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The Mandarin

Top 5 Biggest Wrestling Pops of all Time

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I would have created a poll, but there are way too many options.


You have to consider the size of the buildings. 30,000 fans marking out are probably more vocal than a RoH bout with a lot of heat, even if their audio is picked up louder.


..I can just picture Schiavonae trying to put over the OVW crowd.


"Both of our fans are going ABSOLUTELY NUTS!"


I'll reply with mine later.

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I don't know if I can rank them, but here are the ones that immediately come to mind...


- Austin coming out during the Rock-Mankind title match on Raw / Mankind winning

- the entire end of the Iron Man match at Judgment Day 2000 when Taker came out

- HHH winning the Ladder match at Summerslam 1998

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1. Bret Hart at Canadian Stampede

2. Hulk Hogan slamming Andre at Wrestlemania III

3. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania XVIII

4. Bill Goldberg defeating Hulk Hogan at the Georgia Dome

5. Ric Flair's return in Sept 1998


Austin has the most consistant pops, but none of his make my top 5.

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- Jericho's debut at Raw still gives me goosebumps


- HHH winning the ladder match at SS 98 i agree, you could see everyone in the crowd silent waiting till he got the belt to start screaming and then baaaaaam!!!! woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!1

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Guest Staravenger

Lets not forget the standing ovation Hogan got the Smackdown before Judgment Day 2002. Lasted 9 minutes.


Other than that, the ones I would've said were taken (UT return at Jday 2000, Bret Hart at Canadian Stampede to name a few)'

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1. Steve Austin winning the WWF Title for the second time on Raw after KOTR 98 (Over Kane, and subsequently stunning Undertaker. Insane pop)

2. Steve Austin's arrival during the Rock/Mankind match in Dec 98

3. Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant

4. The Ultimate Warrior defeating Hogan in the Skydome

5. Steve Austin defeating Shawn Michaels in the Fleet Center for his first WWF Title

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It was one of the first times Rock made his unexpected returns in the last year or so. It wasn't the biggest, but damn, it was the biggest in a long while.


Triple H when returning was pretty big too, as was the recent Winnepeg Raw with Jericho.


Not Top 5, but those are recent big pops.

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Ultimate Warrior at Summerslam's 88 and 92.

Piper at Royal Rumble 92 after his match with the Mountie.

Sting at Uncensored 97.

Sting's title win against DDP on Nitro.

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Though mentioned already...


-Austin coming out to help Foley win his first title as Mankind.

-Austin coming out at Backlash 2000 and then the second pop for Rocky's win.

-Austin's entrance at WM14.

-Hogan hulking up at WM18.

-Hogan slamming Andre.

-Sting at Uncensored 97.

-Davey Boy pinning Bret in front of 100,000, including me, at Wembley Stadium.

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Here's some other that i dont think have been mentioned yet:


Bret Harts 'surprise' entrance to the 1994 Royal Rumble.

'The Old' Stone Cold coming out during that big brawl on Raw prior to the Invasion PPV.

Austin's fisrt ever stunner on Vince in 1997. The pops for his involvement at Ground Zero (stunning JR and Owen Hart) were massive as well.

Randy Savage at Tuesday in Texas

Goldberg when he beat Hogan for the WCW title

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Guest Real F'n Show

Foley getting tossed off the cell.

Austin's "return" at Backlash 2000

Sting at Uncensored 1997

Bret at Canadian Stampede

Rock vs. Hogan 1

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Deam Malenko unmasking his Ciclope mask and then defeating Chris Jericho at Slamboree 1998.

This, along with Austin's run-in during Mankind/Rock on Raw are two of the loudest things I've ever heard. Dean's wasn't actually so much loud as it was emotional for the storyline, so if you want true EXPLOSION... I would go with Bret Hart at IYH:CS.

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Guest Staravenger

Sting got a pretty nice pop for winning the World Title (FINALLY) from Ric Flair at Great American Bash '90. I wouldn't rank it top 5, but damn the crowd was really waiting a long time for it.

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Guest krazykat72
-Davey Boy pinning Bret in front of 100,000, including me, at Wembley Stadium.

I'm pretty sure the attendence was 80,000 or so.


-Paul Jacobi-

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DDP unmasking after pretending to be La Parka and giving Randy Savage a diamond cutter on WCW Nitro.


Undertaker coming out before the Austin/Dude Love match at OTE98.


The glass shattering and Austin coming out to help Foley win his first title.


The glass shattering and Austin coming to the ring to help Chyna eliminate Vince and win the Corporate Rumble.


Virgil finally hitting DiBiase with the Million Dollar belt at the 1991 Royal Rumble.

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My list, each of those that STILL give me goosebumps everytime I relive them through my DVD or tape collection...


5. Steve Austin comes home. His entrance at Wrestlemania X-7.


4. Steve Austin. Kane. WWF Title Match. The RAW after KOTR 1998.


3. Hulk Hogan and his last remaining friend...the Ultimate Warrior. Wrestlemania VIII.


2. The Slam Heard Around The World. Wrestlemania III.


1. Ric Flair's back...and so are the Horsemen. September 14th, 1998 Nitro.



Honorable mentions:

1. Chris Jericho - WWF Champion. (April 2000 RAW)

2. The Rock is IN the Wrestlemania 2000 main event...with the help of a returning Vince McMahon. (March 2000 RAW)

3. HHH. The Rock. The final five minutes (Judgment Day 2000 - Ironman Match)

4. Hogan "Hulks Up". (Wrestlemania X-8)

5. Goldberg - WCW Champion. (July 6th, 1998 Nitro)

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My top five:


1. The return of Undertaker (WWF Judgment Day 2000)

2. Bret Hart's entrance (WWF In Your House: Canadian Stampede)

3. Goldberg wins the WCW Title over Hollywood Hogan (WCW Monday Nitro)

4. Steve Austin helping Mankind win the WWF Championship (Raw Is War)

5. WWF debut of Chris Jericho (Raw Is War)

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By the way, I'm judging all of these by what I saw on TV...not in person.


Hogan hulking up at Wrestlemania 18 is by far the loudest I've ever heard a crowd when watching wrestling. I still mark out when I watch it.


Watching Bulldog/Bret's finish at Summerslam 92 is magical. I'm glad they edited out Vince/Hennan talking on commentary after the sunset flip on the VHS and they just have the crowd doing the talking...well, cheering, rather.


I love the reaction of the fans when Jericho beat HHH for the WWF Title in Penn State. One guy in the front row flips out so much that he stands up on his chair and starts pumping his fist. AWESOME stuff.


Austin's Mania 17 entrance is crazy. As soon as the glass breaks, the place (67,000 f'n people) goes fucking bonkers.


The finish to the Over the Edge 1998 Austin/Foley match is great markout stuff. They wrote that PERFECT and by the time Austin counted to three, the crowd was beyond controllable.


Triple H returning to Raw...the moment he appears on the stage is the loudest I've ever heard it at MSG for a wrestling show. Hogan beating Shiek MIGHT tie it, but it's close.


Sting beating DDP on Nitro at the Tacoma Dome (I think?) in 1999, but lost it back to him later in the night. Either way, crowd went nuts.


I remember RVD coming back at Guilty as Charged 2001 to face Jerry Lynn...and his pop was MASSIVE for ECW standards. I mean, the camera does a wide shot and the crowd is off the charts, and they all start singing his song instantly. Man, those were the days when he was mega-over.


Jericho's debut in the WWF was big, but not the biggest. It does give me the goosebumps the most, I think.


In my opinion, the most heat at Canadian Stampede is in the 10 man itself. The entrances are good stuff, but I get more of an adrenaline rush at the part when Bret is beating Austin down in the corner, and they go to a wide shot of the ring and the camera is literally SHAKING because the crowd is so loud. Crazy stuff. Austin got fucking unreal heat in that match too.


The loudest I ever heard it in person was in July of 2002 with the tag title match with Edge/Hogan vs. Billy/Chuck in Boston. Hogan coming out to Real American was so fucking awesome...and when they won, crowd was insane. They REALLY toned it down on TV, which they always do and it sucks that they do.

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Austin's Mania 17 entrance is crazy. As soon as the glass breaks, the place (67,000 f'n people) goes fucking bonkers.


Thank you for echoing my sentiments on this. The first time I watched the entrance (on DVD), I had to replay it a few times to fully absorb how LOUD the crowd actually was.

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