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The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

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Guest GreatOne
Kerry had to knock one out of the park tonight - he did NOT do that.


As Vince McMahon might say,


'Have you done a good job? Yes you have'



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Guest MikeSC

Anybody who views this as a blowout for either side is just really bad at analysis.


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Bush wasn't impressive


Kerry didn't exactly KO him, but Bush was flustered. Bush was repetitive.


Kerry won.


For somebody who wants to stay on the offensive in the war.. Bush was very defensive tonight.


The light system disappointed me.. I thought that they'd show a spotlight.. not that little light

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Kerry didn't explain his plans, but at the same time, when he called Bush out for not having any plans for the future, and his plans in Iraq failing, Bush never had a good rebuttal, or stated what his plans are. Even though a lot do know his stances, many undecided voters probably don't.

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For the next debate, I think Bush needs to stop looking so pissed when Kerry is making his statements. On the other hand, Kerry REALLY needs to stop with all the 'Nam and JFK references. This next debate may tell the conclusion in November if Bush can come out strong in the next one and finish the job.

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Guest MikeSC
Kerry didn't explain his plans, but at the same time, when he called Bush out for not having any plans for the future, and his plans in Iraq failing, Bush never had a good rebuttal, or stated what his plans are. Even though a lot do know his stances, many undecided voters probably don't.

The problem is, Kerry has to present an alternative to Bush. Bush can run on a record and will do fine.


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Guest MikeSC
For the next debate, I think Bush needs to stop looking so pissed when Kerry is making his statements. On the other hand, Kerry REALLY needs to stop with all the 'Nam and JFK references. This next debate may tell the conclusion in November if Bush can come out strong in the next one and finish the job.

The next two debates, if history is an indication, don't matter. The first one is the big one.


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Guest GreatOne

Kerry repeating Bush in each of his rebuttals took away most 'points' he might have scored.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Bush looked like he didn't want to be there. He was shlumped over the podium, and making absurd faces when Kerry was speaking.


Kerry won, but not by a landslide or anything like that.

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Bush talking over Lehrer was interesting as well.


As for Bush's statement about the intelligence..


Bush drank 10 beers

Kerry drank 10 beers

Bush was driving the car and crashed

So I guess Kerry was to blame for drinking too.

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Guest GreatOne

Kerry obviously didn't have a problem with the intel, so yeah he might share in the responsibilty

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Guest MikeSC

Interesting point about Kerry's comment on Kyoto:


Kerry voted against the Kyoto Protocols.


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The problem is, Kerry has to present an alternative to Bush. Bush can run on a record and will do fine.


Therein lies Kerry's mistake tonight, not getting the fuck off criticizing and 'Nam/JFK references and instead revealing his plan. You're right about Bush, he can run on his record. Kerry on the other hand has to lure the undecideds with an actual plan, not just the same old criticism.

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I caught the last half hour of the debate; I don't believe either of them won, but Kerry did appear to be alot less wooden and dare I say possessing of some personality in his deliveries.

I just hope the other debates are more interesting. The VP debate will be much better than this, I believe.

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This is absolutely hilarious.


Bush did a _bad_ job debating. The guy had so many flubs and dumbfoudned looks that it honestly look like he came unprepared. Kerry showed up game and he made Bush look even worse.


Anybody who views this as a blowout for either side is just really bad at analysis.



Holy Irony Batman.


I had 5 pages of notes regarding almost everthing they said. Is that scientific method? No. Can I at least refer to something specific and have actual reasoning for why I think Kerry blew GW out of the water? Yes. I love how some folks here are trying to spin this as GWB could have came out dressed as Bin Ladin humping the American flag and if Kerry didn't state everything about his plan 100% perfectly, it's considered a loss for the Democrats. Jesus fucking Christ, this place is nuts.

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Guest GreatOne

Man if you think Kerry was game here tonight I got a good time-share deal in Fallujah for you................

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Guest MikeSC

Rudo, I don't care if you have 10 pages of notes. Your analysis is just plain bad. Having LOTS of bad stats to back up your bad analysis does not make your bad analysis less bad.


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Well, I saw the debate on tape and all I can say is this.



What the hell are his plans? I know Bush's plans, they aren't great but at least I know them. God, are Kerry's plans in a hidden manilla envelope somewhere!??!


Who won? I don't think either of them won. Kerry stayed alive but I still have no real clue what the hell he stands for. I really don't.


Guess I'm still Cobb or Nader.

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Guest GreatOne

Hell I approve of voting for Nader for the same reason, at least people that vote for Nader (or Cobb or Badnarik) are actually voting FOR him....................

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Okay, now that I've read the thread:


A) I think it's pretty clear that Bush doesn't plan to stop wrapping the Iraq war in the rhetoric of September 11th. Anybody who goes on about "September 10th thinking" or whatever with Iraq immediately loses points with me, but that's nothing new to Bush. His words about how "we'll have a strong coalition as long as I'm President" and "we're on the road to peace with me as President" and so on was not only a reverse (and softer) strategy of Dick Cheney's we're-gonna-get-hit-again speech, but was downright laughable. As though he is the glue holding the world together. The only way Bush brings the world together is in one message: Get Lost.


B) Bush was losing his cool. He often began speaking his rebuttal before the moderator could tell him of his time and ask him to begin.


C) Some of you guys are confusing your opinions with universal fact. The importance of a world community is a debatable issue, and you aren't automatically right. Certainly, in most every other country, the voice that a world community is worthless and needs to be abolished a lot smaller than it is in this country.


I don't know where it said America can't work with the rest of the world. We can, we just need to be more humble and not throw our weight around as much as we have in the past few years.

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Rudo, I don't care if you have 10 pages of notes. Your analysis is just plain bad. Having LOTS of bad stats to back up your bad analysis does not make your bad analysis less bad.



Irony again!


Kerry was MUCH more fluid in speaking, much more confident, much more poised, he counter attacked and attacked with much more ferocity than Bush, he had much better 'one-liners', he showed more focused points and direction than Bush.


I went in not thinking much about either guy. Kerry looked much, much better than Bush here. Meanwhile, you hold Kerry to incredible scrutiny while letting Bush of the hook. Who's analysis is bad here?

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I also want to mention that it's impossible for a candidate to explain an exit strategy in two minutes or less. This is not a set it and forget it oven or even six minute abs. That kind of detail will never be popular as long as the majority of Americans prefer soundbytes over policy.

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Bush did lose his cool but Kerry NEVER went for the kill. The door was open and Kerry STILL didn't do it. I mean, Bush left the door wide open and Kerry just didn't go for it.


It was like Bush fumbled on the one yard line three times and Kerry was happy to settle for field goals.

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Guest GreatOne
Anybody who goes on about "September 10th thinking" or whatever with Iraq immediately loses points with me


Oh damn, I don't know how I'll be able to live without Jobber's points. That said, yours is 9/10 thinking at its' worst.


He often began speaking his rebuttal




Some of you guys are confusing your opinions with universal fact


The PKB thing is rather old but is necessary here.

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Oh damn, I don't know how I'll be able to live without Jobber's points. That said, yours is 9/10 thinking at its' worst.

And you've never said anything of content aside from attacking other posters.



No, not once. Probably about five times.


EDIT: Now that I figured out what "PKB" meant, are you telling me that there are other countries out there that prefer to snub the rest of the world on such a scale?

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Guest GreatOne
Oh damn, I don't know how I'll be able to live without Jobber's points. That said, yours is 9/10 thinking at its' worst.

And you've never said anything of content aside from attacking other posters.

Hopefully PKB will hang around long enough for its' intended use.


BTW: PKB applied to your whine about 'confusing opinion with universal fact'. Try reading next time.

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