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Impact Spoilers

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Credit to pwinsider.com


Ines Montes called in the following spoilers from NWA:TNA's Impact taping at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida:


Dark Segments:


*Jimmy Hart came to the ring and welcomed everyone to the show, running down a list of names in attendance for the taping. He also plugged a survey they were handing out to fans as they entered the taping, noting they would be pulling them and giving away prizes to those they picked.


*Chris Sabin & Sonny Siaki defeated Team Canada's Bobby Rude & Lex Lovett




*Christopher Daniels & Primetime defeated NWA Tag Team champions The Naturals in a non-title bout.




They played a video package promoting Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett on 9/8.


*NWA champion Jeff Jarrett pinned Pat Kenney with the stroke in about a minute. He started to cut a promo on Hardy but was attacked by Kenney from behind. They brawled, leading to Jarrett laying him out with the guitar.


*Kid Kash & Dallas beat Jerelle Clark & Mikey Batts.


*Petey Williams defeated a local wrestler who wasn't identified well due to a poor house mic. Williams, Scott D'Amore, and Bobby Rude beat him down until Konnan, Dusty Rhodes, and BG Jammes made the save.


*Shane Douglas interviewed Vince Russo backstage. Russo said that he was going to make a decision about Dusty Rhodes on the PPV this Wednesday. Scott D'Amore ranted at Russo that he wants it taken care of right now, but Russo said he would make a decision on Wednesday.


*America's Most Wanted defeated Abyss & Alex Shelley. Abyss accidentally hit Shelley when Chris Harris moved out of the way. Harris speared Shelley for the pin. Abyss started choking Shelley while Goldilocks tried to pull him off.


They aired a video package on Monty Brown.


*Monty Brown defeated Dimitris with the Pounce.



*Mike Tenay and Don West did the hard sell, running down the lineup for the PPV this Wednesday. Matches announced were: -Michael Shane & Kazarian vs. Psicosis & L.A. Park

-Triple X vs. America's Most Wanted to determine the top contenders for the NWA Tag Team championship

-Dusty Rhodes & Konnan & BG Jammes vs. Team Canada

-Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles & Ron Killings vs. Monty Brown & Kid Kash & Dallas


As Tenay and West announced the six man tag, Scott D'Amore and Team Canada came out with D'Amore complaining about Dusty. Vince Russo came out. It ended up with Dusty, Konnan, and Jammes coming to the ring. Dusty attacked D'Amore.


*AJ Styles & Ron Killings & Jeff Hardy defeated Kazarian & Shane & Jason Cross when Hardy pinned Cross with a Swanton.


After the taping went off the air, the babyfaces laid out Kazarian and Shane with their finishers. Tracy Brooks helped up Kazarian and Shane, who began mocking the crowd.


Jeremy Borash announced the winners of the raffle for those who turned in the survey. The ring girls tossed out signed T-shirts to the crowd. They invited the fans to attend an afterparty event with the wrestlers as well.

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Credit PWTorch.com


TNA Impact tapings

August 19, 2004

Orlando, Fla. at Universal Studios

Report by Danny Robertson, PWTorch.com correspondent


Jimmy Hart came out to start the show. He then introduced Jeremy Borash and The TNA Girls.




(1) Chris Sabin & Sonny Siaki beat Bobby Rude & Lex Lovett. The end came when Sabin hit his finisher. Solid back and forth match that started the show off strong.


(2) Triple X beat The Naturals. Really good match with some good spots that saw Triple X get the win with their double team finisher.




(1) Jeff Jarrett beat "Irish" Pat Kenney. Short match that was actually more or less a good back and forth match and not the squash i was expecting. The end came when Jarrett hit The Stroke.


Afterward Jarrett cut a promo on Hardy saying that Hardy was no match for The King of the Mountain. During the promo Kenney attacked Jarrett but then Jarrett came back and took him out with a guitar shot.


(2) Kid Kash & Dallas beat Mikey Batts & Jarell Clark. The end came when Kid Kash hit his finisher. Another good back and forth match. After the match Kash attacked Clark.


(3) Petey Williams beat a local guy. Really good match that saw Petey get the win with The Canadian Destroyer.


Scott D'Amore attacked the local wrestler after the match which prompted Dusty Rhodes to come out. Team Canada had the advantage over Dusty until the 3 Live Kru made the save.


Promo in the back with Vince Russo. Russo said that he will take care of Dusty Wednesday night at the PPV. Scott D'Amore barged in and said that he should take care of it now because Russo certainly had no problem doing in to D'Amore.


(4) America's Most Wanted beat Abyss & Alex Shelly. Second best match of the night. Really good match with a hot crowd to go with it. End came when AMW hit the spear on Shelly after Abyss had accidentally hit Shelly.


After the match Goldylocks chewed out, slapped, and pushed Abyss. Abyss had finally had enough and went to take out Goldylocks but Shelly got in the middle. After thinking for a minute Abyss grabbed Shelly by the throat and the crowd went absolutely crazy. I’m serious when i say i haven't heard the crowd this loud before. He almost took him out but Goldylocks talked him out of it. This really disappointed the crowd.


(5) Monty Brown beat Demitrius Anglin. Match lasted less than a minute. The end came when Monty hit the pounce.


The "Six Points of Impact" aired. This week's guest is Larry Zbyszko.


Team Canada came out in the middle of Mike Tenay and Don West's ringside promo. Scott D’Amore said that Russo doesn't have control. This brought out The 3 Live Kru and Dusty. They brawled at ringside and in the ring until they were broken up by security.


(6) Jeff Hardy & A.J. Styles & Ron "The Truth" Killings beat Jason Cross & Kazarian & Michael Shane. The end came when Hardy hit the Swanton bomb. Good back and forth match that saw the crowd really divided when it came to Jeff Hardy

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I wonder what standards "really good match" is by here. Because a really good Impact match means that it's lasted more than four minutes.


I'm slightly appalled that it seems the more recognizable and important a wrestler is, the worse they get squashed by Triple J. Jeff Jarrett vs. Pat Kenney lasts ONE MINUTE? Jesus Christ. I have major doubts regarding the show, but on paper this looks like it COULD be good. At the very least I'm interested in seeing the main event and the AMW vs. Abyss/Shelley match.

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Well, not all the matches are 100% squashes this week. But i'm getting REAL tired of seeing the obligatory "Monty Brown kicks someone's ass" match. That sucks.


And if most of the matches aren't going to last over a minute, why the fuck time them? more time for the matches, TNA. People wanna see wrestling.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Show looks good, but since when was Lex Lovett Canadian?

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Since that was a dark match, my guess is it was another tryout of sorts for him. TNA is interested in signing him, and there are rumors that he and Slash could make up a new New Church team if/when Mitchell is brought back.

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*Petey Williams defeated a local wrestler who wasn't identified well due to a poor house mic. Williams, Scott D'Amore, and Bobby Rude beat him down until Konnan, Dusty Rhodes, and BG Jammes made the save.


Eddie Villa is Fast Eddie? Its nice to see an indy wrestler that I seen live become a tv jobber. I hope Eddie gets some more tv time. I demand more time for Eddie and less time for Dallas.

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Guest Staravenger

Wait...Sabin/Siaki vs. Rude/Levett and xXx/Naturals was taped for XPLOSION? I think they were dark matches, because Xplosion always features jobber squashes still.

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Wait...Sabin/Siaki vs. Rude/Levett and xXx/Naturals was taped for XPLOSION? I think they were dark matches, because Xplosion always features jobber squashes still.

That happens every week.


Obviously, no one important who runs news sites actually watches Xplosion, thus why the Xplosion tagline is always there.

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