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I always thought Shannon seeing Walt could be part of "the sickness", but its not like we got concrete details from Rousseau or Desmond about what happened to the "sick people". (Symptoms)


^ That's what I think ... Shannon & Sayid hallucinated Walt due to the sickness. For all we know, one of the symptoms of the sickness is a bit of clairvoyance, and thus they're 'communicating' with Walt even though he's not really right there (if that makes sense).


I didn't really like the way that they've introduced the tail-enders to the Season 1 survivors before they showed us the tail-enders story. And on top of that, spoiled what happened to the tail-enders by having Ana Lucia give us a 30 seconds synopsis of what happened. I'd have preferred it if they showed next week's episode before this week's. It's have just made more sense in my mind.


One other nitpick: it kind of took the drama about which castmember was going to be killed when they really only showed two possibilities (Shannon & Ana Lucia) ... Claire was on for like 5 minutes, Rose for like 60 seconds, and the other women weren't shown at all. Even if I hadn't read the spoilers, it was pretty obvious who was going to die.

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Guest Essa_Angelico
And "Walt" actually led Shannon right into the bullet


Guess she should have listened to him and kept silent. So what Walt there to help shannon or to hinder her?

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I dont believe visions of Walt are indictive of the sickness.


Walt's probably like, remote viewing or a manifestation. Walt has been obstensibly, trying to help (though that is left up to interpretation)


I love that we've seen the tailenders before we know what happened...because thats how our survivors are going to view them...hostility before understanding.


I'm debating posting my theory on the sickness.

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If Walt's using his shinning to communicate to Shannon ... why just her? Why not his father or someone that might be able to help a little more than her? And why is he talking in reverse?


I love that we've seen the tailenders before we know what happened...because thats how our survivors are going to view them...hostility before understanding.
Us knowing their story and the survivors knowing their story aren't comparable. Much the same way that we know that Locke can't really walk. And that Hurley's a millionaire. And that Kate was a fugitive long before the islanders knew. I'm a firm believer is showing the audience rather than telling the audience, and with Ana Lucia's little speech last night, they took 40+ days on the island and wrapped them up in a 45 second speech.

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We, as viewers, are hostile right now to AL. Perhaps the next episode changes that?

Perhaps that's true inside the story too.


That was my point.


I think the key to Walt is Vincent


EDIT: Two bucks says we hear Boone's voice next week when the tailenders hear his radio call on their radio

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Guest Fishyswa

1. AL had to kill her, the gun in her hands was just unloaded, and it was pointed at Shannon.


2. The end with Sayid was just fucking awesome.


3. Why the whispers, and why is Walt talking backwards? Better yet are we to believe he's vanishing, or stealthly running back to the Others?


4. Even though she's a raging self-centered bitch, it seems like it's a matter of circumstance. She's crying in Echo's arms in the preview for next week, I'm assuming, after the children were taken. I think she took a leadership role, and once the other's started taking the children, she felt like she failed. Now she thinks it's up to her and her alone to protect the rest of the group at all costs. I can see her breaking down because of Shannons death.


5. 12 people from the tail we know were taken by the others, but not all of them could of been kids. So if they don't want just kids, why did they just take Walt from the raft? Why not the other 3?


6. I think the most interesting plot twist is gonna be when we find out how the other's are related to the hatches. Once DHARMA and the Other's are finally linked(not like as in working together but any kind of interaction or connection they've had) we're gonna be in "WTF" mode for a couple of episodes.


7. Do we have enough information to assume the size of the island? It's gotta be pretty big if it's taking a couple days to get across. Has there bene any other info about it's size that anyone remembers?



Next week is probably gonna leave us with more questions, which I'm hoping will be partially wrapped up in 2 weeks. If Desmond does come back and it's not a flashback or anything, any guesses on what he encountered or why he came back?

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I guess Shannon was able to die because for the first time in her life - someone actually believed in her and had faith in her.


Guess she wasn't Lost any more?


I know that theory has been thrown around - well that could be more evidence for it.

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1. AL had to kill her, the gun in her hands was just unloaded, and it was pointed at Shannon.

--Not necessarily.  She could have been shooting at somethng else.  I believe she was.


2. The end with Sayid was just fucking awesome.



3. Why the whispers, and why is Walt talking backwards? Better yet are we to believe he's vanishing, or stealthly running back to the Others?

--I think there are many different types of others.


4. Even though she's a raging self-centered bitch, it seems like it's a matter of circumstance. She's crying in Echo's arms in the preview for next week, I'm assuming, after the children were taken. I think she took a leadership role, and once the other's started taking the children, she felt like she failed. Now she thinks it's up to her and her alone to protect the rest of the group at all costs. I can see her breaking down because of Shannons death.



5. 12 people from the tail we know were taken by the others, but not all of them could of been kids. So if they don't want just kids, why did they just take Walt from the raft? Why not the other 3?



6. I think the most interesting plot twist is gonna be when we find out how the other's are related to the hatches. Once DHARMA and the Other's are finally linked(not like as in working together but any kind of interaction or connection they've had) we're gonna be in "WTF" mode for a couple of episodes.

--Indeed they are linked


7. Do we have enough information to assume the size of the island? It's gotta be pretty big if it's taking a couple days to get across. Has there bene any other info about it's size that anyone remembers?

--Approximately 20-30 miles across, I'd wager.  Just based on hiking times.  There has been some size information.



Next week is probably gonna leave us with more questions, which I'm hoping will be partially wrapped up in 2 weeks. If Desmond does come back and it's not a flashback or anything, any guesses on what he encountered or why he came back?

--Desmond I believe will be back in week 8, to prevent AL's execution.  It's time for our lost-aways to snap out of it.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all convictions, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.




Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

--W.B. Yeats


Events are moving swiftly again in the Lost-verse. We'll soon be caught up to 48 days, and with 1/3 of the season gone, we must cover about 32 days with the remainder. But what a number of days, because we know that two episodes from now, we'll only just be on day 48. Time picks up.


I've come to the conclusion that *something has got to give* With the tail-enders meeting our survivors, we can assume several things


1) Eventually, both sides of the plane will tell their story about the "Others"

2) At least 1 group of the "Others" are very bad people...evil maybe.

3) As a plot device, the "Others" will come again


I make several other assumptions:

1) This influx of survivors is larger than previous influxes. Smaller groups were much easier...dealt with...by the "Others"

2) We have our survivors with a plethora of weapons from the Hatch.

3) In dealing with the "Others" we have been presented with two options (from Danielle) Fight and die, or hide and live.


I do not think our survivors are the kind that will, in the end, try and hide.


Michael wants Walt back. Jin will follow him to the grave, and I'm willing to bet, so will Sawyer.

Sayid will want revenge. Ana-Lucia is going to plead with Sayid that she didn't shoot at Shannon, but at something else entirely. I doubt Sayid will believe this until alot of time passes, but in the end, he will. He will want revenge.

Locke has already demonstrated that he understands a battle must be fought.


Season 2 will end differently than the first. In the end of Season 1, the survivors are focused on surviving.


At the end of season 2, they will be focused on fighting.


Perhaps, at the end of Season 2, at the very end, someone dear either a) dies or b) abducted. I'll go with Jack, for plot purposes.


Instead of hiding this time, Team Badass will choose instead to pursue, and make a stand. And lost, Season 2, ends with our Lost-aways picking up arms and marching towards... wherever these "Others" are.

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Guest Brian

I'm wondering if Walt came to Shannon because of the dog. I'll definately be pumped to see how Michael reacts when Sayid tells how he saw Walt.

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"They're coming, they're close."


Or something very similar to that.


Now, did he mean "the others" or did he mean Michael and the tail section?

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If Walt is trying to help, he's doing a really bad job of it. Why would he lead Shannon into being shot? I think he's with the Others, and they're using his powers to fuck with the survivors. They want them to stop pushing the button.


That said, if the Others are as uber-powerful as they're described, why bother. Hmm.

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Guest Brian

I wonder if there's other stations on the island where people have to punch in the numbers, only that where the tail-end guys were, it was unmanned.

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Maybe the button is what's keeping the Others from snatching up the original survivors. They seemed to grab the tail enders with ease (going by the preview for next week's show). Why intercept the raft when they just as easily could've grabbed Walt like they did the tail enders?

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Guest Essa_Angelico

And why is Walt always wet? He didn't even touch the water, unless he's in a watery grave now.

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Just in case anyone had any ideas that Shannon is surviving this...


We had to negotiate her contract for this season, so she's known for a long time this was coming. But she was nothing but absolutely professional and completely tight-lipped and completely a team player in terms of going to events, doing interviews and participating as a full member of the cast without giving any indication that she was dying.



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If Walt is trying to help, he's doing a really bad job of it. Why would he lead Shannon into being shot? I think he's with the Others, and they're using his powers to fuck with the survivors. They want them to stop pushing the button.


That said, if the Others are as uber-powerful as they're described, why bother. Hmm.


No. No one has done what Walt has told them to do yet. They're not listening to him!

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Walt is clearly trying to help out.


I'm curious about the line that Ana Lucia said to Echo about "I liked it better when you didn't talk". It'd be a nice contrast and nod to season one to have Echo just sitting alone on the beach by himself ala Rose. Didn't he say his wife was on the plane with him?

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Perhaps, at the end of Season 2, at the very end, someone dear either a) dies or b) abducted. I'll go with Jack, for plot purposes.


Instead of hiding this time, Team Badass ™ will choose instead to pursue, and make a stand. And lost, Season 2, ends with our Lost-aways picking up arms and marching towards... wherever these "Others" are.



Actually, I'd go with Kate being abducted instead of Jack. They've dangled this " carrot" in front of our eyes in the first episode of the season. It's either going to be her or Claire again.

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In the Daily News today they had a show picture of Ana Lucia with two children, a blonde girl and a blonde boy, the blonde girl was holding a teddy bear that looked a whole lot like the one Jin saw in the woods.


Has anyone else seen this picture? Is it an unintentional spoiler of some sort, or is this a picture of something we've already seen that I missed?


Spoiler Picture

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Here's something nobody has mentioned: During the previews for this weeks episode there is clearly a shot of Jack staring at something in between a pair of trees in the rain.


So what was our good doctor doing in the rain when Shannon got shot? Was Ana Lucia really aiming at Shannon or somebody else?

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Guest Fishyswa

^Maybe Desmond?


And yep that's the picture Downhome, definitely a spoiler for next week.

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Desmond makes his return in episode 8, IIRC. It's called "The Real Mr. Sawyer". That should get people thinking.


I've seen a screen cap of the shot of Jack in the rain but I can't tell if it's a quick cut that we all missed or just a snippet from the preview. If it's just something from the preview that begs the question: Was the scene with Jack in the rain cut out or purposely not shown just to fuck with us?

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I wouldn't be too certain about what we saw, or think we saw, at the end of this latest episode. With the way this show is sometimes, that's the entire point.


Things are not what they seem to be on this island.

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Well that really said nothing.


I mean, you saw that he was in the preview, right? Go back and watch it. He's there.


Either he was on the show or he wasn't. That's clear. If he was then it was really quick and we missed him. If he wasn't then why did we see him in the preview? Lost is known for manipulating their previews but to my knowledge we've never been shown something in a preview that never materialized in the following episode.

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If you want some more spoiler pictures, somewhat, go to the following link and keep clicking next:




And LotC, I wasn't talking about the preview at the end. I watched a downloaded version of the episode, and it ended before the preview.




I hear we do indeed get some very intense torture scenes in the next episode, but I'm not sure who it's done to...but I'm sure we can guess. I don't know if this was included in the preview or not. Was it?

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