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What exactly does "The Hunting Party" give away?


Sounds to me like the episode where they go get Walt back.


Agreed. Which is something that we all knew was going to happen this season, it was just a matter of when. And it's not like the title is "The Unsuccessful Hunting Party" ... it gives away a theme, not a piece of the plot.


Plus, to people that think plot titles are spoilers: Do you not watch the commercials or "scenes from next week's episode" teasers? /not a flame, but a legit question

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I'm totally with RRR and the rest of the pro-flashback crew... flashbacks are a KEY PREMISE to the show. They should be and will be here to the end. Honestly, you should find a new show if you don't like them. It's like saying 24 would be much better if they didn't hold to the real-time requirements.


As far as Ana Lucia goes, I too cannot stand Michelle Rodríguez and her limited acting range. However, I think it's a mistake to say the character is no good because the actress sucks. Granted the character can only go so far, the actor is important, but... I think it's important not to write off AL too soon. After last week I, at least, could relate to her even if I wasn't sympathetic.


The reunions were awesome as well. I loved the Bernard and Rose embrace. It was cool to see two people who believed they would survive and then find each other once again see their goal through to the end. Their tears were well earned. Jin and Sun was friggin' emotional.


Question: how is Ecko spelled officially?

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Who the fuck is Anti-Flashback?

LotC, I'm not naming names, but ...


Edit: and I forgot a statement...Am I the only one sick of flashbacks? I mean, last nights was okay, due to it being a new character, but it feels like almost all the flashbacks this season other then Jack's have been absolutely worthless. Did we REALLY need second flashbacks for Michael & Hurley? I've gotten to the point, where I just tune out most of the flashbacks, and only pick up the decent info. It just feels like filler in this season to me.


I will still probably change between Eko/Ecko/Echo, depending on my mood.

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(via some dude on ABC's Lost Boards)

Just saying, he's been dead on twice before.


Read at your own risk.


We start off on the beach Jin and Sun come out of their tent (guess what they were doing) Hurley Da Man gives Jin the thumbs up. They look over and see Sayid digging a grave for Shannon.


Jack is taking care of Sawyer in the hatch when he hears Sawyer start to mumble.

He’s still unconscious with the fever. “Where is she? I Love Her”. Jack doesn’t seem thrilled.


We go to Kate who’s up in a tree getting gathering fruit for Sawyer.

Kate hasn’t been sleeping well and is exhausted from taking care of him.

She almost falls from the tree and drops some fruit. When she picks the fruit up she looks up and sees a beautiful black horse.


Flashback to Kate sitting on the steps of her folks home. Her drunk step dad pulls up and asks what’s she doing there she helps him in and puts him to bed. He makes a comment like “aren’t you gonna take my pants off?” Tells her she’s beautiful gets pissed when she doesn’t say thanks for the compliment.


She goes outside on her motorcycle to leave takes a look at the house and as she pulls away the house explodes. She keeps going. Next scene she’s goes into a diner and her mom is the waitress. Her mom is wearing a wrist brace, Kate asks how it happened mom tries to make something up but Kate knows the truth. She tells her mom it’s over and gives her an insurance policy she took out in her moms name for the house. Mom starts getting worried. “Kate what did you do?” Kate leaves.


Back on Island in hatch, Jack tells Kate who is now going to resume caring for sawyer that “we’ll all be on the beach don’t forget the button.”


Eko and Anna on beach. Eko tells Anna “I’m going to the funeral.” Anna says “ I don’t think I’m gonna make it” Eko tells her “I think everyone here understands it was an accident.”


Sayid speaks at the funeral “I loved her” gets mushy. ( I couldn’t get emotional since to me she was killed weeks ago)


Kate’s talking to sawyer who starts to mumble again she gets closer to him his eyes open and he says “why did you kill me” as he starts to choke her.


Jack and Locke get to the hatch and the timer is buzzing they yell for Kate who is gone Locke runs to the keyboard 23… 22… seconds left. He starts typing the numbers and fumbles 4 8 15 16 22 then backspaces 23 finishes typing execute with one second left. Whew that was close.


Jacks finds sawyer on the floor and gets mad and starts to look for Kate.


((I’m gonna cut more stuff out here I’m pressed for time. I’ll Start Outlining. ))


Kate thinks she’s going crazy flashbacks to her getting caught trying to leave to talahasse. Mom turned her in.


In car with Marshall going to arraignment almost hit what looks like a Deer. Crashed into tree. Kate got control of car and backs away from tree and just before she goes forward she sees the same Black horse as earlier not a deer.


Island: runs into Charlie and asks if he thinks there could be horses here. He doubts it. Just polar bears and monsters.


Hatch: Mike is looking around and notices BLAST Doors that come down from the ceiling he asked locke what there for locke never noticed. Mike asked locke if desmond didn’t mention anything. Asked about the numbers and why he just can’t type them in any time. Locke started typing and nothing would come up numbers can only come up after the 4 minute timer comes on. He said desmond left a video. Mike wants to watch Eko chimes in and says he wants to watch too. They watch video and mike says you typed these numbers in because of this video. He kinda was like jack when he first saw it.


Locke asks Eko what he thought and he didn’t say a word. He got up and walked out of the room. Mike want’s to examine the computer more and starts to look at everthing. Wires and stuff


Kate visits military dad who knows what she did. Turns out Wayne was her real father which is why kate killed him cause she hated who he was. No molestation here.



Jack finds Kate and they KISS



Eko talks to Locke finally and tells him a story about Josiah and basically the bible.


The bible eko found in the other hatch had the missing spliced piece of the film.

It says don’t use the comp to contact the outside world or talk to anyone.


Mike is in the comp room and hears a beep he looks up and theres 58 minutes then he hears it again.


The Comp Says reads





Mike types Hello?


Who are you?


My name is Michael. Who are you?



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Ohh, Mr. I read the spoilers all the time, won't read the spoilers?


















































Don't worry, cause I won't either.

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Well since the scene-by scene thing was posted I won't throw out my theory, but I have to fight the urge to look at it before the show.


What will be our cliffhanger for six weeks?

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That was a great ending. Creepy as hell too. Walt's somehow found his way into the consciousness of, well, everything. The island, the computer, wtf?


The horse thing was interesting because it was a LOT like Jack and Desmond, something(one) he/she came across in passing during an important period, and now coincidently shows up on the island. I feel like the germs of the beginning of a theory is out there but i'm too dumb to put it together.


I'm reminded of the last episode of Star Trek the next generation, it had this thing which was like time travel in reverse, events rippled BACKWARDS in time. Makes me wonder if something like that's not happening here. ie, Kate met the horse on the island FIRST, and it somehow rippled backwards, showing up at a key moment to change events to make sure she came to the island. Same wtih Desmond and Jack.

Wouldn't it be fucked up if the flashbacks weren't actually flashbacks at all? That we are actually seeing flashback-events unfold as they're happening in a new way, because of the island (or whatever is on the island).

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Also, after BLOWING UP A HOUSE WITH HER STEPDAD WHO WAS ACTUALLY HER REAL DAD IN IT, Kate has gained ground in the "most ridiculously fucked up past" competition, probably tied for pole position with Sayid.

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My thoughts when watching the new footage.


"That was... underwhelming... so what? Don't talk to the outside world... who cares??"


"Uh oh... don't do it Mike"




"Who is on the other end?"




Eko: "Don't confuse coincidence with fate" AWESOME. They are SO going to be enemies.

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ie, Kate met the horse on the island FIRST, and it somehow rippled backwards, showing up at a key moment to change events to make sure she came to the island.


I can't claim to understand time travel all that well, but I think there's a long-winded and hard to explain contradiction in there. Maybe not. Anyone wanna tackle that?

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