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Yeah, read into that what you will, I guess. Then again, there's that whole Tasha Yar thing from ST:TNG, so anything's possible.


Thanks for the guest info. I really did think it was Feeney though, but I was wrong.

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I honestly have no clue. Every time I think about it, I throw out wild theories like it's a "gestalt" monster where a bunch of the Ethan-people combine to form a big-ass creature. But I don't have any sane theories on the monster...

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The Monster represented their inital fear to being stranded on the Island.  They are not so much afraid any more.

I can't fully agree with that ... how did their fear pull the pilot out of the nose of the plane and hang him in the tree?


I really don't know what to say about the monster ... they haven't even alluded to it since the Sayid/Rousseau scene. And she says something about there NOT being a monster. So, I really have no idea.

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People see in the monster what they want to see. When they first crashed on the island, they saw a destructive force because they just went through destruction. The pilot was beat up and concussed and generally messed up. He knew the situation and knew they were going to die on the island - he had given up hope entirely - so in the monster he saw death and that is what he got. Locke saw something peaceful and they have been basically left alone since.

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not a bad response, RRR ... it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out in the second half of the season.


And has anyone gone to the ABC-page LOST messageboard? The posters must be about 12 years old, it's painful to read.


For example: http://forums.go.com/abc/thread?threadID=134561


Plus, there are threads like "Which character would you kiss?" and "Is Michael Gay?" ... it makes TSM seem like a MENSA convention.

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wait ... you didn't use Ravishing Rick Rudo there?!?


Sadly, I use nl5xsk1 on most of the boards that I post at now ... easier to remember than having a bunch of different ones.

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I don't buy into the whole representation of fear thing. Mainly b/c I think everything is going to end up with some logical explanation.

Like Locke's legs may just be something like trauma shocking his system and giving them back. I dunno.

They're going to make us think magical but in the end I think it'll all be explained logically and scientifically.

And she says there is no monster b/c well.....it might be a big animal.

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I assumed that the monster wasn't so much a monster as it was how the island screws with people's heads.


So maybe a monster didn't stick the pilot up there, but some of the other people already on the island (who are obviously fucked in the head) did.


You know, the whole Lord of the Flies deal.

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Guest CurryMan

I didn´t want to check to deeply in to this thread but I was wondering how many episods has been showned? I got intressted in it after reading the first pages of this thread and I just d/l 10 episodes is this how far the show has gone? If not how many more episodes is there or are they going to be showned?

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I was looking through my copy of Lord of the Flies today (I don't even like it that much, but for some reason I was looking at it) and I noticed some interesting similarities to Lost.


*In LOTF, the fat guy (Piggy) is supposed to but doesn't do a census, in Lost the fat guy (Hurley) does do a census.


*The main antagonist in LOTF is Jack, the main protagonist in Lost is Jack.


*Of course, the freaking tropical island they are stranded on.


*Simon embraces the island and the others don't understand it, Locke embraces the island far more than the rest of the Lost crew.


Anybody else notice stuff like that from any literature?


And also, the following has been on my mind for a while: why is it Boone, specifically, with Locke? There has to be a reason for that. Any theories?

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And also, the following has been on my mind for a while: why is it Boone, specifically, with Locke? There has to be a reason for that. Any theories?

well obivously..HUH

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I was looking through my copy of Lord of the Flies today (I don't even like it that much, but for some reason I was looking at it) and I noticed some interesting similarities to Lost.


*In LOTF, the fat guy (Piggy) is supposed to but doesn't do a census, in Lost the fat guy (Hurley) does do a census.


*The main antagonist in LOTF is Jack, the main protagonist in Lost is Jack.


*Of course, the freaking tropical island they are stranded on.


*Simon embraces the island and the others don't understand it, Locke embraces the island far more than the rest of the Lost crew.


Anybody else notice stuff like that from any literature?


And also, the following has been on my mind for a while: why is it Boone, specifically, with Locke? There has to be a reason for that. Any theories?

In LotF there is an unseen monster that turns out to be a wild boar. Lost has an unseen monster. At one point they think the monster is coming, but several boars run out of the jungle instead.


Also now that I think about it, Lost is kind of the opposite of Plato's Allegory of the cave. The people moving off the beach and into the cave is a direct metaphor for it. I got the following synopsis for Plato's allegory of the cave from here.


In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave.  Behind them burns a fire.  Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave.  The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects, that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see.  Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows.


Basically, people are released from their chains when they understand that they are only looking at shadows and can turn around and see the objects making the shadows. When people gains this understanding they can make their way out of the cave and see and be in the sunlight and see the world instead of shadows.


The people in Lost went from a world they understood to one that they find inexplicable. An unseen monster, voices in the jungle, "others" on the island are all shadows on the wall. They think that they know what they are, but they can't see the actual objects that are making the shadows. They have no true understanding of the world around them.

Edited by Madmartigan21

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Yesterday was my third time through episodes 1 and 2, and I liked them even more. Some of my favorite moments:


-The opening scene. Jack walks through the wreck in a suit-and-tie and then as he merges into the chaos and starts helping people, it comes off. Just a little perfect thing about how they aren't in the real world anymore.


-Locke embraces the rain. Absolutely mindbending. And aside from a few shots of him walking around, almost every scene of Locke was of him sitting down. I can't wait to see his episode again, and I've noticed that he's done almost nothing but stand since then.


-Sawyer whips out the gun and shoots the polar bear. What a scene. Everybody's reaction to the polar bear afterwards is also great.


-One of the funniest lines they have done yet. "Shut it, Al-Jazeera", and then quietly off-screen "Al Jazeera is a network!" That cracked me right up.


-The scene where they hear the french woman on the radio is so freaking intense. Wonderful.


The whole show just gave off a great vibe and makes me happy to see the older episodes again but so so sad that I can't see new ones right now.

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"LOST" is now atop Googles search list!


Preview for next weeks show...


Wednesday, Jan. 5, 8/7c

"Whatever the Case May Be"

Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman, a rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance.

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I still think that the whole Jack wakes up and sees Vincent thing is where the show is going.


It still doesn't make sense Vincent stayed alive.

I have no idea what you mean. What direction would that be?

I think it's all safe to say that a lot of the little details in the show are there for a resaon. These writers are pretty methodical with storylines and adding in clues and puzzles to foreshadow what's to come.


The first episode, in the first minute, Jack wakes up, looks around, and all of a sudden Vincent comes out of nowhere (in perfect condition), and takes off.


I've read that the writers have 4 seasons already written, so I'm assuming that they have an ending as well.


I honestly think they are going to someone how relate the ending of the show with Vincent and Jack.

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Spoilerish stuff below. Basically which shows focus on who for the rest of the season.



Learn When Hurley’s Secret Origin Airs!!

I am – Hercules!!


“Hurley’s just a nickname I have. Why? I’m not tellin’.”

“Back home? I’m known as something of a warrior myself.”

“I am very good. I took 17th in a tournament once.”

“Lost” returns from its month-long hiatus on Jan. 5 (the first episode of 2005 leads into the fourth-season premiere of “Alias”), and there’s loads of intriguing elements to which we can look forward. Claire and her abductor will remain hidden, Jin’s wife will vanish, the giant monster will return in three episodes, we’ll learn a shocking truth about Shannon and Boone’s past, and Drew Goddard is scripting the next Sawyer-centric ‘sode.

How things appear to shake out now, flashback-wise:

1.1/2 Flight’s End

1.3 Kate

1.4 Locke

1.5 Jack

1.6 Jim & Sun

1.7 Charlie

1.8 Sawyer

1.9 Sayid

1.10 Claire

1.11 Jack II

1.12 Kate II

1.13 Boone & Shannon

1.14 Michael & Walt

1.15 Charlie II

1.16 Sawyer II?

1.17 ?

1.18 Hurley

That’s right. Hurley will be the last of the regulars to get a flashback episode. And he doesn’t get it until Jack, Kate, Charlie and likely Sawyer have had two. Series co-creator Damon Lindelof visited the Fuselage fansite Tuesday night and promised we’d get “a SHOCKER of a flashback” for young Hugo Reyes.

So what could be so shocking about Hurley? Some theories:

* COP. Were it not for the sluggish investigative abilities he’s demonstrated, one could see Hurley in Australia on the trail of a drug kingpin.

* WALL STREET LAWYER. In a suit and a ponytail, his savant-like legal savvy has saved the tobacco industry billions.

* MICROSOFT MILLIONAIRE. He’s been writing code for Bill Gates since he was a teen, and has accumulated many Microsoft stock options.

* TRUST FUND BABY. Don’t let his hair fool you. When he's not jetting to Australia for dogshows, he’s an undefeated polo champion.

* CLERGYMAN. Outreach minister in Venice, Calif.

* SABOTEUR. We saw Hurley on the plane behind Jack in the pilot. What if he sabotaged the plane, aware somehow that he would survive its crash?

* PORN STAR. Producers seeking tha more svelt Ron Jeremy had him hard at work, porking for pay.

* JOCKEY. He’s let himself go a little following a career-ending back injury, but it turns out he’s still the winningest rider alive.

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I think the only characters we've actually seen on the plane have been Jack, Locke, Charlie, Rose, Boone, Shannon, and that's it.


Sawyer did say he saw Sayid on the plane with his hands under a sheet, but we haven't seen that.


Hopefully they have more clips from the airplane crash that they filmed last March.

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