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Mr. S£im Citrus

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You're right, Show; I probably shouldn't let Spike get to me. I wasn't really arguing with Toxxic (in fact, for the most part, I agree with him), aside from us disagreeing on how hardline the issue of "never no-sell" should be. Spike, on the other hand, appears to be trying to pick a fight with me, but I should know better; no excuses.


And it was a damned good show, too. I'll try to get the HOLT up sometime today; right now, I'm taking my time to savor all the matches/promos and grok them in fullness.


- Dub "mea culpa" Cee

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Landon, here are some thoughts on your story, since you asked so nicely.


I was very interested by the promos on the last show. They definitely suggested that something weird was going on. Now it seems we know what's up, if not the why of it: King is pulling strings to keep Landon from getting a shot at the world title.


I like it because it has all the elements to push Landon to the next level and really put him in one of the fed's top character spots: an obvious hook for a big face turn, and some form of opposition from the Heel of Heels. The end of show promo/brawl is very good. The mystery bits all throughout have been eyebrow-raising at the right moments, and the actual writing of it is super.


I don't like it because I'm not too fond of stories that don't have another person on the other side. Between Card, Natasha, and Megan, you've got three characters without current handlers. Hopefully we'll get a little more on this over the next show - King's involvement is good, but unless it ties into the stuff with Grand Slam and Z, I feel like it might be over-stretching that character a bit. But I'll reserve judgment until I see the gameplan; if the result, one way or another, is Landon getting a money match against his ultimate antagonist for G5, then the fake-people shenanigans will be well worth it.


Oh, and to nitpick: I couldn't understand why Megan didn't just call Landon. I couldn't quite figure out why they hadn't been in touch for so long. Seemed like a bit of a stretch.

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Guest Tonights Highlite

Ugh, I don't think that the stats are all that concrete everyone. All that matters is that you use them as a guide. There's no need to apologize for missing a character point because it's your interpertation. If you write it well enough there shouldn't be an issue. Ryan Dustin has a four vitality and is much older than Toxxic kayfabe-wise, but if someone feels like kicking out of a finisher would make for a better match drama-wise, then stats be damned. I probably wouldn't have Dustin get hit with the finisher in the first-place, because a finisher kick-out can be a cheap nearfall sometimes in my opinion, but I still reserve the right to do it, like anyone else writing their own match. The only issue I see is that Johnny had him kip-up, instead of selling with a double count and then doing somekind of striking battle, which would have been a more solid (and likely) transition. Reading it, it was a wonderful match and I'll probably write some detailed analysis on it, if I get the time.


I'll comment on your angle Landon. I'll admit that I knew where this was going a long time ago. In fact, I even decided to veily point it out at times. But that doesn't matter because it's the journey that counts. Good angles should be easy to see, but then catch you with a monumental twist. I always liked your idea of Megan Skye and Maddix's relationship and that's brought to the forfront here. Card has looked slightly weak throughout this angle, but jawing Megan does a hell of a lot for credibility. King holding down face talent has happened on numerous occasions, I believe, so you'll need a nice twist to seperate your attempt. Heel King against a heel Landon already breaks from tradition and hopefully you'll delve into the actual reason that King doesn't want you to be in the championship spotlight soon. This should be the monumental twist I've been waiting for and I look forward to it.


And in passing I'll mention that Tom's match went further than I'd take the idea... as Edwin said in another thread, it was hit and miss. Some things I liked, some I didn't, but the good thing is that "bad characterization" always allows a writer something new to work with. You should be able to roll with people interpertations and make up a new plan on the fly. I think that a lot of the best ideas in the fed have come from something that wasn't quite planned. Getting creative can only help your character.


Congrats Johnny, I am now quite pleased I stepped aside, because you deserved the shot and we may not have gotten the chance to see this match. I would have surely not had enough time to put anything of this matches level together, so kudos to you on doing what people thought improbable, not impossible.


Edit: Edwin beat me to it. By 'monumental' I meant match against King... or a least a solid part of the King-Zenon-Mark storyline. Damn retired people saying shit before me. I'm supposed to be the only observant and long-winded storyline commentor around here.

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Landon: your storyline is very good - and not just because I came up with the basic plan, but because of the way you've told it. It had the right amount of 'wait-and-see' about it and developed very well.


Of course, with me no longer world champion i await with baited breath your resuming your feud with Johnny, this time over the world title... ;)

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Thanks guys, much appreciated. The rest of the stuff is, hopefully, gonna get explained on the coming show.


Meanwhile, as I haven't said it here big congrats to Johnny on winning the 'big one' and here's hoping we see the big re-match at Genesis because I smell money from that one.

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I hate doing this, but since it worked so well for Landon, and since it was a pretty damn important development, if anyone could comment on the MVS/Mask match and its aftermath, it'd be much appreciated.

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Sure, sucka.


Match was pretty cool, but I think you guys overdid it with the near-falls. Maybe a few less would have kept it feeling more like an angle-advancing TV match. Still good, though. An interesting ending - I thought the booking of the angle thus far was leading towards TMM becoming Todd's pick and the legitimate champion, with MVS either playing out his rage or trying to tune over a new leaf to earn back Cortez's respect.


The post-match antics are cool if a little textbook, and how good it is will depend on what happens hereafter. There are countless ways you could go. My personal favorites would be a swerve and a huge TMM/MVS grudge match at G4, or an adoption of the Fabulous Freebirds style tag team, with Todd, MVS, and TMM defending the belts in all available permutations. The latter would work best if they had a huge opposition - if RevZero made a legitimate bid for the belts, if they built up a huge rivalry with some dastardly heel team. Most important in whatever goes down will be making sure that Todd Cortez isn't left out of the developments. Obviously, the result of the next show's tag title match ought to have huge implications for this angle, one way or another.

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Guest Suicide King

Quick shoutouts to Silent and Landon for continuing to help make me look like a mad genius. Major shoutout to Dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

^No comments... just whores himself out... ^




You really are the Heel of all Heels. B-)

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Bit more comments to go with the Main Event.



Believe it or not folks, Johnny wrote a pretty good match. His pacing was pretty strong, he kept fairly true to both characters, and told a pretty decent story. I believe he should have sold himself as the underdog more, and hyped how he was getting a chance to prove himself with the open challenge, but he did a good job as is.


While I believe he carried his pace better then Toxxic did. I again say these are two of the faster wrestlers out there today, so I do believe some hotter nearfalls would have been suitably appropriate.


I see the character inconsistency in the MI Slam, but truly with this story. It did work for the best, as it got Toxxic over as a fighting champion... and it truly had to show Johnny overcome his own self doubt, to beat the Straight Edger. I think the ending was a little dominated... as I totally think he should have hit that Johnny kick by a fluke... but to each his own.



Anyway Johnny... prepare to be annihilated in your immediate future. :ph34r:

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No worries, I know how it is. I'm pulling 11 1/2 hour days and still writing for two feds, so as shitty as it sounds, the last thing I'm able to do is offer my critiques/feedback.

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I just re-read some stuff, and realised Flesher used the Nelbina. MY Nelbina!



You will pay.

It was Zed's first, and he approved it (read: I didn't ask).

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