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X-men 3 update

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According to the industry rag Production Weekly, Buffy veteran Joss Whedon has already signed on to direct the third mutant-themed Marvel adaptation with production slated to begin in Vancouver in June 2005.


-credit: comicbookresources.com-

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Oh sweet god no.


I love Joss for his tv work, but his movie work has been a joke and a half. This is NOT good news at all.


To go from Singer to Whedon is a BIG downgrade.

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I totally disagree.


Joss has been writing comics for the X-Men franchise for a while now and they've been doing pretty good from what I hear. Joss is also very good at discovering young talent and finding a niche for them within a role (Xander, for example) and this is something that could be put to use in X3.


Will he be as good as Singer? Probably not, but this is one of the better options.

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The only way this works is if they have signed Whedon to do the entire Dark Phoenix arc because he royally sucks at condensing storylines into one film. That's his problem, he is no good at condensing.


Not to mention his jokes fall flat (aka the STORM LINE from XMEN) on the big screen.


And I went back through and this will be his SECOND movie as a director. I am not filled with confidence however I should give him a chance. As long as they don't let him within three million miles of the script.


He shall never be forgiven for the "Toad struck by" line from X-MEN.


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I'll take his 12 1/2 seasons of work on Buffy, Angel, and Firefly over his Big Movie Stints. Since 1 has him in control and one doesn't.


Oh I will never doubt his tv work. Hell, I'm a major fanboy for his television work. But his movie scripts have been incredibly painful and the humor just falls extremely flat.


And he should be slapped for the plot of ALIEN:RESURRECTION.


As long as someone else writes the script and he doesn't do any "brush ups", this could be good. Of course, if Serenity looks like poorly directed crap then I won't be shocked to see him booted off the project.

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Joss's feature directorial debut is with Serenity.

I thought he directed the Buffy movie.


*shrugs* Oh well, whatever.


But shouldn't we wait for Mark Millar or Rich Johnston to confirm this one? :P

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Joss's feature directorial debut is with Serenity.

I thought he directed the Buffy movie.

Nope, he just wrote it. Fran Rubel Kuzui directed.

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Guest El Satanico

oy vey...now the Whedon fanboys will never shut up.



:thankful he got here before mole posted:

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

I'm predicting a dramatic drop-off in quality. A director who does multiple comic films tends to improve from film to film. This film will be closer to the first X-Men in quality than the second.

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oy vey...now the Whedon fanboys will never shut up.

Maybe if X3 blows.


Count me as another Whedon-hater. I think he should stick to TV, and I have huge doubts about this.

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I have a bad feeling about this. I think the perfect director for the third movie: James Cameron. For some reason, he's always been my dream director for a movie like that,

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The only way this works is if they have signed Whedon to do the entire Dark Phoenix arc because he royally sucks at condensing storylines into one film. That's his problem, he is no good at condensing.

Fuck the Dark Phoenix Saga. Keep Jean Grey dead and have Famke recast as Madddy Pryor, Jean's troublemaking sex-obsessed twin sister. Let Wolverine and Rogue hook up (which is something Singer was heading towards with the subtly of a brick to the head) while introducing Polaris into the mix to hook up with Iceman and give Magneto a reason to hang around.


And while we're at it bring back Halle Berry and stick Storm with Gambit so we can keep these two characters together and away from the main plot...


As for villains, one word: Proteus.

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I hate Whedon's TV work (could never get into Buffy, considering the movie was a fun little spoof on vampire films, and the show was a teen drama that happened to have vampires). I hated the script for Alien: Resurrection (the direction was great, the special effects tolerable, and the acting was good from all involved, but the plot and the story were terrible).


Face it, guys: the movie's gonna be reduced to Xavier Hills: 90210. See, Wolverine will reveal he's a homosexual, Rogue will admit she's actually been able to control her powers since the beginning but just didn't because she's scared of human contact, and Storm will shave her head and get into punk rock.

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Guest JMA

Eh, I'm not going to predict that this movie will fail just because of what happened with Alien: Resurrection. As long as most of the main characters are there and the storylines from the previous film are there, everything should be fine.

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Guest JMA

I wonder how Joss will explain Storm's absence.


Wolverine: "Where's Storm?"


Professor X: "She's in Africa."


Wolverine: "Uh...why?"


Professor X: "Personal reasons."


Wolverine: "Right...I know how that is."


Or will they just get another actress to replace Halle Berry?

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Or will they just get another actress to replace Halle Berry?

Christina Milian was rumored as being considered for the new Storm *shudder*


It wouldn't really hurt, IMO, to drop her though.

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This is going to fucking blow.


This makes me hate Singer even more for leaving - he's ROYALLY fucked over the X-franchise now.


Someone throw a shitload of cash Raimi's way and see if he can take over the X-franchise as well, because Whedon is NOT the man to ge this done.

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Joss' Movies:


Joss wrote Buffy in the late 80's, and it was changed to the point where it wasn't remotely like his script except it had the same basic plot (girl vs vampires). Not his fault.


Joss helped write Toy Story. Excellent movie.


Joss did the final revision or something like that on Alien:Resurection, right? He didn't actually write the whole thing. 50/50 or so.


And of course, there is Buffy/Angel/Firefly, 3 of the best TV shows ever. I anticipate X3 greatly and think he will be a fine director.

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Firefly is on the line because of its short run, but Buffy and Angel definitely have to be up there. Why don't you think they should be considered 3 of the best?

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Guest croweater

Buffy is. I haven't seen firefly though so I won't pass judgement on that. Although if it was one of the best three shows ever I doubt it would have been axed.

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Guest El Satanico

Buffy is arguable, but would lose when compared to the great shows of the past. However, Angel was nowhere near one of the best shows ever.


I happen to like both of those shows, but we've got to keep a grasp on reality here.



Farscape owns any Whedon show

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Buffy Season 5 is the best season in all of television. *Every* episode weaved together and was relevant to the final episode and overall theme. BRILLIANT storytelling that I have not seen met in any show on TV. I say this without an ounce of fanboyism, as it's not even my favourite Season of his (3rd favourite, actually).


As for Firefly, I can't objectively speak on it as it is my favourite television show ever and will remain as such.


However, as I say both of these things, 2Gold has a point. Condensing is not one of Josses strong suits. He had to do it for Firefly's Series Premiere and that was the worst episode of Firefly (granted, there were "other" reasons for that - he thought they would air his pilot first), and had way too much exposition. It suffered greatly. With that said, when he had 2 hours to fill, Joss hit a homerun with the pilot.


As for Whedon being "not the man to get this done", how the fuck isn't he?!


1. He WRITES an Xmen comic book that has been getting praise.

2. He helped write the first one.

3. He clearly is a fan, having named his company "Mutant Enemy", to go along with the above.

4. He is an inventive storyteller and director. I'll cite "Restless", "Hush", "The Body", "Once More with Feeling", "The Gift", "Objects in Space", "Serenity", and "Hole in the World" as overwhelming evidence.

5. If we can assume that X3 will deal with Jean Grey returning as the DP, then Joss has retold that story a bunch of times on his television shows. Joss is experienced in love triangles, tales of loss and grief, the supernatural, as-well-as the metaphors which the Xmen represent.

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Joss is the greatest. Not only is Buffy the best show ever, it's actually the best thing ever. Like overall. It's the best thing ever invented. Joss is just the best.




I don't think "Mutant Enemy" is an X-Men reference. I do know it's named after his typewriter...

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