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Shanghai Kid

HHH Appreciation Thread

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This is for people to talk about HHH in an unusually positive light.


I like HHH's promos. I'm guessing some people hate the guy because of backstage poltics, hey i'm not a fan of holding a guy down, but it seems like most people who get to the top do it, it's the way of the buisness. I don't think Kurt Angle is a bad guy, but theirs been reports of him going all the way with the political power.


HHH, in my opinion, has become the most likeable character on Raw. It's because he's the only character who is consistent, and never goes against his mission. His character litererally treats the WWE like a sport where he has to be the best. He treats like the World Title like superbowl trophy. Where as alot of guys have no depth, and do things that sometimes make no sense, HHH is always doing what maks sense for his character to be the best. Everybody hates HHH's promos, but they make alot of sense to me.


Maybe it's a case where he's been featured so much over the last two years that I've been accustomed to it and actually have became a fan, but you have to admit, all the other characters on Raw come off as a cardboard cut out compared to HHH. Putting him up against Eugene and the fans turning on Eugene sort of goes with what I thought would happen. What reason did the fans have to cheer Eugene?


HHH as a character is strong enough to a point where wins and losses don't affect his credibility. If the WWE could build up a face with an equal amount of credibility, it would make a great, great feud. Benoit has been the closest, but the WWE didn't push him as the Champ as much as they could of. The only faces who are strong enough to not make the storyline revolve around HHH are Rock/Austin/Foley.


Anyways, I've begun to appreciate what HHH brings to the wrestling world. He is a very credible villian on a show that has none.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I wasn't watching TOO closely, but it seemed like he let Eugene get a nice bit of offence in. That kinda surprised me.

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He does have the only true ***** matchup in the last three years, pretty much undeniably. If you're a bitter smark, than it was WM XX. If you're just a fun guy like me who enjoys good wrestling, then it was Summerslam 2002.

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He does have the only true ***** matchup in the last three years, pretty much undeniably. If you're a bitter smark, than it was WM XX. If you're just a fun guy like me who enjoys good wrestling, then it was Summerslam 2002.

Huh? Benoit/Angle was better than both. As was the Rock/Jericho series. And the No Mercy tag. And Eddie/Brock. And probably others I can't think of.

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Guest Brian
He does have the only true ***** matchup in the last three years, pretty much undeniably. If you're a bitter smark, than it was WM XX. If you're just a fun guy like me who enjoys good wrestling, then it was Summerslam 2002.

Huh? Benoit/Angle was better than both. As was the Rock/Jericho series. And the No Mercy tag. And Eddie/Brock. And probably others I can't think of.

Not to mention Regal/Benoit.

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He looks more natural with the somewhat soggy midsection :P


He finally grew the beard back


His beatdown on Regal was awesome, complete with total dickhead move of flipping over the stretcher.

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He is a model "player" every playboy should mold themselves after. He gets with the boss' wife. He marries into an empire. He becomes the father's best son. He will take over a multi-million dollar corporation. Everyone be like Haitch ;)

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Guest bigm350
He is a model "player" every playboy should mold themselves after. He gets with the boss' wife. He marries into an empire. He becomes the father's best son. He will take over a multi-million dollar corporation. Everyone be like Haitch ;)

Thats the American way

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He is a model "player" every playboy should mold themselves after. He gets with the boss' wife. He marries into an empire. He becomes the father's best son. He will take over a multi-million dollar corporation. Everyone be like Haitch ;)

Thats the American way

B-) I can't hate on that and I thought HBK had Vince by the balls in the mid 90's. Triple H took it to unprecedented levels. Kudos to him for that for real.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

He is the best heel in the last 5 years, and even Jericho can't touch him there. Jericho tried that "cool heel" bullshit sometimes. None of that shit with HHH... he wants EVERYBODY to hate his ass.

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He is the best heel in the last 5 years, and even Jericho can't touch him there. Jericho tried that "cool heel" bullshit sometimes. None of that shit with HHH... he wants EVERYBODY to hate his ass.

Triple H has tried to be 'cool', but I do agree that he's a pretty good heel. But some of the jokes he makes sometimes seems to be an attempt to be a cool heel.


He's had some good matches with Micheals. Especially that Raw match in December.

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