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I thought Sayid was just looking around because he heard the whispers and realized that the bitch wasn't crazy.


Which makes me want to know what the whispers are very very much. As soon as he started walking and there was about 30 seconds left - I just got the feeling he was going to hear whispers in the woods.


And Hartfan, my thinking on the drawing was that it was a map.

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RRR, e-mail me the dealy at [email protected] because I am in.


And as for tonight's ep...well FUCK, THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME.


1. Sawyer. Joins the betting. And becomes part of the group. In an episode about loneliness.


2. Golf on the whole - just a neat idea.


3. The questions...OH THE QUESTIONS. Danielle has SO MUCH to reveal. It's going to be awesome.


4. Locke on his own throwing knives. He's a genius, he's a hunter, he knows all kinds of things - and rather than be with the group he is off on his own. Locke > j00.




6. All the new characters. Ethan! Others! Finally! Good stuff!


7. Sayid shoots his officer man~! COLLLLLLD BLOODED


8. The music: again, perfect. The fast pace as Sayid discovers the rope, the huge swell as Sawyer joins the group, everything - perfect.




10. Hurley's performance on the whole. Just fun, fun fun. "HOW?" By being awesome~!



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The black rock = those caves

The monster = the infected ones


Btw, the infection is a rash, a rash that's growing on well, you know who.


There are others alive from the tail.

Is that a theory or an actual fact?


Cause if so, tag that with spoilers for future eps.


And my apologies to Hartfan. I watched it again and she says "He is my son" so we could see him pop up.


The second time I watched it I caught an odd vibe from the Jack/Sawyer relationship, which I really dig. Tonight, I cracked it wide open and I know why.



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Am I the only one that thought the sub-plot between Sayid & the French woman was too rushed? I literally had chills when she showed herself after he awoke to find himself tied down ... and thus was wicked disapointed when their time together was so rushed.


He was trapped, he was tortured, they befriended each other (the whole music box thing), he escaped, they had a show-down and then went their separate ways WAY too quickly. It really should have been drawn out over another episode. (and, yes, I realize that she's not done yet, and this segment was only to introduce more plot twists & hints)


Other then that, another stellar episode. Kate & Shannon looked scrumptious, as always. Hurley, Locke, Sawyer & Charley were all awesome, as always. Even Jack, who I'm sometimes touch & go with, was sweet this week. (And am I the only one that thinks the 'hives' are going to turn out to be something very, very different?!?)


Lastly, count me among those that are pissed that a 2 hour episode of the Bachelor is pushing the next Lost back a week ... wtf, who really watches the Bachelor?!?

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Women, but it's actually a smart move. The day before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year, so there's probably going to be a loss of viewers anyways.

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Guest ken adams

Anyone notice the POWER CABLE coming out of the ocean? I would imagine it connects to the French chic's boat, but 16 years of electricity? C'MONN!!!!!!


They better have a good explaination for this.

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The black rock = those caves

The monster = the infected ones


Btw, the infection is a rash, a rash that's growing on well, you know who.


There are others alive from the tail.

Agreed. It's obvious that whatever it was that hit Danielle's party was a virus of some sort (hence her killing the others in case they were rescued). Could the virus have turned the original people savage? Maybe some of them are still on the island then, having been attacking the new bunch that have arrived on the island.

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Am I the only one that thought the sub-plot between Sayid & the French woman was too rushed? I literally had chills when she showed herself after he awoke to find himself tied down ... and thus was wicked disapointed when their time together was so rushed.


He was trapped, he was tortured, they befriended each other (the whole music box thing), he escaped, they had a show-down and then went their separate ways WAY too quickly. It really should have been drawn out over another episode. (and, yes, I realize that she's not done yet, and this segment was only to introduce more plot twists & hints)

I think there's a case that could be made here. It would have been a really nice to have slow burned that over an episode or two.

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Guest Vitamin X

I was able to watch Lost last night for the first time since the pilot episode. I haven't been able to quite focus on it yet, since I have a difficult time remembering to watch something on TV that isn't sports-related. Can anyone bust out an episode guide for me, tell me what's happened in them? Surely there must be one by now.

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And Stock also adjusts due to demand for it. When I get everyones picks in, I will adjust it accordingly and send yall the updated list.


And "insider trading" (reading spoilers and basing your Buys and Sells off of it) is SO allowed here; So have fun Martha. But remember, it's not a sure thing and the market may react negatively when you think it will move positively.

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Guest Vitamin X
I was able to watch Lost last night for the first time since the pilot episode. I haven't been able to quite focus on it yet, since I have a difficult time remembering to watch something on TV that isn't sports-related. Can anyone bust out an episode guide for me, tell me what's happened in them? Surely there must be one by now.


Is anyone going to answer my question?

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I still have burning questions that I hope are addressed!


POLAR BEARS!?!?!?! That one is still bugging me.


And.....what moves the trees? She says there is no monster but there has to be something! It's not a fucking elephant!

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