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Alien vs. Predator

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Probably the Queen would need to be almost fully mature to lay eggs in the first place, so while a minor discrepency is one thing--this is a huge one.

That's just a guess, though. I mean, if humans who aren't fully mature can have children - then why not this species of alien?

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Probably the Queen would need to be almost fully mature to lay eggs in the first place, so while a minor discrepency is one thing--this is a huge one.

That's just a guess, though. I mean, if humans who aren't fully mature can have children - then why not this species of alien?

Sure, why not? Maybe they incubated the Queen inside a rabbit or something.

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Probably the Queen would need to be almost fully mature to lay eggs in the first place, so while a minor discrepency is one thing--this is a huge one.

That's just a guess, though. I mean, if humans who aren't fully mature can have children - then why not this species of alien?

Sure, why not? Maybe they incubated the Queen inside a rabbit or something.

If we're sticking with the way Aliens breed from the second movie, they work very similar to bees. Therefore, most of the aliens will be the "worker" sort, doing most of the gathering of new hosts and so on. There would be a small number of "drones" to mate with the queen.


The workers in bee colonies are simply females that never reached sexual maturity. The queen is the only female in the colony that has reached sexual maturity. Therefore, a queen pumping out eggs should be at least moderately mature.


Of course, one possible explanation would be that since the Queen here is at least a couple hundred years old, and the Queen in Aliens is smaller, perhaps the Aliens evolved in that time period so that the Queens will still be very effective at laying eggs but require less food to do so. Since the queen's only job is to lay eggs, that would make sense. However, the decreased gestation period in AVP seems to contradict that...there's no actual benefit for increased gestation period in the Alien movies.


However, in any case, that means I'm doing Anderson's scriptwriting for him, which I shouldn't have to do to figure out why something is a certain way. I'm not about to give him that much credit with everything else he screwed up.


Sure, why not? Maybe they incubated the Queen inside a rabbit or something.


I've never heard about anything that small used to breed an alien, but take a look at the Queen in Aliens--does she seem to have ANY visible rabbit traits to you? :P

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Sure, why not? Maybe they incubated the Queen inside a rabbit or something.


I've never heard about anything that small used to breed an alien, but take a look at the Queen in Aliens--does she seem to have ANY visible rabbit traits to you? :P

Well, I think she hopped a couple of times...

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AVP made 38 mil this weekend. I was surprised they made that much. I was expecting $24-25 mil.

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When Event Horizon is the high-water mark of your career, something's gone horribly wrong.

..and what, exactly, is wrong with Event Horizon? Seriously, he does sci-fi, were you expecting Othello?

Because all sci-fi is braindead, SFX-laden, illogical tripe, correct? ;)

Yeah, what Andrew said. Event Horizon did have a lot of flat-out shocking moments, and it's the best he's done with the macabre, but outside of atmosphere and a bit of freakiness in the bathtub and airlock, I've seen it all before. That said, I'll still watch it if I catch it on TV.

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Soldier is underrated. I dug it. Would have been better if it were longer, but Kurt Russell's performance as Todd was pretty good, especially since he couldn't talk or show any real emotions.

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When Event Horizon is the high-water mark of your career, something's gone horribly wrong.

..and what, exactly, is wrong with Event Horizon? Seriously, he does sci-fi, were you expecting Othello?

Because all sci-fi is braindead, SFX-laden, illogical tripe, correct? ;)

Yeah, what Andrew said. Event Horizon did have a lot of flat-out shocking moments, and it's the best he's done with the macabre, but outside of atmosphere and a bit of freakiness in the bathtub and airlock, I've seen it all before. That said, I'll still watch it if I catch it on TV.

I still don't see what was wrong with EH's story...

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Because all sci-fi is braindead, SFX-laden, illogical tripe, correct? ;)

Aside from the braindead & tripe comments, yes, most sci-fi needs SFX as well as storylines that are illogical [seriously, what horror/sci-fi storyline isn't illogical in some way/shape/form?] in the "real-world" for them to be even considered sci-fi.

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Didn't feel like making a thread for this. So think the lawsuit was filed before or after the credits?




VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. -- A 3-year-old boy choked to death while eating popcorn at a movie theater.


Deontea Riley, of New York City, was at the Sunrise Multiplex Cinemas in Long Island's Valley Stream watching "Alien vs. Predator" with his parents and older brother when he began to choke shortly before 7 p.m. Sunday, Nassau County police said.


The family all had been eating from a small tub of popcorn when Elaine McIntosh, the boy's mother, saw that her youngest son was choking.


His parents rushed him out of the theater where they performed the Heimlich maneuver without success.


"I was trying everything," his father, Eddie Riley, told the Daily News in Tuesday's editions. "I was trying to put my finger down his throat. I didn't feel anything."


Police arrived shortly afterward and tried to clear the boy's mouth and perform CPR, but he was pronounced dead at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre.


His body was taken to the Nassau University Medical Center morgue pending a medical examiner's report.

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Because all sci-fi is braindead, SFX-laden, illogical tripe, correct?  ;)

Aside from the braindead & tripe comments, yes, most sci-fi needs SFX as well as storylines that are illogical [seriously, what horror/sci-fi storyline isn't illogical in some way/shape/form?] in the "real-world" for them to be even considered sci-fi.

I'm referring to movies that are built almost entirely around SFX, as well as the plothole-laden tripe that Anderson produces, where you're lucky if the movie actually plays by the ground rules it establishes itself, let alone known scientific laws.


So don't even attempt to put Anderson in the same ranks as *talented" sci fi directors. You disgrace the entire genre and filmmaking in general.


Also, on the contrary, there's plenty of sci-fi that is scientifically accurate, or at least was at the time of its conception.

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I saw this movie a while ago, and as a huge fan of both franchises, I must say that this movie can lick my nutsack. There was so much wrong that I don't know where to begin.


Paul Anderson must be the worst director ever born. He writes a script than include hundreds of Aliens and THREE Predators, and then ONE fucking Alien downs TWO of those Predators in less than ten minutes. What.The.Fuck.


The Predator/Human alliance I thought worked quite well in the comics, but not in this shitfest. Not only was that bitch wicked annoying, but the Predators come away from this movie looking like pussies. Big, slow, fat pussies who get their asses handed to them. The Predator can't run faster or jump higher than that human woman? He must have been the fucking nerd Predator in high school that got shoved in his locker by the REAL Preds, the ones that were in Pred 1 and 2.


The matrix effect on a face hugger? The thing that makes face hugger so scary is how FAST it is.


That one guy seemed to be able to read those scriptures like it was a fucking children's book. How long was he there telling the girl the story? Four hours? Or am I supposed to believe that this happened in only three minutes?


The Alien/Predator fight scene SUCKED. I couldn't even tell what was going on. I go to see these two fuckers fight and there is only ONE fight scene and I can't even tell what is going on. And why the hell did the Aliens KEEP FIGHTING the last Predator when he had an Alien INSIDE of him? Wouldn't they want to keep the Pred alive so the last Alien can hatch?


The Preds whipe out those people before they go down the hole. Why? Because they are fucking retarded, that's why. The whole story focuses around the Preds needing humans to be sacraficed so they could breed Aliens, so why not just capture the guys and put the face huggers on them?


And jeez, did anyone else ever wonder if Aliens would ever come to earth after watching the film Alien? No need to worry, they've been here THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME we've been here.


The queen just went crazy all of a sudden. Why? She acted like a damn crack whore who was out of crack and went rampaing for more. She also is now played by the T-Rex from Jurrasic Park. And how did that woman outrun this huge monster? She must have been a track star in high school.


I am requesting that this movie be removed from all of our memories and that no trace of it be left in the rest of life.


EDIT: Oh, and The end was retarded. The Preds offer the girl their respect and then TAKE OFF WITHOUT HER, LEAVING HER IN THE MIDDLE OF ANTARTICA WITH NO WAY TO GET BACK?! I'm guessing the filmakers wanted us to believe that she died of frostbite shortly after the film ended?

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Guest JMA

I think this film would've been helped by having only one or two main human characters. After all, no one came to the movie to see human interaction.

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I think this film would've been helped by having only one or two main human characters. After all, no one came to the movie to see human interaction.

Not entirely true. After all, it's not an Alien movie without having one burst out of a human's chest. Aside from that though... yeah. If it ain't Ripley, there's no real point having other humans that are integral to the story.

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Paul Anderson must be the worst director ever born. He writes a script than include hundreds of Aliens and THREE Predators, and then ONE fucking Alien downs TWO of those Predators in less than ten minutes. What.The.Fuck.

Hundreds? Hardly. Maybe in the flashback, but otherwise no..

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I think this film would've been helped by having only one or two main human characters. After all, no one came to the movie to see human interaction.

Not entirely true. After all, it's not an Alien movie without having one burst out of a human's chest. Aside from that though... yeah. If it ain't Ripley, there's no real point having other humans that are integral to the story.

I'm having a hard time remembering if one came out of someone in Alien Resurection...I know that guy that always plays spazoids in every movie he's in had one inside him, but I can't remember if it actually came out before he was killed...

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I think this film would've been helped by having only one or two main human characters. After all, no one came to the movie to see human interaction.

Not entirely true. After all, it's not an Alien movie without having one burst out of a human's chest. Aside from that though... yeah. If it ain't Ripley, there's no real point having other humans that are integral to the story.

I'm having a hard time remembering if one came out of someone in Alien Resurection...I know that guy that always plays spazoids in every movie he's in had one inside him, but I can't remember if it actually came out before he was killed...

Yup, it did...


Remember, he holds the doctor's head in front of his chest, and the chestbuster bursts through and kills them both.. only to be shot to pieces by the heroes..


I just watched Resurrection for the first time two nights ago.. and I really have to question what the fuck Joss Whedon was on when he wrote that piece of shit.

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I think this film would've been helped by having only one or two main human characters. After all, no one came to the movie to see human interaction.

Not entirely true. After all, it's not an Alien movie without having one burst out of a human's chest. Aside from that though... yeah. If it ain't Ripley, there's no real point having other humans that are integral to the story.

I'm having a hard time remembering if one came out of someone in Alien Resurection...I know that guy that always plays spazoids in every movie he's in had one inside him, but I can't remember if it actually came out before he was killed...

Yup, it did...


Remember, he holds the doctor's head in front of his chest, and the chestbuster bursts through and kills them both.. only to be shot to pieces by the heroes..


I just watched Resurrection for the first time two nights ago.. and I really have to question what the fuck Joss Whedon was on when he wrote that piece of shit.

Dammit, that's right! Man, my fucking memory is really slipping on me more and more everyday...course I only saw that piece of shit movie once, maybe twice...


I have yet to see AvP, doubt I ever will until it comes out on HBO or whatever....i do want to personally thank each and every one of you for helping me save 8 bucks by not seeing this movie!

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Paul Anderson must be the worst director ever born. He writes a script than include hundreds of Aliens and THREE Predators, and then ONE fucking Alien downs TWO of those Predators in less than ten minutes. What.The.Fuck.

Hundreds? Hardly. Maybe in the flashback, but otherwise no..

Ok, I exaggerated, but the Aliens out-numbered the Preds by a pretty large marigin.


Did anyone else think that during the "we can only see the outlines of the characters running from the explosion" scene that they should have played the Batman theme? It would have fit perfectly. Then, when the Predator took off his mask, it should have just been Denzel Washington under the mask so the chick's dream could have come true and they could exchange a kiss. Of course, that would be believing that Denzel would actually have something to do with this shit movie.

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"I have yet to see AvP, doubt I ever will until it comes out on HBO or whatever....i do want to personally thank each and every one of you for helping me save 8 bucks by not seeing this movie!"


You're welcome. :) So often people believe "It can't be that bad--I have to see it myself..."

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I caught this flick the other night, and boy howdy did it suck the meat missle. Just a few of my many, many SPOILER-RIDDEN complaints:


-Three measely fuckin' predators. Two of which get killed about five minutes after meeting the aliens. (Excuse me, I mean ALIEN, that one killed both of 'em.) Not exactly satisfying.


-Oh, and since when did predators start cold-bloodedly murdering unarmed humans? They sure polished off all those guys on the surface quickly enough.


-When did the gestation period for chestbursters change from a whole day into about half an hour? And how did the baby aliens grow into full-sized adults in seemingly even less time?


-You know, I hate movie sequels where you've got the same monsters from the previous movies, but all new oblivious heroes. The audience knows way more about both extraterrestrials than any of the characters, which makes the whole first half of the movie boring as hell while the wimpy humans try to figure out all the crap that we already know.


-Lance Henrikson's weak-ass unexplained motivationless character with his incredibly weak-ass death. (And he was easily the best actor in the movie.) Let's face it, this guy was cast here probably just because Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton were busy washing their hair or making Thunderbirds or something.


-Anyone else notice that, in the one big predator-&-chick vs. aliens fight scene inside the pyramid, they actually killed more aliens than there were human victims to birth them? There were only about five people caught in that sacrificial chamber, yet there were easily at least half a dozen that got greased before the end.


-The death of the picture-taking British dude pissed me off. They gave him a fighting chance at glory when he killed the one facehugger: cool. Then he was clearly FUCKED when twenty more eggs opened: cool. Then... he died offscreen and we never saw him again. Suckage.


-Speaking of which... was there ONE really good death scene in this entire movie? Anywhere? Ever?


-Even though there were no airlocks involved, they STILL somehow killed the last alien in a very blast-it-out-the-airlock manner.


-PTAnderson is a bad director. He's the only guy working who could film an actor sitting alone in an eight-by-four foot jail cell, yet somehow leave the audience unaware of where exactly that character was in said cell.


-And his editor was even worse. We get the cool shot of the predator spaceship passing over the guy, indistinct up in the swirling snow... but we get it AFTER we already just saw a clear shot of the whole (obviously CGI) ship.


-And the writer was the least talented of them all. The whole "every hundred years" bullshit makes even less sense when you consider that, according to this movie's backstory, the first two Predator films never should've happened at all.


About the only thing I liked was when the queen went on its rampage. That was kinda cool. The rest of this celluloid waste dump can go fuck itself with a large drano-soaked corncob.

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Guest Paul H.

From the uncouth:


I liked RE and Mortal Kombat. EH was sorta shit,i think..i'm not sure if that's the one with L.Jackson or Fishbourne if it's the one with Jackson then I liked it if it's the other one then fuck it.


A:R was pretty suck-ass it's an HBO movie.Same with part 3 hated it.


Aliens is the best no sci-fi horror flick can fuck with that.That lil blonde bicth reminds me of the chick from RE2.


Uh...Hulk was the shit IMO just a lil too long and technical.I'd scoop it up on DVD.


This movie looked pretty whack in the ads' but when i was a kid errybody and their mamma tried to put me on the comics so i'll see it when i have the chance.

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Guest JMA

I also liked "Mortal Kombat" and I haven't seen "Resident Evil" (although I most likely will before I see the sequel).

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Resident Evil is better than it has any right to be, but still not exactly what you'd call "good". It managed to keep a similar vibe to the game though and I credit them for that.


As far as AvP goes, my reaction was mixed. On one hand "Oh Dear Jesus, this is really bad and horrible" was very present in my mind, but on the other hand "OMG PREDATOR IZ FIGHTING ALIEN U SHIT SELF NOW LOL" was rampaging through there every now and again too. It's nowhere near good, and it disappoints more than anything, but the pathetic 8 year old kid in me still had a sorta good time. Not as much as I should have, but still.

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I also liked "Mortal Kombat" and I haven't seen "Resident Evil" (although I most likely will before I see the sequel).

Like Mindless Aggression said, it's not terrible, but it's not good.


Basically, it's a competently put-together film, but I couldn't find myself caring about the characters at all, the level of action is low, there's little direction to the plot, and little things strike you as stupid or just goofy here and there (like a useless bullet-time effect here and there, even if it's a bullet that actually does nothing). The CGI Licker also looks really fake, but most CGI is like that. I wish more movies would whip out the karo syrup and foam rubber, because they're far more realistic to my eyes.


However, both MK and RE are worlds better than that flaming bag of crap AVP.


Uh...Hulk was the shit IMO just a lil too long and technical.I'd scoop it up on DVD.


That isn't the problem with Hulk, IMO. Hulk =



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