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When the pilot attempts to make a mayday call, the transmission of "the numbers" can be heard.


I noticed that, too. Did we ever address the wild internet speculation about the voice in the numbers transmission sounding like Hurley? That would be sort of a mind-bending turn, where Hurley was actually responsible for the recording that ultimately led him to the island. And now that he's in 1977, it seems pretty damn plausible.

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Furthermore, in regards to Sawyer's speech, Jack kinda got a raw deal with being thrust into the leadership role. Everyone else pretty much made him the leader, whether he wanted it or not. And it's not like Jack had the luxury of saying "hey, chill fellow plane crash victims while I ruminate out a course of action." People wanted decisions now. Jack, while I agree wasn't a great leader, did his best to hold the group together in a traumatic time. He only had 3-4 months of on the job training, while Sawyer has had 3 years to refine his leadership style in a pretty stable life style. Sawyer has the luxury of taking his time, while Jack's "reign" was constantly being influenced by attacks, surprises, and various other instances that required immediate attention.


Sawyer's speech sounded good last night, but now that I've had time to think about it, it kinda falls apart at the seams.

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I don't think it was supposed to be the truth per se. Sawyer's a manipulative asshole and Jack is one of those people who always feels like it's their fault when anything goes wrong. The two of them have been unspoken rivals for a while now, passively fighting over a variety of things, and Jack is probably the last guy Sawyer would want to show up on the island now. So Sawyer gave a speech which he knew would hurt Jack's feelings and also probably keep him from trying to assume a leadership role.


As for "Claire", I don't think that's supposed to be her. Claire's hair was a bright blonde, it didn't look like that. It's probably just a crew member who accidentally got in the shot and they just missed it during the editing process, it happens all the time.

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Awesome nonspoiler from next week's preview.


Hurley's awesome quote, "Dude, they're like living together and not as roomates and stuff."

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So, somebody's going to need to humor me on the timeline shit because I'm getting a tad fucking confused over it. Specifically in the case of Ben. If we're to believe Daniels "What happened, happened" theory then does that infer that when Oceanic 815 crashes and Ben gets captured by Sayid and the like that he knew Jack, Locke, Kate and everybody else who was around in Dharma circa 1977? I'm also having some difficulty grasping how they can "meet themselves" and what that would do to the timeline. Sawyer saw Kate and Claire having Aaron, Locke saw the beam of light from the hatch and if they'd have gone in that direction he would have met himself too. But would they remember meeting themselves were it to happen?

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Also, was it established at some point in this season that the island can exist in multiple timelines? Because in the case of Sun and Frank that's gotta be what's happening, no?

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I just assumed that if the island had still been flashing, it would have been invisible still, like in the Season 4 finale, but since Locke stopped the flashing when he left the island, the island is in place now, and part of one timeline.


Although I guess that still doesn't explain why Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid "flashed" out of the plane.

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Most of the theories I've read surrounding why Sun/Frank/Ben/Locke didn't flash out of the plane is that they weren't supposed to come back so they didn't get caught in the time-loop.

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Most of the theories I've read surrounding why Sun/Frank/Ben/Locke didn't flash out of the plane is that they weren't supposed to come back so they didn't get caught in the time-loop.

An argument could be made for all of Ben/Frank/Locke not having to come back, but why wouldn't Sun? There's got to be more to her story.

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Well, if you want to believe that Locke represented the island when he came back to the real world and visited the O6 he extended an invite back to everybody but Sun.

I suppose. I guess you could also argue that Sun worked with Widmore, who was apparently no longer welcome, hence she couldn't go back. Damn, dirty, grudge-holding island.

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Well, Sayid has lost everything, the love of his life, then he lost his humanity being turned into an assassin by Ben, so it makes sense he'd snap.


Also, an original cast member has died every season of Lost... Boone, Shannon, Charlie, Michael.

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I also got a huge kick out of Frank telling the Ajira crash members "Don't worry, once they see that we're not where we're supposed to be they'll come looking for us." Almost a line-by-line copy of what Jack said in season one.

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Well, I think the Sayid/Young Ben thing will work similarly to the Desomnd/Daniel thing in that when Daniel talked to Desmond at the Hatch door, Desmond then "dreamt" it around 3 years later, and it might have taken that long due to the time effects of the island. So maybe when Ben comes to with the New Losties in that bunker on Hydra Island he'll 'remember' having met Sayid as a young boy and then he'll know that is probably where everyone else ended up.


Also, it appears a good chunk of this episode (at least concerning Sun/Frank/Ben) took place before the events on-island when Locke comes back to life. So by the time Locke is up and moving and fingers Ben as his killer, Sun and Frank already know that the rest of the group is in 1977 (but then Ben might know too due to the situation I described above).

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As best as I can interperet everything...Everything that we are seeing in 1977 has already happened. Ethan would not have been born if Juliet was not there to perform the C-Section. Ben knows all kinda of things about the 815 people before ever interacting with them, and more than just things his spies could have told him. The fact that almost every Dharma member was murdered allows for Jack/Sawyer/Kate/Hurley/Sayid to never be remembered by anyone except Ben and Richard(meeting with Sawyer). I assume they all end up back in their normal times in 2008/9 in the end which explains why they aren't there when 815 crashes.

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Also, it appears a good chunk of this episode (at least concerning Sun/Frank/Ben) took place before the events on-island when Locke comes back to life. So by the time Locke is up and moving and fingers Ben as his killer, Sun and Frank already know that the rest of the group is in 1977 (but then Ben might know too due to the situation I described above).

Aye. One of the Ajira passengers (edit: checked, it was Alana) pointed out in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" that she saw the pilot take off in a boat with some woman. Later in that episode is when Locke finds Ben.

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I think she also said that they had the flight manifest with them. I'm guessing so that the other passengers can't check for Jack, Sayid, Kate & Hurley?

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I think Locke asked if they had a manifest, and she said he'd have to ask the pilot, who took off with some woman (Sun). Although I could be wrong.

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So, is it safe to say that Christian is "alive" on the island since Locke was his proxy.. was dead.. and is now alive? This entire time I was thinking he was just a manifestation of the island (similar to Eko's brother, Hurley's dave, etc).

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I've always assumed Christian is an avatar the Smoke Monster takes… just a wild theory. The smoke monster taking the form of Mr. Eko's brother and telling him to keep pushing that button... so, it fits.

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