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Guest Staravenger

WWE Wrestlers Upset Over Dress Code Policy...

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I can't believe i'm saying this, but I agree with Holly on this one. They should have a dress code, but nothing this strict, what's wrong with the clean jeans and a t shirt look? I'd imagine it'd be a pain in the ass too, not only do they have to do their normal travel arrangements, but now they have to worry if how they're dressed is up to company standard.

Still, maybe this'll be the straw that breaks the camels back and old Bob Holly will finally get released.

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What a ridiculous waste of time, there's things that far more people see that are damaging to the WWE's image.

True, there are. However, it's the little details that matter sometimes. Lawler & JR wearing suits now for example. It shows that htey have more respect for what they do. Conversely, as Loss said...


It's a double-edge sword. They try to do legitimate things like run a HOF and implement a dress code, then they have dumb whores sell ice cream cones and psychos impregnating other guys' girlfriends. They need to pick a vision and stick to it.


He's correct in that also. You can't exhibit both images at once. Obviously, I'd prefer the former image. However, it's going to take a long time and a lot of work before anyone views wrestling as legitimate again. THen again, it's Vince's own fault, he created that sterotype to a point, and now he's trying to kill it.

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Guest fanofcoils

Wearing pajamas all the time would be more comfortable, they just have to end the norm of wearing regular clothes.

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Guest El Satanico

I can understand them wanting everyone to dress nicely, they don't want anyone traveling around dressed like the Brooklyn Brawler. However, demanding that everyone wear dress pants, button up shirt and a tie is taking it too far.

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i think this is stupid i mean what would the average fan (mark) think if they saw stone cold come to the arena dressed up in a shirt or tie?

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Guest SteveyP93

I'm with Holly. Dress codes are stupid to begin with, it's even more pointless in the WWF...wrestlers are supposed to be rebels, not company men. It's really an unnecessary burden considering the travel schedule and what these guys put their bodies through. It's bad enough having to catch a red-eye flight on 3 hours sleep, now they have to go through the hassle of putting on slacks and a tie before they rush to the airport?


And like people have already brought up, dressing up in dress pants and a tie actually negates some gimmicks (i.e. Taker, Cena, Eugene, Mysterio, Jericho, etc.). With some people it looks good and furthers the gimmick (i.e. Evolution), and some of the guys actually like dressing up (i.e. Flair, Rock, Big Show), and that's fine, but making it MANDATORY for the entire roster to do it is ridiculous.


Can you imagine them making Austin walk through airports in slacks and a tie back in 1998? Fuck, if Austin was still around I gurantee you he'd make a big deal about this...and rightfully so.


I, for one, think that the days of the look of jeans, snakeskin boots, Gold's Gym tank tops and fanny packs were much more suited to pro wrestling.

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All athletes in NBA/MLB/NHL etc. have to do the same thing

Maybe in MLB and NFL, most NBA players are still wearing football jerseys or some kind of throwback jersey.


(hell, even in high school you had to dress up before a game for football and basketball)

...what high school did YOU go to?

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(hell, even in high school you had to dress up before a game for football and basketball)

...what high school did YOU go to?

It's not that odd.


I had to dress up before wrestling meets back in high school.

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All of our sports teams in high school had to dress up when they went to away games.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

I can understand them wanting the wrestlers to look spiffy if they're making a public appearance, like for the Smackdown Your Vote stuff, but for going from Point A to Point B in a dress shirt and pants seems really uncomfortable. Plus, like so many others have pointed out, it'd be awkward for the average, casual fan to see Eugene or the Undertaker dressed to the nines coming into the arena.


Some wrestlers should wear suits like that all the time though, Batista and Orton look delicious all suited up. But that's just my personal opinion. ^_^ Plus, Batista's got style, he should really show that off.

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I can understand them wanting the wrestlers to look spiffy if they're making a public appearance, like for the Smackdown Your Vote stuff, but for going from Point A to Point B in a dress shirt and pants seems really uncomfortable. Plus, like so many others have pointed out, it'd be awkward for the average, casual fan to see Eugene or the Undertaker dressed to the nines coming into the arena.

It's not that big of a deal...like I pointed out in my other post...everyone knows that wrestlers are just "actors"...maybe in the 80's it may have been more of a deal....but we are in a different time.....and its time to be more professional...

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Guest Staravenger
All of our sports teams in high school had to dress up when they went to away games.



And I made a mistake: The football team just wore the team jersey. Basketball and baseball had to dress up nicely. I never cared to bother with the girl sports though, but they didn't have to get dolled up like they are going to the prom.

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I've never seen the point to any dress code stricter than "no shirts with foul language" ever. If I'm going somewhere, I want to be comfortable, regardless of the length of time it takes to travel there. They could easily say "try to make sure your clothes are clean," or at least just say "no sweatpants that look like they were bought from a thrift shop, assholes," but yeah.


And where does this whole "shows they have respect" thing come in? I never, EVER understood how dressing up somehow displays respect. If anything, I think it shows disrespect. Dressing like you'd usually dress shows a lot more respect, as it brings a personal aspect into the encounter, thus showing that you respect it enough to make it personal. Hell, half the reason I never tried out for any sport in high school (even though I could have probably outwrestled most of our wrestling team, and given a good check to most of the hockey players) is because I hate dress codes (that, and I had extremely long hair for the first two years of high school, a mohawk for the third year, and started growing my hair again senior year).


Yeah, I'm rambling. Mmmmmmmmmmm...cherry kool-aid...

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Guest JRE

I see it this way...if I happen to see a wrestler at the airport that I respect, I'd rather the person (non-fan) with me sees a respectably dressed PROFESSIONAL....than some buffed up guy that dresses like a disrespectful jock.


How hard is it to wear a suit? Once you're use to it they're comfortable anyways.

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And I made a mistake: The football team just wore the team jersey. Basketball and baseball had to dress up nicely. I never cared to bother with the girl sports though, but they didn't have to get dolled up like they are going to the prom.

Not dolled up, but not looking too casual. In other words, no revealing clothes and no scrubby clothes.



Hell, half the reason I never tried out for any sport in high school (even though I could have probably outwrestled most of our wrestling team, and given a good check to most of the hockey players) is because I hate dress codes (that, and I had extremely long hair for the first two years of high school, a mohawk for the third year, and started growing my hair again senior year).


A dress code prevented you from joining sports? Shit, it's not that big of a deal.

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For the record, hockey players at my high school had to wear a dress shirt, a tie, dress slacks, dress shoes and our jersey on top of it.


Basketball was the same, without the jersey.


Baseball was just the jersey, as was football...

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Guest Staravenger
Hell, half the reason I never tried out for any sport in high school (even though I could have probably outwrestled most of our wrestling team, and given a good check to most of the hockey players) is because I hate dress codes (that, and I had extremely long hair for the first two years of high school, a mohawk for the third year, and started growing my hair again senior year).


A dress code prevented you from joining sports? Shit, it's not that big of a deal.

I'd have to agree. Dress codes preventing someone from doing stuff isn't good. Even at work during high school I had to wear slacks, so I eventually got use to it.


I didn't join any sports teams because I didn't have any stand out talent (my best game was basketball, but just mediocre skills) and I'm not the most reliable person on earth.

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I don't get why they just don't make everyone wear collar shirts (Polo shirts) and khaki pants. Think kind of the HHH Summer of 2002 look right after he turned heel. It would be more comfortable and look just as good.

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Guest Staravenger
I don't get why they just don't make everyone wear collar shirts (Polo shirts) and khaki pants. Think kind of the HHH Summer of 2002 look right after he turned heel. It would be more comfortable and look just as good.

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Dress Codes range from a professional, but casual, to over the top tuxedo dressing.


Maybe the people having fits are ones who want to show up dressed in tattered jeans and dirty t-shirts (which is probably what Hardcore holy DOES wear on a normal basis).

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If it were any other job but sports, this topic would be moot, simply because it's a hidden rule and treated as such. You're expected to be well dressed out of uniform, period.


I personally don't care if the wrestlers go GQ. This obviously shows that WWE doesn't give a damn about kayfabe anymore.


And I'm betting that this was Triple H's idea, the role model in the WWE for classy wear when not in the ring. By god, you better look up to him and copy his coolness, or he'll fire your ass. Got that, Holly? Rock wore silk shirts, and we didn't see a new mandate in the WWE office that all employees must wear silk shirts. But this is the Game, he's bigger than everyone. <_<

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Guest Staravenger

Or because McMahon doesn't want his wrestlers showing up like they are in a Bastion Booger look-a-like contest. Jerry Lawler showing up dressed in his King attire and Jim Ross dressed in a sloppy sweater doesn't look pretty.


A nice button down shirt is really THAT big of a deal? It's not like Vince wants people showing up like it's the fucking Emmy's or something.

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I personally don't care if the wrestlers go GQ. This obviously shows that WWE doesn't give a damn about kayfabe anymore.


Which is about damn time...


People are not stupid...nor should WWE pretend they are...everything is scripted...you are just an actor....and the ring is your set...and you are your own stuntman(or woman)...


If this was Triple H's idea I applaud him for it....


When they go to media events(TV talk shows)....kayfabe should not be involved...just be yourself..

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Guest Brian

I totally agree, when it comes to media. But for when fifty or fewer hardcores are watching as you show up to work?

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Guest wolverine1007

I think another big difference is that in professional sports, you are on a road trip for only so long, you know where you are going, and the team pays for your hotel and travel. In wrestling, it's well-known that the wrestlers book their own hotels and take care of their own travel arrangements. Sure, the WWE is giving the wrestlers a stage on whch to perform, but what is the WWE without the wrestlers?


If the WWE was going to inmpose any sort of dress code, I would suggest that it be something along the lines of dressing your gimmick. I'd think that would put both sides at ease.

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