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Last Comic Standing 3

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I rank the sets:

1. Alonzo

2. Dave (at a close 2nd)

3. Rich

4. John...he just didn't click with the crowd and the jokes weren't his best


Personally I thought Gulman had a much better roast than Alonzo, although Bodden's stand up is ultimatly better.


The debate...was Alonzo the only one who thought of doing new recient material?

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I think it was new material for all the guys, but Alonzo is the only one whose act delves into "In The News"-type stuff:


John - relationships, stuff you did when you were a kid

Rich - relationships

Dave - muses on just about anything

Alonzo - stereotypes, topical stuff


Anyways, I voted in a 2:1 ratio for Dave and Alonzo. I actually thought Alonzo was a touch better, but I think that Dave "needs" this a bit more. But to be honest, any one of these guys winning would be OK with me...

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Last Comic Standing is cancelled!!! This is shocking news to me too.  I woke up on Wednesday morning and recieved the news. NBC was not happy with the rating of the show and decided to pull the plug.  Keep in mind there is only one episode left and on that episode we were going to ANNOUNCE THE WINNER!  Amazing.  Why would a network cancel a show with only one episode left?  There is some back history that makes this more ridiculous.  As Last Comic Standing 2 was wrapping up this summer, the network told us that they wanted a "hybrid version" of Last Comic to put on the fall schedule.  They said that they simply didn't have enough shows for the fall slate and needed a quick fix.  My partner Peter Engel as well as other producers like Barry Katz, Cori Fry, K.P. Anderson and my self thought that this was a bad idea.  We argued that having a seperate version of Last Comic so soon after season 2 concluded would burn the audience out and damage the franchise.  Well the network insisted we move forward and we came up with "LCS Battle of thge Best".  Season 1 versus season 2 for a prize of 250 thosand bucks.  (It seems like Fox hands out a million dollar prizes on its reality shows like its lunch).  Last Comic Standing The Battle Of The Best hit the airwaves in the fall and guess what?  The ratings were down.  The ratings stayed pretty consistent all season with around eight million viewers but that didn't stop NBC from hitting the panic button.  The biggest question I have is why would you wait until the final episode to pull the plug.  I feel terrible for the comics.  We had a great final four with Alonzo Bodden, Rich Vos, Dave Mordal (my favorite) and John Heffron.  These four comics are not involved with network bussines or standards and practices but it is they who will suffer the most from this terrible decision by The Nation Broadcasting Company.  I have to stop typing now because I have to go TiVo Father Of The Pride.




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Last Comic Standing is cancelled!!! This is shocking news to me too.  I woke up on Wednesday morning and recieved the news. NBC was not happy with the rating of the show and decided to pull the plug.  Keep in mind there is only one episode left and on that episode we were going to ANNOUNCE THE WINNER!  Amazing.  Why would a network cancel a show with only one episode left?  There is some back history that makes this more ridiculous.  As Last Comic Standing 2 was wrapping up this summer, the network told us that they wanted a "hybrid version" of Last Comic to put on the fall schedule.  They said that they simply didn't have enough shows for the fall slate and needed a quick fix.  My partner Peter Engel as well as other producers like Barry Katz, Cori Fry, K.P. Anderson and my self thought that this was a bad idea.  We argued that having a seperate version of Last Comic so soon after season 2 concluded would burn the audience out and damage the franchise.  Well the network insisted we move forward and we came up with "LCS Battle of thge Best".  Season 1 versus season 2 for a prize of 250 thosand bucks.  (It seems like Fox hands out a million dollar prizes on its reality shows like its lunch).  Last Comic Standing The Battle Of The Best hit the airwaves in the fall and guess what?  The ratings were down.  The ratings stayed pretty consistent all season with around eight million viewers but that didn't stop NBC from hitting the panic button.  The biggest question I have is why would you wait until the final episode to pull the plug.  I feel terrible for the comics.  We had a great final four with Alonzo Bodden, Rich Vos, Dave Mordal (my favorite) and John Heffron.  These four comics are not involved with network bussines or standards and practices but it is they who will suffer the most from this terrible decision by The Nation Broadcasting Company.  I have to stop typing now because I have to go TiVo Father Of The Pride.





FWIW, the NBC site says the LCS3 winner will be announced during a "Father of the Pride" marathon next Tuesday. What a complete crapout!

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Ah, broadcast television management at their finest. Couldn't they just move the finale to Bravo? Or would that interfere with repeat airings of Queer Eye?

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Idiots. Absolute idiots. I feel horrible for the comics, especially Dave (who had a legit shot at winning and could have used the publicity).


Someone let me know who won next week, 'cause there ain't no way in HELL I'm watching their crap show to find out.

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There will be a half hour finale on Tuesday.




The NBC board mod may well be right on this. NBC's page for LCS3 has removed references to a results announcement during "Father of the Pride," now stating that results will simply be announced "Next Tuesday".

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from insidepulse:


Someone at NBC seems to have noticed that the all-star edition of "Last Comic Standing" wasn't doing so well in the ratings.


The revelation in Burbank that the show was averaging only about 6 million viewers per week and delivering a meager lead-in to "Father of the Pride" and "Scrubs" led the network to drop the final episode of "Last Comic Standing," in which viewers would have found out which of the four remaining performers is, indeed, the last comic standing. Two "Father of the Pride" reruns will air in its place on Tuesday (Oct. 12).


For More Click Here


Credit: Zap2it

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I think that Jay Mohr pointing out that "hey, you guys are fucking BRILLIANT" helped them realize that maybe, just maybe, pulling the show one from the end wasn't the smartest thing ever - especially since it did well as a summer show.


That or Rich had his girlfriend (Bonnie) blow some execs.

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Being a fan of the 1st Season but not really watching much of the 2nd or 3rd seasons, I can see how a viewer could be burned out by this format . . . BUT, ONE EPISODE LEFT! Even if the rating is 0.0, what's ONE MORE EPISODE?!?

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JayMohr.com has word that there will be a final LCS3 episode to be shown on Comedy Central, not NBC. (There's no word anywhere yet on the date & time of that cablecast.)


NBC's LCS3 page is again promoting an announcement of the LCS3 winner during a "Father of the Pride" marathon.

Yeah, thanks for screwing over all the Canadian viewers, NBC. You've just joined ABC on my list of networks for which I am boycotting all entertainment programming.

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Pure brilliance.


And may I take this time to point out that "The Biggest Loser" is idiotic? Apparently, the person who loses the least amount of weight each week is eliminated. Somehow, that seems to miss the entire point of trying to lose weight and get fit....

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I happened to catch a VH1 show called Reality TV Secrets Revealed, and they said that a big reason that Gary Gulman and Ant got onto the show is that their agent is the show's executive producer.

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That's not exactly a big deal. Jay Mohr has always said that LCS was not about finding "new" comics - it's about giving existing ones more exposure. Which may partially explain his constant slamming of Dat Phan.


But if you're talking about conspiracy theories, there's a standup comedy DVD out with Alonzo, Todd Glass, Racist May, Bonnie McFarlane and (I think) Gary Gulman on it. And this came out BEFORE LCS2...

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Can you dig up the name Starvenger? I want to see it mostly because someone named "Racist May" is on it. :lol:


Apparently, the person who loses the least amount of weight each week is eliminated. Somehow, that seems to miss the entire point of trying to lose weight and get fit....

Whoa whoa whoa. WHAT? Does NBC not realize that people all have different metabolisms and will be affected by the competition differently? That is downright unfair to everyone on the show.

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Can you dig up the name Starvenger? I want to see it mostly because someone named "Racist May" is on it. :lol:

It MAY have said Ralphie May, but I've got bad eyes, I could be wrong. :)


Can't find the name, but I know I saw the DVD at Best Buy. I was trying all kinds of websites to find it, no dice.

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