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I'm unspoilered, Lost spoilers are the devil. I hope it's Shannon who dies, her character isn't really serving a purpose now that we've all gotten over Boone's death.


I'm more interested in how the character dies. An Other? Lostzilla? Another accident? SUICIDE?


I could see Shannon jumping off a cliff.

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I only wish it would be Analucia, but it's highly doubtful.


A-fucking-greed ... Michelle Rodriguez is eye-candy, but the character sucks, and her acting is piss-poor IMHO.


And I got hosed, I read someone's theory of who dies & how, and someone posted a "that's pretty close to the truth", giving away a spoiler without ID'ing it as such. So, I'm pretty sure I know who dies and how they die.

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Hasn't it been posted in this thread without spoiler tags who dies? I know I read it somewhere and I was pretty sure it was here.


I do hope it's wrong though.


In the first place, they're low enough on female characters as it is. They've got Kate, Shannon, Sun, and Claire from the original cast. Compare that to Jack, Locke, Charlie, Hurley, Michael, Sawyer, Sayeed, Walt, and Jin, and you'll see that it's a little one-sided.


Second, they already teased Shannon dying in the first season, even going so far as to actually show a death scene in a dream sequence. How unoriginal is to go for the same damn person again this soon. Finally, her brother is the only (significant) person to be killed on the island so far. Are they really going to confine the deaths to people from the same immediate family?

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It's all about the burgeoning movie career.


I also think it could possibly be Sayid. That is nothing but mere speculation on my part - but what exactly does he have left to do? I'm calling a Sayid death SWERVE!

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Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt, and Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire.


credit: ABC.com



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Bye Bye Shannon!


C'mon people, stop kidding yourselves


Ana Lucia shoots her accidentally...remember, Ana Lucia has Sawyer's gun, and its still has ONE bullet.


Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Guest Fishyswa

In the Daily News today they had a show picture of Ana Lucia with two children, a blonde girl and a blonde boy, the blonde girl was holding a teddy bear that looked a whole lot like the one Jin saw in the woods.


Has anyone else seen this picture? Is it an unintentional spoiler of some sort, or is this a picture of something we've already seen that I missed?

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Guest Fishyswa

Ah, I was hoping I hadn't missed something that important.


Should be a solid two weeks.

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Saw it coming, but OH FUCKING SHIT.




The look on Sayids face. That's the look we've all been looking for. The dormant King of the Island AWAKENS! To take his throne!!

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I was thinking along those lines, too.


And was that the first episode without either Jack (except for those 2 seconds in the flashback) and/or Kate?

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Awesome episode! So glad this show is back..even though it's not as mysterious as the first season, at least we can see new interaction between the back of the plane and the front survivors.

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