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JJ Abrams was on the rock station here in LA called KROQ today, he said that the network and one of the actors on the show couldn't agree to terms on a new contract and therefore the actor will be payed his desired rate for one or two episodes and then he said the actor will be killed off the show and won't be featured in any flashback sequences.


I think it's either Sawyer or Sayid.. wouldn't be surprised if it's Charlie though. Hopefully not Sawyer.

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There's no way Josh Holloway would be a dick for money.


He's been modeling for 7 years and this is his first big break. If anything, he'd take a paycut to stay on this show.


And he's as popular as he's ever been with all the publicity so even if it helps the show (I don't know how it would be helping one, if not the best character on the show by killing him off), from a PR/viewer/popularity standpoint it would be bullshit.


I think it's going to be Michael.

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Guest Evolution
There's no way Josh Holloway would be a dick for money.




I think it's going to be Michael.


Why is no one assuming Charlie? And killing off Michael would be terrible given the fact that he would die without getting the redemption of retrieving his son from the Others. Are we just assuming that the person who is being a dick for money was someone on the raft or something? Charlie is the one who was in Lord of the Rings, I'd assume him over anyone else for being a dick for money.

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But if you think about it, Michael kind of did redeem himself on the Raft with Walt. Especially when Walt said his mother was wrong for what she did.


It maybe Charlie, but considering he's dating Evangeline Lilly and he's already been teased to be killed off already, I doubt he's going to be hacked.

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Guest wildpegasus

I heard somewhere that Charlie was great for morale with all the actors so you would think they wouldn't want him to go at all.

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I remember reading rumours early on this year that Michael was supposed to be killed off because Harold Perrineau is already signed to work with another project back in L.A so it's pretty possible that it's him.


I just ask that it not be Jin. Please let it not be Jin.

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Guest wildpegasus
I remember reading rumours early on this year that Michael was supposed to be killed off because Harold Perrineau is already signed to work with another project back in L.A so it's pretty possible that it's him.


I just ask that it not be Jin. Please let it not be Jin.



Yeah, I want Jin to survive as long as possible too.





So if this show goes the way of Predator with everybody eventually being killed off one by one who does everyone want to see as the last survivors?



For me on the men's side it's:










Women's Side



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Haven't found anything solid yet but someone on another board said they read that the cast member in question is.....




















Naveen Andrews :(

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ALRIGHT! You can nominate 3, and state your case if you want.


LOST Season 1 Awards: Nominations Thread


The Good


Best Episode:

Best Character:

Best Actor:

Best Scene:

Best Flashback:

Best Relationship/Friendship:

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award:

Best Character Development/Most Improved:

Hottest Chick:

Studliest Dude:

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award):


The Bad

Worst Episode:

Worst Character:

Worst Actor:

Worst Scene:

Worst Flashback:

Worst Relationship/Friendship:

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award:

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline:

Most Useless character:

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The Good


Top 5 Episodes:


1. Exodus Part 1 (Best episode. Period.)

2. Outlaws (Best regular character flashback episode.)

3. Pilot Part 2 (Got me hooked watching the show when I was channel surfing one weekend)

4. Pilot Part 1 (I missed this the first time, so that's why it's below Part 1.)

5. Exodus Part 2-3 (Great episode, but is really made by the last 15 minutes...that's honestly what saves it.)


Honorable Mention: Whatever the Case May Be (I was really into this one, but was dissapointed with the deal with the plane. That was weak.) and Deus ex Machina (Just a great overall ending and the best final scene of an episode this year.)


Top 5 Scenes:


White Rabbit: Jack/Locke, "A leader can't lead until he knows where he's going."

Outlaws: Sawyer/Christian. "That's why the Red Sox will never win the damn series."

Exodus Part 1: Jack/Sawyer. Sawyer telling him about his dad.

Exodus Part 2: The Raft. The Others arrive.

Deus Ex Machina: Locke/Hatch. The light comes on.


Honorable Mention: Outlaws: "I Never", All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues: Charlie is hung, but saved by Jack, Walkabout: Jack finishes talking to Rose, sees a man/father in the distance and Locke is revealed to be in a wheel chair, and Exodus Part 2-3: The ending sequence, both on the plane and back at the hatch.


Best Character: John Locke, Sawyer/Jack tied for 2nd.

Best Actor: Matthew Fox. Terry O'Quinn/Josh Holloway tied for 2nd.

Best Relationship/Friendship: Probably Sawyer/Jack. At least how we saw it end. Jack/Kate was alright at times, Jack/Michael was cool.

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: Exodus Part 2: The Raft. The Others arrive.

Best Character Development/Most Improved: Sawyer by miles. Hurley's 2nd, mainly because the Numbers definately have a lot more to do with the story of this show then meets the eye from the first season.

Hottest Chick: Evangeline Lilly (she will forever be my crush for the Freshman year of college. It's like, she's just so natural and beautiful. I'm not sure if her personality is that great from what I've seen on talk shows, but none the less.)

Studliest Dude: Sawyer.

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Jack.


The Bad


Worst Episode: Homecoming (Nothing happened in this episode other than Ethan dying.)

Worst Character: Charlie (I think Dominic is alright, the character just doesn't do much for me).

Worst Actor: I think Malcolm David Kelley is annoying at times, but I really don't dislike any of the cast.

Worst Scene: I can't think of a specific scene.

Worst Flashback: Charlie's story in Homecoming. I'm just not into it.

Worst Relationship/Friendship: Sayid/Shannon (literally killed Sayid's character).

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: Probably Kate's past. At one point I really was into it but it just feels like they should of given us more instead of sidetrack it like they did with the plane. This was one of those things they should of revealed, but at the same if they do, it would probably be that point in time to kill her off. So whatever. Another would have to be Locke's legs. How in the living hell can he be in a wheelchair for 4 years, get in a plane crash, and walk around easily? Again, I think once we find out about that, it not only reveals the whole Locke character, but maybe even the show itself as well.

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Sayid.

Most Useless character: Charlie

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Top 5 Eps


1. Deus Ex Machina

2. Exodus I

3. Pilot I

4. Exodus II and III

5. All the best cowboys have daddy issues


Honourable Mention: Walkabout.


Top 5 Scenes


1. The light comes on in The Hatch.

2. Jack walking up the beach while Claire shows Aaron off to everybody

3. "Don't tell me what I can't do!"

4. Jin confessing to his father

5. Hunting Ethan


Honourable Mention: Charley/Rose praying by the fire.


Best Character: John Locke


Runner-up: Jack Shepherd


Best relationship/friendship: Jack and Sawyer.


Runner-up: Jack and Hurley


"OH SNAP": The light comes on in The Hatch is tied with "We're gonna need the boy".


Best Character Development/Most Improved: Jin. I considered Sawyer interesting from the beggining so I can't really give it to him.


Hottest Chick: Evangeline Lily


Studliest Dude: Sawyer. Nobody else should win this category.


King of The Island/Tough MoFo: Sawyer.


The Bad


Worst Episode: "The Greater Good". Not so much bad as just nothing with no real movement or development.


Worst Character: Boone.


Worst Actor: Evangeline Lily is overrated but in terms of overall worst I'd go with Somerhalder.


Worst Scene: Jack and Charley sitting by the fire. "All they wanted was Claire." You know why? BECAUSE IT TOOK THEM UNTIL THE SEASON FINALE TO FUCKING FOLLOW UP ON IT.


Worst Relationship: Sayid/Shannon. Jack/Locke was dissapointing but this one did nothing either character.


Hatch Award: Locke and his legs. I really figured I'd know by now.


Decline: Kate.


Useless: Boone.

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The Good


Best Episode: TIE; Deux Ex Machina and Exodus


Best Character: John Locke


Best Actor: Terry O'Quinn


Best Scene: The light from the hatch


Best Flashback: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!"


Best Relationship/Friendship: Michael and Jin


Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: Locke in the wheelchair, tied with the Numbers being on the hatch


Best Character Development/Most Improved: Sawyer


Hottest Chick: Sun


Studliest Dude: Charlie (just cause of his confession of the three-way)


King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): I would say Sayid, but Sawyer's staredown of The Others gives him the edge. That was a fucking BADASS staredown. I half expected the guy with the beard to go impotent and die on the spot.


The Bad

Worst Episode: Whatever the Case May Be


Worst Character: Danielle, tied with Shannon


Worst Actor: L. Scott Caldwell (Rose)


Worst Scene: Sayid/Shannon makeouts


Worst Flashback: Shannon/Boone makeouts


Worst Relationship/Friendship: Charlie and Claire


Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: Walt's psychic powers. When they first brought it up, it seemed a bit much, and they haven't made it seem much better.


Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Jack. He was bland at the start, they've made him less bland, but I only like his character when he's playing off John Locke


Most Useless character: Aaron. She may as well just name him MacGuffin

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The Good


Best Episode: Exodus Part 1

Best Character: Hurley

Best Actor: Terry O'Quinn - Locke

Best Scene: The departure of the raft in Exodus 1

Best Flashback: Locke

Best Relationship/Friendship: Kate/Saywer

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: Locke was in a wheelchair! + The Black Rock is a pirate ship!!!

Best Character Development/Most Improved: Sawyer

Hottest Chick: Kate

Studliest Dude: um... Sawyer

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Motherfuckin' Locke!


The Bad

Worst Episode: the one about Kate and the suitcase of guns and toy plane

Worst Character: Walt, the little shit

Worst Actor: The chick who plays Shannon

Worst Scene:

Worst Flashback: Jack and his wedding

Worst Relationship/Friendship: Sayid/Shannon (snooore)

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: The hatch. Not finding out whats in it really had a deflating effect on me. If we'd been shown something mindblowing right before the cut to black i'd probably run out nad pre-order S1 and frantically watch for clues. Now I have little interest in rewatching past episodes, though i am still looking forward to S2.

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Sayid. Was SO Badass early on, then pussified

Most Useless character: Walt and Shannon are tied


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The Good


Best Episode: 1. Exodus I 2. Deux Ex Machina

Best Character: 1. Locke 2. Sawyer

Best Actor: Terry O'Quinn

Best Scene: 1. The hatch lights up 2. Raft "Who the hell is Hugo and how does he have 160 million to give to his mother!!???"

Best Flashback: Locke

Best Relationship/Friendship: Hurley/Walt

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: Locke in the wheelchair

Best Character Development/Most Improved: !. Sawyer 2. Jin

Hottest Chick: !. Claire 2. Kate 3. Sun

Studliest Dude: Sawyer

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Locke


The Bad

Worst Episode: Greater Good

Worst Character: Shannon

Worst Actor: Scott no wait that was Steve

Worst Scene: Anything having to do with Sayid and Shannon's lovefest

Worst Flashback: Charlie

Worst Relationship/Friendship: Sayid and Shannon

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: Whats in the hatch.

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Sayid

Most Useless character: Shannon

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The Good

Best Episode: Pilot, pt 1 ... got me hooked on the show w/in the first 5 minutes

Best Character:Locke

Best Actor: O'Quinn

Best Scene: hello, light in the hatch

Best Flashback: hello, Locke in the wheelchair

Best Relationship/Friendship: Locke and the island

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: tie: light in the hatch or Locke in the wheelchair

Best Character Development/Most Improved: Sun

Hottest Chick: Kate (I likes me some Lilly)

Studliest Dude: Sayid ... he pulled Shannon, the only guy on the island to get some without extortion

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Locke


(damn, I think I have a schoolboy crush on fucking Locke. I couldn't have picked him much more than I did)


The Bad

Worst Episode: pass, I really can't think of one that was 'worst'; if pressed to pick, I'd say Exodus pt 2 just because so many other people hated it.

Worst Character: Walt

Worst Actor: MD Kelley

Worst Scene: Shannon letting Vincent run into the water after Walt like 2 seconds after he trusted her to watch the damn dog.

Worst Flashback: the build-up to Jack's wedding

Worst Relationship/Friendship: Walt and Vincent ... how many times can he throw that fucking ball before it gets tiresome for him OR the dog?!?

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: Walt's powers: so much to offer, utilized so poorly ... for now

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Charlie. I liked him better as a junky

Most Useless character: Walt


(damn, I hate Walt about as much as I like Locke)

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I really wish I hadn't realized that Locke was a cripple about 3 seconds into the show (the shot of his toes wiggling gave it away). I'm frankly surprised that most people didn't figure it out before the end.

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The Good


Best Episode: "Numbers"

Best Character: Hurley

Best Actor: Terry O'Quinn

Best Scene: (Good God, this is hard) When Charlie shoots Ethan.

Best Flashback: Hurley seeing the crazy guy in the mental hospital.

Best Relationship/Friendship: Michael/Jin

Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: The numbers on the hatch. (I sat there for a good 3 minutes with my mouth wide open)

Best Character Development/Most Improved: Jin

Hottest Chick: Kate

Studliest Dude: Sawer

King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Locke


The Bad

Worst Episode: "Born to Run"

Worst Character: Shannon

Worst Actor: Ian Somerhalder

Worst Scene: Kate breaking in the bank and getting a plane. That really pissed me off.

Worst Flashback: See above

Worst Relationship/Friendship: Shannon/Boone

Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: The monster

Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Claire

Most Useless character: Shannon

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How come nobody liked "Numbers?" The numbers are the WHOLE REASON why everyone is on the island. If it weren't for that episode, there wouldn't be a show!!!!!


Well there would be a show, but you know what I mean.

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Guest sdfaulk
And what's the reason that Hurley hasn't lost any weight?

The most probable reason for Hurley's lack of NOTICEABLE weight loss is his size. Greatly obese people need to lose a lot of weight before it is physically visible. My question is in regard to the French woman...for 16 years, self-preservation has probably been her first priority..personal hygeine seems lower on the scale, but her underarms are perfectly clean-shaven. Why?

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And what's the reason that Hurley hasn't lost any weight?

The most probable reason for Hurley's lack of NOTICEABLE weight loss is his size. Greatly obese people need to lose a lot of weight before it is physically visible. My question is in regard to the French woman...for 16 years, self-preservation has probably been her first priority..personal hygeine seems lower on the scale, but her underarms are perfectly clean-shaven. Why?

The same reason Kate's eyebrows are ALWAYS perfect.


TV magic.

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But do you see what I am saying?


If it weren't for those numbers, then they wouldn't be on the island. The episode holds a lot on its shoulders, which is why I like it so much. And it was a good episode, plus Hurley is my favorite character.

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Absoutely. The Numbers themselves are the main part of the island's aura (with the Hatch especially), and what brought everyone there. Why? Who knows. As far as character development as well as show development in general, Hurley's episode provided a lot of that. I thought Hurley's background was alot more intresting then we originally thought, but I almost wonder if they revealed TOO much. I warmed up alot more to Hurley's character after this episode, however. I really don't see what they'd do for a second Hurley flashback episode in the 2nd season (I suppose explain why he was in a mental institution before he won the lottery.)


The story of the guys going to the French Lady just to find a battery was kinda weak, but knowing what Hurley's real motives made it better. I thought the stuff with Locke and Claire was excellent, especially the final scene with the crib. I thought the ending was terrific and it even spooked me out. The scene that really makes this episode is when Hurley goes to see Sam's wife about the Numbers, especially the end of it when she says "Curse? There's no curse. You make your own luck. Don't blame it on the damn numbers. You're looking for an excuse that doesn't exist." I think it goes along with the Science/Reality vs. Faith feud right now between Jack and Locke. The 2nd season, I predict, is going to have a lot to do with where the Numbers actually lie in that feud.


Almost (not all...almost) every number used in the show relates to 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42...with ALL characters. The thing I love about this show is that I have no idea. No idea what so ever. I'm baffled, but so intrigued as to how the hell the Numbers brought everyone here...and I think we find the answers in the Hatch.


Anyways, I guess I'm biased because I enjoy the characters of Jack, Locke, and Sawyer more than Hurley, and orginally Kate's past was one of the most intriguing parts of the show to me. I guess because I was so much more intrested in the other island secrets that The Numbers were just kinda, you know, ANOTHER mystery, And the Pilot and Finale of the first season were both terrific episodes, so I guess that's why this episode is underrated.


It's definately in my Top Ten, however. This is one of those episodes that's going to get better over time.

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One big question that still remains to me after Exodus: If the Numbers are bringing people to the Island, then why did Hurley have so much bad luck trying to make his plane...as if the Numbers were the reason he WASN'T going to be on that plane, and wasn't going to be on the Island? The Numbers seem to be constantly working on Hurley's favor.


Maybe the only way to cure the Numbers curse is for someone who used them to come to the Island.

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One big question that still remains to me after Exodus: If the Numbers are bringing people to the Island, then why did Hurley have so much bad luck trying to make his plane...as if the Numbers were the reason he WASN'T going to be on that plane, and wasn't going to be on the Island? The Numbers seem to be constantly working on Hurley's favor.


Maybe the only way to cure the Numbers curse is for someone who used them to come to the Island.


The numbers knew how great it would be to see Hurley zipping around the airport on a scooter.

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It's fairly obvious the numbers belong to the plane seats. The people who sat in those seats during the filght might play the biggest role in the series.

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