getting Mikey's shirt along with I :wub: HELL-iburton, too, once I move later next month and use the new address.


I LOVE John Kerry's Wafflehouse theme song, though...

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I've been recovering from a nasty virus that hit my computer, so I've been out of the fighting for a while here.


Look, I think it's unfair and stupid to snipe at Bush for sitting in the room and reading during that time. However, I thought it was equally stupid when I saw the usual crew of talking heads talk about how he was projecting calm and grace under fire.


Let's just be honest, people. He was trying to mentally swallow the news just as we were. To villify or glorify those moments is beyond stupid.

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I'm so getting this.


And you can, too...

I'd never waste my money on a politically themed t-shirt, but I must say, that little cartoon Moore just looks hilarious.


Let's just be honest, people. He was trying to mentally swallow the news just as we were. To villify or glorify those moments is beyond stupid.




Oh, and nl5 - you RAWK for having one of the girls from suicidegirls.com as your avatar.

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And I'm completely sure if it was President Clinton or Gore reading to kids for 11 minutes during 9/11, everyone in this thread would have a completely different view.

Well, if it was Gore, all the kids would have been asleep by the third page, so he probably could have snuck quietly out of there after stealing some milk for the road.

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Just saw F-911. What a kick in the balls. Not for me, but for GW. Maybe he can apply for unemployment next year in Flint.


Moore totally made Bush Senior and Junior his personal bitch. The standing ovation at the end of the film nearly brought me to tears.


Its not even like Moore really even had to do anything. GW and all of "those people" did it themselves right out in the open.


. :spank:

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The fact that people give this moron Moore a standing ovation brings me to tears. Christ, I have no feelings towards Bush or Kerry but I know Moore is a hack director now and he's not even that good of a fiction writer anymore.


He wants to call something "the truth" until he gets called on his bullshit, then he screams how his film is "satire" or whatever the hell he wants to claim.


The only one who deserves to be slapped is double talking moron Michael Moore for being a total brainless dick. And if you find ANY Moore movie to be "the truth" then I worry for how you are surviving with an empty skull.

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Guest MikeSC
Just saw F-911. What a kick in the balls. Not for me, but for GW. Maybe he can apply for unemployment next year in Flint.


Moore totally made Bush Senior and Junior his personal bitch. The standing ovation at the end of the film nearly brought me to tears.


Its not even like Moore really even had to do anything. GW and all of "those people" did it themselves right out in the open.


. :spank:

So, you live near morons.


I wouldn't broadcast that.


...Do you realize how EASILY one can ANNIHILATE Moore using his tactics?

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Didn't someone on this board link Moore to those same Arab families, etc. in less than 6 hours time?


And probably the reason he got a standing ovation at Cannes is because Cannes is in France. Bush and France don't get along, thus the french are going to cheer for the eviseration of Bush, whether right or wrong.


And the whole fact that Moore, who is a terrible director and the fact that his "documenteries" are full of false edits(Moore made Heston look like an asshole for coming to Flint after Columbine and then spliced in a speech from another convention and said it was the one from Flint) and yet Moore stilles wins the top prize at Cannes? Makes Baby Jesus cry.

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Guest MikeSC
Didn't someone on this board link Moore to those same Arab families, etc. in less than 6 hours time?

Hell, I'll re-post it.

In Dude, Where's My Country, Michael Moore's conspiracy theory consists of tying the Bush family together with the bin Ladens and the Saudis (whom he regards as little better, in fact arguing that they and not Osama bin Laden -- "how could a guy, sitting in a cave in Afghanistan hooked up to dialysis, have directed and overseen the actions of nineteen terrorists for two years...." (p. 16).). The ties to the bin Ladens, Moore maintains, run through the Carlyle Group, to which both Bush Sr. and Jr. have ties, and in which the bin Ladens had an investment.


Let's use Moore's own approach . . . .[begin ominous music] . . . .


And probe the shadowy connections between Moore and the bin Ladens.


Moore's next film, Farenheit 911, is being underwritten by Miramax, to the tune of several million dollars. Miramax is a subsidiary of the Disney empire.


While Disney derives a lot of its income from Disney sweatshops in third world countries, that's not its only source of financing. It needed serious capital -- billions -- for its expansion into Euro Disney, and to bail out that project when it started to tank. And guess with whom Disney hopped into bed at that point?


To start with . . . the Carlyle Group with (Moore tells us) its bin Laden monies.


With the help of its 'access capitalists' such as Baker and Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal (whom the firm helped add to his fortune in a 1991 Citicorp stock transaction), [my note: remember the Prince's name; you'll see it again in this shadowy trail] Carlyle made deals in the Middle East and Western Europe (including a bailout of Euro Disney) in the mid-1990s. Source


Carlyle numbers "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, and Osama bin Laden's estranged family among its high-profile clientele." Source.


Ah yes, the Prince....


About HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin AbdulAziz Alsaud


HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and trusts for his benefit hold major business investments in Citigroup, Apple Computer Inc., Motorola, AOL Time Warner, Saks Inc., EuroDisney and Walt Disney Company, the Teledesic satellite venture.... Source


Saudi Arabia's billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal announced on Tuesday new investments .... A statement from the prince`s office in Riyadh sent to Reuters said the new investments included stakes in Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co Inc, McDonald`s Corp, Walt Disney Co, . . .. His stakes in each of the above firms stood at $50 million, the statement said. Source


Back to Euro Disney. A major loss for the Disney Company, foundering until rescuers appeared. The Carlyle Group, and guess who?


A Saudi Arabian prince, Al-Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, swooped in to help rescue the struggling Euro Disney theme park, pledging to invest up to $500 million in Mickey Mouse's European home near Paris.


New Orleans Times-Picayune, Thursday, June 2, 1994, p. C-1. The Prince wound up a virtual Disney partner (Disney owns 39%, he 24%). And Disney is now turning to him for a second bailout.


So along comes a filmmaker who:


Has produced works which are the standard primers for anti-Americanism today;


Has put out movies and books provide the emotional underpinning for terrorism (If the US is, as he argues, a violent bully which kills thousands of third-world innocents, overthrows democracies, and supports dictatorships, it's hard to see anti-American terrorism as evil; in fact, it would seem more like a struggle of heroic underdogs);


Has plans for a new film which will hopefully un-elect a president who defeated and ejected the Taliban; and


Which (if it tracks his book Dude, Where's My Country) will suggest Osama bin Laden may not have done it, and in any event point the finger at everyone but him ....


And suddenly a company backed by an awful lot of bin Laden connected money (by his own definition) wants to pump millions into his film.


In short, I can (in about eight hours of research) produce a sample of paranoid ideation which is quite as plausible as Moore's Farenheit 911.



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And the whole fact that Moore, who is a terrible director and the fact that his "documenteries" are full of false edits(Moore made Heston look like an asshole for coming to Flint after Columbine and then spliced in a speech from another convention and said it was the one from Flint) and yet Moore stilles wins the top prize at Cannes? Makes Baby Jesus cry.

Actually, with the Flint one he did come to Flint. Something obscene like 6 months after for a Get Out the Vote rally, but he did come to Flint. God damn him for not respecting the "grace period" for a killing he obviously caused! DAMN HIM TO HELL!

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Guest TonyJaymzV1
And the whole fact that Moore, who is a terrible director and the fact that his "documenteries" are full of false edits(Moore made Heston look like an asshole for coming to Flint after Columbine and then spliced in a speech from another convention and said it was the one from Flint) and yet Moore stilles wins the top prize at Cannes? Makes Baby Jesus cry.

Actually, with the Flint one he did come to Flint. Something obscene like 6 months after for a Get Out the Vote rally, but he did come to Flint. God damn him for not respecting the "grace period" for a killing he obviously caused! DAMN HIM TO HELL!

The worst part of the whole movie is the ending, where he uses the little girl's death to make himself(Moore) look like some kind of fighter for good, and Heston as an evil man, when Heston had NOTHING to do with the killing at all.


Man, I still can't believe Moore won top prize at Cannes...what other films were there?

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Guest MikeSC
And the whole fact that Moore, who is a terrible director and the fact that his "documenteries" are full of false edits(Moore made Heston look like an asshole for coming to Flint after Columbine and then spliced in a speech from another convention and said it was the one from Flint) and yet Moore stilles wins the top prize at Cannes? Makes Baby Jesus cry.

Actually, with the Flint one he did come to Flint. Something obscene like 6 months after for a Get Out the Vote rally, but he did come to Flint. God damn him for not respecting the "grace period" for a killing he obviously caused! DAMN HIM TO HELL!

The worst part of the whole movie is the ending, where he uses the little girl's death to make himself(Moore) look like some kind of fighter for good, and Heston as an evil man, when Heston had NOTHING to do with the killing at all.


Man, I still can't believe Moore won top prize at Cannes...what other films were there?

I thought him blaming Dick Clark because a 6-year old boy shot a girl was classic Mikey.


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Guest MikeSC
Intersting transcipt of an interview with Michael Moore and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.




The left would be wise to bury the tubby sack of goo themselves, rather than having prominent Democrats supporting him. Need to know when it's time to cut a psycho loose.


After all, you don't see the head of the RNC praising Ann Coulter or Michael Savage ever.


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Intersting transcipt of an interview with Michael Moore and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.




The left would be wise to bury the tubby sack of goo themselves, rather than having prominent Democrats supporting him. Need to know when it's time to cut a psycho loose.


After all, you don't see the head of the RNC praising Ann Coulter or Michael Savage ever.


I really wish they would, Ann Coulter/Michael Savage provide me with daily laughter.

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Guest MikeSC
Intersting transcipt of an interview with Michael Moore and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.




The left would be wise to bury the tubby sack of goo themselves, rather than having prominent Democrats supporting him. Need to know when it's time to cut a psycho loose.


After all, you don't see the head of the RNC praising Ann Coulter or Michael Savage ever.


I really wish they would, Ann Coulter/Michael Savage provide me with daily laughter.

Nah, conservatives tend to ignore OUR whackjobs.


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Guest Olympic Slam

That Moore shirt gave me Garbage Pail Kid flashbacks. I don't buy political shirts because they more or less never get worn (I have to look classy you know) but if I'm in the mood I throw this on and watch the sparks fly........


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Intersting transcipt of an interview with Michael Moore and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.




The left would be wise to bury the tubby sack of goo themselves, rather than having prominent Democrats supporting him. Need to know when it's time to cut a psycho loose.


After all, you don't see the head of the RNC praising Ann Coulter or Michael Savage ever.


I find it funny that even Stephanopoulos is calling him out on some of his double-talk... I know he's a journalist now but he WAS one of the big insiders to the only Democratic administrations in the past 20 years.


As for Moore, maybe he should be Kerry's running mate. He only waffles on his arguments SLIGHLY less than Kerry.

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Guest MikeSC
Intersting transcipt of an interview with Michael Moore and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.




The left would be wise to bury the tubby sack of goo themselves, rather than having prominent Democrats supporting him. Need to know when it's time to cut a psycho loose.


After all, you don't see the head of the RNC praising Ann Coulter or Michael Savage ever.


I find it funny that even Stephanopoulos is calling him out on some of his double-talk... I know he's a journalist now but he WAS one of the big insiders to the only Democratic administrations in the past 20 years.


As for Moore, maybe he should be Kerry's running mate. He only waffles on his arguments SLIGHLY less than Kerry.

Hell, Stephy is FAR LEFT --- he was about as far left as Robert Reich in that administration ("Political Analyst" by ass). And HE is calling moore out on this.


Honestly, NO liberal should stand by this man --- but the HEAD OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY does. Sad.


BTW, do the people who are going to vote for Kerry out of anger over Bush's war policy realize that Kerry wants to send MORE troops over?


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As for Moore, maybe he should be Kerry's running mate. He only waffles on his arguments SLIGHLY less than Kerry.

Paging kkk


Michael Moore fat joke involving waffles needed.

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Guest Anglesault

Moore ate the waffle joke.

Edited by Anglesault

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BTW, do the people who are going to vote for Kerry out of anger over Bush's war policy realize that Kerry wants to send MORE troops over?

Then again, my time checking the conservative boards has people there claiming a President Kerry would surrender in the WoT and all that.


Reverse psychology from Mike.


The one thing I read:

"Hanoi John Kerry has made it abundantly clear that he will abandon this war and surrender to the terrorist. By doing so, he will give free rein to the terrorists to attack us at will, endangering the lives of every American, including our children, and probably costing the lives of millions, if not tens-of millions, of innocent Americans. Abandoning the War on Terrorism at this juncture would be like abandoning World War II before the Normandy D-Day invasion."

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Guest MikeSC
BTW, do the people who are going to vote for Kerry out of anger over Bush's war policy realize that Kerry wants to send MORE troops over?

Then again, my time checking the conservative boards has people there claiming a President Kerry would surrender in the WoT and all that.


Reverse psychology from Mike.


The one thing I read:

"Hanoi John Kerry has made it abundantly clear that he will abandon this war and surrender to the terrorist. By doing so, he will give free rein to the terrorists to attack us at will, endangering the lives of every American, including our children, and probably costing the lives of millions, if not tens-of millions, of innocent Americans. Abandoning the War on Terrorism at this juncture would be like abandoning World War II before the Normandy D-Day invasion."

Hmm, so I can say that hunger4unger represents YOU? Way to use a quote from an anonymous guy on an anonymous board to back up a non-existant point.


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