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Kidman + SSP = horror?

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The following is from PWInsider.


After taking the Shooting Star Press from Billy Kidman at Smackdown last night, Chavo Guerrero remained on the mat after the match ended. N. Lindstrom, who was at the show, sent this report of what happened then.


During the break, Chavo is still in the ring... and he's not moving. Referees, trainers, and EMTs rush out to aid him, as this looks like a legitimate injury. They put a neck brace on his and gently slide him onto a stretcher. Chavo finally starts moving his left hand. The concerned crowd gave him a "Chavo!" chant and a huge ovation as he was wheeled out of the arena.


From what I was told, Chavo was, at least, shaken up. When we get a report on his condition, we will update it here on the site.




I'm not in favor of banning the SSP, but I AM in faovor of banning Billy Kidman from doing it. The man just doesn't have the ability to pull it off properly.


I remember in WCW he did stop doing it for a while, because he almost killed everyone he did the move to for a stretch of time. I remember one time specificly where it looked like he killed William Regal. He came down and landed a knee/elbow right to Regal's face, and it was just disgusting.


Ever since that stretch in WCW, I've always said Kidman should be banned from doing it. Even when he lands it and doesn't hurt someone it doesn't even look right. It pretty much always looks like he just barely avoided a horrible injury to someone, either to himself or his opponent.


Many can do it right, perfect, but Kidman can not. Leave the SSP for Paul London, or someone like him, to use the move.




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The problem is that they can't really ban it for one or two people but allow it for others. Iif they feel the move is too dangerous for one person to be doing it (or 2, if you consider Brock's attempt) then why should they not ban it across the board, and make it illegal for everyone?


Regardless of the fact that Kidman sucks at it, and London allegedly owns it (never seen him do one personally) if they're going to ban it for one, they kind of have to ban it for everyone.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Yeah but can you imagine Kidman if he was banned from doing the move? He'd be going on, saying how it's his move and how disrespectful it is to him by saying he shouldn't do it etc. I agree he has to stop doing it, he's either going to mess himself up or even worse, like the Chavo situation he's going to hurt someone else.

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The problem is that they can't really ban it for one or two people but allow it for others. Iif they feel the move is too dangerous for one person to be doing it (or 2, if you consider Brock's attempt) then why should they not ban it across the board, and make it illegal for everyone?


Regardless of the fact that Kidman sucks at it, and London allegedly owns it (never seen him do one personally) if they're going to ban it for one, they kind of have to ban it for everyone.

No they don't. I've seen guys who fucking sucked at doing pretty simple moves, but they kept hurting people over and over again and eventually they had to stop doing the moves.


If no one is forcing Kidman to do it, he should just stop using it all together on his own, let London use it instead, and Kidman can find a more suitable move for him to finish people off with. I could see him doing something that doesn't include him being a high flyer, just a normal move of some sort which he could make look really good.

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Anybody remembers when he actually caught his feet on the third rope in WCW? Bischoff even came out to see if the guy was all right, and they covered it up with Ernest Miller killing some time by attacking Bischoff who retaliated. He is also putting himself in danger. Changing a finishing move sometimes isn't a bad idea.


Also, which move did he use in WCW when he stopped doing the SSP?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
The problem is that they can't really ban it for one or two people but allow it for others.  Iif they feel the move is too dangerous for one person to be doing it (or 2, if you consider Brock's attempt) then why should they not ban it across the board, and make it illegal for everyone? 


Regardless of the fact that Kidman sucks at it, and London allegedly owns it (never seen him do one personally) if they're going to ban it for one, they kind of have to ban it for everyone.

No they don't. I've seen guys who fucking sucked at doing pretty simple moves, but they kept hurting people over and over again and eventually they had to stop doing the moves.


If no one is forcing Kidman to do it, he should just stop using it all together on his own, let London use it instead, and Kidman can find a more suitable move for him to finish people off with. I could see him doing something that doesn't include him being a high flyer, just a normal move of some sort which he could make look really good.

That's a good point, but again the problem will be Kidman being a whiney bitch saying "It's my move, no one else can use it". The sad thing is, crappy or not, the SSP is about the only thing that's even remotely over when it comes to Kidman.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Also, which move did he use in WCW when he stopped doing the SSP?

I'm not sure, but I think he used that move of his that's like Christian's Unprettier finisher. I think it was called the Kid Crusher in WCW.

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I can see it getting banned altogether, what with Kidman's track record and Lesnar's botch at Mania...I can't, however, see Kidman being stripped of it to give to London. The last thing the WWE wants for Kidman and London is friction between the partners, if they'e trying to make a long-term partnership.


Besides...London's 450 looks more spectacular and effective than the SSP anyway. Or, at least IMO.

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Wasn't it Regal that he about killed that time Bishoff came out? I also believe that it was the Kid Krusher that he used...although he should have named his SSP that.


And if he was forced to stop using it, and he bitched about it enough, then unload him. I like the guy, I really really do, but if he doesn't care enough about the other guys then whatever. If WWE only thought he was usefull for one move, then he'd be better off somewhere else anyway.


I'd like to see Kidman get a new finisher, but I'm not sure what I'd like to see him with.

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The problem is that they can't really ban it for one or two people but allow it for others.  Iif they feel the move is too dangerous for one person to be doing it (or 2, if you consider Brock's attempt) then why should they not ban it across the board, and make it illegal for everyone? 


Regardless of the fact that Kidman sucks at it, and London allegedly owns it (never seen him do one personally) if they're going to ban it for one, they kind of have to ban it for everyone.

No they don't. I've seen guys who fucking sucked at doing pretty simple moves, but they kept hurting people over and over again and eventually they had to stop doing the moves.


If no one is forcing Kidman to do it, he should just stop using it all together on his own, let London use it instead, and Kidman can find a more suitable move for him to finish people off with. I could see him doing something that doesn't include him being a high flyer, just a normal move of some sort which he could make look really good.

That's a good point, but again the problem will be Kidman being a whiney bitch saying "It's my move, no one else can use it". The sad thing is, crappy or not, the SSP is about the only thing that's even remotely over when it comes to Kidman.

Fuck it, fire him if he runs his mouth. Then fire his wife if she runs her mouth.

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Besides...London's 450 looks more spectacular and effective than the SSP anyway. Or, at least IMO.

I agree, but I'd like London to have a variety of moves from the top rope, so you never know what he's going to pick up the win with.


Not just top rope moves mind you, I'm just saying.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
The problem is that they can't really ban it for one or two people but allow it for others.  Iif they feel the move is too dangerous for one person to be doing it (or 2, if you consider Brock's attempt) then why should they not ban it across the board, and make it illegal for everyone? 


Regardless of the fact that Kidman sucks at it, and London allegedly owns it (never seen him do one personally) if they're going to ban it for one, they kind of have to ban it for everyone.

No they don't. I've seen guys who fucking sucked at doing pretty simple moves, but they kept hurting people over and over again and eventually they had to stop doing the moves.


If no one is forcing Kidman to do it, he should just stop using it all together on his own, let London use it instead, and Kidman can find a more suitable move for him to finish people off with. I could see him doing something that doesn't include him being a high flyer, just a normal move of some sort which he could make look really good.

That's a good point, but again the problem will be Kidman being a whiney bitch saying "It's my move, no one else can use it". The sad thing is, crappy or not, the SSP is about the only thing that's even remotely over when it comes to Kidman.

Fuck it, fire him if he runs his mouth. Then fire his wife if she runs her mouth.

There's your reason right there why the guy could get away with running his mouth. If he wasn't Torrie's husband he'd have been long gone by now.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I'd love to see Kidman's situation if he and Torrie ever split, or even better if WWE decides to get rid of both of them. If that ever happens, Billy better hope that TNA will take him, because I don't think he'd exactly be in demand on the indys and I don't think he could make it in Japan either.

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If I remember (and I was never a huge WCW fan, so I might not be correct) it was Regal Kidman was facing. Billy jumped to far up and not enough out and caught his feet on the top turnbuckle on the way down. If it was what I recall, I thought Billy might have legit broke his neck that night. Anyway, Regal kinda wastes some time while Kidman recovered and Kidman won with a roll-up or something a la Stone Cold/Owen.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I could be wrong, but I thought it was against Disco that he fucked up the SSP when he caught his feet. I remember Kidman saying it was against Disco when he nearly killed himself. Unless of course he's nearly killed himself on more occasions than we know.

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Unless of course he's nearly killed himself on more occasions than we know.



I'd love to see Kidman's situation if he and Torrie ever split, or even better if WWE decides to get rid of both of them.


If Kidman lost Torrie, he'd either need to become Taker's X-Pac or something, or he'd be out the door quickly.


Then again, maybe he is Taker's little buddy now, with the wins that London and him have picked up lately.

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Guest TigerDriver91

-- Chavo Guerrero was knocked out by Billy Kidman's shooting star press in a Smackdown match taped last night in Fresno. He was out cold for a few minutes. He suffered a concussion and was taken to the hospital and held overnight for observation. He has since been released, but it was a scary situation. Jamie Noble was all shaken up and there were a dozen officials and EMTs in the ring. Both Stephanie McMahon and John Laurinaitis came out from backstage when this was going on.


Credit: Wrestling Observer

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Hell, even Brock's botched SSP was better looking than any of Kidman's. Too bad Marc Mero isn't around, I like his the best.

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I seem to be in the minority that actually really like Kidman's SSP. the way he stays in a sort of 'layout' position and doesn't tuck his legs looks pretty cool IMO. Jody Fleisch's is still my favourite though. And like people have said, if he's causing unnecesary injuries to others he should drop it. Perhaps he can swap with London and do a 450. Or they can both do 450's. Or something.

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I could be wrong, but I thought it was against Disco that he fucked up the SSP when he caught his feet. I remember Kidman saying it was against Disco when he nearly killed himself. Unless of course he's nearly killed himself on more occasions than we know.

I don't remember a Disco one, but I do remember the Regal one. Kidman got too close to the ropes, and caught his feet on the ropes (not the turnbuckle) his way down, causing him to reverse momentum and tumble forward. Looked really bad.


And I like Kidman's SSP, too, as opposed to the "tucked" version.

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Give Kidman the Kid Krusher, or maybe go back to the Kidmikaze (I think that was the sit-out swinging neckbreaker thing, where it started as a front facelock, and then he swung them around and sat down into an almost Michinoku Driver position).

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Meh. Just let Kidman do the BK/Rydeen Bomb for a finish, or have him go back to the Sit Out Pedigree/Angel's Wings he would to do on occasion in WCW... although that was always a nearfall thing for him, but we'll just forget that. Corey's suggestion is good, too.


Anyway, I like Kidman's SSP also. It's at least a different take on it. It would do a world of good if it weren't performed so tightly in the corner, which is where a lot of the problems with it comes from.

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Whew, I'm not feeling optimistic here....


What if this incident lead to restriction/ban of most top rope moves? Kinda like when WWE limits the moveset and/or ban the overhead belly-to-belly due to lots of neck injuries on the wrestlers in recent years. I hope I'm wrong here.


Anyways, I hope Chavito will be alright.

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