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Year-End Nominations Thread: Tool of the Year

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The Blazenwing Memorial Trophy - For ”Tool” of the Year


This one deserves its own thread. Please nominate the biggest tool of the year (Please note that I've removed Munich's name from this and replaced it with something far more appropriate).

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Blazenwing should not be considered this year - OK he no-showed, but he was pleasant and non-confrontational in his time here.


I suppose the only immediate option I can think of is Candace. Although Frisco wasn't exactly stupid or easily-fooled as such - I just found him disagreeable.

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Yeah, the trophy's just named after Blazenwing this year because he won it last year after Thoth's masterpiece of a tooling. He didn't do anything objectionable this year during his return.

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I think Candace / Frisco is a definite shoe-in for this one.


IL... Well, he's been a target of opportunity for a few years now, so... Beating on him has pretty much gotten to the point where it's old hat and just a natural extension of the festivities here in the league, so... I can't, in good faith, nominate him.

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On the advice of my lawyer, one Thomas F. Lesher, I have been advised to agree that Bo's hinted return that didn't happen is deserving of him winning the tool of the year award. Thank you.

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I nominate Toxxic. I have no reason to do so, since my limited contact with him has been quite pleasant, but I think it'd be funny to think of him reading this, laughing at the tools, then having his eyes go wide, then realizing the joke that has been played upon him and laughing uproariously at the hilarity of this extremely long run-on explanation that shows no signs of ending anytime soon and I really do wonder how much longer this kind of thing could be funny, although that's never been a problem for me, since I don't care about being funny, which is once again evidenced by this current joke that I am still in the process of typing right now and I'm kinda wishing that I hadn't started and now Toxxic, no longer finding the joke funny, is just rolling his eyes and wondering why I couldn't have picked Mike Van Siclen or Dace or somebody else to play this joke on and I think I'm feeling a little faint in the head, probably from lack of oxygen because of how much I've been talking in the past min....


*passes out*

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