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Guest JoeyStyles

Does RVD deserve a chance....

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Guest JoeyStyles

In 2001 without any fanfare RVD became the hottest property ever acquired by the WWF/E and he seemed to be destined for championship gold, fast forward to 2004 and he seems to be struggling to get out of the midcard pool. Some people say that he buried himself by complaining about the WWE bookers and management in his radio interviews, others say that HHH is the one holding him down, and others think of him as an unmotivated midcarder for life. He just signed a new 3 year WWE contract. If you guys were in charge of WWE management what would you do with Van Dam? Would you give him the chance to main event? And what would you do to get him to the next level? Or bury him by using him to get others over?

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Well, if I wanted to make money, yes, pushing him would be sensible because the guy's over as fuck.


However, if I wanted to run a wrestling company, no I wouldn't - I'd push some of the more talented guys over him, because the truth is, he is unmotivated, which plays a large part in his current status. Hell, he said himself that his most recent Intercontinental Championship reign meant nothing.


I really did resist making a weed joke in there too.

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Guest Bitterness the Star
the guy's over as fuck.

This isn't 2001 anymore.

Yeah, maybe he's not over as fuck, but he's still over from the past. Kinda like Billy Gunn.

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Unfortunately, yes - you'll hear it next time he's dragged out onto SmackDown! as U.S. title filler.

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I wouldn't have minded him main eventing a Smackdown PPV or something against Eddy for the belt (since Guerrero is responsible for RVD's best match at Judgment Day '02, though Bradshaw's ended any thought of that), but he's been basically going in circles since early 2002, isn't nearly as over as he once was, has character has zero depth and i can't even a remember a match of his in the last one or two years that stands out from any other by-the-numbers RVD match he rolls out every show. Major effort will need to go into Van Dam to get him in any position to take up a real main-event role, though with the WWE's recent trend of just shoving mid-carders in top roles with no prior buildup who knows.

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Guest Eugene`

Even though I personally don't like the guy and think he is more overrated than popcorn, the guy gets major pops at 90 per cent of the shows so I would give him a run, despite the fact he sucks in the ring and on the mic.

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Why does someone ask this question every other week?

I think the only reason this is being asked is because honsestly RVD got the biggest reaction of any of the faces last night and he wasn't even on the show.

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Guest SoZe

I happen to believe that Vince didn't re-sign RVD because he wanted him in his company. He re-signed him because he didn't want him to show up in TNA and start jumping off 20 ft ladders and utilizing the style that Vince won't let him to make someone else $.

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...and start jumping off 20 ft ladders and utilizing the style that Vince won't let him to make someone else $.

Please. People are so desensitized to anything 'hardcore' nowadays that it's become way more than 'moot' at this point in time. RVD should try getting by on wrestling instead of just high spots.

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Why does someone ask this question every other week?

I think the only reason this is being asked is because honsestly RVD got the biggest reaction of any of the faces last night and he wasn't even on the show.

In my opinion, both RVD and Booker T will retire before holding a WWE World Title. the only remote way I see this happening is if Booker retires soon and they give them the token "You're leaving so I guess we can" run.

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Let's see, someone saying RVD has no talent or ability yet has a Bradshaw pic on his posts. Yeah, that makes sense.


Of course RVD deserves to main event on SMDN, the show is horrible. If you watched last night you'd realize RVD was one of the few faces who actually got a great reaction from the crowd. How could he be as over as he once was? He's getting zero push right now.


At least RVD busts some stuff out...as in his usual formula match at least isn't BORING. He can at least hit the corkscrew legdrop, rolling thunder, 5 star, etc. You know, stuff that is fun to look at, exciting for the crowd.


Christ, that PPV last night was like watching WCW under Bill Watts: no highspots, no excitement, just guys working the leg for 10 minutes. Sure, it might be sound technically, but it's boring as all fuck. I kinda enjoyed the opener simply because Rey, Kidman, and London busted some stuff out.


Look, this topic is asinine. When you have Bradshaw out there main eventing and drawing the wave during his match, it's kinda hard to say RVD can't main event.

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Guest Trivia247

Unfortunately you barely see RVD on Smackdown anymore so it would be hard to justify transfering him to Main event stature yet.

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WWE's completely missed the window of opportunity on Rob Van Dam. 2002 was his time to be world champion and by him not getting it, they've lost any chance of him being able to make any money.


People accuse him of being unmotivated. Wouldn't you be if you were asked by so many people when you were going to be champion and being told by so many people how over you are? Wouldn't you be if the political actions of others in higher positions than you kept you from being the #1 guy? Remember, Kevin Kelly told us once upon a time that RVD was booked to beat HHH at Unforgiven, but HHH got it changed and his defense was, "I'm better than him."


I'd be unmotivated as fuck too if that happened to me, because I would know, despite how much I nearly break my back for this company, someone else in power thinks they're better than me.


Does RVD deserve a chance to be WWE Champion? Yes. Will it bring good business? Probably not, because it would be two years too late.


If Bradshaw somehow deserved it, then everyone does by default.

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If Bradshaw somehow deserved it, then everyone does by default.

Y'know, I've been loving JBL and all, but with him and Orton holding the world titles, it does see like anyone could hold them and it not hurt a thing.


Val Venis for RAW champ!

Rey Mysterio for SD! champ!

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Why does someone ask this question every other week?

I think the only reason this is being asked is because honsestly RVD got the biggest reaction of any of the faces last night and he wasn't even on the show.

In my opinion, both RVD and Booker T will retire before holding a WWE World Title. the only remote way I see this happening is if Booker retires soon and they give them the token "You're leaving so I guess we can" run.

They had BETTER give Booker the belt before he goes. Because if they don't........ Fury.


I'll just say that RVD's match last night was his (and Dupree's) best match in a long time. Probably the best singles match both guys have had this year.


Val Venis for RAW champ!

Rey Mysterio for SD! champ!


I like both these men. They deserve recognition.

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Guest JMA

RVD does deserve a serious shot at being a main eventer, but WWE first has to build him up AGAIN and restore his credibility. He's certainly much more deserving than JBL is.

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I'd push him as a top contender, maybe hold the belt once or twice, but never as a truly dominant champion like he was in ECW as the TV champ. Tell him to buck up and go at it faster, maybe even work a little stiffer if need-be, and try my best to get him over as much as possible as a heel (tell him to channel his 1996/1997 persona, if need be).


If that fails? Fuck him. I jumped off the RVD bandwagon in 2002.

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Lately RVD has been showing signs of motivation in his matches with Dupree and Book, if he starts working like he did back in 2001/2002 with the right WWE push he could become a main eventer by the end of this year.

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RVD isn't any worse than JBL in the ring (though neither are good), but he suffers alot in the character, mic skills, and charisma department, so no, he is not a better choice to be champ than JBL, who isn't a good main eventer in the first place.


Bad wrestlers have gotten good main event runs. Wrestlers with poor mic skills have gotten good main event runs. Wrestlers without the 'look' have gotten good main event runs. But if you have neither talent, speaking ability, or look, like RVD, then you have no chance.

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Guest JoeyStyles

RVD might not be entertaining to you but it seems he is pretty entertaining to others, like the Toronto crowd who were cheering for him instead of doing the Wave.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

RVD is capable of classic matches. We haven't seen much of it in the WWE formula, but there is no question he is capable.


I say make a new serious RVD. Cut his hair, lose the air-brushed tights, and give him the belt.

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Guest MikeSC
RVD is capable of classic matches. We haven't seen much of it in the WWE formula, but there is no question he is capable.


I say make a new serious RVD. Cut his hair, lose the air-brushed tights, and give him the belt.

WMD, there is considerable doubt that he is capable of putting on classic matches. I think Kevin Nash actually had more classic matches than RVD.


RVD is decent. Nothing special. His spots --- like Sabu --- are nifty the first time or so you see them, but they get horribly stale soon enough.


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Guest GreatOne

Gee RVD was actually miffed at the thought of HHH thinking he was better than him. One's had great headlining matches against the likes of Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Rock, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Austin, even Kane and the Undertaker; the other's a highspot machine. Yeah how dare that HHH. Who cares if RVD has never done one good promo in WWE other than THE WATER MOCK~ and can't do anything outside of a ladder match. He should be the hot main event face to carry this company into the future!!!!!!!


Take a guess in which three letters you can't spell oVeRrateD without. He isn't even at the level of Jericho, total-package wise, and we all know the first undisp-U-ted champion nevermind HIS flaws hasn't shut people up about him not being a perma-headliner.

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