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Mr. S£im Citrus

Anybody worried?

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I've been underway for the past few days and I finally got a chance to really catch up on the board, only to see that it's steady descent into hell has progressed even faster than I ever thought it would, and I haven't been particularly optimistic about it for several months... So my question is, worst case scenario, are we prepared to move if this board goes down? Am I just being needlessly paranoid? :huh:



- Dub "A board shutdown would put a serious crimp in my plans for a comeback" Cee

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Care to brief those of us who roll our eyes at anything that can be stretchingly described as "board politics" and skip out of the thread?


I don't read HCD or anything, so I'm not up on things.

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I don't spend much time in Hardcore Discussion, either, but people seem to be "actin' a muh-fuggin' fool" in Site Feedback. I usually just take their posturing and blustering for what it is, but I figured I might as well ask while it's on my mind: do we have a back-up plan? :huh:

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DubCee does have a point.


Some of the mods are going around banning people they don't like while Dames is away. And some days, it takes hours to get on here.


A back-up plan might be smart.

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Dames needs to bring balance to the Force.

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Well people, I still have my invision board. We can always move there on mass if an emergency calls for it.


Other than that. If this site does go down, I'm sure there are other places we can get hosted.

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Well people, I still have my invision board. We can always move there on mass if an emergency calls for it.


Other than that. If this site does go down, I'm sure there are other places we can get hosted.

Or we could always uses Danny's shitty messageboards, wherever they might be.








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Well people, I still have my invision board.  We can always move there on mass if an emergency calls for it.


Other than that. If this site does go down, I'm sure there are other places we can get hosted.

Or we could always uses Danny's shitty messageboards, wherever they might be.

Keep in mind, that would be a worst case scenario, 'Drea.

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Only those that are a hinderance and annoyance to the board in most eyes and offer nothing at all are being banned, although it is a bit of a slippery slope. All in all though, it's people that have had it coming, and it's clearly stated in the rules that these bans can and will happen.


The only problem I have with it is that it's made unnecessarily into a game or show for the board's amusement, when the mods should just ban and be done with it.


Secondly, Dames has been around. There's no way this initiative isn't being taken without him knowing about it or endorsing it. The only ramifications this has had was a mod stepping down, but it isn't like it was a big blowup. I really doubt anything that's going on lately is going to swallow the board and cause us to move.

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If anything, you guys can always go to www.proboards.com and get a free board from there. I've been running BWF on one since last July... they're good boards, as long as you don't mind ads at the top of every page (and you can even get ad-free if you really hate them ads, but from experience, they're not a bother - at least not to me.)

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Proboards suck for our type of fed Davey boy.


Their character limit on threads is piss poor, and with our matches shows (even PPV's could go on for 10 or more pages unless we were to actually pay to set our own word limit. All in all... Proboards suck for matchwriting feds like us.

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Guest Evolution

Isn't there a way to get free "limited" Invision boards, just like these except not quite as powerful?


That would probably be a good way to satisfy our needs, if we can track one down.

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Duran, my boards are a paid full Invision Boards, just like this site.

Just one of the things that came with my site.


Anything they can do here, it can be done on my boards.

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Guest Evolution

Oh yeah. I completely forgot about your boards, for some reason. And their paid? Double the awesome.


And the fact that we would have a complete board to ourselves would allow for forums such as show archives, which I now remember Dace has.

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I'm pretty sure the package that came with my site is paid invision boards. I'd have to check, but they'd certainly do any work we needed.

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