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Guest drake

When did HHH join the Corporation.

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Guest drake

My memory isnt that good. Im thinking it was at Mania but not 100 percent sure. Can you guys help me out.

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another HHH related question...I know it was in 99, but at what point did he go from Corporate HHH to "The Game" Triple H...I don't mean the actual nickname the game, but when did his persona switch over to what it is today?

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I mean did he cut any promos or anything or did he just come out with his new look and his new attitude all of a sudden out of the blue? When did he switch from tights to trunks, when did he leave the corporation and go it alone...the only 1999 PPVs I have on tape are RR 99, WM 99 and S. Slam 99...

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I think he started being pushed as a singles, rather than just part of the Corp, around late May or June. Leading into the KOTR, there were tensions between he and the Undertaker. He then interfered in the Taker / Rock match at KOTR.


That same month, before Taker dropped the belt, they had the Summer Slam press conference in Minneapolis. Triple H had already been named the #1 contender at that point and was trash talking Taker during the event, thinking he would still have the belt in August.

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Guest bigm350
So when did he switch over to his current look i.e. when did he go from long tights to short trunks, taped fists etc...? was SSlam when he premiered that look?

No, I think he went to his current look around June of 99.

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Guest jm29195

He had the short tights look at the No Mercy UK ppv in May 99 (HHH vs Austin vs Taker) but he must've just changed from the long tights as all of the background vids on that ppv show him in the long tights- He still had the long tights vs X Pac at Backlash so the change must've occured sometime between these 2 events...

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IIRC, the last time he wore the long tights was a Raw in May 99...I can't remember the date, but it was maybe a week after the Smackdown pilot and it ended with he and Taker throwing Austin and Rock off the Raw stage. The next week, he was in short tights. He began wearing the short leather ones just prior to KOTR.

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I forgot where I read it, but Owen Hart was actually suppose to be called "The Game." He was set to win the IC title, come back as Owen Hart, and that summer be known under that nickname.


Don't know the credibility of it, but that's what I've heard.

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Guest bigm350
I forgot where I read it, but Owen Hart was actually suppose to be called "The Game." He was set to win the IC title, come back as Owen Hart, and that summer be known under that nickname.


Don't know the credibility of it, but that's what I've heard.

Damn, that would have been funny and odd at the same time.

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Yea the whole turn at wm 15 didnt make much sense, first chyna turns on kane, so you're like ok, she turned face, then HHH turns heel like a half hour later? really confusing and it was never explained well. oh well


Yep, yous are right. He switched to the trunks/short tights in may of 99. before OTE ppv. I remember thining "what the hell is he wearing?" as he had alywas worn long tights/pants his whole wwf career. I guess he wanted to show off his newly musclebound legs lol funny how aropund this time, his hair went to crap at this point, when he came back from knee surgery 40 pounds heavier and with strangely bigger arms. of course he came bacxk from his quad injury even more bloated.


but this isn't a HHH bashing topic is it?


The Corporation (then know as the corporate ministry and after vince had joined them) basically broke up in july 99 when austin beat taker in the first blood end of an era match, where vince was supposed to leave "forever" HHH and chyna stayed together, and the rest of the team went off in seperate directions (bossman in hardcore division and the great pepper feud with al snow, shamrock now a face feuding with steve blackman, taker still with his ministry)


also of note, at summerslam trips wore a chain mail type vest to the ring and again on raw and the first sd (well the sd series). but stopped after that


he basically started calling himself the game on the way to summerslam 99, then also did a shoot interview on SNH before fully loaded where he blasted mcmahon and the wwf for holding him back after the clique incident, then debuted his new theme with lyrics "my time"



actually HHH and Chyna never split up on tv. after summerslam, chyna started feuding with Jeff Jarrett over the IC title and HHH wa sin the world title picture. after no mercy 99, chyna was the ic champ and hhh the wwf champ and they went seperate ways, chyna with new valet the kat and hhh by himself (well till steph)and they basically never acknowledged each other again, save for some matches following summerslam 00 (where chyna didnt know who to come to the aid of first, her fiance eddie, or old flame trips) then they teamed togethr in the one night dx reunion on raw (during hhs, supposed face turn) where HHH,Chyna,Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn beat the radicalz, then later in the night trips turned on austin and revealed himself as the mastermind behind the running down of steve-o (and earning himself the chance to be thrown off a forklift in a car and not dying by devine intervention)

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Anyone have a picture of the chain-mail vest that HHH wore that Jericholic82 was talking about?




Too bad he dropped it, I thought it looked pretty cool.

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He turned on WMXV during the X-pac vs Shane McMahon match and the first time i remember him using the trunks was during a cage match with the rock at around June 1999 but I'm sure he used them before that and as far as the whole game persona i think it started around the time the Corporate Ministry stopped existing and he was main eventing.

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He did a sit-down interview with JR where he used the line "I am not a student of the game; I am the game"


I think that's where it came from

I think it was "I AM THE FUCKING GAME."


They have most of the interview on The Game DVD.

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he basically started calling himself the game on the way to summerslam 99, then also did a shoot interview on SNH before fully loaded where he blasted mcmahon and the wwf for holding him back after the clique incident, then debuted his new theme with lyrics "my time"

He had an instrumental version of My Time for a few months too, he started using Higher Brain Pattern or whatever it was called when he went to the silver and black trunks.

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Anyone have a picture of the chain-mail vest that HHH wore that Jericholic82 was talking about?




Too bad he dropped it, I thought it looked pretty cool.



Imagine combining that with Scott Steiner's headgear...

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Guest bushwickray

I think the plan post Summerslam 2000 was to put Chyna back with Triple H when he turned face to help him battle Stephanie and Kurt Angle.


By the way the fact that the WWF never did a follow-up angle to Steph and Angle hooking up was on of the biggest missteps ever. Hell Stephanie has been single now for over 2 years. They should've ran with it.

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Thanks for the picture to back me up on the vest thing



anyways, I should have alsos tated that the ministry in turn broke up in september 99 after Taker was when taker walked out on vince mcmahon on a sd where vince ordered hhh to win 3 out of 5 matches ( i think) in order to qualify for the unforgiven main event for the vacant WWF title(which vince had won from trips, but forfeited it since he wasn't supposed to be on official wwf business anymore since austin won that fully loaded match-but in turn austin agreed to lift the ban in exchange for a wwf title shot which he got at no mercy 99). taker was to face hhh in a casket match i think but he left the building and mideon and viscera got the match instead I think ( a lame way to explain Taker's absense for an injury) and his place in the six pack challenge at unforgiven was taken by davey boy smith

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was that what led to him becomming Biker-taker?


also, when did HHH go from "My Time" to "Play The Game"? was it 2003?


EDIT: I really apologize guys for my millions of questions, i severly lost interest in wrestling from about S. Slam 2000 to late 2003...

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was that what led to him becomming Biker-taker?


also, when did HHH go from "My Time" to "Play The Game"?  was it 2003?


EDIT:  I really apologize guys for my millions of questions, i severly lost interest in wrestling from about S. Slam 2000 to late 2003...

Nothing really led to him becoming the Bikertaker, he was gone before Unforgiven 1999 and next thing ya know, it's JD2000 and he's the Bikertaker. No explanation given that I know of.


As for HHH, I believe he switched themes in late 2000 and has used that ever since.

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was that what led to him becomming Biker-taker?


also, when did HHH go from "My Time" to "Play The Game"?  was it 2003?


EDIT:  I really apologize guys for my millions of questions, i severly lost interest in wrestling from about S. Slam 2000 to late 2003...

Nothing really led to him becoming the Bikertaker, he was gone before Unforgiven 1999 and next thing ya know, it's JD2000 and he's the Bikertaker. No explanation given that I know of.


As for HHH, I believe he switched themes in late 2000 and has used that ever since.

Last few weeks before going on the shelf Taker was so badly injured that he was taking to wearing jeans as part of his attire, even in-ring


So I guess he decided to make it his gimmick when he returned

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