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X-men 3 update

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Buffy is arguable, but would lose when compared to the great shows of the past. However, Angel was nowhere near one of the best shows ever.


I happen to like both of those shows, but we've got to keep a grasp on reality here.



Farscape owns any Whedon show

Farscape completely SMOKES any Whedon show.


And Rant is dead on, Whedon's shows are nowhere even close to deserving of being considered 3 of the best shows of all time. I'll give you Buffy, for consideration as one of the best shows of the horror genre of TV shows, but in the broader category of ALL TV shows, no - it's not.


I don't really understand what the hell is up with people going ape shit over the Whedon run in "Astonishing X-Men". So far it's only three issues - just halfway through a storyline that COULD be interesting in the end but is being hampered now by a) a fairly lame villain and b) the needless resurrection of a dead character (unnecessary resurrections of characters - a Whedon trademark). I'll be blunt - Whedon's X-Men run is only interesting now because the X-Men are in a poor creative position, wherein the two main x-books are being written by a hack (Chuck Austen) and a has-been (Chris Claremont). I'll have a veritable meltdown if the Whedon fanboys start proclaiming Whedon's work as the best X-writing in years, because nothing he's done so far (and nothing he will do in the future, I suspect) will even come close to the work of recently departed X-scribe Grant Morrison.


Christ, this is just awful. The Whedon fanboys are rapidly surpassing the Lucas fanboys in their nauseating hero-worship.

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Joss is the greatest. Not only is Buffy the best show ever, it's actually the best thing ever. Like overall. It's the best thing ever invented. Joss is just the best.




I don't think "Mutant Enemy" is an X-Men reference. I do know it's named after his typewriter...

It's people like you that frighten me.


Should you one day bear children, I have the disturbing impression you'll be naming them something derivative like "Spike" or "Glory".

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but in the broader category of ALL TV shows, no - it's not.

Yeah, it's beyond it. It's the best thing ever.





I would NOT name my child Spike or Glory.


Now if you had said Alexander or Anya.....

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Guest JMA

I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

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I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Whedon fans will tell you that it was, but the fact still remains that he still wrote it.


I don't really understand what the hell is up with people going ape shit over the Whedon run in "Astonishing X-Men". So far it's only three issues - just halfway through a storyline that COULD be interesting in the end but is being hampered now by a) a fairly lame villain and b) the needless resurrection of a dead character (unnecessary resurrections of characters - a Whedon trademark). I'll be blunt - Whedon's X-Men run is only interesting now because the X-Men are in a poor creative position, wherein the two main x-books are being written by a hack (Chuck Austen) and a has-been (Chris Claremont). I'll have a veritable meltdown if the Whedon fanboys start proclaiming Whedon's work as the best X-writing in years, because nothing he's done so far (and nothing he will do in the future, I suspect) will even come close to the work of recently departed X-scribe Grant Morrison.

To be honest, Morrison's later stuff was crap that devalued the stuff he did at the beginning. Magneto as Xorn was had the shock factor but not much else. Astonishing HAS been pretty good through four issues, and I'd compare it to the beginning of Morrison's run in terms of quality. Not the best ever (that honour still belongs to the Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne era) but one of the best in recent memory.


All this, of course, means jack shit in terms of creating X3. The guy writes movie scripts, so I'll have to see what he comes up with first before condeming him to Friday nights on Fox...

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Fuck the Dark Phoenix Saga. Keep Jean Grey dead and have Famke recast as Madddy Pryor, Jean's troublemaking sex-obsessed twin sister.

*Ahem* Madeline Pryor, the Goblyn Queen, was a clone of Jean Grey - not her twin sister.

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I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Whedon fans will tell you that it was, but the fact still remains that he still wrote it.

He also wrote Toy Story - and last I checked - that was a pretty big success.

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I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Whedon fans will tell you that it was, but the fact still remains that he still wrote it.

He also wrote Toy Story - and last I checked - that was a pretty big success.

Yes he did, which is why I said I'm waiting for the script before damning him to hell...

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This is why Joss will not work, as much as I love his work. He is not much for just allowing characters to remain what they are. He wants to make something his own. All directors do but Joss sometimes allows previous character development by other writers just vanish. I don't know why, but he does it and it's been becoming more and more obvious with each episode of Buffy he wrote.


If Joss doesn't completely alter the look and turn the characters into the comic book selfs he created then it will be fine.


As for ALIENS: RESURRECTION being altered: The deleted scenes are all Joss scenes and frankly, they are still boring and add comedy that wasn't needed. Joss was the wrong man for that project. It was too much comedy and self-discovery and I want to know what kind of acid he was on to think of a Alien-human hybrid.


Love his work, still don't trust him to helm this just yet. And I will not trust him to write it.

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I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Whedon fans will tell you that it was, but the fact still remains that he still wrote it.

He also wrote Toy Story - and last I checked - that was a pretty big success.

Yes he did, which is why I said I'm waiting for the script before damning him to hell...


The writers of TOY STORY are Joss Whedon and Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow.


Can people please quit forgetting the rest of the writers?


They do this same crap with Buffy, acting like David Fury, Marti Noxon, David Greenwalt, and others never wrote a page. Whedon wrote parts of TOY STORY, he wrote TWO feature films all by himself. Those two films are "Buffy" and "Alien:RS" and soon to add "Serenity". The rest, much like the many seasons of Buffy/Angel were written by a TEAM.


There is a difference between me being a fan and blind loyality. His feature film track record as a writer by himself is just miserable.

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Joss is the greatest. Not only is Buffy the best show ever, it's actually the best thing ever. Like overall. It's the best thing ever invented. Joss is just the best.



an example of a post you might find by Anya in Video Games/Toys:


Final Fantasy VII is the greatest. Not only is FFVII the best game ever, it's actually the best thing ever. Like overall. It's the best thing ever invented. FFVII is just the best.


Oh, kudos to 2GOLD--I rarely realized that Whedon's best work was a team effort and his worst was by himself.


*Files it in his anti-Whedon ammunition folder*

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The writers of TOY STORY are Joss Whedon and Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow.


Can people please quit forgetting the rest of the writers?


They do this same crap with Buffy, acting like David Fury, Marti Noxon, David Greenwalt, and others never wrote a page. Whedon wrote parts of TOY STORY, he wrote TWO feature films all by himself. Those two films are "Buffy" and "Alien:RS" and soon to add "Serenity". The rest, much like the many seasons of Buffy/Angel were written by a TEAM.


There is a difference between me being a fan and blind loyality. His feature film track record as a writer by himself is just miserable.

True enough. I'll admit I didn't do my research on that post and just went with what I'd heard. :)


That said. I like Joss' writing for television, and his comic Fray was pretty cool. I do think, however, that the studios should've waited to see how Serenity does before signing him on to do something as big as X3.


I don't know why they just can't wait for Singer to be done with Superman and then film X3. I mean, the movie industry is being oversaturated with comic-to-movie movies right now. I can wait a few years for X3, personally.

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True, but I think it's more to do with Singer. He seems to be a focus on one project type director and more than likely they didn't like him trying to revive the Superman franchise.

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True, but I think it's more to do with Singer. He seems to be a focus on one project type director and more than likely they didn't like him trying to revive the Superman franchise.

I suppose. I don't know. I don't get my hopes up for movies that often. I'll go into X3 with an open mind. Alien Resurrection was made in 1997, maybe Whedon has matured as a writer since then. I guess we'll find out with Serenity.

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Guest JMA
Whedon wrote parts of TOY STORY, he wrote TWO feature films all by himself. Those two films are "Buffy" and "Alien:RS" and soon to add "Serenity". The rest, much like the many seasons of Buffy/Angel were written by a TEAM.


There is a difference between me being a fan and blind loyality. His feature film track record as a writer by himself is just miserable.

The final version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer had little to do with what Joss originally wrote. A lot of the horror aspects were thrown out and entire dialouge and plot points were changed.


You can check out an interview where he mentions this stuff here.

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Whedon wrote parts of TOY STORY, he wrote TWO feature films all by himself. Those two films are "Buffy" and "Alien:RS" and soon to add "Serenity". The rest, much like the many seasons of Buffy/Angel were written by a TEAM.


There is a difference between me being a fan and blind loyality. His feature film track record as a writer by himself is just miserable.

The final version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer had little to do with what Joss originally wrote. A lot of the horror aspects were thrown out and entire dialouge and plot points were changed.


You can check out an interview where he mentions this stuff here.


Actually, I had no problem with "Buffy" the movie. It was a nice little B movie of goodness.


I've seen the original script and frankly I'm glad they threw out what they threw out. His original script to me was wordy in stupid places and more tossed together than even the one that was released.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Firefly is on the line because of its short run, but Buffy and Angel definitely have to be up there. Why don't you think they should be considered 3 of the best?

Because they're trite boring teeny psychodrama. Wik Vampire.


I find his shows completely intolerable. I can't sit through a single episode, because there is no reason for me to give a shit about anyone on the screen. I find all the characters on that show I've seen to be impossible to like.

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Firefly is on the line because of its short run, but Buffy and Angel definitely have to be up there. Why don't you think they should be considered 3 of the best?

Because they're trite boring teeny psychodrama. Wik Vampire.


I find his shows completely intolerable. I can't sit through a single episode, because there is no reason for me to give a shit about anyone on the screen. I find all the characters on that show I've seen to be impossible to like.

Angel & Firefly were hardly "teeny" shows. ..and if you think that, then you really need to rethink your definition of "teeny"...

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I've read online that the script for Alien: Resurrection was greatly altered Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Whedon fans will tell you that it was, but the fact still remains that he still wrote it.

He also wrote Toy Story - and last I checked - that was a pretty big success.

Yes he did, which is why I said I'm waiting for the script before damning him to hell...


The writers of TOY STORY are Joss Whedon and Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow.


Can people please quit forgetting the rest of the writers?


They do this same crap with Buffy, acting like David Fury, Marti Noxon, David Greenwalt, and others never wrote a page. Whedon wrote parts of TOY STORY, he wrote TWO feature films all by himself. Those two films are "Buffy" and "Alien:RS" and soon to add "Serenity". The rest, much like the many seasons of Buffy/Angel were written by a TEAM.


There is a difference between me being a fan and blind loyality. His feature film track record as a writer by himself is just miserable.

Except that the Alien Resurrection script was not at all close to his original approved drafts. The statement of "writing by himself" should be amended to "writing by himself and then dealing with a goofy French director who barely spoke English."


I read the original way back, and I'll look for a copy somewhere on this hard drive. For one, the hybrid alien was nothing like the retarded "newborn" we ended up with - I recall it being essentially similar to the typical alien, with a larger jaw and that bone-white color. The final encounter took place on Earth, not with the little saggy-tits humanoid alien getting sucked through a hole. Most of his more imagistic scenarios were deleted, 2 characters were excised, most of the actual dialogue scenes were sliced, and a ton of ridiculous humor was added. That shit was Jeunet; take a spin through City of Lost Children and the hack-job of Alien Resurrection feels much more familiar.


Whedon does good work, and I think he'll do well with X3, if this is true - I've yet to see it confirmed anywhere but Production Weekly, and their scoop is old news that for some reason only broke this week. He's still not nearly as good as Singer for the project, but I can't think of any other realistic choices that I'd rather have lined up to try to salvage the series.

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So basically, Whedon hasn't actually produced a full script by himself that's made it untouched to the screenplay.


I hope Marvel Films has David Hayter and David Goyer on speed dial...

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This is gonna be good. and I'll be laughing at the haters. (kinda like this :lol: ) astonishing is the best x-book i've read in a long while (ok not saying much since besides morrison the x-books have generally sucked ass the last few years, but whatever) :headbang:

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Not knowing what his work is like - perhaps that's a good thing? - I'll wait to see the finished product to pass judgement. I only hope he'll continue in the direction Singer [X-Men Movie God] was going with.


Halle is gone, so that already ruins any idea of a decent Storm-Nightcrawler SL. I just hope he's not too ruined, or forgotten, in X3.

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So far it's only three issues - just halfway through a storyline that COULD be interesting in the end but is being hampered now by a) a fairly lame villain and b) the needless resurrection of a dead character (unnecessary resurrections of characters - a Whedon trademark).


1. Four issues. I guess that's nitpicking, but... *Shrugs.*

2. The villain is finally getting some character development and is becoming decent enough.

3. Resurrecting characters is a comic book trademark in itself. Just ask Green Arrow, Hal Jordan, the Creeper, Phoenix again and again and again, Aunt May, and the list goes on.


I will agree with you that Astonishing isn't as good as Morrison's New X-Men run, though.

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This is gonna be good. and I'll be laughing at the haters. (kinda like this :lol: ) astonishing is the best x-book i've read in a long while (ok not saying much since besides morrison the x-books have generally sucked ass the last few years, but whatever) :headbang:

He's actually what got me back into reading X-Men, period. I stopped reading around Uncanny X-Men issue #309 or so. Astonishing is pretty good so far, no complaints from me. :)

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He's actually what got me back into reading X-Men, period. I stopped reading around Uncanny X-Men issue #309 or so. Astonishing is pretty good so far, no complaints from me. :)

Still, the best X-book currently out there is District X, and Madrox (by Peter David) looks to be pretty good as well.

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I read the original way back, and I'll look for a copy somewhere on this hard drive. For one, the hybrid alien was nothing like the retarded "newborn" we ended up with - I recall it being essentially similar to the typical alien, with a larger jaw and that bone-white color.

So you mean the art team fucked Whedon's vision? Meh. He still fucked over the fans of the series by bringing in a retarded cloning storyline (sorry, but that shit was TOO farfetched, even for the Aliens series), changing Ripley's character from a mother that lost her daughter due to the aliens to a wise-cracking heroine with super strength, and the best character - Ron Pearlman's character, I forget his name right now - was just your run-of-the-mill tough guy. None of the major secondary characters had any development, whereas O'Bannon created strong characters in Alien and Cameron even had secondary characters like Hudson and Vasquez mean something to the plot (the scene that still irks me in Aliens is when Vasquez and Gorman bite it, as I wanted Vasquez to make it out alive because she was so damn cool), and even Alien 3 had Morris and the doctor mean something to the overall plot. Resurrection? None of the characters but Ripley and Call mattered, and you don't feel a damn thing when they're killed off.

The final encounter took place on Earth, not with the little saggy-tits humanoid alien getting sucked through a hole.

Blame this on Weaver, who practically fought tooth-and-nail to make sure that the Aliens never reached Earth (despite the vast majority of the series' fans wanting them to reach Earth, and all of the Aliens comics having the Aliens either invading Earth or being wiped out during raids by extermination squads).

Most of his more imagistic scenarios were deleted, 2 characters were excised, most of the actual dialogue scenes were sliced, and a ton of ridiculous humor was added.

Meh. Movie was going to be shit anyway, and I'd imagine the characters were excised because they didn't mean anything to the plot (like a lot of Whedon's characters, it seems, they have no depth).

That shit was Jeunet; take a spin through City of Lost Children and the hack-job of Alien Resurrection feels much more familiar.

Funny, because the direction of A:R was its only redeemable quality.

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The way this sort of things works though, I doubt it was much of his choice to do the cloning nonsense. There was no way Fox was making this movie without Sigourney Weaver, and I honestly don't know how the hell you're supposed to get her back without some cloning bullshit.


It is still a retarded movie (that, admittedly, I do like to watch sometimes), but I think Whedon gets way too much flack for something that was a train-wreck on all fronts.

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