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I'll predict the Confidence Man who railed Sawyer's mom somehow ended up on the Island and is now one of The Others.


Seriously though, have any of you guys had any co-workers or friends that didn't like Wednesday's show and why?


Is there any theories about when Desmond told Jack he was training for "A Race Around the World"?

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If the real Sawyer is one of the Others, I'm not going to be a happy camper. Unless they have the greatest explanation of all time.


And Ravenbomb, it's supposedly the security system, but I didn't see that on my DVD. I personally think it's internet trickery, but some swear it's real.

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No way in hell that's CG error. Those shadow things pop up far to often for it to just be a mistake, not to mention that when they do show up they at times interact, just like in that .GIF of the engine that explodes. It's also on the DVD, clearly. If you aren't looking for it you won't really see it, but if you watch it, even in real time, you can spot it. If you do slow motion, it's clear as day.

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Now, some TV Guide style previews (literally, they came from TV Guide's website).


2.2 - "Adrift" (Michael & Walt II)

The L.A. Times had said that it would be Sawyer III, but Harold Perrineau told E! Online that they changed it to Michael & Walt II because their backstory was a better fit for the the tone of the episode.

Their raft destroyed, Michael, Sawyer and Jin encounter another predator in the ocean. And on land, the hatch doesn't seem to be any safer.


2.3 - "Orientation" (Locke III)

The hatch begins to yield its secrets to Jack, Locke and Kate. And the survivors of the attack on the raft wonder just who's holding them captive.


2.4 - Everybody Hates Hugo (Hurley II)

Disturbing memories from Hurley's past cause him to struggle with a task he's assigned inside the hatch. Meanwhile Sawyer, Michael and Jin discover the identities of their captors, and Claire uncovers a shocking piece of information about the fate of the raft.


2.5 - "... and found" (Jin and Sun III)

(from tv.com) In flashbacks this episode reveals more of Jin's life before ending up on the island. We meet Jin's former manager at the Grand Seoul Hotel, Mr. Kim, his beatnik best friend and one-time roomie, Tai Soo, and Jae Lee, an adversary of Jin's who has everything he does not, including a good education, charm and wealth. It all leads into why Jin is the way he is now.


2.6 - Shannon II

2.7 - "The Other 48 Days"

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Do we know for definate that was Desmond we see at the beginning of the episode? That could be the second person we see at the beginning, and Desmond could have been elsewhere. That could also explain the clean-shaven/better physical condition compared to that of desmond as he appears at the end.



Also does anyone think the second person could be Alex? Thats what I initially thought at the beginning.

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I can't read the title of this thread without thinking "How do you loose something that's 68 pages?".


I had to share that.

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Alex was very clearly the girl who threw the molotov cocktail that ignited the raft. If you watch the episode back again, it's a girl who looks slightly like a younger, blonder Rosseau.

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Guest Fishyswa

Few things to note on the mural, the 'eye' M sick, the sun with the 108 on it has a red line coming from it going up to a red colored stick figure, and they seem to represent the survivors since what looks like the ocean is right infront of them.


I don't want to read too much into that though because you'd be sitting there for a month speculating on what every thing means.

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One of the guys I was watching it with said right after the opening "How do we know this isn't happening in the past?".

Boone mentioned the Patriot Act when Hurley was going around with that census thing last season.

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Guest wildpegasus
Isn't the one on the plane when it blows up a CGI error, though? I though I read one of the producers say it was, but I can't remember exactly...



It was officially confirmed as an error.

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