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It was nice of USA Today to run an article that basically is a spoiler without warning, especially when I see who the episodes are about.


And Hart Fan, I'd probably be like you, if I read the spoilers, I'd still be pumped.

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Okay I'm playing "the numbers" tonight for MegaMillions (up to 250 million), so if I win I'm in big trouble right. On the bright side I'll own a BOX Company!

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We watched "In Translation", "Numbers" and "Deus Ex Machina" at work tonight.


Plus my new manager is a huge Lost fan and bought the DVD's the other day so he's all about us putting it on. Customers watch it and think they're viewing some fucked-up movie. It's great.

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I know I'm most likely way off, but lately I've been thinking what's in the hatch might be a Colour Out Of Space type thing (if you've read it you know what I mean). Like, the light is what's in the hatch.

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Season 2 cast picture


Could just be the angle, but I'm thinking that people can finally stop asking why Hurley hasn't lost any weight...


who the fuck is the black haired girl to the right of Sawyer?

Michelle Rodriguez. She played Ana-Lucia, the girl Jack talked to at the airport bar in Exodus, Part 1. She's joining the cast somehow this season.

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Anybody know of any places selling a t-shirt with the Numbers on it? I did a google search and two came back from CafePress, but both were hideously ugly. I'm thinking a simple black T with the numbers on it in white. If anyone comes across anything like this, please pass along the info because I'd love to have one.

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Yeah you do.


I watched "Walkabout" with a friend tonight who'd seen episodes before, knew who Locke was but didn't know his secret.


It was fun watchin the eyes widen and the mouth slowly open when he wheeled himself out from behind the desk. Wednesday can't come soon enough.

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What can I say, I have hair envy.


I wanted to see everybody's opinion on this. In a Entertainment Weekly article Stephen King wrote how the challenge for Lost's directors to be able to finish their story when they plan to and not drag it out even if the network wants them to. So my question is, what would be satisfactory for you all?


3 Seasons & a Movie finale?

4 Seasons?

As long as the story stays good?

As long as possible?

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I'm assuming they've mapped out a plot for about 4 seasons (I've hear J.J Abrams say 6). As long as the story stays good, I don't think they should go longer than 5.

If they start killing off people left and right and by season 4 they've got less than half of the original 14, I doubt it'll still feel like the show we got hooked on.

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Am I the only one that doesn't like Michelle Rodriguez in Lost? I love her, but she's a "name" actress and it just seems to spoil that there are other survivors by naming her as a member of the cast for Season 2.




Just takes away some of the shock about the other survivors for me.

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I am a year behind, but I've finally caught up with everything. I bought the box set of the first season on release day, and I finished it off at around 4am last night.


Watching season two the normal way, week after week and month after month is going to be very rough. I thought watching three seasons of The Shield on DVD and then watching it on DVD was tough, but this is going to be way harder.


I also didn't see how another show could top The Shield as my favorite one hour long type of deal, but Lost did it in a single season. I can't believe that this is a TV show, A TV SHOW! Over the past few years, television has really evolved, and I love it. I gave up on network TV for years, but I'm back at it now that we have shows like Scrubs and Arrested Development, and The Shield and especially Lost.


And as good as the show is, we even get this...we need more of this in season two:



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Am I the only one that doesn't like Michelle Rodriguez in Lost? I love her, but she's a "name" actress and it just seems to spoil that there are other survivors by naming her as a member of the cast for Season 2.




Just takes away some of the shock about the other survivors for me.


I'm with you on the "there are other survivors" spoiler thing (though I figured there were a little while ago), but since when is Michelle Rodriguez a "name"?

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A lot of the actors are small names - Fox, Andrews, O'Quinn, Dom, even DDK and Shooomahaaalda! (I will spell it how I say it). I wouldn't say Rodriguez is out of their league in terms of fame. I mean, shit, they had the guy who played Jay Leno in The Late Shift on the show - you don't get bigger than that.

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Do you think they really could have kept Rodriguez & AAA (I won't even try to spell it) appearances on the show a secret? They both probably have enough fans where people want to know what they are doing next.

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I think being in the LOTR trilogy outweighs the two movies Rodriguez has done




Yeah, but he was an original/main memeber of the cast.



Look at any magazine talking about Lost: Season 2. One of the main focal points of them (Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide) is Michelle Rodriguez.




And she is playing a character we don't even know is alive yet.

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I think being in the LOTR trilogy outweighs the two movies Rodriguez has done




Yeah, but he was an original/main memeber of the cast.



Look at any magazine talking about Lost: Season 2. One of the main focal points of them (Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide) is Michelle Rodriguez.




And she is playing a character we don't even know is alive yet.


*shrug* Not the show's fault.

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The fact that they introduced Rodriguez' character in an episode last season and then didn't show her again afterwards was a pretty good hint that you'd see her again this year. It's not like her appearance wasn't foreshadowed last year.

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