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Year-End Nomination Thread: Comeback of the Year

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... Well, no, not really...





But Mark gets my vote. Or nomination. Or something. Andrea, too.

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Nathaniel Kibagami. No, seriously.


OK, so Kibs lost his first three matches back. And OK, so he then went on to win a co-written PPV match before beating a relative newbie with a 1k headlock and then beating me before getting his title shot. And he no-showed lots, including his first and only title defence. My point is that:


a) The actual 'comeback' promo ruled, even if Clark beat him straight after.


b) He won the World Title, something he had not done before.


c) He tied up one of the last remaning Carnival/Clan threads.


d) His two months back had a MASSIVE impact on the fed. First, it defined the character of Alex Zenon as Commissioner. Second, it cemented Janus as the dominant and indeed only personality in the Janus/Terrence balance. And third, when he put me over at 13th Hour it propelled me into the main event scene. Please don't think I'm blowing my own trumpet - what I mean is without that you wouldn't have me as World Champion now, and you probably wouldn't have Revolution Zero either. The shape of the fed would be very different without the Kibagami comeback.



But otherwise, Andrea is well worth a vote.

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I'll go with Kibs too.


Also, even though the comeback was short, and he jobbed himself out a bit... The legendary GSMS, "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens, deserves a nomination... Or at least an honorable mention.


And, in a bit of a 'self-centered bastard' moment:


I nominate myself. :P


True, it's been a short comeback so far... And true also, I've been crushing bunches and bunches of no-shows. (Insert anime glare here)


Buuuuut... I've already got a title. Going for another, or at least a split of the Tag titles.


Plus the fact that you know you've missed the first person writing... That, and the fact that I've actually -stayed- longer than a week on this return. :)


But... Yeah... Kibs and GSMS definitely.

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Erm, as Tom said about Filthy and co., you came back after Genesis, so you are ineligable. Hippy grease monkey.



Oh pshaw!


(Smirks) I was ready to come back at Genesis, but I didn't. (Shrug)



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Kibs. Taylor. Drea. When exactly did Ejiro come back with Coy West?

Command executive decision: All awards are kayfabed, and so Comeback of the Year applies only to the same wrestler making a return.

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