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Undertaker vs JBL 2

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"The way it stands right now, Undertaker and JBL will face off on the October Smackdown PPV in a gimmick match of some kind. So, if you enjoyed their SummerSlam bout, you have another one to look forward to."


Credit: PWI


So what do you think it'll be? I think perhaps we'll finally see the Rest In Peace, Casket, Buried Alive, Boiler Room, Inferno in a Cell match we've all been clamoring for after all these years, with Chuck Norris as the special enforcer and Orlando Jordan locked in a cage high above the ring.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Depends who is winning. If JBL is going to win, I could see them doing a Casket match. That way Taker can lose without getting pinned.


I could also see a Stretcher Match.

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So, if you enjoyed their SummerSlam bout, you have another one to look forward to.

Anyone? Anyone?


Undertaker should just say fuck it and bring back the Lion's Den Octagon so that he can finally fullfill his dream of becoming a pretend MMA fighter. Although if I were Vince I announce the REAL stipulation on Smackdown: "If Undertaker and Bradshaw pull this out of DUD territory, I'll give them ten thousand dollars, regardless of who wins!".

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I'd actually like to see the Undertaker and Bradshaw play each other in chinese checkers more than them actually wrestling again. It would be only about 100 times more exciting than what they tried to do at SumerSlam (a.k.a. have a watchable match).


And you would think that after the wave and the boring chants WWE would be smart enough to just book Angle/Eddy/Crapshaw for the october p.p.v. main event.


Taker probably convinces Vince that the fans, once again, were wrong, and that they just have to get use to WWE style. He insisted that when he does his 18th clothesline and dreaded triangle choke at THIS event, the fans will be at Hogan/Rock WM X8 levels of excitment.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I mentioned this in a different thread, but the last time people shat all over Undertaker for DQ'ing in a PPV main event he was supposed to elevate someone in, he went out and produced a helluva performance the next month.


Of course, I am talking about HIAC at No Mercy with Brock Lesnar.


JBL isn't in Lesnar's class, but still, I think they could put something half decent together.

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I know the match they should have!


A Sumo Match with Undertaker's Hearse against JBL's Limosuine!

Better: Undertaker's bike vs. JBL's Limosine.


I'd bet he'd still nosell it.

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Anyone remember the Simpsons episode where Marge gets kidnapped by a biker band after Homer wins a Harley Davidson and starts his own gang?


I suggest JBL & Taker re-inact the 'lightsaber' bike-fight from that episode, JBL with his limo, Taker with his bike.


I need to stop drinking.

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So the million dollar question is...will Taker get the belt or will he finally do the JOB as the Phenom to Bradshaw?!!

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Guest JMA

I wonder if Bradshaw will have his own Million Dollar Belt made when he finally loses the WWE Championship. Hell, they've already ripped off everything else from Ted DiBiase's gimmick. Perhaps the belt could be the "New York Hardcore Championship" or something.

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Guest Staravenger

No DQ; Falls Count Anywhere. It's the only type of match that JBL can work good without being boring, so just do it again.

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The only way to salvage this match is to go with the "Can't look away from a car accident" philosophy and makes it even worse be adding someone like Luther Reigns or a returning Test.

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I know the match they should have!


A Sumo Match with Undertaker's Hearse against JBL's Limosuine!

Only if they can both fall off the arena roof and never return.

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claydude14, your signature sucks.

Ay come on now save day kinda stuff fore da Hardcore Discussion dis is da peacful forum eh? plz thx.

I think dat he haz a poynt.

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I can't believe all the disrespect here for the rematch of JBL/Taker. What happened to respecting these two veterans instead of dissing them like the Toronto crowd did? ;)

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Guest godofdeadlydeath

I thought their SummerSlam match was not a bad match by any means. I really don't see all the negativity towards it. If it were two other big workers that were up-and-comers instead of those two, it would have been rated a lot higher by a lot of people I think.

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