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Guest wildpegasus

Tell of a time when someone said

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Guest wildpegasus

It's probably happened to most of us one time or another. We're watching wrestling and just happen to be watching a stiff, hard hitting match where both wrestlers are putting their bodies on their line. Than someone starts to talk to you and goes on about how such and such move (s) was fake (didn't hurt) even though it was obvious it did.


So cite some examples from your personal experience. This ought to be interesting.

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im not sure if this really counts but my mark friend once said that the way owen hart died proves how fake wrestling is.

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People will believe the dumbest things before they believe that anything in wrestling is even close to real.


"No, that's not real blood....see, they get goose skin, and somehow magically make it stick to their head and be the exact same color as their skin, and they put fake blood under that and then poke it to bleed."


Someone actually said this to a buddy of mine who was training to go pro at the time. I don't know how the other person walked away.


Also, while discussing how strong Brock was in class one day (it was like, the day after he F5'ed Rikishi for the first time) this one girl offered a helpful explanation:


"He was probably on some wires or something."


Some people...

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Guest JohnnySwift

I'll add one in that I thought was fake. Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell on Thunder when Steiner botched the bulldog. It was right around a time they had about 6 faked injury angles between WWF and WCW at that point and I thought it was a total work. Oh well...

Edit: the topic said clearly wasn't fake...does this still count?

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Well, I was showing my friend a TLC match (or maybe the three way ladder match from WM 16), and she made the funniest comment after Christian fell from the ladder all the way to the floor, without bouncing off the rope or anything:


"Man, good thing it isn't real, or else that'd hurt!"


I just sort of looked at her dumbly and explained that no, there is no way to fake falling off a ladder like that. She then realized how stupid she sounded when she said that, and it's an inside joke in between us now.

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Guest Staravenger

Someone back in I think 7th grade told me, and I quote "Owen Hart died? Thats so fake!" I wanted to bitch slap that person so bad I could feel it...


Other than that, I think I've heard way too many "thats not real blood" comments to single out one.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

When Owen died, after the next RAW with the Greater Power "revealing himself" to Austin, EVERYONE at school swore the death was a work to get Owen to be the surprise ads the Greater Power. I thought they were insane, but wish it had all been an elaborate angle.

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My dad still won't totally believe that wrestlers blade. He was so shocked wehen I told him that. But seriously no one really has bugged me about the fake thing. My sister goofs on me for watching half-naked guys roll around pretending to fight, and for having my wrestling posters and tshirts with pics of shirtless musclebound men (I guess it is kind of gay, but then again, wrestling is heavily homo-erotic)



but who cares.



Of course its predetermined, who would watch it if it were a real competition with no characters or angles? same as watching a movie or tv show


besides I dont know whos gonna win (well except for when its totally obvious, thanks to the net) so its cool.

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Soembody told me Foley's ear was fake. You know the one I'm talking about.


I actually did a report on Foley and why he is one of my idols for Psychology. When I went down the injuries he's sustained over the years (at least the ones talked about on the back of the Have A Nice Day hardcover), somebody raised their hand and went "but isn't wrestling fake?" I just looked at her, and went "scripted, not fake."

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Guest Paul H.

When Goldberg sidekicked the shit outta Bret at Starrcade.My jaw just dropped cuz it was clear as day Bret just got knocked the fuck out :bonk:


But my brother on the other hand actually sat there and explained to me how GB "patted" his face with his boot and he said"even if he did it prolly ain't hurt none".

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Owen's death. It was the day after his death that some person said that is was lame and fake. Instead of not beating him, I kicked the crap out of him in the gym lockeroom. I threw him into the locker (I'm a strong guy) and just punched and kicked him until the gym teacher forced him off me. I was sent home. My mom and dad looked at me like WTF? I just said it was a bad day, and kicked the crap out of a guy for making a bad comment about Owen Hart.

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Randy Orton throwing legit punches to Mick Foley on Raw. He busted him up the hard way and people in the Raw thread said that it was a boring beatdown segment. Then the next week, posters on the Raw thread claimed that Foleys "make up" looked fake.

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Guest MikeSC
Soembody told me Foley's ear was fake. You know the one I'm talking about.


I actually did a report on Foley and why he is one of my idols for Psychology. When I went down the injuries he's sustained over the years (at least the ones talked about on the back of the Have A Nice Day hardcover), somebody raised their hand and went "but isn't wrestling fake?" I just looked at her, and went "scripted, not fake."

Hey, wasn't that almost verbatim what the nurse in Germany told him when his ear was lopped off?


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Randy Orton throwing legit punches to Mick Foley on Raw. He busted him up the hard way and people in the Raw thread said that it was a boring beatdown segment. Then the next week, posters on the Raw thread claimed that Foleys "make up" looked fake.

But it was a boring beatdown.


I had one guy who swore Brian Pillman's death was an angle because he didn't get to the guy's house until after the first match and was told, "All you missed was this match and some dumb angle with Pillman."

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I was a little hazy on Pillman's death, mainly because it was handled horribly. I wasn't aware of a lot of his work until after he died, but i knew even then i wouldn't be able to totally forgive Vince for interviewing his WIDOW on Raw the night after. Pissed me off greatly.


But i'd also have to say Lesnar's botched SSP at WM19. Everything from the ring was gimmicked to special effects, this from a small town high school group of fans who i thank god i no longer associate with.

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My parents once tried to tell me Chris Benoit's dragon suplex was done "with computers".


Yes, that's right.


They told me that it was an effect added in after the match had happened.

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My parents once tried to tell me Chris Benoit's dragon suplex was done "with computers".


Yes, that's right.


They told me that it was an effect added in after the match had happened.

In 6th grade, a kid tried to tell me they did the highspots in the ladder match at Wrestlemania 2000 with a green screen, that they use wires for the falls, and that the ladders were plastic.

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The only thing I can really think of is Eddie Gilbert blew out his knee wrestling Kevin Sullivan on a house show in Detroit. The medics worked on him in the ring for maybe about 10 minutes and , to me, it was obvious that he really was hurt. That and Sullivan pinned him clean out of nowhere so they could end the match and get him out of there.


Anyway, the people around me were getting pissed that it was taking so long to get Gilbert out of the ring. Don't know if they were just impatient or thought it was just an angle taking too long but they started booing and bitching about it.

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My parents once tried to tell me Chris Benoit's dragon suplex was done "with computers".


Yes, that's right.


They told me that it was an effect added in after the match had happened.

In 6th grade, a kid tried to tell me they did the highspots in the ladder match at Wrestlemania 2000 with a green screen, that they use wires for the falls, and that the ladders were plastic.

Thank you. A lot. Both of those were funny as hell.

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I remember listing to the "TalkWrestling" radio show here in the UK and the host Tommy Boyd would come up with some of the most inane things.


He claimed...

- During matches, wrestlers' blood is quicky applied to their faces by a make-up artist hidden under the ring

- That Lillian Garcia is actually a hologram

- Christian's pyro is added in post-production


I felt so sorry for his co-presenter, and FWA wrestler, Alex Shane. Why did he never just kick the crap out of Boyd?

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I remember listing to the "TalkWrestling" radio show here in the UK and the host Tommy Boyd would come up with some of the most inane things.


He claimed...

- During matches, wrestlers' blood is quicky applied to their faces by a make-up artist hidden under the ring

- That Lillian Garcia is actually a hologram

- Christian's pyro is added in post-production


I felt so sorry for his co-presenter, and FWA wrestler, Alex Shane. Why did he never just kick the crap out of Boyd?

Actually he might have been on to something. Have any of you actually seen Lillian Garcia in person? lol cuz youd think someone could not suck so bad as a ring annoucner as she does.


Im just playing, I have seen her in person at wwe shows.



and the thing about the dragon suplex being done with computers has my sides splitting I must assure you

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When Owen died, after the next RAW with the Greater Power "revealing himself" to Austin, EVERYONE at school swore the death was a work to get Owen to be the surprise ads the Greater Power. I thought they were insane, but wish it had all been an elaborate angle.

You're not the only one. We were all swearing up at down that The Higher Power had to be Owen. That was all we could come up with at the time to explain how uber-pissed Austin became when Higher Power revealed himself to Austin the week before officially removing the hood. Nah, couln't have possibly been Vince. That would've made too much sense. This was before myself, or any of my friends had internet access, and we were the densest of marks.


Now, back on topic. I was showing a friend of mine, the Tapei Death Match that's on one of the ECW DVDs. Of course all I heard was "he's not really cutting him", and "theres a blood packet in there somewhere". Uh...............yeah.

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When Owen died, after the next RAW with the Greater Power "revealing himself" to Austin, EVERYONE at school swore the death was a work to get Owen to be the surprise ads the Greater Power. I thought they were insane, but wish it had all been an elaborate angle.

I never thought about that, but that would be one fucked up angle that could of happened and make some sense.


Imagine the heat the WWF would of gotten from the mainstream media.

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My parents once tried to tell me Chris Benoit's dragon suplex was done "with computers".


Yes, that's right.


They told me that it was an effect added in after the match had happened.

That's fucking hilarious.

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