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Paul Heyman rejoins the creative team

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Paul Heyman is in Wichita Falls, TX tonight for the WWE Raw taping as the newest member of the writing team. No further details are available, other than David Lagana remains the head writer for the Smackdown team and Brian Gewirtz remains head writer for Raw.


credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Stuff still has to make it through Gewirtz, HHH, Stephanie, and Vince, so I wouldn't expect anything dramatic. Still, this should still improve the show a bit.

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This is great news. I've long been a fan of Heyman booking. With ECW he took people out of obscurity and made them into something worth watching. Granted, he'll be "overseen" (that's putting it nicely) in this position, but hopefully he'll add a spark to RAW. Hopefully he's used on Smackdown in this capacity too, because that's the show that needs savin'.

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Guest HitmanHart

I'm doubting he'll have enough power to make very significant changes. I also hope I'm very wrong. B-)

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Paul Heyman might be the best booker in the world when it comes to booking a limited roster to it's strengths.

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It just struck me that with Heyman back on the booking team, and Tommy Dreamer in charge of development we could end up with some good stuff in the future. I wont expect any immediate results though.

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Guest SteveyP93
Stuff still has to make it through Gewirtz, HHH, Stephanie, and Vince, so I wouldn't expect anything dramatic.


I'd worry more about Gewirtz and Stephanie than Vince and HHH.

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Don't anyone expect him to be involved in writing any major angles.


But one thing I do hope to see is for them to allow him to either create & write, or at least have significant input into, small angles for some of the mid and lower card talent. I mean, we just had a thread this weekend about Stevie Richards - Heyman is the guy who could write a decent storyline for someone like him. Now, such a storyline would probably only play through on Heat, but it would probably be good just the same.

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It just struck me that with Heyman back on the booking team, and Tommy Dreamer in charge of development we could end up with some good stuff in the future. I wont expect any immediate results though.

Jesus Christ...


That could lead to some good stuff in the future. Especially since Lance Storm is also working down in development.

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If you like senseless brawling and a more spot-spot-spot oriented match than psychology driven, then a future of Heyman/Dreamer students could be good....

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If you like senseless brawling and a more spot-spot-spot oriented match than psychology driven, then a future of Heyman/Dreamer students could be good....

And if you like comic book references and crappy soap opera, we've got the team for you! :)

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I don't expect Heyman to be writing in the main event but if anything I hope he works in the mid-card area. That area could get away from the entire Jericho vs Edge feud.

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I'm no fan of Heyman...


As long as Gerwitz is in charge(did those two(Heymand and Gerwitz) get in a fight one night backstage last year)....don't expect too many changes...


I like Gerwtiz though...he did some great stuff in 2000 with Kreski and others......he has talent....if he's surrounded by good people......Although I don't agree with him leading a creative team.....his special area is comedy(segments and promos)......

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I'm no fan of Heyman...


As long as Gerwitz is in charge(did those two(Heymand and Gerwitz) get in a fight one night backstage last year)....don't expect too many changes...


I like Gerwtiz though...he did some great stuff in 2000 with Kreski and others......he has talent....if he's surrounded by good people......Although I don't agree with him leading a creative team.....his special area is comedy(segments and promos)......

They got into a fight backstage at the 2003 Royal Rumble and both of them were suspended for a week. Heyman was double punished by being removed as Smackdown head writer.

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"did those two (Heyman and Gerwitz) get in a fight one night backstage last year"


Yup. I remember it being mentioned quite clearly.


"I like Gerwtiz though...he did some great stuff in 2000 with Kreski and others......he has talent....if he's surrounded by good people......Although I don't agree with him leading a creative team.....his special area is comedy(segments and promos)...... "


I agree. That is, if those ellipses are leaving out the many reasons and many examples of why he sucks shit.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

And I'll take tomorrow morning for when PWTorch publishes its' "insider scoop" on how all the parts of the show that were perceived as good were all Paul's ideas, and all the bad stuff was pushed for by Gerwitz. Oh, woe is us, why can't they just put Paul completely in charge!


Put me down for another nickel on that.

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Between SD and Raw--yeah, *Raw* needs the help. Riiiight.


And I'll take tomorrow morning for when PWTorch publishes it's "insider scoop" on how all the parts of the show that were perceived as good were all Paul's ideas, and all the bad stuff was pushed for by Gerwitz. Oh, woe is us, why can't they just put Paul completely in charge!


Put me down for another nickel on that.


Ladder Match stip and Cage Matches sound like Heyman to me.


I doubt Heyman had anything to do with the Diva Search stuff.


Was there anything that was really bad on Raw? I don't think so. It was just kinda either good or just lying there. Diva Search stuff was boring, which I think sounds completely unlike something the writing team would do. You'd think they'd have some slap-fighting or something to follow up. Instead we got arm wrestling and chili.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Not like he'll make any difference. Though I want to know who's brillant idea it was to put Christian in a big bump match right after he came back from an injury. Whoever did is a fucking idiot.


Heyman's first run wasn't that impressive. Remember the Al Wilson saga happened under his watch and he booked the Smackdown Six into the ground. He so overbooked them that 4 of them went down with injuries within months of the so called conclusion to that feud.

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Not like he'll make any difference. Though I want to know who's brillant idea it was to put Christian in a big bump match right after he came back from an injury. Whoever did is a fucking idiot.


Heyman's first run wasn't that impressive. Remember the Al Wilson saga happened under his watch and he booked the Smackdown Six into the ground. He so overbooked them that 4 of them went down with injuries within months of the so called conclusion to that feud.

The Al Wilson shit was specifically written and produced by Vince McMahon because it personally entertained him. Meltzer said Heyman and McMahon clashed creatively a lot over the Al Wilsom stuff, which probably was a factor in his being removed as Smackdown head writer in January 2003.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

And you believe Meltz? Heyman is one of the sources for this net sites so of course he's going to hide behind the "it wasn't me" defense.


I find it hilarious that everything good on Smackdown was attributed to him but everything bad was obviously the fault of someone else. It happened under his watch so therefore it was his fault.

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Well, the history is there. Stuff like Katie Vick has been said to be the genius of Stephanie and Vince Mcmahon. How about the Billy and Chuck saga? Or how about Stephanie and Triple H booking the undisputed title match for WM 18? Just look at the stuff done by wwe before Heyman even appeared in the company such as the Higher Power angle. I might have to tend to believe this crap is the brainchild of "Mr. Entertainment" himself Vince Mcmahon. Let's not even think about the crap thrown at the wall during the drak days. Vince Mcmahon is very good at taking good ideas and improving on it. I'm not saying everthing bad is his fault, but he is the final say who let's it get by which means he must like the crap.

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